Almost all of us have been quarantined for the past couple of weeks. For single people, it’s a real date stopper. Well, this guy found a perfect solution for that.

Jeremy Cohen noticed a girl dancing on the roof of a building next to his own house in Brooklyn. When she saw him, he waved and she waved back. Jeremy then sent a drone her way and that’s how this romantic story started. Bored Panda asked what inspired this romantic gesture, Jeremy told us: “I actually haven’t been on a date in at least a year. I think I was just craving some social interaction, and being confined by the walls of my apartment inspired some creativity for me.”

More info: TikTok | Twitter | His Website | Her Instagram | His Photography Instagram | His Instagram


    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    Jeremy himself

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    Jeremy told us what’s it been like for him the in quarantine: “I’m all cooped up in my apartment alone, so its definitely different than my normal life of being out and about all the time (there’s so much to do in NYC!) For now, I’m taking it day by day.” Well, thankfully he found something to occupy his mind during these hard times.


    He noticed a girl dancing on the roof of the building next to his home

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “I looked out my window and saw this girl dancing, perhaps to a TikTok song? I needed to say ‘Hi’ to her.”

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    He waved at her and she waved back

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “So I waved to her on my balcony and she waved back.”

    Tori⁠—the girl from the roof

    Image credits: toricigs

    He took his drone


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    Attached a piece of paper to it

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “I grabbed my tape, pen, drone, and paper. Then I wrote down my digits and sealed them on my drone. Flirting is normally daunting for me, but since I’ve been quarantined in my apartment for a week now, I was screaming for social interaction.”

    With his number and “text me” written on it

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    He sent it out

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    Tori was really surprised


    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “2020 has been off to a terrible start, but I still needed to shoot my shot. She picked up my drone and I guess it worked because I got a text from her an hour later.”

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    And after a few moments texted him!

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    The next day, Jeremy decided to ask her out. However, Tori wondered how that would work

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “I still can’t believe this happened the other day. Now it’s time for part two. I asked her out for dinner, but she said ‘How?'”

    30 minutes before the date, Jeremy and Tori’s roommate organized the whole thing


    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “I sneakily coordinated with her roommate earlier to set it up.”

    Jeremy sat in his balcony and Tori on the roof, following the rules of social distancing

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “5 PM hits. It was time for our date. Wait, where is she? Just kidding. We follow the rules. I waved down at the balcony, she waved back.”

    Since Jeremy’s a professional photographer, he took some pictures of her

    Image credits: todayiphotographed

    Image credits: todayiphotographed

    He still wanted to be a gentleman

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “I told her she looked beautiful. So we got on FaceTime and ate our matching organic, microwaved single dinners together.”


    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    Jeremy told his friends that everything is going great

    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “The date was going so well and depending on how long this quarantine lasts, I might be in a long-distance relationship with someone who lives across the street from me. I excused myself to the bathroom. Of course, I didn’t have to go, I just wanted to tell my group chat how well this was going.”

    We asked Jeremy how’s it going with Tory now, he said: “So far so good, we had our first date two days ago which went super well. Going on our second date soon. Its a little strange with all the pressure of everyone watching compared to a normal date, but I think I can handle it!”

    We will be waiting for part 3 of this romantic quarantine adventure!


    “I think it’s time to take his relationship to the next level.” When asked what are his plans for part 3, all he could say was: ” I don’t think anyone is going to expect it, even Tori. Its a surprise for her just like the last date.”

    Part one


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    The video went viral on TikTok, so we asked how did this sudden fame affect Jeremy’s life: “In a positive way! It makes me feel good to know people are rooting for me, but more importantly, it gives something for people to believe in during these strange and dark times. If this story brings joy to people, then It brings joy to me.”

    Part two


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    Image credits: jerm_cohen

    “I don’t think I would of been capable of doing any of this without my mom, Eva Grayzel, who taught me the power of storytelling. She’s a motivational speaker, storyteller and stage 4 cancer survivor. Without her, I don’t think I would have my optimistic outlook on life to do things like this in times like this”