Albanian Police Surprises Hospitalized Children By Dressing As Superheroes
On June 1st, 2016, for the International Children Day, Albanian Police Force and Special Forces decided to make a surprise to the children who couldn’t celebrate this day outside with their friends.
Superheroes flew from the terrace in their windows, bearing gifts and badges with the print: You are our Hero!
More info: Facebook
Share on FacebookThe most beautiful thing in the world is a child's smile. It comes from the heart. Well done!
yeah, nice... but i have to ask: has anyone else noticed that some person is holding a baby out of a window, M.J. style?? Untitled-5...e1db63.jpg
Yeah I did see it!!! That's the worst way to hold a baby! but oh well
Load More Replies...I noticed that being a pediatric facility there's no protection on the windows. No net. Nothing. And the lady holding the baby gives me the creeps. The policemen made those children's day. Something they will not forget.
In my opinion one or some of these Albanian police officials could have devised an Albanian superhero known as 'Captain Albania' and if they did what would Captain Albania's costume be like? In fact would he have a special shield like Captain America would?
Since these are Albanian police officials disguised as superheroes and if it relates to the topic it's like this the word po means yes in Albanian but in America the police are sometimes nicknamed "popo" which may sound weird or funny to Albanians all because it sounds like saying "yesyes" in their language so my question is if at least one of those Albanian cops is aware that cops are occasionally nicknamed popo by some Americans and if that particular cop announced to these kids something like "Hey kids did you know that in America the police are sometimes nicknamed the popo?" the question is would some of these kids start laughing? The reason I ask that is because some words that sound odd to adults sound funny to kids so in this case I'm not surprised if most Albanian adults consider popo a weird nickname for police and therefore I'm not surprised if most Albanian or most young Albanian children regard popo as a funny nickname for police.
Serbian solders have massacred hundred of Albanian babies in Kosovo! Serbian solders took the organs of Albanian civils for sale! Dont play the role of the victim when you south Slavs, are the aggressors form VII century onward... https://www.google.com/search?q=masakrat+serbe+femije&biw=1600&bih=775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRxMammpbNAhUKuBQKHWoLDa0Q_AUIBigB Its the same thing as here. You see a good news here for the Albanians, and you transform it with your filthy ideas as they are doing the worst things. Yes, some Albanians, are bad, but they have honor code, and they never massacred a civilians in any war, as you south Slavic people do!
Load More Replies...The most beautiful thing in the world is a child's smile. It comes from the heart. Well done!
yeah, nice... but i have to ask: has anyone else noticed that some person is holding a baby out of a window, M.J. style?? Untitled-5...e1db63.jpg
Yeah I did see it!!! That's the worst way to hold a baby! but oh well
Load More Replies...I noticed that being a pediatric facility there's no protection on the windows. No net. Nothing. And the lady holding the baby gives me the creeps. The policemen made those children's day. Something they will not forget.
In my opinion one or some of these Albanian police officials could have devised an Albanian superhero known as 'Captain Albania' and if they did what would Captain Albania's costume be like? In fact would he have a special shield like Captain America would?
Since these are Albanian police officials disguised as superheroes and if it relates to the topic it's like this the word po means yes in Albanian but in America the police are sometimes nicknamed "popo" which may sound weird or funny to Albanians all because it sounds like saying "yesyes" in their language so my question is if at least one of those Albanian cops is aware that cops are occasionally nicknamed popo by some Americans and if that particular cop announced to these kids something like "Hey kids did you know that in America the police are sometimes nicknamed the popo?" the question is would some of these kids start laughing? The reason I ask that is because some words that sound odd to adults sound funny to kids so in this case I'm not surprised if most Albanian adults consider popo a weird nickname for police and therefore I'm not surprised if most Albanian or most young Albanian children regard popo as a funny nickname for police.
Serbian solders have massacred hundred of Albanian babies in Kosovo! Serbian solders took the organs of Albanian civils for sale! Dont play the role of the victim when you south Slavs, are the aggressors form VII century onward... https://www.google.com/search?q=masakrat+serbe+femije&biw=1600&bih=775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRxMammpbNAhUKuBQKHWoLDa0Q_AUIBigB Its the same thing as here. You see a good news here for the Albanians, and you transform it with your filthy ideas as they are doing the worst things. Yes, some Albanians, are bad, but they have honor code, and they never massacred a civilians in any war, as you south Slavic people do!
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