People Are Getting Convinced They Might Have ADHD After Seeing This Illustration About 6 ADHD Moods
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children, and it affects many adults too. However, society knows very little about what it actually means to live with this condition and how to care for the people who have it.
Moreover, Len Adler, M.D., one of the leading researchers in adult ADHD and a professor of psychiatry at New York University, believes that at least 75 percent of adults who have ADHD do not know that they have it. Adults with undiagnosed ADHD get fired from their jobs more frequently, or they impulsively quit, or they underachieve, slowly losing self-esteem, confidence, drive, and joy in life, resigning themselves to a life with less happiness than it could have been if they were diagnosed and treated.
So, to raise awareness of ADHD, a 26-year-old artist from the UK, who has been diagnosed with it, has created a comic series, titled ADHD Couple, where she shares both medical information and her own personal experiences.
Recently, one of her strips has been going viral all over the Internet, and people have been thanking her for opening their eyes to what’s happening to them.
Image credits: adhd_couple
“I’ve got diagnosed with ADHD last year, and honestly, the diagnosis was life-changing,” Ingri told Bored Panda. “It helped me to accept myself, knowing why my brain works a certain way, has helped me to look at my struggles with more compassion. Also, getting the right treatment, helped with many uncomfortable ADHD symptoms, and made life more manageable.”
The artist said that living with undiagnosed ADHD is very hard. “I’ve constantly felt out of place, like there was something wrong and I’m somehow different from everyone else. I constantly felt overwhelmed and emotionally drained. For many people, undiagnosed ADHD can bring comorbidities like anxiety and depression, therefore it is especially important to get the right treatment as soon as possible. Also finding the community of people going through the same things really really helps! It made me feel less alone.”
Image credits: adhd_couple
Image credits: adhd_couple
Image credits: adhd_couple
Ingri thinks that one of the biggest misconceptions the public has about ADHD is that only children have it. “The truth is that most people with ADHD continue to have symptoms as adults too. However, many adults are shamed and not taken seriously for the symptoms they experience. I know for myself, it was quite hard to accept the fact that I have ADHD because all I knew about this condition were the misconceptions and stigma surrounding it. I didn’t fit the ‘hyperactive boy’ image, therefore it was hard to understand this diagnosis for myself, as well as explain it to others.”
Another big myth is that everyone with ADHD is visibly hyperactive. The artist said there are three types of ADHD, and one of them is ‘the inattentive type’ (which she also happens to have)—it doesn’t have an impact on activity levels. “Many girls and women tend to have this type of ADHD, therefore they are usually diagnosed later in life, as the ones who get noticed first are hyperactive boys.”
Image credits: adhd_couple
Image credits: adhd_couple
Image credits: adhd_couple
Ingri has based the characters we see in this and other ADHD Couple comics on herself and her boyfriend Jay. “I’ve started this Instagram account with the comics from our daily life portraying the struggles that ADHD brings into our relationship with a bit of humor (like our kitchen being constantly messy, or me waking him up every night because I can’t sleep, or us constantly forgetting things and ruining our date nights).”
“If anyone who reads this article recognizes these symptoms in themselves… you’re not alone!” Ingri added. “There’s a whole community of us going through similar things, we understand and support each other! Connecting with others and learning as much as you can about ADHD is key.”
If you want to learn more about ADHD, fire up this article by the American Psychiatric Association.
People think the comic is super accurate
Share on FacebookThis is a partial list, there are many more symptoms, such as hyper awareness of small sounds, getting distracted by things everyone else isn't see or hear. Soft repetitive sounds. In high school, 1970's, I knew something was wrong. I would get everything ready to start my homework, then was unable to do the work. Try harder wasn't the answer, it quickly into headaches and physical ailments preventing me from accomplishing anything. At times I cant read because I can't remember the sentence before, which made things like homework more difficult. There was no way other people had so much trouble. This is minor, full blown ADHD is much worse. Adderal calms me, gives me patience, the ability to focus and I don't get angry easily. It isn't an upper.
i have really awful a.d.d. and that is totally correct. especially with small sounds. all of what you've just described is exactly what i am going through right now. my mother won't let me get meds for it though
Load More Replies...Not allowing you to have treatment (is it all treatment or 'just' meds?) is neglect. I hope you dant have too long until you can make those decisions for yourself. Just remember when it gets really hard that you won't have to listen to her forever.
What you say resonates so true with me too. But I've been tested and only show 'traits'. I'm convinced I have add because of all the issues I face that holds me back as I watch other people get on with things so easily. What you say about reading really hits the nail on the head. Sometimes I have to read a sentence 10 or more times because my brain just fails to process it. And it wont be a challenging sentence either, it could be anything. It frustrates me, especially when I'm reading something with other people and they'll start talking about what they just read and I'm not even part way through yet. Then I get distracted and far too frustrated to even finish. School was a major challenge, I hardly ever completed homework on time because I found it so difficult to focus, and absolutely impossible if I didn't understand the task
same i really just get good grades because I'm smart but when I run into something i cant to its a 50-50 chance on whether I im or ex plode
I never knew that my hyper awareness for sounds was due to my ADHD..
Adderall IS a stimulant but if you truly have ADHD, it doesn't act as an "upper" for you. If you do not have ADHD, it will get you high if enough is taken. I SERIOUSLY recommend against it though.
Yes, there's definitely a lot more to it than just those six things but if someone strongly recognises them it's definitely reason to look into it. That physical inability to do homework killed me (and my MA thesis, may it rest in peace). My dad telling me 'you've got to make motivation, you don' t just get it for free' made me feel like the laziest, stupidest person ever. There are some things that just do not stick in my mind, no matter how often I look them up, or have it explained to me, it just will not make sense. Specific noises make me aggressive and if music is too loud it makes me feel sick and panicky. I get lost in my own head all the time and I can spe d all day battling myself to get up and do the thing. I think one of the worst things for me is how quickly I get bored of things once I know how to do it. And I mean 'this is bordering on torture I do not want to do this, it is causing me pain' level bored, which is mighty inconvenient when you don't want to be homeless.
There is more to ADHD than what is depicted and it also varies in severeness. Yes everyone has these traits but they are usually mild and don’t significantly effect your daily life. ADHD often negatively effects the person day in and day out and can significantly effect your education, employment, relationships, and have high risk of mental health issues. etc.
I just want to give you an example of how ADHD can affect someone whilst reading a book. My almost 7yo son takes approx 30 mins to read a 5 page book with 3 words on each page. 15 words in total, that is like one word every 2 minutes. Do you know why? Well, for a few reasons. He cannot sit still and I mean literally. He will swing his legs, sit down stand up, rock back and forth, flick his hands, stand up and jump etc. We have tried everything we and the OT can think of including some therapy equipment, without success. He is also easily distracted. He would be half way through a word and then suddenly ask a completely random question, or sees something more interesting and focuses on that, or all of a sudden start chatting about something completely irrelevant. And he is extremely forgetful so if there is a sentence that says "sit, Sam, sit" he would say the first word but forget it by the last word which is the exact same word. I hope that makes sense. I know he can't help it but it can sure test ones patience. And I will admit I have lost my s**t on more than one occasion. Not my finest moments and I have no excuses. But I am trying my best, I am human and I am not perfect.
i have been diagnosed with adhd. i cant read this! its too long and i got distracted...
Load More Replies...Samee! It's not so much the fact that I would get distracted with external stimuli, its mainly the fact that I would read the same sentence over and over again, but the words would not sink into my brain. I would be sort of lost in thought while reading, and then when I finally snap out of my thoughts, i would be like "Wait what did I just read??" and have to re-read everything lol
My daughter was like this. We tried her on Adderall, and wow... just wow. She went from being recommended to fail a primary grade to dean's list in college now. She takes it when she has schoolwork - not during the summer or vacations. I know not everyone is going to agree with medication, but she changed froma stressed, school-anxious child to one who started to enjoy learning.
My daughter has just started trying Vyvanse and so far we aren’t seeing any changes but she hasn’t been at school whilst on them, so we don’t know how it will effect her schooling. She starts back at school next Wednesday, so only time will tell. Our son isn’t on anything coz we need a formal diagnosis which they won’t do until the child is around 7 years old. So he is getting his formal assessment this year as well as being assessed for dyslexia.
Raising a ADHD kid can be challenging (I know, I was one) and I'm sure you're doing a great job.
Oh poor kiddo. I was similar to this when I was little (but diagnosed as ADHD-I a few months ago at 29). It would take me half an hour to eat a single slice of bread because I'd keep forgetting about it, and I'd get lost in my head three letters into reading, which I found very hard to learn because the whole letter/sound correlation made no sense to me. I have no idea how hard it is to raise a little adhd human (or any human for that matter) but I do know how it felt being the little adhd human being raised and boy do I feel for my parents.
Amelija Janavičius, is a troll with a stolen pic. This type of deranged person takes glee in aggressive comments and stirring abuse from others. Please can we let this poor poor person know that they are loved because they are most likely missing this in their real off line life, hence the need of attention through miss behaviour. So to whoever you may be know we are here for you.
I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until my 50's. Going through life being accused of being scatter-brained, a chronic procrastinator, and a hyper-focused zombie made me question what was wrong with me. It's not that these symptoms are something every person has at some time or another, it's that some of us have them ALL THE TIME, and it cripples us. I have had issues with being unable to clean my house because I would start to do a task, then become overwhelmed because I couldn't find the right sponge. I literally made a bigger mess looking for a sponge I thought I had, and spent three hours pulling my cupboards, garage and bathroom apart looking for it. I've lost thousands of hours of living because of this disorder. Medication helps though. Things are getting better.
The sad reality is for those of us who have Adult ADHD is that our behaviors are often blamed on moral failures. OBTY medication is of limited help.
Yep. I've lost friends who got so frustrated with me for not 'living up to my potential' they couldn't be around me anymore. I've been accused so many times of not caring when I care so much, probably more than most, and it just feels like a wholesale rejection of me as a person. I've been called lazy, unmotivated, unambitious and been told more than I can count that 'if I really wanted it I would've put the effort in'. I have such low self-esteem after 29 years of this.
There are many common traits and symptoms that can be linked to other mental disorders and are not just specific to ADHD. However, due to this, many people get misdiagnosed. For example, people with ADHD often gets mistaken for having depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, if ADHD goes undiagnosed for so long it often lead to depression or anxiety. Sadly, ADHD in girls and women also often got overlooked due to the stigma of ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity. There is a lack of research and complete misunderstanding how ADHD effects girls due to the fact that when ADHD first became a disorder it was believed to only effect boys. Luckily today awareness is growing and much more symptoms are now linked to ADHD. Still, many children fly under the radar and due to the utter crippling effect ADHD could have on a person's daily life, it leads to adults cracking or ending in complete adrenal failure. If you relate to these symptoms, even as an adult, and have done some more research, please go get a professional opinion and help. Last year at 29 I saw a similar comic of ADHD. After reading more articles and crying for a full week (partly due to relief but mostly anger), I went to see a professional. Turns out I'm not dumb, lazy or a failure. Medication does not take it all away and magically make you be better, but it makes it easier to handle. And from there you can get so many tips and tricks on how to manage your daily ADHD life.
Hear hear, I am getting myself assessed this year. After my daughters diagnosis I learnt about it and the more I learnt the more I realised it described me and certainly explains a LOT.
Load More Replies...Similarly, BiPolar disorders experience these as well, many while in a hypo-/manic state, some while in depression. For example, the "did nothing until I Did the Thing day" would result in my being severely depressed and anxious about it for the next several days
I don’t get anxious, I just get angry at myself for not doing it. But then I do it again the next day. Ends up being a vicious circle.
Load More Replies...It is also important to stress the neuroaffective aspects of it. Like rejection sensitivity dysphoria, mental rumination, eagerness to please, internal unrest, etc.
People that suggest "This happens to everyone" are interpreting the comic differently than I am. They seem to think that the comics are exaggerated experiences to make a point... but they are not. When #1 says "hyper-focused for 15 hours", it literally means that. So someone were to say "oh, I was hyper-focused for 1/2 an hour, it was crazy"... then no, you aren't quite getting the severity of ADHD. Or lets say #6 - zoning out. That happens to me EVERY MEETING, for at least half of the meeting, even if it is material that I should be paying attention to. Saying "oh yeah, I zone out when they talk about stuff that doesn't impact me" isn't the same. Or #2... that one seriously impacts my life. I don't allow myself to enjoy life until my chores are done... but there are days where I just can't motivate myself, so the entire day is a complete waste, I didn't get the chore done, AND I didn't enjoy myself, it isn't even a "chill out" day of nothing, it is a day of feeling useless.
I am pretty sure everyone has these traits, just for ADHD they’re notched up a bunch of notches. My sister has ADHD and only has the boxes 3 and 6. While I don’t have ADHD and I have all of them except number two but it never effects my life too much and on the rare occasion it does it’s never by much. Meanwhile my sister is having a hard time keeping her grades up above a D because she’s getting constantly distracted and as I said, it’s upped a bunch because she has ADHD.
That's the crux of it: it has to negatively affect your life and your ability to function.
There's more to ADHD than depicted in this list. It's pretty informative, I can relate to 5/6 of these illustrations. But the artist kinda depicted it like each person with ADHD/ADD fits into one of these categories like its Harry Potter House. When in reality, it's like a random generator. Some days I will wake up and be very drowsy and have no motivation to do anything, and others I wake up and want to find out all about Armenia (cuz I really like geography and world history). People make out ADHD/ADD like a disorder where we're all puppies that can't focus on one thing for too long so we stare into space. Yes, there is a lot of zoning out, but ADHD/ADD has a greater effect on people's mental health than most people think. It's more random on how we will behave. Right now, I'm feeling hyper-focused, but tomorrow I might feel depressed and out-of-it. No hate to the artist. The artist seems to have made it seem so simple and so people could comprehend.
People without ADHD may often experience one or more of the illustrated moods. That is normal human behaviour. Most people with ADHD experience all those moods at different times, sometimes all in the same day, to an extreme point, which has a serious effect on/detriment to daily life. There are also many other more complex symptoms too, sensory/auditory sensitivity/processing issues, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, paradoxical hyperfocus, & lots more. Please be cautious regarding self-diagnosis. Not only can it harm you, but also make it more difficult for those with formal diagnoses to be taken seriously in society.
They forgot the intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, it's just a snippet of a song running through my head...one line over and over again. Other times, it's a series of self-critical thoughts that are exaggerated. It's awful, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep.
Quick side track; I was diagnosed ADHD as a kid, and it was not. It was bipolar. These two conditions are very similar but for different reasons. E.g. being unfocused or restless because you're manic, procrastinating or zoning out while depressive, trying to do ALL the things and having poor impulse control while manic... I'm not minimizing ADHD, but if ADHD doesn't seem to quite fit your symptoms, consider that it might be the milder form of bipolar (bipolar 2). Bipolar is often misdiagnosed among kids because it's very similar to ADHD. Regardless which one, being medicated will be a godsend.
I don’t have adhd (that I know of) but literally all of these describes me. The only thing I’m ever constant in is playing football 😅
I’m 15yr old and I have ADHD and Dyslexia…And Adhd has ruin my life so much…Like my mom thinks that I’m not trying in school and she also thinks that because I don’t take my adhd pills…And I’m 15yr old and my adhd pills brought down my weight to 93 pounds because I was not eating and taken my adhd pills also kept me form sleeping…And on top of dat my reading teacher even said that I would be smart in reading if I would try..And I do be trying and it’s annoying that people think that I do not try. But if I’m begin honest I’m not smart at anything🤷🏾♀️
I’m 15yr old and I’ve been diagnosed with adhd and Dyslexia when I was 5 or 4 I think..But in my opinion I hate having adhd because adhd gets me in trouble a lot and I could never stay focus in class which brings down my grades… My Mom thinks its just me not trying and that I also don’t be taken my adhd medication.. But that’s not case I do be trying in class and if I take my medication it will keep me form eating and sleeping…And on top of dat my READING teacher even said That i would be smart in reading class if I wold try..And in my opinion again im not really smart at anything in real life tbh..
Just remember that relating with ADHD stuff online doesn't mean you have it. There's a difference between regular human distraction and laziness and this mental disorder. Having it myself, I have learned all of the aspects of ADHD and what it truly is. Some people see a relatable post that is all "yee ADHDer here I was going to clean my room and ended up staring at the ceiling for 30 minutes." That obviously happens, but just because you relate to that doesn't mean you have it. Consider the fact that you could just be lazy. People with ADHD truly want to do so much, but there are mental blocks and imbalances that get in the way.
lol just bc they have six symptoms here, these ppl think they all have it? EYE ROLL. The real stuff has so much more unfortunate issues.
As a 55 yr old woman, I can't get a dr to test me for ADHD at all, despite showing & being dismayed by several symptoms. Without the test, there's no treatment. Ugh.
Neurodiversity like all diversity is a good thing that should be accepted. There are probably a dozen genes that impact focus etc. ADHD-associated traits have become more problematic due to the nature of work and school (not to mention environmental distractions.) Aside from the most severe presentations (which often has comorbidity with other more severe conditions) I think we do ourselves a huge disservice in making a medical condition. There is also difference between ADHD and ADD (no hyperactivity) and ADD (general distractability) is much more open to interpretation. If you are suffering or do better at school, by all means go get your Adderall, but note that distractibility is often associated with anxiety (and adderall can make this worse). Remember that hyperfocus (aside from those with primarily multitasking roles like adminstrators and managers) is a huge advantage for creatives, computer programmers, and others with work that require extended periods of deep thinking.
well, now i know that i don't have ADHD. i don't have those symptoms. at all.
I dunno adhd sounds a lot like normal life. If everyone has it... Is it really a thing?
Whilst yes, everybody does have those traits. People with ADHD have some or all of those traits in extremes and negatively effect daily life. Education, employment and relationships is often very difficult for many people with ADHD. If you read some of the other comments you might get a better understanding.
It's a spectrum disorder. Unfortunately , I wasn't diagnosed until my son was in grade school. ADHD is hell on relationships.
This is a dangerous thread. You CAN'T diagnose ADHD by behavior alone. See a professional before blindly medicating your children because they don't listen.
I relate to this so much. I have ADHD and I hate it. It is so much more then being hyper and constantly distracted. It makes so many things difficult. Somebody else said this in the comments and the same thing happens to me where I read a book and I cannot even remember the sentence before. I used to be on meds for it and I am going to get back on them because they helped so much.
I believe we are not designed for sitting still for hours on end. We are apes after all. We are designed to be alert for danger, to find food, shelter, eat, sleep and reproduce. The school system is designed to equip us with the knowledge and skills to get a job, work and make money. People diagnosed with ‘disorders’ such as adhd are normal in my view. It is our capitalist society with all its wants and needs which is not normal and makes us anxious, depressed and sick. We are totally out of sync with nature and have so much to learn from traditional cultures so we can find a balance between our creativity, our needs and the needs of the planet.
As a person with ADHD i really understand these i am sad or hungry all the time i am depressed i have a short attention span and i really just zone out a lot
People without ADHD may often experience one or more of the illustrated moods. That is normal human behaviour. Most people with ADHD experience all those moods at different times, sometimes all in the same day, to an extreme point, which has a serious effect on/detriment to daily life. There are also many other more complex symptoms too, sensory/auditory sensitivity/processing issues, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, paradoxical hyperfocus, & lots more. Please be cautious regarding self-diagnosis. Not only can it harm you, but also make it more difficult for those with formal diagnoses to be taken seriously in society.
Because its true. But its kinda saying, your a lazy person who doesn’t do what your supposed just because you have a daNo diognosis that really doesn’t change anything.
Ok, this is either every human on the planet, or I have ADHD. Don’t people go through this on a daily basis?
Everyone does have these traits but they don’t significantly negatively effect day to day life. Education, finding work, maintaining relationships is often quite difficult for people with ADHD. Some of the most common traits of ADHD is Easily distracted and I mean EASILY. They struggle with eye contact, they have a lot of emotional outbursts, getting told off a lot and getting in trouble at school, they struggle with impulse control, they often can’t sit still whether it is shaking their leg, wiggling their bottoms, twiddling their thumbs, always chewing or fiddling with something etc, struggles to wait their turn and just blurts our what they want to say even if someone hasn’t finished talking, they have a high risk of mental health issues, they are at a higher risk of doing risk taking behaviours including drugs because of their lack of impulse and at a higher risk of being bullied. Now not everyone with ADHD has all these symptoms they may have some that negatively impact their lives. My hubby and daughter have all of these symptoms and looks like my son does too. Getting assessed in May.
I relate to the first one a lot. I get so focused on one small task, one new hobby, a project!
My sister has ADHD, but I'm nothing like her. I have a few of these symptoms, and I am easily distracted, but like... I can listen to blaring music and read a book just fine. And I can fall asleep with hard metal music playing as well (I've done it multiple times in the past) so... I guess I'm just a somewhat easily distracted person :>
Asks the professional troll. Anyone with a doubt can look at your vile comment history.
I don't think so Becky....disagreeing on a subject doesn't make someone a troll....
For me, it’s awful that I hide when I’m feeling my worse and only show people the side of me that they’re used to. I feel a lot of shame asking for help when we’re going through a pandemic, everybody has a lot on their plate already. You’re not there for her, you’re not helping her, so the least you can do is let her feel safe sharing her feelings/thoughts with us. That’s a generalization, I understand but I don’t want to write an essay right now.
Hold up. This is an online and mostly anonymous community. A lot of us have to put our social lives on hold, and we turn to the internet to substitute our normal human interactions. There are a lot of people who don’t share, seek help, or talk to the people in their lives. Which is sad but that’s another story.
All of these ticked for me. But I’ve never gotten myself checked. Could I have ADHD?
Do these behaviours effect you day to day life negatively. If so, then yes. But everyone does have these traits but they don’t often have a huge impact on our daily lives. There are some online tests you can take. It is not a formal diagnosis but it can give you a bit of an idea.
Perfectly explained. These drawing are so simple that they make normal traits seem like they're only found in ADHD/ADD sufferers. Everyone gets spacey or has bouts of being hyper-focused. But most "neuro-typicals" aren't negatively affected by these things as badly as others.
I am a teacher for 15 years, I have 4 kids myself and I very much hope, that adhd come out as one of great failiours especially in treatment. I saw so many kids become totally incapeable of any social life after the were put on medication. Our society has a way to handle all parts of social live that is a burden to loads of people. The miscredity of work with humans in general and the understatement of the need of social skills is one of great tasks of our future.
My daughter is 8 and was diagnosed with adhd at age 5 because it was affecting her life and ability to learn very negatively. We put her on medication and I do not regret it for a second. Before she had medication she was in trouble constantly and had a really hard time making friends because she couldn't control her impulses. She also had a hard time learning because of a lack of focus. After going on medication she has flourished academically and socially. As a teacher, I would recommend you educate yourself more on what adhd is for your students sake because if you think treating adhd with medication is a failure, you clearly don't know what adhd is.
Load More Replies...Me and my brother BOTH have ADHD. He was diagnosed earlier in life than I was though. I watched some kind of PSA or Documentary about medication and it showed how poorly it affected their life and how they became like a zombie. I was scared that my brother was gonna become some kind of ADHD zombie and not talk to anyone. But, the medication we both use is a LIFE SAVER. I wish I was put on it sooner because now my grades are at all A's. He didn't become a zombie, and I hate how people demonize treatment like medication when it helped me use all my hyper-activity to be a rockstar at school.
Barbz if you don't mind me asking, which one is working for you?
You know, I have to say I actually WISH we tried medication sooner for our daughter. Maybe she would be having a better school experience. It has been hell for her. My hubby is anti ADHD meds coz of his experience (he too has ADHD). But every reacts differently. It's not a one size fits all. Anyway got to the point where the OT and school said "we don't know what else to do to help". She is at an age where she has a say and she is fed up with everything and is desperate. So she is trying her second type and we aren't really seeing any changes BUT she started just before the Christmas school holidays (6week holiday), so we haven't had to opportunity to see if there are any changes there. The first one she tried gave her suicidal thoughts and have her chemical burns on the back of her throat (still scarred), so we took her off that one.
My daughter is 15 and has only just started meds after trying various therapies for the past 8 years without success. She struggles severely almost daily and socially is where she struggles the most.
Just because they say it doesn't exist doesn't make it so. There is proof of exists, live it daily with my family. And just because you don't believe it exists, doesnt mean it is not real. My kids ADHD is never used as an excuse for their behaviour and their behaviour is not through lack of discipline, especially when a lot of ADHD behaviours is not "naughty" behaviours like distractibility, lack of focus, poor impulse control, always on the move etc. Educate yourself.
Load More Replies...Thenatural, the fact is I and millions of other people have proof and experience that ADHD exists. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/02/170216105919.htm
I can guarantee you it does. It effects my family every day.
Load More Replies...You have obviously never seen someone deal with the struggles that come with it daily? Especially a loved one.
This is a partial list, there are many more symptoms, such as hyper awareness of small sounds, getting distracted by things everyone else isn't see or hear. Soft repetitive sounds. In high school, 1970's, I knew something was wrong. I would get everything ready to start my homework, then was unable to do the work. Try harder wasn't the answer, it quickly into headaches and physical ailments preventing me from accomplishing anything. At times I cant read because I can't remember the sentence before, which made things like homework more difficult. There was no way other people had so much trouble. This is minor, full blown ADHD is much worse. Adderal calms me, gives me patience, the ability to focus and I don't get angry easily. It isn't an upper.
i have really awful a.d.d. and that is totally correct. especially with small sounds. all of what you've just described is exactly what i am going through right now. my mother won't let me get meds for it though
Load More Replies...Not allowing you to have treatment (is it all treatment or 'just' meds?) is neglect. I hope you dant have too long until you can make those decisions for yourself. Just remember when it gets really hard that you won't have to listen to her forever.
What you say resonates so true with me too. But I've been tested and only show 'traits'. I'm convinced I have add because of all the issues I face that holds me back as I watch other people get on with things so easily. What you say about reading really hits the nail on the head. Sometimes I have to read a sentence 10 or more times because my brain just fails to process it. And it wont be a challenging sentence either, it could be anything. It frustrates me, especially when I'm reading something with other people and they'll start talking about what they just read and I'm not even part way through yet. Then I get distracted and far too frustrated to even finish. School was a major challenge, I hardly ever completed homework on time because I found it so difficult to focus, and absolutely impossible if I didn't understand the task
same i really just get good grades because I'm smart but when I run into something i cant to its a 50-50 chance on whether I im or ex plode
I never knew that my hyper awareness for sounds was due to my ADHD..
Adderall IS a stimulant but if you truly have ADHD, it doesn't act as an "upper" for you. If you do not have ADHD, it will get you high if enough is taken. I SERIOUSLY recommend against it though.
Yes, there's definitely a lot more to it than just those six things but if someone strongly recognises them it's definitely reason to look into it. That physical inability to do homework killed me (and my MA thesis, may it rest in peace). My dad telling me 'you've got to make motivation, you don' t just get it for free' made me feel like the laziest, stupidest person ever. There are some things that just do not stick in my mind, no matter how often I look them up, or have it explained to me, it just will not make sense. Specific noises make me aggressive and if music is too loud it makes me feel sick and panicky. I get lost in my own head all the time and I can spe d all day battling myself to get up and do the thing. I think one of the worst things for me is how quickly I get bored of things once I know how to do it. And I mean 'this is bordering on torture I do not want to do this, it is causing me pain' level bored, which is mighty inconvenient when you don't want to be homeless.
There is more to ADHD than what is depicted and it also varies in severeness. Yes everyone has these traits but they are usually mild and don’t significantly effect your daily life. ADHD often negatively effects the person day in and day out and can significantly effect your education, employment, relationships, and have high risk of mental health issues. etc.
I just want to give you an example of how ADHD can affect someone whilst reading a book. My almost 7yo son takes approx 30 mins to read a 5 page book with 3 words on each page. 15 words in total, that is like one word every 2 minutes. Do you know why? Well, for a few reasons. He cannot sit still and I mean literally. He will swing his legs, sit down stand up, rock back and forth, flick his hands, stand up and jump etc. We have tried everything we and the OT can think of including some therapy equipment, without success. He is also easily distracted. He would be half way through a word and then suddenly ask a completely random question, or sees something more interesting and focuses on that, or all of a sudden start chatting about something completely irrelevant. And he is extremely forgetful so if there is a sentence that says "sit, Sam, sit" he would say the first word but forget it by the last word which is the exact same word. I hope that makes sense. I know he can't help it but it can sure test ones patience. And I will admit I have lost my s**t on more than one occasion. Not my finest moments and I have no excuses. But I am trying my best, I am human and I am not perfect.
i have been diagnosed with adhd. i cant read this! its too long and i got distracted...
Load More Replies...Samee! It's not so much the fact that I would get distracted with external stimuli, its mainly the fact that I would read the same sentence over and over again, but the words would not sink into my brain. I would be sort of lost in thought while reading, and then when I finally snap out of my thoughts, i would be like "Wait what did I just read??" and have to re-read everything lol
My daughter was like this. We tried her on Adderall, and wow... just wow. She went from being recommended to fail a primary grade to dean's list in college now. She takes it when she has schoolwork - not during the summer or vacations. I know not everyone is going to agree with medication, but she changed froma stressed, school-anxious child to one who started to enjoy learning.
My daughter has just started trying Vyvanse and so far we aren’t seeing any changes but she hasn’t been at school whilst on them, so we don’t know how it will effect her schooling. She starts back at school next Wednesday, so only time will tell. Our son isn’t on anything coz we need a formal diagnosis which they won’t do until the child is around 7 years old. So he is getting his formal assessment this year as well as being assessed for dyslexia.
Raising a ADHD kid can be challenging (I know, I was one) and I'm sure you're doing a great job.
Oh poor kiddo. I was similar to this when I was little (but diagnosed as ADHD-I a few months ago at 29). It would take me half an hour to eat a single slice of bread because I'd keep forgetting about it, and I'd get lost in my head three letters into reading, which I found very hard to learn because the whole letter/sound correlation made no sense to me. I have no idea how hard it is to raise a little adhd human (or any human for that matter) but I do know how it felt being the little adhd human being raised and boy do I feel for my parents.
Amelija Janavičius, is a troll with a stolen pic. This type of deranged person takes glee in aggressive comments and stirring abuse from others. Please can we let this poor poor person know that they are loved because they are most likely missing this in their real off line life, hence the need of attention through miss behaviour. So to whoever you may be know we are here for you.
I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until my 50's. Going through life being accused of being scatter-brained, a chronic procrastinator, and a hyper-focused zombie made me question what was wrong with me. It's not that these symptoms are something every person has at some time or another, it's that some of us have them ALL THE TIME, and it cripples us. I have had issues with being unable to clean my house because I would start to do a task, then become overwhelmed because I couldn't find the right sponge. I literally made a bigger mess looking for a sponge I thought I had, and spent three hours pulling my cupboards, garage and bathroom apart looking for it. I've lost thousands of hours of living because of this disorder. Medication helps though. Things are getting better.
The sad reality is for those of us who have Adult ADHD is that our behaviors are often blamed on moral failures. OBTY medication is of limited help.
Yep. I've lost friends who got so frustrated with me for not 'living up to my potential' they couldn't be around me anymore. I've been accused so many times of not caring when I care so much, probably more than most, and it just feels like a wholesale rejection of me as a person. I've been called lazy, unmotivated, unambitious and been told more than I can count that 'if I really wanted it I would've put the effort in'. I have such low self-esteem after 29 years of this.
There are many common traits and symptoms that can be linked to other mental disorders and are not just specific to ADHD. However, due to this, many people get misdiagnosed. For example, people with ADHD often gets mistaken for having depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, if ADHD goes undiagnosed for so long it often lead to depression or anxiety. Sadly, ADHD in girls and women also often got overlooked due to the stigma of ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity. There is a lack of research and complete misunderstanding how ADHD effects girls due to the fact that when ADHD first became a disorder it was believed to only effect boys. Luckily today awareness is growing and much more symptoms are now linked to ADHD. Still, many children fly under the radar and due to the utter crippling effect ADHD could have on a person's daily life, it leads to adults cracking or ending in complete adrenal failure. If you relate to these symptoms, even as an adult, and have done some more research, please go get a professional opinion and help. Last year at 29 I saw a similar comic of ADHD. After reading more articles and crying for a full week (partly due to relief but mostly anger), I went to see a professional. Turns out I'm not dumb, lazy or a failure. Medication does not take it all away and magically make you be better, but it makes it easier to handle. And from there you can get so many tips and tricks on how to manage your daily ADHD life.
Hear hear, I am getting myself assessed this year. After my daughters diagnosis I learnt about it and the more I learnt the more I realised it described me and certainly explains a LOT.
Load More Replies...Similarly, BiPolar disorders experience these as well, many while in a hypo-/manic state, some while in depression. For example, the "did nothing until I Did the Thing day" would result in my being severely depressed and anxious about it for the next several days
I don’t get anxious, I just get angry at myself for not doing it. But then I do it again the next day. Ends up being a vicious circle.
Load More Replies...It is also important to stress the neuroaffective aspects of it. Like rejection sensitivity dysphoria, mental rumination, eagerness to please, internal unrest, etc.
People that suggest "This happens to everyone" are interpreting the comic differently than I am. They seem to think that the comics are exaggerated experiences to make a point... but they are not. When #1 says "hyper-focused for 15 hours", it literally means that. So someone were to say "oh, I was hyper-focused for 1/2 an hour, it was crazy"... then no, you aren't quite getting the severity of ADHD. Or lets say #6 - zoning out. That happens to me EVERY MEETING, for at least half of the meeting, even if it is material that I should be paying attention to. Saying "oh yeah, I zone out when they talk about stuff that doesn't impact me" isn't the same. Or #2... that one seriously impacts my life. I don't allow myself to enjoy life until my chores are done... but there are days where I just can't motivate myself, so the entire day is a complete waste, I didn't get the chore done, AND I didn't enjoy myself, it isn't even a "chill out" day of nothing, it is a day of feeling useless.
I am pretty sure everyone has these traits, just for ADHD they’re notched up a bunch of notches. My sister has ADHD and only has the boxes 3 and 6. While I don’t have ADHD and I have all of them except number two but it never effects my life too much and on the rare occasion it does it’s never by much. Meanwhile my sister is having a hard time keeping her grades up above a D because she’s getting constantly distracted and as I said, it’s upped a bunch because she has ADHD.
That's the crux of it: it has to negatively affect your life and your ability to function.
There's more to ADHD than depicted in this list. It's pretty informative, I can relate to 5/6 of these illustrations. But the artist kinda depicted it like each person with ADHD/ADD fits into one of these categories like its Harry Potter House. When in reality, it's like a random generator. Some days I will wake up and be very drowsy and have no motivation to do anything, and others I wake up and want to find out all about Armenia (cuz I really like geography and world history). People make out ADHD/ADD like a disorder where we're all puppies that can't focus on one thing for too long so we stare into space. Yes, there is a lot of zoning out, but ADHD/ADD has a greater effect on people's mental health than most people think. It's more random on how we will behave. Right now, I'm feeling hyper-focused, but tomorrow I might feel depressed and out-of-it. No hate to the artist. The artist seems to have made it seem so simple and so people could comprehend.
People without ADHD may often experience one or more of the illustrated moods. That is normal human behaviour. Most people with ADHD experience all those moods at different times, sometimes all in the same day, to an extreme point, which has a serious effect on/detriment to daily life. There are also many other more complex symptoms too, sensory/auditory sensitivity/processing issues, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, paradoxical hyperfocus, & lots more. Please be cautious regarding self-diagnosis. Not only can it harm you, but also make it more difficult for those with formal diagnoses to be taken seriously in society.
They forgot the intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, it's just a snippet of a song running through my head...one line over and over again. Other times, it's a series of self-critical thoughts that are exaggerated. It's awful, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep.
Quick side track; I was diagnosed ADHD as a kid, and it was not. It was bipolar. These two conditions are very similar but for different reasons. E.g. being unfocused or restless because you're manic, procrastinating or zoning out while depressive, trying to do ALL the things and having poor impulse control while manic... I'm not minimizing ADHD, but if ADHD doesn't seem to quite fit your symptoms, consider that it might be the milder form of bipolar (bipolar 2). Bipolar is often misdiagnosed among kids because it's very similar to ADHD. Regardless which one, being medicated will be a godsend.
I don’t have adhd (that I know of) but literally all of these describes me. The only thing I’m ever constant in is playing football 😅
I’m 15yr old and I have ADHD and Dyslexia…And Adhd has ruin my life so much…Like my mom thinks that I’m not trying in school and she also thinks that because I don’t take my adhd pills…And I’m 15yr old and my adhd pills brought down my weight to 93 pounds because I was not eating and taken my adhd pills also kept me form sleeping…And on top of dat my reading teacher even said that I would be smart in reading if I would try..And I do be trying and it’s annoying that people think that I do not try. But if I’m begin honest I’m not smart at anything🤷🏾♀️
I’m 15yr old and I’ve been diagnosed with adhd and Dyslexia when I was 5 or 4 I think..But in my opinion I hate having adhd because adhd gets me in trouble a lot and I could never stay focus in class which brings down my grades… My Mom thinks its just me not trying and that I also don’t be taken my adhd medication.. But that’s not case I do be trying in class and if I take my medication it will keep me form eating and sleeping…And on top of dat my READING teacher even said That i would be smart in reading class if I wold try..And in my opinion again im not really smart at anything in real life tbh..
Just remember that relating with ADHD stuff online doesn't mean you have it. There's a difference between regular human distraction and laziness and this mental disorder. Having it myself, I have learned all of the aspects of ADHD and what it truly is. Some people see a relatable post that is all "yee ADHDer here I was going to clean my room and ended up staring at the ceiling for 30 minutes." That obviously happens, but just because you relate to that doesn't mean you have it. Consider the fact that you could just be lazy. People with ADHD truly want to do so much, but there are mental blocks and imbalances that get in the way.
lol just bc they have six symptoms here, these ppl think they all have it? EYE ROLL. The real stuff has so much more unfortunate issues.
As a 55 yr old woman, I can't get a dr to test me for ADHD at all, despite showing & being dismayed by several symptoms. Without the test, there's no treatment. Ugh.
Neurodiversity like all diversity is a good thing that should be accepted. There are probably a dozen genes that impact focus etc. ADHD-associated traits have become more problematic due to the nature of work and school (not to mention environmental distractions.) Aside from the most severe presentations (which often has comorbidity with other more severe conditions) I think we do ourselves a huge disservice in making a medical condition. There is also difference between ADHD and ADD (no hyperactivity) and ADD (general distractability) is much more open to interpretation. If you are suffering or do better at school, by all means go get your Adderall, but note that distractibility is often associated with anxiety (and adderall can make this worse). Remember that hyperfocus (aside from those with primarily multitasking roles like adminstrators and managers) is a huge advantage for creatives, computer programmers, and others with work that require extended periods of deep thinking.
well, now i know that i don't have ADHD. i don't have those symptoms. at all.
I dunno adhd sounds a lot like normal life. If everyone has it... Is it really a thing?
Whilst yes, everybody does have those traits. People with ADHD have some or all of those traits in extremes and negatively effect daily life. Education, employment and relationships is often very difficult for many people with ADHD. If you read some of the other comments you might get a better understanding.
It's a spectrum disorder. Unfortunately , I wasn't diagnosed until my son was in grade school. ADHD is hell on relationships.
This is a dangerous thread. You CAN'T diagnose ADHD by behavior alone. See a professional before blindly medicating your children because they don't listen.
I relate to this so much. I have ADHD and I hate it. It is so much more then being hyper and constantly distracted. It makes so many things difficult. Somebody else said this in the comments and the same thing happens to me where I read a book and I cannot even remember the sentence before. I used to be on meds for it and I am going to get back on them because they helped so much.
I believe we are not designed for sitting still for hours on end. We are apes after all. We are designed to be alert for danger, to find food, shelter, eat, sleep and reproduce. The school system is designed to equip us with the knowledge and skills to get a job, work and make money. People diagnosed with ‘disorders’ such as adhd are normal in my view. It is our capitalist society with all its wants and needs which is not normal and makes us anxious, depressed and sick. We are totally out of sync with nature and have so much to learn from traditional cultures so we can find a balance between our creativity, our needs and the needs of the planet.
As a person with ADHD i really understand these i am sad or hungry all the time i am depressed i have a short attention span and i really just zone out a lot
People without ADHD may often experience one or more of the illustrated moods. That is normal human behaviour. Most people with ADHD experience all those moods at different times, sometimes all in the same day, to an extreme point, which has a serious effect on/detriment to daily life. There are also many other more complex symptoms too, sensory/auditory sensitivity/processing issues, rejection sensitivity dysphoria, paradoxical hyperfocus, & lots more. Please be cautious regarding self-diagnosis. Not only can it harm you, but also make it more difficult for those with formal diagnoses to be taken seriously in society.
Because its true. But its kinda saying, your a lazy person who doesn’t do what your supposed just because you have a daNo diognosis that really doesn’t change anything.
Ok, this is either every human on the planet, or I have ADHD. Don’t people go through this on a daily basis?
Everyone does have these traits but they don’t significantly negatively effect day to day life. Education, finding work, maintaining relationships is often quite difficult for people with ADHD. Some of the most common traits of ADHD is Easily distracted and I mean EASILY. They struggle with eye contact, they have a lot of emotional outbursts, getting told off a lot and getting in trouble at school, they struggle with impulse control, they often can’t sit still whether it is shaking their leg, wiggling their bottoms, twiddling their thumbs, always chewing or fiddling with something etc, struggles to wait their turn and just blurts our what they want to say even if someone hasn’t finished talking, they have a high risk of mental health issues, they are at a higher risk of doing risk taking behaviours including drugs because of their lack of impulse and at a higher risk of being bullied. Now not everyone with ADHD has all these symptoms they may have some that negatively impact their lives. My hubby and daughter have all of these symptoms and looks like my son does too. Getting assessed in May.
I relate to the first one a lot. I get so focused on one small task, one new hobby, a project!
My sister has ADHD, but I'm nothing like her. I have a few of these symptoms, and I am easily distracted, but like... I can listen to blaring music and read a book just fine. And I can fall asleep with hard metal music playing as well (I've done it multiple times in the past) so... I guess I'm just a somewhat easily distracted person :>
Asks the professional troll. Anyone with a doubt can look at your vile comment history.
I don't think so Becky....disagreeing on a subject doesn't make someone a troll....
For me, it’s awful that I hide when I’m feeling my worse and only show people the side of me that they’re used to. I feel a lot of shame asking for help when we’re going through a pandemic, everybody has a lot on their plate already. You’re not there for her, you’re not helping her, so the least you can do is let her feel safe sharing her feelings/thoughts with us. That’s a generalization, I understand but I don’t want to write an essay right now.
Hold up. This is an online and mostly anonymous community. A lot of us have to put our social lives on hold, and we turn to the internet to substitute our normal human interactions. There are a lot of people who don’t share, seek help, or talk to the people in their lives. Which is sad but that’s another story.
All of these ticked for me. But I’ve never gotten myself checked. Could I have ADHD?
Do these behaviours effect you day to day life negatively. If so, then yes. But everyone does have these traits but they don’t often have a huge impact on our daily lives. There are some online tests you can take. It is not a formal diagnosis but it can give you a bit of an idea.
Perfectly explained. These drawing are so simple that they make normal traits seem like they're only found in ADHD/ADD sufferers. Everyone gets spacey or has bouts of being hyper-focused. But most "neuro-typicals" aren't negatively affected by these things as badly as others.
I am a teacher for 15 years, I have 4 kids myself and I very much hope, that adhd come out as one of great failiours especially in treatment. I saw so many kids become totally incapeable of any social life after the were put on medication. Our society has a way to handle all parts of social live that is a burden to loads of people. The miscredity of work with humans in general and the understatement of the need of social skills is one of great tasks of our future.
My daughter is 8 and was diagnosed with adhd at age 5 because it was affecting her life and ability to learn very negatively. We put her on medication and I do not regret it for a second. Before she had medication she was in trouble constantly and had a really hard time making friends because she couldn't control her impulses. She also had a hard time learning because of a lack of focus. After going on medication she has flourished academically and socially. As a teacher, I would recommend you educate yourself more on what adhd is for your students sake because if you think treating adhd with medication is a failure, you clearly don't know what adhd is.
Load More Replies...Me and my brother BOTH have ADHD. He was diagnosed earlier in life than I was though. I watched some kind of PSA or Documentary about medication and it showed how poorly it affected their life and how they became like a zombie. I was scared that my brother was gonna become some kind of ADHD zombie and not talk to anyone. But, the medication we both use is a LIFE SAVER. I wish I was put on it sooner because now my grades are at all A's. He didn't become a zombie, and I hate how people demonize treatment like medication when it helped me use all my hyper-activity to be a rockstar at school.
Barbz if you don't mind me asking, which one is working for you?
You know, I have to say I actually WISH we tried medication sooner for our daughter. Maybe she would be having a better school experience. It has been hell for her. My hubby is anti ADHD meds coz of his experience (he too has ADHD). But every reacts differently. It's not a one size fits all. Anyway got to the point where the OT and school said "we don't know what else to do to help". She is at an age where she has a say and she is fed up with everything and is desperate. So she is trying her second type and we aren't really seeing any changes BUT she started just before the Christmas school holidays (6week holiday), so we haven't had to opportunity to see if there are any changes there. The first one she tried gave her suicidal thoughts and have her chemical burns on the back of her throat (still scarred), so we took her off that one.
My daughter is 15 and has only just started meds after trying various therapies for the past 8 years without success. She struggles severely almost daily and socially is where she struggles the most.
Just because they say it doesn't exist doesn't make it so. There is proof of exists, live it daily with my family. And just because you don't believe it exists, doesnt mean it is not real. My kids ADHD is never used as an excuse for their behaviour and their behaviour is not through lack of discipline, especially when a lot of ADHD behaviours is not "naughty" behaviours like distractibility, lack of focus, poor impulse control, always on the move etc. Educate yourself.
Load More Replies...Thenatural, the fact is I and millions of other people have proof and experience that ADHD exists. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/02/170216105919.htm
I can guarantee you it does. It effects my family every day.
Load More Replies...You have obviously never seen someone deal with the struggles that come with it daily? Especially a loved one.