His Royal Majesty. Mittens the King. The King Of Wellington. Wellington Morale Officer. That's just a few of the names that Mittens—the local superstar of New Zealand's capital—is being called. Mittens is a 10-year-old handsome boy of the Turkish Angora breed. The lovely, slightly orange chap is loved by pretty much everyone in Wellington, so it should come as no surprise that this adorable cat has his very own Facebook group with over 30k members from all over the world.

Every day, the people of Wellington, as well as the capital's tourists, take pictures of Mittens the cat and share them in the group. He is allowed to come and go nearly everywhere—from churches to strip clubs, nothing is off-limits for this cat. He'll also follow people home, nap on their beds, or come to their offices and just chill. But no need to worry—this famous cat does have an owner and goes home to his family (including a brother Latte) every night. So scroll down below to see some of the photos of Mittens that people have shared on this Facebook group called The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens and vote for the random encounters you liked the most!

More info: Facebook


"Once in a blue moon mittens and latte decide to put their differences aside. Today is one of those days - a Blades of Glory moment."

The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

"Mittens had been somewhat known in Wellington and previously in Auckland for a while," Sam, the administrator of Mittens' Facebook group told Bored Panda. "I do think that he became a celebrity cat after the Facebook group was created and word started spreading! As for his recent global fame, I really have no idea how that started! International members have been joining the group for a while as people invited friends and family."


    "Since lots of you guys want to see the King Mittens with Halo on his head... Here it is. You’re all welcome"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Walking to work...put down bag to pat Mittens...he climbed into bag and claimed the free-range eggs I was taking to work for colleagues."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    “So why were you late for work?”
    “Oh, I was taking selfies with a famous cat.”
    “Haha… Wait, really?”


    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Was feeling a bit off this morning and nearly called in sick. Glad I didn’t because today was the day His Royal Highness decided to grace my humble desk with a long nap… and then he helped himself to my water.

    Best. Day. Ever.

    As he was sleeping he left a puddle of drool on my paperwork. Framing that, obvs."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

    "What made this beautiful cat so popular is his strange way of making the city his own," Sam tells Bored Panda. "He will go into whatever shop he chooses and just pick a place to sleep. He has no cares in the world about it. He loves to both explore new places, or frequent the same shop/business a few days in a row. He will even get into lifts and go up several storeys! When he does this he just follows people in and gets out when they get out. Never knowing where he is going to end up. His sense of adventure and carefree attitude is surely to be admired. He is normally pretty keen for pats and pictures with his self named “Smittens”. So the fact that the cute cat is very friendly has also led to his popularity."


    "His Royal Majesty looking fabulous near his residence at The Terrace"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "As you can see… Mittens was just as excited as we were for the photo."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "The third date with Mittens….he walked me home like a true gentleman…had a nightcap….and jumped straight into my bed…such a Casanova!!!!"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Ended the year painting something that seems to make so many people happy, Mittens! Enjoy. This is down Inverlocky Lane."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

    When asked by Bored Panda, whether there are many tourists who come to Wellington to see Mittens, Sam said: "Yes! I have heard of a few people who have made the trip to Wellington especially to go Mittens hunting. Also if people are coming here for another reason, they often make time to see if they can find the king. The Facebook group is great for this as people post cat photos and sightings of him often."

    "He lets people know when he is not up for attention as he will just walk right by them and not stop for pats," the owner and administrator of Mittens' Facebook group told Bored Panda. "He has also been known to let people know when he does not want to be picked up or moved, with a light warning scratch. This happened to the poor employee from EB Games (gaming retail store) last night. Mittens spent his afternoon there sleeping on Xbox and PlayStation games on their sale table. He did not want to move and had to be evicted at closing time!"


    "This chirpy boy tried to hitch a ride with me to work today."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "The King graced our presence at Amnesty NZ, Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Prevention Network this afternoon on Willis st. He learned about Human Rights, inspected our Christmas decorations, had some water and then took a ride in the lift back downstairs."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "I found Mittens on the Cuba street! Lol"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    Michelle Muirhead
    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was keeping away the Vampires and other paranormal creatures that plague Wellington:)

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    "I noticed there had been a lot of posts on one on Wellington’s Facebook community groups about him with concerns from people that he was lost or didn’t have a home because he was in the middle of the city," the Facebook group administrator told Bored Panda. "He was brought into the SPCA a few times also, which meant that his owner had to come and get him. We frequently (almost daily) got calls about him at the SPCA. I decided I would create a Facebook Group for him to raise awareness about the fact that he had an owner, was healthy, and knew how to get around the city. I created this group on 6th April 2018 and shared a link in the previously mentioned Wellington community Facebook group. The group quickly gained members and the calls about him to the SPCA slowed down. His owner Silvio also said he wasn’t getting as many calls about him either. Mittens normally wears a collar with Silvios number on it, so you can imagine he got a lot of calls!"


    "My first encounter! Outside Rogue and Vagabond"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "We traveled all the way from the US to meet the mayor of Wellington. Mittens and his brother Latte made an appearance. Mittens also discovered the infamous American banana (full of catnip).
    Mission accomplished."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    Kathy Baylis
    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cats have that banana. They each get one for Christmas—-every year, because they wear them out.

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    "Mittens came to the strip club tonight"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Welcome to Mac’s Brewbar, Handsome"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    Kathy Baylis
    Community Member
    5 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Walkin’ in like he owns the place (which he does...).


    "I don’t think mittens is a fan of this weather either"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    Leslea Freeman
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ahhh, their it is ! Mittens and his personal umbrelly holder hooman!

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    "I started the group slightly out of frustration because of well meaning people calling about him or taking him to vet clinics or SPCA when it wasn’t needed," Sam says. "I never ever expected it to get this big. I have since taken on two more moderators to be able to keep up with the workload!I continue the group these days for the pure joy Mittens being people who meet him and to help with the fun of people who are Mittens hunting. Even people who will never meet him who are overseas, say they enjoy getting their “daily Mittens dose” and look forward to seeing his pictures and latest antics."


    "When you have to lock up and Mittens doesn't want to leave... I felt so bad!"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Mittens came for his 2nd visit to Kitomba within a week. We're on the 7th floor in Eagle Tech House Victoria St. As you can see, his royal highness is holding an audience with his round table... Never seen a group of guys be so smitten"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    jo Philbin
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's all their partners are gonna hear about when they get home it's too sweet

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    "Mittens knocked on my apartment door last night, came in, had a few naps, then headed off!"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Blessed to have my daughter’s bike seat approved of by His Majesty!

    Mittens got comfy and didn’t want to be removed but fortunately, his owner came along to take him home. (I wasn’t game to move the bike with him sitting there.) In the meantime, he got lots of pats and attention from friendly passersby."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

    We asked Sam whether she was lucky enough to get to meet the Royal Mittens, to which she replied: "I have met Mittens myself. I have seen him at the SPCA a couple of times. I have never met him out in the wild as I am not often in town. The couple of times I have been in town I have not been able to find him.In person he is just as floofy and charming as he looks! He is so loving and friendly and makes cute trilling noises to say hello."


    "Mittens hanging out at The Rogue & Vagabond tonight. When I spotted him, I screeched and ran across the street like a mad woman. His Floofiness allowed me to sit beside him and pet his glorious head. Day made!"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Mittens on top of the world literally..."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Mittens graced us with his presence during a video shoot by the civic square"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    "Mittens is currently having a nap in Crumpet"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    Bored Panda asked Sam whether everyone in Wellington knows Mittens: "I wouldn’t say everyone knows him but a large majority do! For the most part, shops and businesses let him come and go as he pleases! There are a couple that have refused him entry, or kicked him out when he tried to visit, but they’re just missing out!"


    "Mittens nursing his hangover after one too many cocktails at Crumpet last night"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "I sat down and Mittens jumped on with purrs and cuddles"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "First time meeting this handsome chap"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    "Mittens is in Briscoes checking whether they have a sale"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "A couple of pictures of mittens at home. He has found the pillows"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    "I was minding my own business in the city and majestic Mittens hijacked my wagon"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Mittens decided to visit El Barrio- Latino Bar tonight. He appeared to love the music and had a couple of pats from people before heading off to enjoy the rest of his night"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    "Mittens enjoying evening prayers at St. Peter's on Willis (Wellington) last night. Seemed particularly curious about the organ."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Mittens stopped in to supervise the pipe replacement work on Willis this morning. Seems happy with the progress."

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    "A Willis St market face off this morning. Cat vs Dog"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "My first time meeting Mittens.... evening chilling on Eva street"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report


    "Mittens enjoying the flock of Paparazzi"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    "Stopping for a drink. A happy encounter on my way to work"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report

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    "Rumbles with Mittens in the car just now on Ghuznee"

    The Wondrous Adventures of Mittens Report