The Amazing Story About My Husband, My Son And Gremmy – The Little Gremlin!
A tale full of love and empathy, but also some valuable lessons how each decision has its consequences.
So let’s start:
“This story begins years ago, all the way back in the ‘80s and the ‘90s, when I was growing up. If you were like me in those days, chances are you had a few Choose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy or Lone Wolf books. Gamebooks weren’t just a craze; for a generation of people they were a cultural phenomenon, part of a shared zeitgeist. Yet, somehow all of them were written for pre-teens and teens. And none for children aged 3 to 9.
I remember thinking to myself “This is crazy! Who are those who like to play the most? The little ones!” And this is how it all began…
And now meet Gremmy:
So let me introduce you to Gremmy, a little gremlin that I met on New Year’s Eve about four and a half years ago.
He has little adventurous pawsies that don’t get tired easily, a trembly-trembly tail, a nosy nosie and little earsies (which are actually quite big) that like to listen to songbirds’ singsongs. His tummy is always hungry, but most important of all, he has a big heart! And the best part? You get to choose the adventures of Gremmy!
You can meet Gremmy on http://www.gametale.eu translated in English, Russian, Italian and Latvian and download book as pdf for free.
And support our kickstarter campaign if you want to have luxury hardcover edition.
More info: kickstarter.com