My first ever AITA post. Weird. But I’m just wondering. Recently I’ve been told I’m the reason for Crowspectre leaving. People look at me as the jerk and the demon. But all I’ve done is speak my opinions peacefully. I don’t get rageful unless I’m being attacked directly. And oh I’m definitely attacked directly. I’m stalked on all my posts and automatically downvoted. I’m reported left and right for no reason. Just because “Crowspectre” supporters are emotional little trolls. Idk what to do at this point. This site isn’t even fun anymore. 7/10 I get off here now I want punch a wall.


yes i would say yta. you support the trolls and go along with them, which was basically why crowspectre left. personally i don't downvote you unless your comment is offensive, but i don't upvote you either. i used to respect you but when you started doing this i noped out of it real fast. when you say all you've done is speak your opinions peacefully you're lying. you're a BULLY. you've spammed posts with unrelevant and offensive replies and you've hurt people. so yes. yta.


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    Yup. You're a jerk. I used to think you were just misinformed and clueless about a variety of things, but you're just getting worse and worse. It's one thing to share your opinion, it's another thing to share your unwarranted opinion that no one asked for and is unrelated to the actual subject. You are the reason crowspectre left. Still, I don't like to completely condemn people. Maybe you're just insecure, or maybe you just don't understand boundaries. The world is not black and white, and while you seem yo be a particularly dark shade of grey, your probably not the worst person out there. I think what's worse than the stuff you say is when you support people who say much more terrible things about good people whose only crime is existing outside of the heteronormative society we live in. Anyway, I don think your beyond hope. Maybe before you post a comment, think to yourself "would people downvote me for this?" Even if you think they're wrong or overreacting, just try to think about someone other than yourself for once. But yes, you are definitely the a$$hole.



    I’m not sure about what happend but I do know you were a super cool guy but you’ve completely changed


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    What's Crowspectre?



    I don’t.. I don’t think so. I might’ve missed stuff but YOU specifically didn’t harasse Crow that I saw. There were other people, but you were rather peaceful. R.I.P Crow, your writing posts were fun. Totally agree about the site too XD it does make me wanna punch a wall some days


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When ya get downvoted for a perfectly civil reply- if you're gonna, at least say why :p (I do actually know why, it just has nothing to do with me. So nvm)

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