An unusual bird Albus lives in a magical forest. His delightful hat with a white feather always greets you. Stunning purple-pink plumage, thin black wings and long black claws. Albus is always embarrassed and blushes when people praise and admire his plumage :). But he is ready to accept your admiration and listen to your eulogies about his beauty all day long. The magical glow of the golden beak makes it inimitable, and chic sly eyes can be very deceptive. A lover to drink delicious tea from his friend Lorenzo (look into my store – he is there) and gossip about everything in the world while sitting on a branch of a tall tree.

Take off the bird’s hat

The bird has movable legs and head. You can tilt your head in different directions (but be careful). Legs are movable (split connection)

Thick fur combs well (do not wash), vacuum if necessary. Beak and eyes can be wiped with a damp cloth

Inside the bird is filled with synthetic fiber and metal balls to increase weight :)