Adorable 11 week old American Staffordshire Terrier puppy Harley recently had his first studio photo session with internationally renowned pet photographer, Alex Cearns. It was all lights, camera, action from the get go!
Check out his portfolio of pics where he bounced around, played up and gave his best blue steel gaze. He was born for it! We think he is a star in the making, and a wonderful ambassador for his breed.
Alex Cearns is the Creative Director of Houndstooth Studio and was named as the 2016 International Professional Pet Photographer of the Year (IPA Awards). Her images have been published widely across Australian and international print and online media, in books, magazines, and campaigns.
Alex photographs over 900 domesitc pets each year and her next book ‘’ Zen Dogs’ will published by HarperOne in New York in October 2016.
She is a self-confessed crazy dog lady who loves to hug on all animals.
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