Survival can become a challenging task in the wild – especially if you’re smaller or slower than your possible predators. This is why many wild animal species have developed different ways of animal camouflage throughout evolution. Ways of animal mimicry differ depending mostly on three factors: the physiology and behavior of the animal, then those of the predator and the environment, in which the wild animal lives and hunts its food. Blending in with the environment is the most common approach. And what better way to illustrate this than through wildlife photography.

Natural selection plays its part here as well: like the way in which an animal camouflages itself is determined genetically, every new generation adapts to its surroundings better. What usually happens is then these cute animals imitates the coloration of its natural habitat, although some species are known to be able to adjust their coloration. The most common example is a chameleon, although some furry animals and birds may lose their feathers and fur completely and replace it with a new one for a new season.

Surprisingly, sometimes the best way to camouflage oneself is to stick with the herd: for example, when a lion walks by a bunch of zebras, it only sees a big striped mass. Some fish that are covered in bright vertical stripes might also be clearly visible when alone, but if a large group of them swims by, a predator will see an unidentified colored blob.

Without further ado, here are 20 amazing animal pictures of camouflage examples. Can you find all the funny animals in these cool pictures below?


    1. Owl


    Image credits: eoiarucasadvancedone.blogspot

    2. Uroplatus Geckos

    Image credits: imgur | Jialiang Gao

    3. Willow Ptarmigan

    Image credits: Art Wolfe

    4. Toads

    Image credits:

    5. Common Baron Caterpillar

    Image credits: wohinauswandern

    6. Seahorse

    Image credits: imgur


    7. Spider

    Image credits: Piet Grobler


    8. Adelpha Serpa Selerio Caterpillar

    Image credits: Arthur Anker

    9. Stick Insect

    Image credits:

    10. Frog

    Image credits:

    11. Owl

    Image credits: Art Wolfe

    12. Tropidoderus Childrenii

    Image credits: petrichor


    13. Leaf-Tailed Gecko

    Image credits: dailymail


    14. Stone Flounder

    Image credits:

    15. Great Potoo

    Image credits: dailymail

    16. Snow Leopard

    Image credits: raghu chundawat

    17. Katydid

    Image credits: dailymail

    18. Owl

    Image credits: P A B S


    19. Giraffe

    Image credits: Art Wolfe

    20. Hedgehog

    Image credits: