Amazon enlisted an army of fulfillment-center employees to write positive comments about working in its warehouses on social media. They are called “FC Ambassadors.” The company claims that real people are behind these accounts, however, people think there’s something fishy about them. Pointing out the “robotic” and “scripted” language, many believe that Amazon is using these “workers” to defend its reputation.

FC in Amazon-terms stands for Fulfillment Center—the largest warehouses in the company’s logistics network. Many of them clock in at around 1 million square feet. When you hear furious workers talk about peeing in bottles because they’re unable to walk to the bathroom, these are usually the facilities they have in mind.


    Someone recently pointed out that tweets from Amazon FC Ambassadors seem fishy

    Image credits: dulcedecommie


    “FC ambassadors are employees who work in our FCs and share facts based on personal experience,” Amazon told Bored Panda. “It’s important that we do a good job educating people about the actual environment inside our fulfillment centers, and the FC ambassador program is a big part of that along with the FC tours we provide. This year alone, more than 100,000 guests have come to see for themselves what it’s like to work inside one of our FCs. If you haven’t visited, I recommend it.”

    Image credits: dulcedecommie

    Image credits: dulcedecommie


    Image credits: sabina_sinn


    Image credits: xPropane

    Image credits: msainat1

    There have been times when the only ones who liked FC Ambassadors’ tweets were Amazon executives

    Not to mention this conversation

    Image credits: amazonnews


    Image credits: rulesObeyer

    Image credits: AmazonFCDylan

    Image credits: rulesObeyer

    Image credits: AmazonFCRafael

    Image credits: rulesObeyer

    Image credits: AmazonFCRafael

    Keep in mind that when ‘Rafael’ was asked a question

    Image credits: rulesObeyer

    ‘Audra’ responded


    Image credits: AmazonFCAudra

    And this commenter was quick to point out what happened

    Image credits: CoWinkKeyDink

    Here’s what others said about all of this


    However, Amazon also noted that, “some of the accounts involved in this news cycle are spoof accounts; they aren’t a part of the FC Ambassador program.”