35 Reactions To Amber Heard Speaking Out In Her First Interview Since The Trial
The Amber Heard VS. Johnny Depp trial was certainly something. Not an adventure per se, but still a wild experience all around.
Since the trial’s conclusion on June 1st, whereby Depp was awarded $15 million in various damages and Heard got $2 million, not much of significance has really happened, save for Depp's entrance into the TikTok realm where he said a thank you to his fans and supporters with a tribute video.
Until now. Amber Heard has spoken out for the first time since the trial in an NBC exclusive interview to air on NBC on June 14th and 15th. The interview was recorded on June 9th.
More Info: Interview Trailer | NBC Article
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And the obvious lack of fear of Johnny (during the trial, and even when they lived together, as she would provoke him nonstop, took embarrassing pictures of him and made them public, went to his hotel begging for a hug after the restraining order etc.), her own videos and recordings that show how she was the actual bully, how she tried to repeatedly get an aggressive reaction from him but he just hid away, and so on...
She testified because you lied and said he pushed her down the stairs.
If you haven’t been following the trial, here’s a bit of a rundown of it, Amber Heard testimony reactions, and Johnny Depp testimony reactions for context.
On June 1st, a verdict was reached in the Heard Vs. Depp trial. Originally, Depp sued Heard for $50 million in damages, while Heard counter-sued for double that—$100 million.
In the end, Depp ended up winning $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages in his defamation suit. Amber ended up with $2 million in compensatory damages, and nothing in punitive damages.
And since then, the ether was in a bit of a relative silence. Folks were debating and speculating what will come next, with the aforementioned partial plot twist from Depp on TikTok.
Amber Heard does not speak for me. The jury didn't set back women's rights. If any one did, she did with her blatant lies on the stand. She lied. I am not stupid. Nor were many others watching. Good thing there were camera's in the corner to catch the deception. Now she's grabbing for "her 15 minutes of fame" in the "Johnny Show" rather than let this issue pass as she told everyone she wanted. Go figure.
But we now see Heard speaking out about the whole trial in an NBC exclusive interview. In the trailer, she explained that she doesn’t care about people’s thoughts or judgments about what happened in her own home behind closed doors—she presumes the average person wouldn’t know these things.
However, she does not believe that all the hate surrounding her on social media is a fair representation of things.
“But even somebody who is sure I’m deserving of all this hate and vitriol, even if you think that I’m lying, you still couldn’t look me in the eye and tell me that you think on social media, there’s been a fair representation, you cannot tell me that you think that this has been fair?” said Heard in the interview.
It's abusing victims all over again. Decades ago behaviour like this was laughed at and men were berated for 'allowing' it. We have grown up since then and realise that men can be victims too and that women can be abusers too. Looks like news shows haven't caught up to the rest of society yet..
The interviewer, Savannah Guthrie, pointed out, on multiple occasions, that the jury did not believe her, and they thought Heard was lying.
The actress responded that she does not blame the jury for this. They couldn’t have possibly reached any other judgement. “How could they, after listening to three and a half weeks of testimony about how I was a non-credible person, not to believe a word that came out of my mouth?”
Nope they would not have because Ted was a man. Savannah Guthrie hasn't interviewed Johnny Dep to hear his side, right?
Depp lost the case in the UK against a newspaper. The newspaper wasn't the one making up lies. They had printed with having a source and had done so in good faith - they weren't to know it was fiction. Depp has won the important case against Heard herself which proves that the source material for those articles was false..
And while we only have the interview trailer for now, folks have been very active in voicing their thoughts and opinions on social media. They effectively dissected every word she said and turned it against her.
Reactions varied from pointing out how Heard called Kate Moss a “rando” to her explicitly saying that Depp is a better actor to folks asking the media to stop playing a PR game and trying to elicit sympathy for Heard. And the reactions didn’t stop there. But all in all, it was anything but positive towards her.
The smartest thing for her to do is walk the f#ck away and shut the f#ck up. But she won’t, because she’s a narcissist.
Many of the reactions were in the thousands and even tens of thousands of likes. So, you can imagine what’s going to happen once the full interview is aired today, and tomorrow.
So, until that happens, stay tuned and let us know your thoughts about this whole Amber Vs. Depp thing in the comment section below!
"W***y Wonka doesn't matter to you?" That line was so good in the trial lol
The more she talks the more she buries herself. She said she wanted JD to just leave her alone. Then she should shut up, but nope she is going to appeal.
Actually, he did get a stage. I think he had interviews with Page Six, Vanity Fair, NY Times, etc. They honestly don't care. There is no decency in the news world anymore. If they think it will bring in viewers/readers they'll do it. And you can't blame them; they won't make money otherwise. The respectful papers are the first ones to go down so more and more journalists have to let go of their moral compass to stay alive.
Never happen. the more controversial the guest the higher the rating, the more they can charge for ad time.
If you believe Amber Heard is a victim, then you didn't watch the trial. There was zero evidence that Depp abused her, and loads of evidence that she abused him. She committed perjury and got others to commit perjury. She manufactured evidence. She accused nearly all of Depp's witnesses of perjury. Everyone else was wrong, according to her.
Exactly. Her entire defense was "Don't believe the police, don't believe the videos, don't believe the JD employees, don't believe the JD non-employees, don't believe my own previous statements, don't believe my own previous depositions, just believe me and only me now. Oh, and nobody pay attention to the wizard behind the curtain editing photos to look red....
The producers of „Aquaman 2“ right now: „Initiate protocol ‚cutting room floor!‘“
"Cut more. No MORE! FFS just cut it all for our revenue's sake!
Load More Replies...The best thing she could do for herself is to just admit the truth and go get therapy for her BPD/HPD, people will be far kinder to her if it at least looks like she is trying to be a better person.
It would be better for her life and career. She wanted to be in the spotlight for a "cause", it might as well be real!
If you believe Amber Heard is a victim, then you didn't watch the trial. There was zero evidence that Depp abused her, and loads of evidence that she abused him. She committed perjury and got others to commit perjury. She manufactured evidence. She accused nearly all of Depp's witnesses of perjury. Everyone else was wrong, according to her.
Exactly. Her entire defense was "Don't believe the police, don't believe the videos, don't believe the JD employees, don't believe the JD non-employees, don't believe my own previous statements, don't believe my own previous depositions, just believe me and only me now. Oh, and nobody pay attention to the wizard behind the curtain editing photos to look red....
The producers of „Aquaman 2“ right now: „Initiate protocol ‚cutting room floor!‘“
"Cut more. No MORE! FFS just cut it all for our revenue's sake!
Load More Replies...The best thing she could do for herself is to just admit the truth and go get therapy for her BPD/HPD, people will be far kinder to her if it at least looks like she is trying to be a better person.
It would be better for her life and career. She wanted to be in the spotlight for a "cause", it might as well be real!