Some things in this world need time to mature. Cheese and wine, relationships, our self-esteem… But they are not what this post is about. Quite on the contrary—we will be looking at things that miserably failed the test of time and made it into full walk of shame mode.
Thanks to the subreddit “Aged Like Milk” and its 713k devoted members, we have this precious collection of some pretty things, said or done, making a solid U-turn. “A subreddit dedicated to all those things in media and elsewhere that didn’t stand the test of time, at all,” states the community’s description and here you go, my attention is yours.
Let's scroll through some of the sourest cases below that will remind us all to think twice before letting something out into this world.
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80 Years Ago A Us President Was Advocating For Job Guarantee And Many More Thinks
A Million Years
Heh Heh Heh
In order to not regret things you said or did and make them stand the test of time, you gotta be really good at decision making and being aware of what the future holds. But even then, it’s just a very human thing to do.
Unless you’re a superforecaster. It’s the practice of prediction that covers everything from whether a currency will become stronger, one country will invade another, or there will be civil unrest in a city. Superforecasters calculate the probability of something happening and then adjust that as circumstances change. In this way, they’re able to come up with consistent predictions. Sweet, Sweet Summer Child
An Interesting Title
I Bet He Felt Great For The First 16 Minutes
yep. Guarantee race and political leanings were involved in his hypocrisy too
But it’s much more complex than that. According to Bloomberg, superforecasters did not accurately predict Brexit, putting the chances of a Leave vote at 23% in June 2016—the month of the referendum. Their predicted figure had been higher a few months previously, but they had adjusted the likelihood downwards, reports the BBC.
Oh, The Irony!
Found This In My Pictures From Mid 2019
A Starcraft Gaming Tournament Took Place 10 Years Ago And These Were The Prizes Teams Could Win
An Old "Helpful" Tip In A Magazine
Found On Ig Overheardonwallstreet
once again proving Ivies don't offer better education, just better networking opportunities.
"No Tea, Thank You"
Microsoft Employees Holding A Funeral For The iPhone Following The "Success" Of Their Windows Phone
That's Gotta Hurt
I’m Thankful For The Internet
Trump Calls Coronavirus A Hoax, Now Covid-19 Positive
As Usual, The Onion Is Ahead Of The Curve
Classic Daily Mail
This Book Released In 1991 Had An Unfortunate Cover
I've read this one. I don't remember this on the cover but I expect that I just didn't notice it. Oh dear...
As the post clearly states - the book was published IN 1991, eight years before the Columbine Massacre. I read this book from my school library when I was seven, so it would have been in 1993. I didn't notice the school name on the cover when I was a kid, I bet you that most kids didn't.
hi, this is unfortunate because columbine was a school shooting and attempted bombing in colorado - the book was made before that saying if you fail, you just die. not everyone lives in the u.s. or is too young to know, so it makes sense that some people don't know
Load More Replies...There was a school shooting at Colombine high school in Colorado USA in 1999. There have been many, many tragic mass shooting events, including at schools, in the US in the years since. At the time though it was basically inconceivable that such a thing could happen. As such it dominated the news in the US for quite awhile.
This was written 8 years before Columbine. It's a horrible coincidence, not a sick joke.
My “Would You Rather” Book From 2001
Sorry Man
The Ol' Switcheroo
Quote From Ellen In A Book My Daughter Is Reading
Japan Expressing Happiness About Winning Bid To Host 2020 (2021) Olympics Back In 2013
Sure It Won't Jump Over 14$
Imgur Launched 11 Years Ago On Reddit. What A Legend! The Comment On The Other Hand Has Not Aged Well
Well It’s 2021 Now
Then vs. Now
Guy Regrets A Financial Decision
Instagram Influencer Hypocrisy 101. It’s All About The Likes, Am I Right Kids?
"I believe in the horse. The automobile is a fad" - Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany
"I believe in the horse. The automobile is a fad" - Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany