I Am A Fruit Carving Artist From Bulgaria And Here Are 26 Of My Alternative Halloween Pumpkins (New Pics)
My name is Angel Boraliev and I am a fruit carving artist from Bulgaria. You can also find my works as Atelier A.B.Carving. I carve fruits, vegetables, and soaps into real sculptures - from animals and flowers to different objects from everyday life.
Around 9 years ago, I have immersed myself in this endless art. I have participated in many projects and I'm always open to new ideas and collaborations. With this selection of pumpkin sculptures, I would like to show my idea for a carved pumpkin оn the eve of Halloween.
Check out more of my alternative pumpkin sculptures here.
More info: Facebook | Etsy | atelierabcarving.com | Instagram | Youtube
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I work in the hotel and restaurant industry, which allows me to present my artwork. My goal is to convey a special mood to the guests during my live demonstrations. And I succeed!
People are surprised by my carvings. Usually, they say 'Wow! That's amazing, incredible!', which makes me happy.
I didn't get any special training to carve these pumpkins or any vegetable or fruit for that matter. I just learned everything that I know now by myself by looking at various videos online.
It depends on how long it takes to carve one pumpkin. Usually, it's 2-3 hours till I am satisfied with the result.
The most difficult part of the creative process is to make up the design which cannot be the same. It has to be unique for each pumpkin or other vegetable that I am about to carve. The carving process itself is not so difficult.
What gives me real joy and satisfaction is the result.
Anything can get me inspired to carve. Passion is everywhere, you just need to have pure eyes to see it.
this woman needs do join "Halloween Wars'. these carvings are awesome!!! well done!
It's a man. Angel is a men's name in Bulgarian.
Load More Replies...this woman needs do join "Halloween Wars'. these carvings are awesome!!! well done!
It's a man. Angel is a men's name in Bulgarian.
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