Approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter US animal shelters every year. (Of those, around 3.1 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.)
And while the numbers sound huge, they're actually getting small. According to some estimates, the number of dogs and cats entering shelters in the country annually has declined from approximately 7.2 million in 2011.
Also, roughly 4.1 million shelter animals are adopted each year and 810,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners.
To illustrate what difference a second chance at life and a loving home can make to a critter, we at Bored Panda are continuing our monthly installment, sharing the most adorable rescue pet photos we find on the internet.
Continue scrolling to enjoy the images and when you're done, make sure that you're up to date with the series here: December, November, and October.
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This Man Was Forced To Give His Dog To The Humane Society Due To Undergoing Lengthy Hospital Stay. This Nurse Found Out And Immediately Went To The Shelter And Adopted His Dog. She Brings Him To Visit Daily And Will Return Him As Soon As The Man Is Released!
Good Guy Adopts An Old Timer So He Doesn’t Have To Die Alone
Since we have already slid into our comfy sweaters, hoodies, and jackets, it's worth talking about animals getting through winter as well.
To learn more about how they do it, we contacted PDSA, the UK's leading vet charity. If anyone can tell us about animals' well-being, it's these folks. Every year, the dedicated teams at the organization's 48 hospitals work tirelessly to provide 2.7 million veterinary treatments, including 440,000 preventative treatments. This helps over 470,000 much-loved pets and brings peace of mind to 300,000 owners.
"Unlike our own pets, stray animals may struggle to find shelter from cold and rainy weather in the winter," PDSA Vet Lynne James told Bored Panda. "They may also struggle to find enough food and water to keep them healthy."
Meet Finley. He Followed Me Home On A Night I Was Sad And Feeling Especially Lonely. Then He Walked Right Inside Like He Owned My House. (I Did Check For A Chip And Officially Adopted Him From His Feral Cat Agency.) Everyone Says He Chose Me.
That is 100% true. I went to a cat adoption event at a local pet store with my heart set on adopting a tiny kitten. However, as I was walking past the cages of tiny kitties and the kitten play area, one scrawny adult cat who everyone was passing by reached out her paw and meowed and it was love at first sight. She is now a wonderfully mischievous, funny, sassy, and well-fed house-cat and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Load More Replies...Yeah this is why I have 22 cats (mostly semi feral) ... legit ALL of them followed me home. Never any microchips. Usually in very bad shape. Even when we movies from NOLA to nowhere Indiana... the 2nd day an old ass cat with bullet fragments stuck in him followed me home on my walk to the post office.. we got him cleaned up but he had FIV and only lived another year but it was the best year of his life. 3 days after he passed a young little sick cat showed up in the bed of my truck... got her Cleaned up, no chip, got her fixed and gave her the option to leave but she didn't so now she's my husbands truck cat n goes on the road with him for weeks at a time and absolutely fucken loves it. She goes on hikes with him, takes walks with him while standing on his shoulders n head, goes on bike rides with him... we tried to acclimate a few of our cats to the truck but none liked it. She never once had an issue with it. It was meant to be.
We have three animals. None of them we chose. All of them came up to us and were like "This one."
This is very true.We don't pick them,they w no uncertainly pick us.
A young black lab entered our lives this way. My husband was working in the garage when he saw a lovely young dog walking up our driveway. He said to her, “You’re a pretty thing—where do you live?” She walked straight into the house, through to the living room, and jumped up on the couch!
It is absolute fact that your cat will present itself to you when you need it most... dogs too. In my case, within a day or so of one of my hospice dog's passing, I would almost inevitably get a call asking me if I could care for an ancient dog who needed a home...
Finely looks like he takes the concept of “companion animal” truly to heart.
Cats absolutely know a soft touch when they see one. Also if there is a person in the household who is not quite so cat friendly they know who to suck up to and that person will end up being their best buddy.
Cats are amazing! Love my two cats so much and they really do choose us
He absolutely chose you. I had a similar experience and Shadow turned out to be one of my best cats ever. You have been blessed
soo beautiful... I have six of these bloody bastards 💖 two of them rescued fosters at one step from death for starving conditions, cured and beloved. Me and my family love every animal, especially the ones in danger, don't care for vet bill if we can save them. God Bless all people who love and care of animal. 🥰🥰🥰
AWW, I hope that you have many long and happy years with your dear sweet Finley 😻💖
He did choose you. And he made the right decision. All of mine chose me and I feel blessed.
Cats are awesome I can never understand why people don't like them but I think it's because they have something to hide cats or I think to hide cats are very wise he knew that you would love him and he wanted to love you back
Officially adopted him from an agency? I'm confused. Does that just mean u made the decision to keep him? Is there a feral cat agency?
I imagine it's a feral cat rescue that OP took the cat to to try to find his family before adopting him.
Load More Replies...This Cecil. I Adopted Him Through The Starbucks Drive Thru. The Customer Showed Me A Passenger Seat Full Of Kittens And Said “Do You Want A Kitten?” And I Said “Absolutely I Do”. I Took The Kitten, Put Him In My Apron Pocket, And Asked To Go Home Early. Cecil Is Now Six
Bartolito The Day He Was Rescued vs. ~3 Weeks~ Later
Rough weather and the additional challenges that it brings also aren't helping anyone. James said that, "Cats and dogs can't catch colds from humans (and we can't catch colds from them), but they can suffer from different infections that cause similar symptoms."
"For cats, a runny nose and sneezing could be signs of 'cat flu,' a condition which can involve several different cat-specific viruses. Cat flu can make your cat feel generally unwell and there may be other signs such as ulcers on the tongue or eye problems."
Before & After Adoption; Our Lovely Princess, Kimchi
God Bless you for giving this girl a better life. May you have many wonderful years together.
My Black Kitten I Adopted Last Week Looks Like She Has “White Eyeliner” On Her Eyes
My Friend Just Adopted An 18 Year Old Cat Named Cat
"Kennel cough is a very contagious respiratory disease in dogs that causes a high-pitched cough that can be made worse by activity," the vet explained. "Most dogs don't feel generally unwell with kennel cough but some can get a runny nose or weepy eyes and they can go off their food."
Training your eye to recognize these signs can serve as a valuable tool to in maintaining your little companion's well-being. "Although not life-threatening, it is important to get your pets treated. Kennel cough may go away on its own but if dogs are still coughing after a few days then owners should seek veterinary advice. Coughing, sneezing and a runny nose can sometimes be caused by more serious issues and so it is a good idea to speak to your vet if you are concerned."
I Think I Accidentally Adopted A Dragon. She Thinks It's Her Job To Hoard And Guard Anything Shiny
Rescued Is Horrific Condition Severely Emaciated With Wide Open Sores On Her Back Legs This Girl Has Been Adopted And Is Living Her Best Life
4 Y/O Rescue And His 5 M/O Best Bud. Totally Inseparable Since Day 1
“After seeing a vet, who will prescribe any necessary medication and check nothing more serious is going on, pets should have a quiet, warm and comfy place where they can rest and recover," Lynne James said.
"Owners should encourage their pets to eat and drink, especially if they are unwell. For cats suffering from cat flu, owners can place them in a very steamy room like the bathroom to help to clear out their noses a few times a day. Dogs with kennel cough should be kept calm as barking and excitement can make their cough worse. They should also be kept away from other dogs until they are no longer coughing."
As in many areas, prevention goes a long way in ensuring your pet's health. “Cats and dogs should have yearly vaccinations, which will help prevent or lessen the symptoms of diseases like cat flu and kennel cough," James added.
"It is important to know that kennel cough can be caught wherever dogs congregate such as parks or at training classes - not just kennels!"
A Sicko Tied A Rock To This Dog & Threw Him On A Frozen River. Dog Is Rescued & Found A Good Home
Meet The New Rescues: Lulu, Luna, And Nana
Found This Absolute Unit Living Underneath A Pallet At Work
I've Applied To Adopt This Stray, One-Eyed Fiv Cat
Since Adopting This Sweet Boy 2 Weeks Ago, Our Lives Have Been Exponentially Better
He Finally Trusts Me Enough To Sleep In My Hands
My Foster's Adoption Profile Has Zero Views After A Week.... Why Does Nobody Want Her??
Brick Got Adopted!!!
Rescued From A Shelter Where He Was Scheduled For Euthanasia. Now He Is My Happy, Snuggly Best Friend. My Sweet Boy, Macaroni
This Is Juniper, A Super Happy Rescue Fox!
When I Adopted Her, I Made It My Aim To See This Smile As Often As Possible
Vet Told Us The Stray We Adopted Wasn’t Pregnant, So This Was Quite The Surprise Last Night!
Just Adopted These Bonded Babies Thursday… Crying
Chonky Cat Mister Weighs 30 Pounds And Available To Adopt From Michigan Humane
His Name Is Zorba, He Has Behavioral Issues Due To Abandonment And Bad Shelter Experience, I Adopted Him. He's Coming Home Today
One Of My Saddest Beginning Rescue Cases. This Senior Declawed Girl Was Living In A Hotel Storm Drain Starving. As Soon As I Got The Call, I Rushed There. She Had To Be Sedated And Shaved, As Seen In The Before Photo Due To Matting. She Was So Thin.
The Power Of Rescue! I Rescue Animals.this Is Pearl The Day I Got Her, And Her Today In Her Forever Home!
Just Rescued This Handsome Man. His Name Is Appa
His Adoption Fee Was Discounted Because He Only Has 3 Legs
Adopted 2 Pups From The Spca And Caught Them Holding Paws Comforting Each Other
My Bonus Mom Rescued A Pirate Pitty So Her Other Pitty Could Have A Friend. Meet Remy!
Just Adopted These Two Partners In Crime
Rescued This Handsome Yelly Void After He’d Been Coming To My Door For Two Weeks (Getting Him Checked For A Microchip At The Vet)
Lemon Before And After Adoption
My Husband Developed A Fever And Our Rescue Lab Mix Daisy, Won’t Leave His Side. She’s Even Been Sleeping With Her Head On His Head
Our pets are so comforting. They always seem to know when we need them close by.
Less Than 24 Hours After I Found Her Getting Into My Trash.. Brought This Pretty Girl To The Vet, And We're Adopting Her. Shadow Says Hello!
My GF Got Toby For $5 At A Rescue. Best $5 Ever Spent
My Wife And I Adopted These Two Goobers In 2020. Sienna (Back) And Miho.
After A Year Of Feeding, Spoiling And Small Cautious Head Pats, She Has Finally Adopted Me. Help Me Name This Sweet Thing
My Old Man Brody, Rescued Him After Being Returned 2 Times. He Must Have Been Waiting For Me Because He’s Been The Best Dog. We Have Been Threw A Lot Together, He’s My Rock And Loves Wearing Hats!
One Of The Two Cats We've Adopted, It Was Her First Time Outside
Sumi(Tabby) & Waka. Adopted Together And They Were Golden. We Sadly Lost Waka A Year Ago And This Was The Best Picture Of Them Together
Just Adopted My First Hippo. He Gets Compliments On How Good He Looks From Strangers On Every Walk
Adopted Little Miss Freya Last Weekend. 1.3 Lbs Of Love
Before And After 2 Years Of Being Rescued
My Wife Just Rescued This Baby Tonight. She’d Been Outside For A Few Days In Sub Zero Temps, Abandoned By Our Old Neighbors And We Weren’t Sure She’d Make It Another Night. Glad To Bring Her In And Warm Her Up!
The Day Before Adoption And 11 Months Later 1 More Month Until Gotcha Day
BF And I Adopted This Sweet Girl Last Week From A Coworker Who Had To Rehome Her! Meet Kali Our Wonderful 9 Month Old Chocolate Lab!
Rescued This Poor Fella From A Neglect Situation Last Night. Hoping I Can Bring Him Back To Good Health!
Adopt, don't shop. Don't buy poor animals out of a trunk at a parking lot. Animals deserve a good life too!!!
In the last year and a half, I have gotten two puppies from ok breeders and one rehome. Why....because NONE of the dozen or so rescues I contacted ever responded. You can't adopt if no one really wants to adopt out the dogs they have listed on their websites.
Load More Replies...One of my 2 idiots was having zoomies this morning and decided to be loving, rolling around on the floor wanting strokes, 5 times I stroked her and 5 times I got "attacked". 2 hours later I opened the door for a parcel and did the Purell thing. Turns out Purell in tiny needle bites and cuts really bloody stings. Btw, she's a 9yo rescue who thinks she's still a kitten, she's not quite alll there, is funny as hell and very loving, also spiteful and a malicious little cow if she doesn't get her own way
I adopted my cat Bootsy not long after he was born. I got to hold him when he was born not knowing that he would be my best friend.
The same thing happened with my kitty! I knew I'd be adopting one of the kittens, but got friendly with them all right from birth. Arrow was the one who chose me in the end.
Load More Replies...This post always make me smile. I’ve taken in two cats from my backyard (and they were *not* free lol), took my snek boy off people who couldn’t take care of him anymore, and got my first two kittens from the shelter. Hannah (one of the shelter kittens) Sammy (my neighbor’s neglected cat whose mine now) and Apollo (snek) are the only ones left, but I hope I gave Florio (Hannah’s brother) and Feen (other rescue) a good life
I adopted one of my cats when she was 6 weeks old, she was a tiny thing at the shelter yet so scared, she hated all the noise, the people, the activity and nobody could pick her up without a tiny ball of fluffy fury attacking you. For some reason I just couldn't leave her alone, I knew she was upset but I wanted to help. She let me pick her up with no fuss. I sat down with her and she curled into my lap, purred and went to sleep. I knew then that I wasn't leaving without her. She passed away last year and not a day goes by that I don't think of her, I miss her so much. All she wanted to do was cuddle and be with me.
@LynzCatastrophe: I saw an Upworthy post about an older cat, 5 or 6 years old, who was much like that. The rescue organization put up a hilarious description of her, basically saying that she was a great cat, she just needed to be in a single cat, non-dog home, and that she would be bossy as hell and not a big cuddler. Her name was Grinch, which fit her personality and her natural expression -- quite grumpy kitty. After being adopted, she completely changed. She turned into a total purr bucket the very first night, and mellowed out bigtime. The new cat mom gave a great description: once that kitty was in her forever home, her heart grew 3 times its normal size, like the orginal Grinch. As for cat mommy, her heart grew by a million. Sounds like you had that kind of connection. I'm sorry you lost that sweet floof.
Load More Replies...My best friend was a cat named bear. Bear was 14. Bear had been declawed front and back. Bear had 1 and a 1/2 ears. Bear had deadlocks covering his udders ( Bear had been quite hefty at one time but lost the weight). He had been confined to 1 room almost his whole life because he was living in a house with 7 pittbulls and it was too difficult for him to be let put. Bear was a grumpy old man when he came into my life once his owner moved away without him. He was a great friend, alarm clock, companion, inspiration and kitty during the final 4 years of his life. All of my animals since then have been ones who were left behind, feral, neglected, or were in a desperate situation when their human passed. I am blessed to be a part of each of their lives.
These posts just reinforce my decision to dedicate a lot of my life to shelters and helping animals, animals need help, sadly, there will be no end to it.
I avoided looking at this post for a while because I thought it would upset me. Then I decided it must all be happy things, so I looked. Now I'm so miserable and angry because humans keep hurting and neglecting and abandoning animals without consequence. I want these people to experience for themselves what they have put those poor animals through. Thank you to everyone who adopts or rescues any animal. You restore my faith in humanity.
Thank you all people, #AdoptDontShop, my 2 senior tomcat Gizzy and Thori´re also "second hand kitties", Gizzy was 6 1/2 when I adopted him in late October 2010, Thori was almost 6 when I adopted him in late May 2013 (you may calculate yourself how old they are now).
Gizzy´s the exploded pillow in front of the photo, Thori´s the tuxedo-tabby guy in the sunlight. 17523712_1...1d21b6.jpg
One day, we found a beautiful c**n hound roaming around just beyond our fence. We got her inside and she had no tags or chips. We kept her for a week and a half and called her Lucy (our other puppy is named Linus so it seemed fitting). We thought we were going to keep her bc usually if you wanted to find your dog, you would have found them after almost 2 wks. We got an email from her owners asking for her back. Her real name is Mabel. Turns out that if it wasn't for their middle child, they would have let us keep the dog. That are moving to an apartment and if they decide it isn't a good environment for her, they will contact us. I miss her everyday and would love to have her back. 🤞
Re: companion birds 🦜if I may split the difference between the two opinions - already given in earlier comments, and toss my own two cents into the pot 🪙🪙💬? - do your research before taking in any species of avian. Lots of it! Some types live in small family groups in the wild, others in massive flocks. Remember that when taking in one, two, or many many many. Don’t buy, don’t breed. Adopt. Please love birds in their natural forms, do not encourage designer bird hybridization.
I've had cats all my life and can give them a good home. But ,my last cat died almost 2yrs ago and my father who now lives with me won't have one in the house. He likes them but not to live with. He complained about her food smelling (it didn't, she had many bowls which were changed regularly and he hated having to close his bed
Is it YOUR house? If so, it’s YOUR decision, not his. Make that crystal clear to him. If he likes cats, I don’t see why he can’t live with one. Unless he has a condition that an animal would make worse, like an allergy, then adopt another cat. If he decides to be an a*****e and be cruel to it, then you have every right to tell him he can find another place to live. I know it sounds heartless, but hear me out. Parents who go to live in their children’s homes need to understand it’s not their house so they’re no longer in charge, and can’t dictate terms. Time to take a step back and let their grown children be in charge. If they were good parents, they have nothing to worry about.
Load More Replies...Adopt, don't shop. Don't buy poor animals out of a trunk at a parking lot. Animals deserve a good life too!!!
In the last year and a half, I have gotten two puppies from ok breeders and one rehome. Why....because NONE of the dozen or so rescues I contacted ever responded. You can't adopt if no one really wants to adopt out the dogs they have listed on their websites.
Load More Replies...One of my 2 idiots was having zoomies this morning and decided to be loving, rolling around on the floor wanting strokes, 5 times I stroked her and 5 times I got "attacked". 2 hours later I opened the door for a parcel and did the Purell thing. Turns out Purell in tiny needle bites and cuts really bloody stings. Btw, she's a 9yo rescue who thinks she's still a kitten, she's not quite alll there, is funny as hell and very loving, also spiteful and a malicious little cow if she doesn't get her own way
I adopted my cat Bootsy not long after he was born. I got to hold him when he was born not knowing that he would be my best friend.
The same thing happened with my kitty! I knew I'd be adopting one of the kittens, but got friendly with them all right from birth. Arrow was the one who chose me in the end.
Load More Replies...This post always make me smile. I’ve taken in two cats from my backyard (and they were *not* free lol), took my snek boy off people who couldn’t take care of him anymore, and got my first two kittens from the shelter. Hannah (one of the shelter kittens) Sammy (my neighbor’s neglected cat whose mine now) and Apollo (snek) are the only ones left, but I hope I gave Florio (Hannah’s brother) and Feen (other rescue) a good life
I adopted one of my cats when she was 6 weeks old, she was a tiny thing at the shelter yet so scared, she hated all the noise, the people, the activity and nobody could pick her up without a tiny ball of fluffy fury attacking you. For some reason I just couldn't leave her alone, I knew she was upset but I wanted to help. She let me pick her up with no fuss. I sat down with her and she curled into my lap, purred and went to sleep. I knew then that I wasn't leaving without her. She passed away last year and not a day goes by that I don't think of her, I miss her so much. All she wanted to do was cuddle and be with me.
@LynzCatastrophe: I saw an Upworthy post about an older cat, 5 or 6 years old, who was much like that. The rescue organization put up a hilarious description of her, basically saying that she was a great cat, she just needed to be in a single cat, non-dog home, and that she would be bossy as hell and not a big cuddler. Her name was Grinch, which fit her personality and her natural expression -- quite grumpy kitty. After being adopted, she completely changed. She turned into a total purr bucket the very first night, and mellowed out bigtime. The new cat mom gave a great description: once that kitty was in her forever home, her heart grew 3 times its normal size, like the orginal Grinch. As for cat mommy, her heart grew by a million. Sounds like you had that kind of connection. I'm sorry you lost that sweet floof.
Load More Replies...My best friend was a cat named bear. Bear was 14. Bear had been declawed front and back. Bear had 1 and a 1/2 ears. Bear had deadlocks covering his udders ( Bear had been quite hefty at one time but lost the weight). He had been confined to 1 room almost his whole life because he was living in a house with 7 pittbulls and it was too difficult for him to be let put. Bear was a grumpy old man when he came into my life once his owner moved away without him. He was a great friend, alarm clock, companion, inspiration and kitty during the final 4 years of his life. All of my animals since then have been ones who were left behind, feral, neglected, or were in a desperate situation when their human passed. I am blessed to be a part of each of their lives.
These posts just reinforce my decision to dedicate a lot of my life to shelters and helping animals, animals need help, sadly, there will be no end to it.
I avoided looking at this post for a while because I thought it would upset me. Then I decided it must all be happy things, so I looked. Now I'm so miserable and angry because humans keep hurting and neglecting and abandoning animals without consequence. I want these people to experience for themselves what they have put those poor animals through. Thank you to everyone who adopts or rescues any animal. You restore my faith in humanity.
Thank you all people, #AdoptDontShop, my 2 senior tomcat Gizzy and Thori´re also "second hand kitties", Gizzy was 6 1/2 when I adopted him in late October 2010, Thori was almost 6 when I adopted him in late May 2013 (you may calculate yourself how old they are now).
Gizzy´s the exploded pillow in front of the photo, Thori´s the tuxedo-tabby guy in the sunlight. 17523712_1...1d21b6.jpg
One day, we found a beautiful c**n hound roaming around just beyond our fence. We got her inside and she had no tags or chips. We kept her for a week and a half and called her Lucy (our other puppy is named Linus so it seemed fitting). We thought we were going to keep her bc usually if you wanted to find your dog, you would have found them after almost 2 wks. We got an email from her owners asking for her back. Her real name is Mabel. Turns out that if it wasn't for their middle child, they would have let us keep the dog. That are moving to an apartment and if they decide it isn't a good environment for her, they will contact us. I miss her everyday and would love to have her back. 🤞
Re: companion birds 🦜if I may split the difference between the two opinions - already given in earlier comments, and toss my own two cents into the pot 🪙🪙💬? - do your research before taking in any species of avian. Lots of it! Some types live in small family groups in the wild, others in massive flocks. Remember that when taking in one, two, or many many many. Don’t buy, don’t breed. Adopt. Please love birds in their natural forms, do not encourage designer bird hybridization.
I've had cats all my life and can give them a good home. But ,my last cat died almost 2yrs ago and my father who now lives with me won't have one in the house. He likes them but not to live with. He complained about her food smelling (it didn't, she had many bowls which were changed regularly and he hated having to close his bed
Is it YOUR house? If so, it’s YOUR decision, not his. Make that crystal clear to him. If he likes cats, I don’t see why he can’t live with one. Unless he has a condition that an animal would make worse, like an allergy, then adopt another cat. If he decides to be an a*****e and be cruel to it, then you have every right to tell him he can find another place to live. I know it sounds heartless, but hear me out. Parents who go to live in their children’s homes need to understand it’s not their house so they’re no longer in charge, and can’t dictate terms. Time to take a step back and let their grown children be in charge. If they were good parents, they have nothing to worry about.
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