The Best Analog Photos That Won The International Photography Awards 2020 (30 Pics)
Sometimes it is nice to be a bit nostalgic, and what can be more nostalgic than analog photos? See what your photography skills are made of: enter the IPA as it's now open for submissions.
Here are the best examples of analog photography from the 2020 International Photography Awards.
Also, check out my previous post with the most stunning nature photographs from last year's competition and photos chosen as "Best Of Show."
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Walk In The Fog
"I took this photo on a foggy day. Near my house is a large old oak tree. On this day, the atmosphere was unusual, In the distance, I saw a person with a dog. The mood was very mysterious and cinematic."
Depicting the time in the ocean.
Brother (3rd Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"'Brother' was shot in Milos, Greece (summer 2018), and features two French teenage siblings leaping together at dusk. It resonated with me as I too have a 'brother' and remember fondly the camaraderie of those moments that now seem a lifetime ago. The boys in the photo were at that age when we felt the closest; after growing up fighting and teasing one another, we bonded after leaving school, genuinely enjoying each other's company. Yet I remember this time to be fleeting, as becoming an adult inevitably means embarking on your own individual journeys, drifting apart once more."
"Oh so if your best friend jumped off a cliff you would too?" jk, this is actually an incredible shot, wow
Brouillard (1st Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"The fog is a dominant phenomenon during late autumn in the Swiss midlands. Nature appears reduced and often mystical. The way I love to photograph. This series was taken in the close surroundings where I live."
White Sands (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"This work focuses on the shapes and curves formed by the ever-shifting sand dunes of New Mexico. With few points of reference, scale and perspective become lost, creating a more captivating interpretation of the landscape."
....looking At The Light (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Portrait)
A wonderfully composed photo, demonstrating exactly the title.
Ranger Adamson (3rd Place / Analog / Film / Portrait)
Photographed above is Ranger Adamson from the Serva Conservancy. He has devoted his life to protecting the wildlife of northern Kenya by diffusing human-wildlife conflict and risking his life fighting poachers. He is just one of many hoping to protect Africa’s wildlife from extinction.
Brouillard (1st Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"The fog is a dominant phenomenon during late autumn in the Swiss midlands. Nature appears reduced and often mystical. The way I love to photograph. This series was taken in the close surroundings where I live."
Vova's Summer Evening (Analog / Film Photographer Of The Year)
A glimpse into the memories of our childhoods spent during the summer: friends, the sun on our faces, and long nights searching for adventures.
"This photo for me is about summer. About long sunny days, that are always even longer when you are a kid. It's about walking through endless fields of wheat to the seashore, finding a coin in your pocket you never thought was there, and sharing cold soda with your friends. The school is over and autumn seems miles away, there is a great lingering expectation of what will happen during the days to come. Summer is special. And then in the evening, everything gets more mysterious and magical and everything seems different, somehow with a newly found depth to it, unseen in daily light."
oh wow, this looks gorgeous. it reminds me of an album cover or something
I Don't Know Who I Am, Only Where I'm From (1st Place / Analog / Film / Other)
"This is a documentary project about growing up in a small community, on an island off the west coast of Norway. It's also about a girl eventually moving away, desperate to distance herself from the place where she was born and raised. But more than anything, it's a personal journey of coming back, after years of therapy and of living abroad, trying to look at the place with fresh eyes—without repressing the bad memories. This is my attempt at embracing the inevitable fact that some things will forever be connected. Maybe I'll never know who I really am. But this is definitely where I'm from."
Brouillard (1st Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"The fog is a dominant phenomenon during late autumn in the Swiss midlands. Nature appears reduced and often mystical. The way I love to photograph. This series was taken in the close surroundings where I live."
Palme Blu (3rd Place / Analog / Film / Other)
"Palme Blu is a project focusing on Italian adult society, shot at the beach in a small town on the Adriatic Sea coast named San Benedetto del Tronto. I'm really interested in social customs and behavior. I think people reach, while on holidays and especially at a beach, a particular kind of freedom and yet they are still quite vulnerable. I like to look at the way we relate to each other nowadays, in constant change, and also ponder on how certain behaviors and happenings haven't mutated at all."
Hidden In Plain Sight ( 3rd Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
"During film processing, I learned that black-and-white film is actually not totally black, nor totally white. The emulsion side is black and white, but the anti-halation side has colors to it. My film-developing process sometimes allows the colors to remain after processing. Is this film with a colored image still a BW film? My films have two distinct realities simultaneously: existence and non-existence. Conceptually, there is a black-and-white film and image. However, visually, there is both a color image and colorized film. Image and color are present, but at the same time, they are not."
When She Speaks (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Portrait)
"This is a portrait of my best friend Lissy, taken with a Yashica FR1 and a roll of APX black and white film. She is one of the strongest women I know, and gorgeous, and I feel like this photograph captures her essence perfectly."
Kids Of Nungwi (3rd Place / Analog / Film / Other)
Nungwi, a village in northern Zanzibar, Tanzania, whose population numbers more than 10,000 people. The villagers live mainly from fishing and some farming and tourism. The children are studying in two shifts. Some of the classrooms are unified due to teacher crunch and budget. When students are not in school, they help their family with fishing and anything else necessary. At sunset, they also find time for shared games on the beach. On the block.
Exemplary Home (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Other)
Exemplary Home explores the north-western part of rural Bulgaria. It aims to illustrate the effects of rapid urbanization and progressive globalization on the most vulnerable parts of Bulgarian society. It engages with the surreal air of the province and its people through the viewpoint of a Bulgarian expatriate, returning to a landscape leaden with childhood memories. This moment led to the discovery of an intersection of narratives, spanning the periods of The Bulgarian Renaissance, through the Soviet and now Post-Soviet era.
Heavy Metal (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
The beauty of everyday tools photographed in subdued light to maximize color saturation.
Brouillard (1st Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"The fog is a dominant phenomenon during late autumn in the Swiss midlands. Nature appears reduced and often mystical. The way I love to photograph. This series was taken in the close surroundings where I live."
PleaseSaveDEVERO (1st Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
Investigation of the difficult relationship between man and nature in the delicate and precious ecosystem of the Alps which risks being broken by new invasive anthropization interventions. The evocative landscapes of Alpe Devero (Italy) come to life in the moments of urban everyday life. A modern Cassandra opens a window onto an alarming future. A story, a surreal vision of how places today still enchanting and protected could look like, tomorrow, following the new economic exploitation that will transform a place that today belongs to everyone into the property of a few elected men.
PETRICHOR (1st Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
"PETRICHOR is a photographic project that examines the exploration of my own existence. By recording the visions which keep appearing in my memories, I am chasing the answer about what the most important thing is in the continuous change of time. This project comes from my long-term uncertainty about growth and time. During the exploration, I understand that the tension between adulthood and youth stems from self-existence, and my confusion about being a living being in the passage of time can not be replied by time itself but will be answered by staring down the idea of 'myself.'"
I Don't Know Who I Am, Only Where I'm From (1st Place / Analog / Film / Other)
"This is a documentary project about growing up in a small community, on an island off the west coast of Norway. It's also about a girl eventually moving away, desperate to distance herself from the place where she was born and raised. But more than anything, it's a personal journey of coming back, after years of therapy and of living abroad, trying to look at the place with fresh eyes—without repressing the bad memories. This is my attempt at embracing the inevitable fact that some things will forever be connected. Maybe I'll never know who I really am. But this is definitely where I'm from."
White Sands (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"This work focuses on the shapes and curves formed by the ever-shifting sand dunes of New Mexico. With few points of reference, scale and perspective become lost, creating a more captivating interpretation of the landscape."
Communication (3rd Place / Analog / Film / Portrait)
A perfect symbol of—especially the young—community: we communicate through phones and gadgets instead of personally, directly to each other.
New Seas (Analog / Film Photographer Of The Year)
"Timothy Morton thinks of climate change as a 'hyperobject'—an incomprehensibly large object stretched in the space-time. Recognizable only in parts, but never all at once. Microplastics are barely noticeable particles, but at the same time omnipresent in the ocean. I imagined them as synthetic plankton of all conceivable colors, invisibly wandering from one place to another. I have spent a great deal of time by the sea, so it was easier for me to see that the white ridges of waves create boundless white-gray paper in space and time. I only needed to fill it with light to reveal the invisible."
Dry River (3rd Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"On the prairie of Inner Mongolia, China, I was fortunate to be able to take a helicopter view of the prairie scenery, but I saw this dry river. A local guide told me that if we don't protect the environment, this grassland of more than one million square kilometers will soon become a desert."
Exemplary Home (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Other)
Exemplary Home explores the north-western part of rural Bulgaria. It aims to illustrate the effects of rapid urbanization and progressive globalization on the most vulnerable parts of Bulgarian society. It engages with the surreal air of the province and its people through the viewpoint of a Bulgarian expatriate, returning to a landscape leaden with childhood memories. This moment led to the discovery of an intersection of narratives, spanning the periods of The Bulgarian Renaissance, through the Soviet and now Post-Soviet era.
PleaseSaveDEVERO (1st Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
Investigation of the difficult relationship between man and nature in the delicate and precious ecosystem of the Alps which risks being broken by new invasive anthropization interventions. The evocative landscapes of Alpe Devero (Italy) come to life in the moments of urban everyday life. A modern Cassandra opens a window onto an alarming future. A story, a surreal vision of how places today still enchanting and protected could look like, tomorrow, following the new economic exploitation that will transform a place that today belongs to everyone into the property of a few elected men.
White Sands (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Landscape)
"This work focuses on the shapes and curves formed by the ever-shifting sand dunes of New Mexico. With few points of reference, scale and perspective become lost, creating a more captivating interpretation of the landscape."
Heavy Metal (2nd Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
The beauty of everyday tools photographed in subdued light to maximize color saturation.
PleaseSaveDEVERO (1st Place / Analog / Film / Fine Art)
Some of these are absolutely beautiful, and the photographers really have a great eye
Some of these are very interesting, especially in terms of concept. Other entries are quite plain, without a clear subject and the composition is lacking. I've seen a lot of entries that got 1st place and others that were on the 2nd or 3rd place when they in fact deserved to be amongst the winners. It really says something about subjectivity in the world of photographic competitions. Before you come at me for this opinion, I'm a professional photographer.
Some of these are absolutely beautiful, and the photographers really have a great eye
Some of these are very interesting, especially in terms of concept. Other entries are quite plain, without a clear subject and the composition is lacking. I've seen a lot of entries that got 1st place and others that were on the 2nd or 3rd place when they in fact deserved to be amongst the winners. It really says something about subjectivity in the world of photographic competitions. Before you come at me for this opinion, I'm a professional photographer.