Recently, Twitter user Ryanne quoted a TikTok, saying “men never ask for help.” This bold statement immediately started a heated discussion, and some of its participants began looking for the author of the message.

People eventually came to an agreement that it was Lauren, aka Cardy Couture Boutique. She has posted numerous videos, sharing advice on safety from her dad, a former member of the Secret Service.


    This tweet started a heated discussion on women safety

    Image credits: ryanneashleigh

    So to get more information, its participants began looking for the TikTok that inspired it

    Women definitely need to stay alert. A sexual assaulter can be any kind of person. These words shouldn’t make everyone scared of everyone else; rather, they just mean that there isn’t one specific type who commits such kinds of crimes.

    At least that is what Dr. Samuel D. Smithyman, a US clinical psychologist, learned when he anonymously interviewed 50 men back in the 1970s who had confessed to having raped someone.

    These men had diverse backgrounds and social statuses as well as different personalities and mentalities. What really surprised Smithyman was how unconcerned they sounded when talking about such a criminal offense.

    The motives that push a person to rape someone vary and are difficult to quantify. However, studies show that rapists have some common characteristics, including a lack of empathy, narcissism, and feelings of hostility towards women.


    They came to an agreement that it belongs to Lauren, aka Cardy Couture Boutique

    And she has a whole series dedicated to this important topic

    The videos have a combined view count of nearly 2 million

    Lauren’s dad really knows what he’s talking about. Special Agents are men and women of the highest caliber, performing critical protective and investigative assignments. During their careers, Special Agents may be assigned to multiple duty stations throughout the United States and abroad with responsibilities that include: protecting various protectees, conducting criminal investigations pertaining to financial obligations of the United States, and planning and implementing security designs for National Special Security Events.


    And Lauren believes her dad’s advice have already saved her life


    Some men have been questioning the application of these tips

    Image credits: khai_fadzli

    Image credits: KingJB27

    Image credits: ayy_its_daniele

    Image credits: AutieNorthern

    While women have been sharing stories, proving they can be more valuable than they seem at first


    Image credits: Kimistry_D

    Image credits: scarah72

    Image credits: CarlaBarokas

    Image credits: mshelejones

    Image credits: youngganddopee

    Image credits: barely_a_spec


    Image credits: mamabigdog

    Image credits: ariedoitbetter

    Image credits: randimeredith

    Image credits: TheFatsyCline

    Image credits: TheFatsyCline

    Image credits: migikun12

    Image credits: NDNbadbitch

    Image credits: Daezi7

    Image credits: SankySmith_