Africans Used To Hand-Paint Movie Posters To Draw People Into Cinemas And They’re So Bizarre, They’re Wonderful (100 New Pics)
Art traditionally is valued by its technical brilliance, the difficulty of execution, the composition and fundamentals of aesthetics. But some art circumvents all of these principles and criteria, and they're no worse for it than the former. Sometimes, a "bad" piece art can be more valued than the "good" one, and not just for reasons of bad taste. Enter the African (mostly from Ghana) bootleg movie posters, which have, as a matter of fact, a very rich tradition. Why? Well, because of the perennially poor economy, Africans were forced to create the means for their entertainment. Of course, there were no fancy printers or presses, and even if there were, they wouldn't bother with something as silly as posters for bootleg movies. And so came a tradition of artists who created posters to create interest in these movies, even if they had to hand-paint them on flour bags. Though the means of printing became much more accessible, the tradition survives because of its extremely unique entertainment value.
here. As you can see, the skill of the artists advanced by leaps and bounds, but their own unique culture is still (thankfully) very clearly discernable.
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This doesn't describe anything in the film but IT SHOULD. I'd pay to see Don Felix take on the five families
Nice to see the toilet get the prominence it deserves, but I'm struggling to find a name for the fetish depicted in the lower right corner
Oh please, the Czechoslovak poster takes the cake here! GB1PosterF...0e-png.jpg
Not sure the artist actually saw the film, but it stands on its own merits
So they saw this one before painting this. Kinda seems like cheating.
Batman's most deadly adversary, the Man With Sausage Rolls in His Hair
Tell you what, cats and kittens - if the artist could just keep his decapitation fetish under control he'd be pretty good
With a side of The Butterfly Effect, Anaconda, Isle of Dr. Moreau....
I said I wanted frikkin sharks with 'laser' beams attached to their heads. These are dolphins 🤦♀️
I haven't seen this and now I desperately want to, so the poster has served its purpose
Get on the wrong side of Biker Dad and you'll end up drowning in porridge
You cannot deny the truth of that statement, although I doubt if it was in the script
Mary Stoker's classic tale of two feline scientists and their quest to create a green vampire. "It's alive!" - Dr Tiddles
I think the artist could have done a better job of rendering Freddy's iconic stripy sweater
I don't remember Keir Dullea's teeth being that bad, but there again I don't remember Horny Monster either
The harrowing story of how a peace-loving community of leeches was brutally invaded and killed by a gang of humans
Anjelica Huston bitterly regretted taking part in this film, stating that the dismemberment scenes were edited in without her knowledge or consent
When your large intestine struggles to escape from the crushing pressure of your abs
I don't know what this movie is about, but somehow I now know even less what this movie is about.
Love the scene where Carey mulligan goes all "die hard" and shoots up the joint. Also is that a young Gene Hackman?!
"there's nothing like the smell of lighter fluid in the morning," thinks Pesci's character
I'd completely forgotten Ray Harryhausen's stop-motion skeletons in this film
Suspicion Breeds Confidence - coming soon to a motivational poster near you
The talent to do these is awesome. Wish I could do half as well. The style is like the old school posters I've seen in reruns of Dragnet and the like. But the disjointedness of individual images on each poster...whewboy...odd yet funny.
So much real talent, so much creativity, so much effort... so little sense of what humans look like. :)
Its like everyone..and i mean everyone has a gun. and severed heads are very popular! these are certainly a niche art form. i love them!
Not "EVERYONE had guns. MOST, yes, NOT "every."
Load More Replies...The talent to do these is awesome. Wish I could do half as well. The style is like the old school posters I've seen in reruns of Dragnet and the like. But the disjointedness of individual images on each poster...whewboy...odd yet funny.
So much real talent, so much creativity, so much effort... so little sense of what humans look like. :)
Its like everyone..and i mean everyone has a gun. and severed heads are very popular! these are certainly a niche art form. i love them!
Not "EVERYONE had guns. MOST, yes, NOT "every."
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