“Should Be Arrested”: Internet Furious At Mom For Giving Intimate Toy To Daughter “Too Early”
Brazilian actress Claudia Raia is facing backlash after sharing that she gifted an intimate toy to her daughter when she turned 12.
The 58-year-old recently appeared on Goucha, a TV show in Portugal, to promote her play Menopausia (Menopause).
At one point during the interview, Claudia opened up about the importance of intimate toys and self-pleasure. “The ‘pepeka’, as we say in Brazil, cannot be neglected,” she said.
- Actress Claudia Raia faced criticism for gifting an intimate toy to her 12-year-old daughter.
- Many internet users said the gift was inappropriate for her daughter's age.
- Claudia was previously criticized for having a child at the age of 55.
When her daughter Sofia, whom she shares with actor Edson Celulari, turned 12, she gave her a controversial gift.
“I gave her a v*brator and said: ‘Go investigate yourself, go find out what you like.'”
Brazilian star Claudia Raia sparked controversy after sharing that she gave an adult toy to her daughter when she turned 12
Image credits: choquei
“Today, v*brators are prescription toys,” the actress said, sharing that she owns 17 intimate toys that she uses “depending on [her] mood.”
While many praised Claudia’s approach as educational, most people found the gift highly inappropriate given her daughter’s age.
“She’s not even embarrassed to say such a thing,” one user wrote.
“Knowing that a father or mother would do this kind of thing, destroying their child’s innocence. A person like that must be sick,” another added.
Image credits: claudiaraia
“This woman is crazy! Clueless!” said a third, while a separate user labeled Claudia’s behavior as “concerning.”
Someone else commented: “It’s best to talk, explain, and guide girls. There’s no need to give them a v*brator.”
“I don’t think it’s wrong, but at this age, isn’t it too early to think about a v*brator?” asked another scandalized user.
“She should be arrested,” another person simply said.
Claudia spoke about the importance of self-pleasure and shared that she owns 17 intimate toys
Image credits: claudiaraia
During the interview, Claudia also spoke aboutmenopause, saying that it’s still a taboo subject and that many women lose the desire for intimacy at this stage of life.
“Vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse… There are many variants, many discomforts at the same time, and, with the lack of desire, why would you hurt yourself with something you don’t even feel like doing?” she said, as perPublico.
However, the soap opera star said this reality does not apply to her.
“[My] desire remains and is strong,” she shared, adding that hormone replacement therapy helped her maintain a high libido.
“Toys help a lot. Today, v*brators are considered toys that require a doctor’s prescription.”
Image credits: claudiaraia
Image credits: claudiaraia
In addition to Sofia, born in 2003, Claudia has twochildren: Enzo, born in 1997, and Luca, born in 2023. Her decision to becomepregnant at 55 was also met with fierce criticism from Internet users.
“I was massacred on social media. Lots of applause, affection, lots of love, but from women it’s deeper than anything,”said the artist, known as the Queen of Musicals for her contribution to Brazilian theater.
“I was in a place where women were 50 years old, on the couch, resting, their children grown up, and I had a child.
“They told me that I was old enough to be a grandmother, that my body would never come back.
“I’m not part of that generation that looks at comments, I don’t even have time for that, the people who talk to me. It affects me, but I’m not a hostage to that.”
The actress said her desire “remains strong” at 58 and discussed the changes in women’s libido during menopause
Image credits: claudiaraia
Pregnancies at the age of 50 are considered high-risk, as they can lead to preeclampsia (a type of high blood pressure that can become life-threatening), gestational diabetes, miscarriage, stillbirth, or ectopic pregnancy (when the egg is attached outside of your uterus).
When Claudia delivered her healthy boy, there were 15 people in the room.
“It was a risky situation. The anesthesiologist almost had a heart attack. I was so scared because, at 55 years old, having a baby is something very unlikely. And he was born healthy and beautiful.”
She also mentioned feeling the impact of prejudice as she aged while in the spotlight. “It’s hard, even more so when you started your career because of your beauty, your sensuality, and you had to fight to show that you had the talent to be an actress, a comedian.”
Some users found her approach educational, but the majority said it was extremely inappropriate
Poll Question
Do you think Claudia Raia's decision to give her daughter an intimate toy at 12 is appropriate?
Yes, it's educational
No, it's too early
I'm not sure
Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. At 12 we were all doing something to try to get off. That being said, I'd be totally embarrassed getting this from my mom haha
Right? All this "innocent child" c**p when she's going into puberty at that age, and just because of vibrator, is puritanical. Personally I'm inspired lol.
Load More Replies...I remember being that age, discovering I was carrying around a REALLY cool toy … and finding things to use on it that caused damage. I have mixed feelings about this, but ultimately think she may be helping her daughter to avoid pain, so I think I’m on her side. The people calling for her arrest are weird Victorians who prolly teach their kids to be ashamed of their bodies. 😕
While appropriate age may be in question, I have to commend her for trying to have a very positive approach to this type of discussion with her daughter. Too many women, especially from heavily religious backgrounds, refuse to have any discussion with their daughters about sexual health or pleasure, leading to people like me coming across a 27yr old woman with 5 kids who quietly whispered to me "can women have orgasms?". Sexual education is just as important as any other education, although you should find the right time/age to discuss this with your own children depending on their mental and emotional maturity. I knew everything by the time I was 8 and already started experimenting, when my grandma tried to have 'the talk' with me at 14, i laughed in her face and told her she was waaay too late for that chat, I actually had to educate her on it all cus she knew fuc*ing nothing despite having 3 kids. She didn't know women could experience sexual pleasure or how to kiss with tongue.
If the daughter is going through puberty, then she's ready. All those glands secreting and whatnot. Better than pretending those hormones don't exist and bottling it up. There's a reason so many people are uptight about sex. This girl will not be one of those people. Good for the mom.
The only thing wrong is discussing it in public. 1mat that age I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me every morning.
JFC, whether people want to know itbor not, we are a sexual species, and showing interest in our genitals starts even before we can walk. A sign of good parenting is when your child is comfortable enough with you to discuss their bodies with you. Keep it age appropriate, though. Like, I wouldn't have a sex-discussion with my 5yo, but I will encourage my 15yo old to practice safe sex, and offer to buy condoms on his behalf if he's too shy to do it himself. Sexual education is important as hell. Don't make your kids feel ashamed of their bodies or sexual exploration. Do educate them on safe practices and consequences of thir choices without fear mongering.
Your daughter is lucky to have you. I remember when I was 12 I felt gross, like a pervert for doing something that everyone does and is perfectly natural. I wish I knew that then.
Load More Replies...I felt the same way you did. I explored my genitals and the next day I got my period. I was terrified that I was maybe dying because I'm bleeding from the place that was forbidden to touch. I never knew what a period was until I went to my mother sobbing. She thought it was funny that I was so stressed. She wasn't a bad parent, she was just clueless as hell. I don't want my children to go through that.
Do you have a specific example of a question in mind, or just if they ask what sex is? Because if it's the latter, I'd tell them that it's something that adults do, and that they will learn more about it when they're a bit older, and then distract them with something else.
Right idea, wrong time. 15.4 years old is the age that 50% of men & women in western cultures have had penetrative intercourse. And while masturbation varies greatly, it’s safe to assume preadolescent boys & girls are both adept at 12 years old. *However* this obviously doesn’t account for emotional & intellectual maturity. There isn’t any age when it’s specifically appropriate to give one’s child a sex toy, but if it were a situation where the teen initiated the interest, maybe speak with them & educate them on the topic and let them explore & find healthy options in their own. Other than that, there is no “right” time to give one’s daughter a víbrator.
Why do you say it's the wrong time? By your logic, she should know her daughter. And kids are experimenting with masturbation waaaay younger than 12.
Load More Replies...If she has entered puberty, I see no problem with it. All the complainers are probably people who won't admit that they masturbated at the same, it's a shame they are so repressed. We know her daughter won't be afraid to ask questions about sex and relationships. I wonder how many of those repressed dopes can say the same thing
Are people thinking she gave her 12 year old a vibrating 12 inch dildo? I can’t figure out the outrage. This would have saved my parents money from using all the hot water in the shower.
well... I'm Brazilian and sincerely do not understand why are you making such a big deal out of this. The reality is that by that age, you're starting to discover sex and pleasure (cmom, guys, don't you did things that age out of curiosity?). IMO she was an awesome mom, because she got to openly talk to her children about sexuality and I'm pretty sure her kids felt secure to talk to her about these stuff. Sex education is more than explaining birthcontrol; it involves talking about sexuality and desire and knowing your own body, limits, likes and dislikes. Maybe it's something cultural, but I don't see why all this commotion. It's not like she gave her kid condoms and told her to have sex. it was more like "you're teenager, it's normal to feel desire, don't need to be ashamed, I want you to have a healthy sex life when time comes". I wish more parents have this kind of relationship wirh their kids.
Puritanism, and especially, imposed Puritanism, is embedded very deeply in western culture. And for various reasons, remains very influential, in the US. The quantity of laws intended specifically to interfere with other people's sex lives is staggering. And every time we manage to knock some down, the bat sħitcrazy berserk oppressionists come screaming out of the woodwork, and bully the cowardly politicians into putting new ones in their place. And a bunch of the cowards are themselves the batshit crazy berserkers. It is -still- a crime to own too many dildoes in Texas. And when it comes up, they are genuinely baffled that anybody could imagine that they are entitled to own as many as they wish. Or do whatever they wish with them with other consenting adults.
As a woman, who grew up with a mom who never talked to me about sex or my body growing up, I applaud this mom. I think it's great that she is more than willing to teach/educate her daughter, as well as to let her daughter know that it's okay and you should explore your own body, when you're ready to. I personally don't think that 12 years old is too young to talk/educate her about her anatomy and encourage her that it's perfectly normal to explore oneself and if she has any questions or is curious about anything, that you're available. I don't feel that a mom should ever purchase her daughter a vibrator, unless asked or hinted about, if they're under the age of 14/15, IMHO.
So people, what exactly is reasonable about an arbitrary age limit that may well be later than when they become sexually active? Half the responses here are "that arbitrary age window is unreasonable, but -my- arbitrary age window is correct". Well, no. "Correct" is determined on a case by case basis, and effing -nobody- gets to tell anybody to ignore their own case circumstances, and substitute somebody else's because they're "appropriate".
Load More Replies...discussing sexuality or desires is fine with 12 year. she can even explore her own body again that is usually a natural thing. Great that mum is open about it all. However I think 15 or 16 is more appropriate to discuss sex toys with your child.
I'm more mortified that she decided to share this to social media! I mean that is between her and her child/tween and it sounds like OP is comfortable talking frankly to her. However, if I was 12 and my mom posted this for the world, and my classmates to see, THAT would be embarrassing.
It says on the article: the girl was born 2003. She's 22 now, I think she don't even live with Claudia anymore...
that's the problem right there: what is wrong with talking about sex and pleasure in public? it's natural, it's part of life, and it's not a big deal... everybody "plays alone", why not to talk openly about it, since it's normal? why do you think pleasure is something embarrassing that can not be talked in public? that's insane
Load More Replies...The issue is, that she talks about her daughter in a in the widest sense sexual context, letting everyone know the girl has a toy and will explore it. mind you: for me it's like talking about menstruation: yes, most women do it but don't talk about another womans period without asking her first.
I don't disagree with your last sentence, and in a perfect world we would not be embarrassed by such very natural things. But this is far from a perfect world and until it gets better, I think it's weird for a mother to post on the Internet that she got her child a vibrator. I remember how unkind and downright nasty kids can be to each other. This is just another case of a parent using their child for internet attention.
Here come the PEDOs to the woman's rescue. Look at all the MAP comments.
Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. At 12 we were all doing something to try to get off. That being said, I'd be totally embarrassed getting this from my mom haha
Right? All this "innocent child" c**p when she's going into puberty at that age, and just because of vibrator, is puritanical. Personally I'm inspired lol.
Load More Replies...I remember being that age, discovering I was carrying around a REALLY cool toy … and finding things to use on it that caused damage. I have mixed feelings about this, but ultimately think she may be helping her daughter to avoid pain, so I think I’m on her side. The people calling for her arrest are weird Victorians who prolly teach their kids to be ashamed of their bodies. 😕
While appropriate age may be in question, I have to commend her for trying to have a very positive approach to this type of discussion with her daughter. Too many women, especially from heavily religious backgrounds, refuse to have any discussion with their daughters about sexual health or pleasure, leading to people like me coming across a 27yr old woman with 5 kids who quietly whispered to me "can women have orgasms?". Sexual education is just as important as any other education, although you should find the right time/age to discuss this with your own children depending on their mental and emotional maturity. I knew everything by the time I was 8 and already started experimenting, when my grandma tried to have 'the talk' with me at 14, i laughed in her face and told her she was waaay too late for that chat, I actually had to educate her on it all cus she knew fuc*ing nothing despite having 3 kids. She didn't know women could experience sexual pleasure or how to kiss with tongue.
If the daughter is going through puberty, then she's ready. All those glands secreting and whatnot. Better than pretending those hormones don't exist and bottling it up. There's a reason so many people are uptight about sex. This girl will not be one of those people. Good for the mom.
The only thing wrong is discussing it in public. 1mat that age I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me every morning.
JFC, whether people want to know itbor not, we are a sexual species, and showing interest in our genitals starts even before we can walk. A sign of good parenting is when your child is comfortable enough with you to discuss their bodies with you. Keep it age appropriate, though. Like, I wouldn't have a sex-discussion with my 5yo, but I will encourage my 15yo old to practice safe sex, and offer to buy condoms on his behalf if he's too shy to do it himself. Sexual education is important as hell. Don't make your kids feel ashamed of their bodies or sexual exploration. Do educate them on safe practices and consequences of thir choices without fear mongering.
Your daughter is lucky to have you. I remember when I was 12 I felt gross, like a pervert for doing something that everyone does and is perfectly natural. I wish I knew that then.
Load More Replies...I felt the same way you did. I explored my genitals and the next day I got my period. I was terrified that I was maybe dying because I'm bleeding from the place that was forbidden to touch. I never knew what a period was until I went to my mother sobbing. She thought it was funny that I was so stressed. She wasn't a bad parent, she was just clueless as hell. I don't want my children to go through that.
Do you have a specific example of a question in mind, or just if they ask what sex is? Because if it's the latter, I'd tell them that it's something that adults do, and that they will learn more about it when they're a bit older, and then distract them with something else.
Right idea, wrong time. 15.4 years old is the age that 50% of men & women in western cultures have had penetrative intercourse. And while masturbation varies greatly, it’s safe to assume preadolescent boys & girls are both adept at 12 years old. *However* this obviously doesn’t account for emotional & intellectual maturity. There isn’t any age when it’s specifically appropriate to give one’s child a sex toy, but if it were a situation where the teen initiated the interest, maybe speak with them & educate them on the topic and let them explore & find healthy options in their own. Other than that, there is no “right” time to give one’s daughter a víbrator.
Why do you say it's the wrong time? By your logic, she should know her daughter. And kids are experimenting with masturbation waaaay younger than 12.
Load More Replies...If she has entered puberty, I see no problem with it. All the complainers are probably people who won't admit that they masturbated at the same, it's a shame they are so repressed. We know her daughter won't be afraid to ask questions about sex and relationships. I wonder how many of those repressed dopes can say the same thing
Are people thinking she gave her 12 year old a vibrating 12 inch dildo? I can’t figure out the outrage. This would have saved my parents money from using all the hot water in the shower.
well... I'm Brazilian and sincerely do not understand why are you making such a big deal out of this. The reality is that by that age, you're starting to discover sex and pleasure (cmom, guys, don't you did things that age out of curiosity?). IMO she was an awesome mom, because she got to openly talk to her children about sexuality and I'm pretty sure her kids felt secure to talk to her about these stuff. Sex education is more than explaining birthcontrol; it involves talking about sexuality and desire and knowing your own body, limits, likes and dislikes. Maybe it's something cultural, but I don't see why all this commotion. It's not like she gave her kid condoms and told her to have sex. it was more like "you're teenager, it's normal to feel desire, don't need to be ashamed, I want you to have a healthy sex life when time comes". I wish more parents have this kind of relationship wirh their kids.
Puritanism, and especially, imposed Puritanism, is embedded very deeply in western culture. And for various reasons, remains very influential, in the US. The quantity of laws intended specifically to interfere with other people's sex lives is staggering. And every time we manage to knock some down, the bat sħitcrazy berserk oppressionists come screaming out of the woodwork, and bully the cowardly politicians into putting new ones in their place. And a bunch of the cowards are themselves the batshit crazy berserkers. It is -still- a crime to own too many dildoes in Texas. And when it comes up, they are genuinely baffled that anybody could imagine that they are entitled to own as many as they wish. Or do whatever they wish with them with other consenting adults.
As a woman, who grew up with a mom who never talked to me about sex or my body growing up, I applaud this mom. I think it's great that she is more than willing to teach/educate her daughter, as well as to let her daughter know that it's okay and you should explore your own body, when you're ready to. I personally don't think that 12 years old is too young to talk/educate her about her anatomy and encourage her that it's perfectly normal to explore oneself and if she has any questions or is curious about anything, that you're available. I don't feel that a mom should ever purchase her daughter a vibrator, unless asked or hinted about, if they're under the age of 14/15, IMHO.
So people, what exactly is reasonable about an arbitrary age limit that may well be later than when they become sexually active? Half the responses here are "that arbitrary age window is unreasonable, but -my- arbitrary age window is correct". Well, no. "Correct" is determined on a case by case basis, and effing -nobody- gets to tell anybody to ignore their own case circumstances, and substitute somebody else's because they're "appropriate".
Load More Replies...discussing sexuality or desires is fine with 12 year. she can even explore her own body again that is usually a natural thing. Great that mum is open about it all. However I think 15 or 16 is more appropriate to discuss sex toys with your child.
I'm more mortified that she decided to share this to social media! I mean that is between her and her child/tween and it sounds like OP is comfortable talking frankly to her. However, if I was 12 and my mom posted this for the world, and my classmates to see, THAT would be embarrassing.
It says on the article: the girl was born 2003. She's 22 now, I think she don't even live with Claudia anymore...
that's the problem right there: what is wrong with talking about sex and pleasure in public? it's natural, it's part of life, and it's not a big deal... everybody "plays alone", why not to talk openly about it, since it's normal? why do you think pleasure is something embarrassing that can not be talked in public? that's insane
Load More Replies...The issue is, that she talks about her daughter in a in the widest sense sexual context, letting everyone know the girl has a toy and will explore it. mind you: for me it's like talking about menstruation: yes, most women do it but don't talk about another womans period without asking her first.
I don't disagree with your last sentence, and in a perfect world we would not be embarrassed by such very natural things. But this is far from a perfect world and until it gets better, I think it's weird for a mother to post on the Internet that she got her child a vibrator. I remember how unkind and downright nasty kids can be to each other. This is just another case of a parent using their child for internet attention.
Here come the PEDOs to the woman's rescue. Look at all the MAP comments.