While the United States has largely considered itself as the greatest country in the world for the last few decades, the statistics tell us that there are areas where things can definitely be improved.
In military might and defence spending the U.S. is undisputedly number one. But in other areas, more important aspects of human wellbeing such as education, life expectancy, happiness, gender and income equality and healthcare, there are more mixed results.
The U.S. healthcare system in particular is a continuing source of bafflement for many, who are accustomed to a degree of protection against the double disaster of poor health followed by financial ruin.
While American hospitals and medical facilities are world class, they are also incredibly expensive and available only to those able to afford them. We at Bored Panda have compiled a list of examples that highlight the inadequacies of the current healthcare system, while polarised politicians continue to argue about their vision for its future. Scroll down to check them out below, and stay healthy over there in America, y’all.
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US Healtcare System
I Had To Pay $39.35 To Hold My Baby After He Was Born
The "Radical" Idea Of Universal Healthcare
A Copy Of The Bill We Got When Our Daughter Was Born In Canada
Medical Treatment Is A Privelege
Because their constitution is outdated. The second amendment made sense when America didn't had an army to defend their country against foreign aggressors, in this case, the British. In some states it was mandatory to have gun, because there was no army...now it's a nonsense, in my opinion.
No, That’s Unamerican
That's nice. You haven't free healthcare system, you haven't, a real and full-paid 20-30 days holiday (evey year) at work. What else?
All You Need To Know About American Healthcare System Is That There's A Popular TV Series Where A Man Turns To Cooking Industrial Quantities Of Crystal Meth In Order To Pay For His Hospital Bills
Almost A Dystopian World Where People Wear Tags Like That
At Least We’re First In Something
Here in Finland every citizen have health insurace because it is paid from the taxes. And because of that insurance also the poor people can afford healthcare. It is funny to see when some Finnish people complain that a prescription drug is 'too expensive' if it costs over 30 euros per month when in USA the exactly same drug is usually 3 to 10 times more expensive.
We Dressed Up As Universal Healthcare For Halloween. In America, This Is Terrifying To Half Of Our Population!
If "Breaking Bad" Had Been Set In Anywhere But America
American Healthcare
Healthcare Tip
Why Americans Are So Friendly
American Health Care System
Abortion Is Murder And Every Life Is Precious But You Should Definitely Get A 3rd Job If Your Baby Is Sick
You forgot, "you shouldn't have had children if you can't afford them!"
Universal Health Care Disasters
I'm most impressed by the fact that Germany started theirs in the middle of freakin' World War II
The American Healthcare System Be Like
Come on, now! Who WOULDN'T pay 4 grand for a kiss from that cutie?
American Healthcare Reality
Future Of Healthcare
Guess I'll Die
Important Questions
Come on, now... "If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears, does it make a sound" is sooo 2016
As A Brit, This Is How I Plan To Dress When I Visit The US After Reading About The Cost Of Simple Healthcare
Serious question to citizens of USA, do you really believe your nation is the greatest? And if so why? This isn't a dig or anything but most of us in the rest of the world really don't see why. I would like to understand.
Universal Healthcare
Why does this not have any comments this was one of the few that actually made me lol
Crowdfunding For Health Care
Dystopia is definitely the right word. It's a sick society that makes people choose between paying and dying.
We Would Like Healthcare Too
American Healthcare
HELLO people, the picture is meant to be dry humour, but its gone whoooosh way over some heads here.
I Work In A Hospital Laboratory. I Ordered A Pack Of These Cheap Plastic Rulers From Ebay For About $6. Our Medical Supplier Charges More Than $80 For The Exact Same Rulers. This Is Why Health Care Costs Are Out Of Control
This is so true and also applies to our federal government. The ridiculous prices they'll pay for a chair, a stapler or whoknowswhat is appalling
Reproductive Health App
Everyone Will Be Covered
Nice Hat, Though
People Are Calling Uber To Be Taken To The Emergency Room Instead Of Ambulances
Paul Ryan Gives Presentation On Trumpcare
Maybe trumpcare should be renamed to "weapons of mass destruction" lol. Europe should intervene the same way as the US is doing in the middle east for killing tons of their innocent citizens.
The Only Insurance I Can Afford In America
I wish you no major health concerns like No fractures, cancer, heart attacks, etc.
This Is The Cost Of A Rattlesnake Bite In America
This makes it seem like it's easier to survive medical issues in a developing continent like africa than it is in a western "developed" continent like america... Maybe america is the real developing continent...
American Healthcare In A Nutshell
Hard To Choose
Everything Would Be Well Funded And Work Perfectly
Paid By Taxes
Welcome To The Usa
And watch them on tv grinning as they high-five each other over voting for legislation that kills us.
I Forgot My Meds And Had An Anxiety Attack At Work. My Boss Freaked Out And Called 911. Just Got The Bill Today, For Less Than 2 Hours Of Care And A Xanax. F*ck American Healthcare
Affordable Healthcare
Just start binge watching Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve learned a ton of surgeries on that tv show haha.
Insert Almost Every Flag On Earth Instead Sweden
My Cousins Child Birth Bill From The Hospital In The USA. Never Seen Anything This High
Even tne mist expensive penthouses, villas, etc are not that expensive.... I'm assuming you gave birth in a palace (from a fairy tale by the price of it)
When You Can't Afford To Get Shot In A Mass Shooting
1.5 Bottles Of Insulin Costs About The Same Amount As A New Iphone
American Health Care
You're Doing It Wrong
Naloxone kits and training for how to use them in case of emergency are given away, no charge, in Canadian pharmacies.
My Dad Celebrating Because He Finally Has Health Insurance And Is Able To Afford His Heart Medications
My Buddies Medical Bill For A Month-Long Stay In The Hospital After Being Hit By A Driver High On Heroin
GOP Stance On Healthcare
This Is How I Imagine The USA Health System Works
Ha! That's a picture from the UK, where we get babies delivered for free AND get a handshake from an unemployed ex prime minister every single time.
In The United States, This Is What $14,714.49 Of Medication Looks Like
It is sick that they put such enormous prices on things that are produced for a tiny fraction of that.
American Healthcare, Explained
My Buddy's Son Ate A Penny, This Is How Much The Hospital Charged For A 5 Minute Procedure To Get It Out
This is just a plain crime. How come people don't go protesting on the streets? This is ridiculous. How can a continent claiming to want to be the most innovative in almost every area be this ancient in the most important area. This is as if america is still in the medival age. 2/3 will soon go extinct due to the plague...
Healthcare Level: USA
The Reality
Obamacare And Trumpcare
The price issues are with the insurance companies, not the ACA. What we need is Universal single-payer. Congress should not have better care than we have.
Another Picture From The American Healthcare Twilight Zone
$27.99 for a flu shot? In Canada, flu shots are free, and available at the doctor, the flu clinics, the pharmacies, and the grocery stores with pharmacies in them. Like right by the front door, right next to the produce.
I Work In A Hospital. We Use These Simple Metal Baskets To Process Tissue Specimens. Our Hospital-Mandated Supplier Charges Us $700 Apiece For These. Seven. Hundred. Dollars. This Is Why Healthcare Costs Are So F*cked Up
The USA Provides Free Health Care
Trust me, the medical care in prison is substandard, too. They aren't putting any money into the incarcerated.
Award Winning American-Canadian Science Fiction Author, William Gibson On Canada’s Universal Healthcare System
Good Healthcare
If this were a scene from a soap opera, the next scene would be them kissing
Universal Healthcare - I Think This Supports The Argument, Why It Is Good For The People
greek here. i love that greece's arrow is pointing backwards. that's because we spend less on healthcare lately...sometimes hospitals don't even have bandages ,people say. personally, whenever i've been in a public hospital i was very happy with the service. been in surgery twice.
“This Is About Profits, Not People”
I'm also reminded of the U.S. prison system, which thanks to being run by private companies rather than the government (you know, like it MAKES SENSE TO) keeping people in prison is very often much more important than helping people punished for minor crimes to be reintroduced into society.
GOP Health Care Plan
this is hilarious! I cannot believe there is no comments on this. One of the few comments that made me LOL and not sob inside at the state of America.
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia On Health Care In America
Well, now, that's just offensive...his pocket square should match his tie
I'm An American, I'm Awake So Here's My Medical Bill. The Occupational Therapy Is Particularly Amusing. She Handed Me A Toothbrush
Not to make light of your situation...but I misread "Eeg" as "Egg", and now I'm laughing that you paid nine hundred dollars for an egg
Peter Parker Had No Health Insurance
Choose Your Own Healthcare Adventure
I was haemorrhaging from a miscarriage and was asked to take a seat (I refused) while they manually wrote down my info and then had to walk myself to my room in the ER where I eventually collapsed and then got hit with a huge bill 2 months later.
Drug Prices In Canada's Health Care System Vs Prices In America
As of January 2018 anyone under 25 gets prescriptions covered by our healthcare (in Ontario) no matter their financial standings or if they have health insurance.
That's why I look at the really far-right-wingers, like those in the U.S. government and just think "I can see other perspectives that I don't agree with, but that is just plainly evil on a universal scale".
Who Knew
When You Don't Have Health Insurance
OMG! Brooklyn Nine Nine is the best show. Hilarious too, I might add!
"We Don't Take That Insurance"
Avoid Any Unnecessary Stress
Mindset Of Americans
OOH is that why so many people think that universal healthcare is unaffordable for the country? They think the treatments actually cost anything close to what they pay?
Preparing In Advance
Free in Portugal, and you don't need to go to hospital. A van with the equipment, radiologist, nurse and doctor comes every year to your neighborhood
Insurance Agent Discovers Client Has Pre-Existing Condition (2017, Colorized)
The American Healthcare System Is A Eugenics Program
I have an american collegue with a kidney disease. His mother is german and so he has also the german citizenship...so he came to Germany what saved his life....
Complete Disregard For Human Life
its not that all americans have a disregard for human life. Only those who are rich enough to afford the "Healthcare". We're still paying my brothers hospital bills from last year. He was in there a week at one hospital but it's still overpriced. What pissed me off is that he went to Urgent care and paid $100 just to be told it was 'seasonal allergies' and less than a week later he was in the hospital unable to eat or drink anything and hooked up to a bunch of IVs and stuff.... Another thing that pissed me off was the hospital that charged us HUNDREDS for a 40 min stay where he waited for 40 min. only for the doctor to say "Oh its a viral infection nothing we can do" and the doctor didnt even come all the way into the room!!!!! Just stood at the door to tell him that!!!!! Our economy is messed up for the poor folks. Kids havin to get jobs in highschool causing them to be distracted from their education...If your not filthy rich...you're screwed basically...
I Never Truly Understood How Much Healthcare In The US Costs Until I Got Appendicitis In October. I'm A 20 Year Old Guy. Thought Other People Should See This To Get A Real Idea Of How Much An Unpreventable Illness Costs In The US
In 2003, my appendectomy was over $90,000 that included an 8 day stay on IV antibiotics for gangrene.
The sad thing is that all the "Obama Haters" don't realise that this is what is about to happen!
Republicans Reveal The Heart Of Their Health Care Plan
US Healthcare
Got Just A CT Scan. F*ck American Health Care
Americans Spent 2.5 Times As Much On Healthcare As Citizens Of Other Rich Countries - But They Die 1.7 Years Earlier
The ironic thing is that if you split the money spent in private spending and government spending, the US government spends more money than almost all other nations on health care. After adjusting for population. Most developed nations spend less tax money, covers everyone and get better results.
This Bill Is For Someone Who Was Hospitalized For About Four Weeks
Senator John Mccain, Everyone
My Brother Fell While Rock Climbing And Broke His Neck, Back, And Ankle. This Is What The Bill Looks Like For Two Surgeries, A Week Hospital Stay, The Neck/Back Braces, And Ankle Cast
really how do they expect anyone to be able to pay that without a problem, its not like everyone is Bill Gates
American Dream
Six Months Ago, At Age 25, My Wife Was Diagnosed With Cancer. Her Last Chemotherapy Treatment Was Yesterday (She's Now Cancer-Free). Cost Of Healthcare: $97,247.56. This Is Why You Need Insurance
1yo daughter had brain tumor size of an avocado. (jups 1/3 of her brain) 60 Days of Intensive care, 4 brain surgeries, 2 chemo treatments, 1 radio treatment all this during one year. total kost: €50 . Now she's tumor free and has to have a scan twice a year till she's 15yo. kost: €0. Both my wife and me stoped working for a year to take care of our daughter and spend time with her since her life could have ended anytime: totally possible with social security in Belgium. Trump: " Belgium is a hell hole".
This Is The Actual, Official Name Of The Republican's New Healthcare Bill
God Bless The Usa
"Everyone Deserves Healthcare"
The Tests Show
That's the good news. "What's the bad news." Your insurance doesn't cover ulcers.
Good Thing My Dad Had Insurance
Grim Fairy Tale
US Healthcare Bill
The State Of American Health Care These Days
Insurance, You're The Greatest
That math is not even correct. Should use some of that money to send bill coder to elementary school.
The Republican Health Plan
US Healthcare System
I’m Going To The Hospital For A Minor Procedure. It’s Called It A “Wallet-Ectomy.”
I Finally Figured Out The Logic Behind The American Healthcare System...
My Father In Law's Hospital Bill After 2 1/2 Days In The Hospital For Observation
"We've completed an audit of our own charges...trust us, this is correct. We use the same auditing techniques the police use when they shoot black people."
I Want That Universal Healthcare, Morty! It's My Season Arc!
They should do a whole arc on something completely different and then accidentally end up giving America universal healthcare.
Bottle Of Eyedrops, $20 After Insurance. 'Murica
That is actually a great price. It would be $165 without insurance.
How I Feel With Strep Throat And No Health Insurance
US Healthcare In A Nutshell
American Health Care System
So sad that this sums it up for Americans'. Why is your country so against universal health care? From the UK and can assure you we are not communists and have had free healthcare for decades; we really do not understand the mindset that there's something untoward about free healthcare for all.
The "Affordable" Care Act
No they are not being fined because they cannot afford healthcare, they are being fined because they refuse to buy insurance. Health insurance under the ACA is subsidized and therefore relatively affordable. People who think they don't need health insurance are the problem. Just let them get sick or be injured, then they'll understand.
For me, this is one of the biggest (and saddest) paradoxes in the world. That a country that tends to claim how wonderful and great is, can't take a proper care of its citizens and considers this the way to do things. This to be right. It's ridiculous, cruel, unfair, heartbreaking.
It's also a country that says you have no freedom the bear arms. It's also the county that tries to take away your freedom of information and of the press, just so that multi-billion dollar companies make more money. It's also a country where, if you learn one of its secrets, sues the s**t out of you until you go quiet. After moving from Russia to America to Germany, I can say that Germany is better, along with many other foreign countries. Don't get me wrong, we have the right idea, but we and our government are not enforcing it.
This is so depressing. I still can't understand why my brother insists on living in the states with his wife and three small children when they can live in Canada and avoid the ever looming massive debt from a random slip and fall.
Well the ankle surgery from a slip and fall cost my friend $2,000 with the now destroyed Affordable Health Care act. As a blue collar worker who makes around $25-27,000 per year she has to pay almost 10% of her income for ONE ACCIDENT. That is WITH COVERAGE. She paid monthly to have access to the care, she fell, the surgery cost over $20,000 and was sent home with no instructions and no assistance. No rehab. Thank goodness I'm an OT and I could set her up to take a shower without falling again, and buy her own equipment so she could get around. It's appalling. Oh- and with her blue collar job guess what her 6 months of income was due to being out because she could not walk? $0. No paid sick days, no paid vacation days. She serves food to the 1-2% and the rest of us. Tip well people.
Load More Replies...The actual problem is that Americans still believe they have to exist according to a constitution written on a piece of paper over 200 years ago, and instead of modernizing it or adopting a new one (like any normal country) in the world they literally rape it with ridiculous mendments thinking everything's fine.
Not all of us believe in it. Don’t treat us as though we’re all the same. MILLIONS of us Americans would LOVE universal health care and we’ve been fighting to have what every other country has.
Load More Replies...For me, this is one of the biggest (and saddest) paradoxes in the world. That a country that tends to claim how wonderful and great is, can't take a proper care of its citizens and considers this the way to do things. This to be right. It's ridiculous, cruel, unfair, heartbreaking.
It's also a country that says you have no freedom the bear arms. It's also the county that tries to take away your freedom of information and of the press, just so that multi-billion dollar companies make more money. It's also a country where, if you learn one of its secrets, sues the s**t out of you until you go quiet. After moving from Russia to America to Germany, I can say that Germany is better, along with many other foreign countries. Don't get me wrong, we have the right idea, but we and our government are not enforcing it.
This is so depressing. I still can't understand why my brother insists on living in the states with his wife and three small children when they can live in Canada and avoid the ever looming massive debt from a random slip and fall.
Well the ankle surgery from a slip and fall cost my friend $2,000 with the now destroyed Affordable Health Care act. As a blue collar worker who makes around $25-27,000 per year she has to pay almost 10% of her income for ONE ACCIDENT. That is WITH COVERAGE. She paid monthly to have access to the care, she fell, the surgery cost over $20,000 and was sent home with no instructions and no assistance. No rehab. Thank goodness I'm an OT and I could set her up to take a shower without falling again, and buy her own equipment so she could get around. It's appalling. Oh- and with her blue collar job guess what her 6 months of income was due to being out because she could not walk? $0. No paid sick days, no paid vacation days. She serves food to the 1-2% and the rest of us. Tip well people.
Load More Replies...The actual problem is that Americans still believe they have to exist according to a constitution written on a piece of paper over 200 years ago, and instead of modernizing it or adopting a new one (like any normal country) in the world they literally rape it with ridiculous mendments thinking everything's fine.
Not all of us believe in it. Don’t treat us as though we’re all the same. MILLIONS of us Americans would LOVE universal health care and we’ve been fighting to have what every other country has.
Load More Replies...