The main goal of a movie star is to step into somebody else's shoes and walk in them so convincingly that the audience forgets they're watching a performance. But some roles given to the famous actors' require more than just excellent acting skills, which is where Special effects makeup and prosthetics come in.
Special effects makeup not only requires the attention of a professional makeup artist but can also take up to several hours to put on. If that isn't dedication to the job, we don't know what is!
Scroll down for some of the most incredible before and after images that have ever taken place on film. We've gathered everyone's favorite popular actors - Ralph Fiennes playing Voldemort and Meryl Steep disguised as a Rabbi to John Travolta turning into a woman and Angelina Jolie turning into a man, the list below, compiled by Bored Panda, is a testament to the fantastic magic of movie makeup.
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Ralph Fiennes - Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter Series)
Naomi Grossman - Pepper (American Horror Story Series)
Meryl Streep - Rabbi (Angels In America)
what the hell, i did not watch this movie, theres a Meryl Streep movie i did not watch
Eddie Redmayne - Lili (The Danish Girl)
Robin Williams - Mrs. Doubtfire (Mrs. Doubtfire)
Heath Ledger - Joker (The Dark Knight)
I think this was the best Joker ever! I just wish it hadn't broke him. Gone too soon!
Jacob Tremblay - Auggie (Wonder)
Richard Brake - The Night King (Game Of Thrones)
Eddie Murphy - Saul (Coming To America)
I remember when this movie came out and everyone was shocked that Saul was Eddie Murphy. In fact, I won a bunch of money betting people on this very fact! Once people realized that I was right, I would smile, say "A-haaaa, A-haaaa" and then collect my winnings =)
John Matuszak - Sloth (The Goonies)
Ryan Reynolds - Deadpool (Deadpool)
Tim Curry - Pennywise (It, 1990)
Charlize Theron - Aileen (Monster)
Tilda Swinton - Madame D. (The Grand Budapest Hotel)
This is so unfair. Tilda Swinton is basically a human chameleon. You could make up an entire list of all the characters she's played that don't look like her.
Johnny Depp - James 'Whitey' Bulger (Black Mass)
Bill Skarsgård - Pennywise (It)
Emma Thompson - Nanny McPhee (Nanny McPhee And The Big Bang)
Helena Bonham Carter - Red Queen (Alice Through The Looking Glass)
i allways love this women, which ever part she plays she always makes it memorable
John Travolta - Edna Turnblad (Hairspray)
i actually didnt even realised that it was a guy until my sister told me i was a little surprised that he would do that role
Cate Blanchett - Bob Dylan (I'm Not There)
Ron Perlman - Hellboy (Hellboy)
Gary Oldman - Dracula (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
AND THIS is the one I have been waiting for! The TRUE chameleon of actors! In EVERY movie he TRANSPORTS himself to entirely different person! SO talented! (Fun Fact: Oldman had played so many characters that were not in his native British accent, that he began to lose it! He hired a dialect coach to help him get it back!)
Gary Oldman - Mason Verger (Hannibal)
I once read apost about Gary Oldman saying that he can hide in plain sight. That is so true with every role of his. He always manages to make me concentrate on the character so much that I only notice that it's him after watching the movie at least twice.
Robert Downey Jr - Kirk Lazarus (Tropic Thunder)
Daniel Radcliffe - Ig Perrish (Horns)
Doug Jones - Pale Man (Pan's Labyrinth)
Peter Mayhew - Chewbacca (Star Wars Series)
Wait... you mean to tell me that Chewie isn't real? Man I was all set to get one for my very own!
Jim Carrey - The Grinch (How The Grinch Stole Christmas)
Tim Curry - The Lord Of Darkness (Legend)
Daveigh Chase - Samara (The Ring )
I wonder if she gets nightmares when looking into the mirror in costume?
Warwick Davis - Griphook (Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2)
Michael Keaton - Betelgeuse (Beetlejuice)
Glenn Close - Gutless (Hook)
Eric Stoltz - Rocky Dennis (Mask)
Anjelica Huston - Grand High Witch (The Witches)
Jered Leto - Old Nemo (Mr. Nobody)
Kae Alexander - Leaf (Game Of Thrones)
Dustin Hoffman - Dorothy Michaels (Tootsie)
Nicole Kidman - Virginia Woolf (The Hours)
Danny DeVito - Penguin (Batman Returns)
Stunning! At times it's really unbelievable how the looks of a person can change
Stunning! At times it's really unbelievable how the looks of a person can change