24 Times Pixar Movies Were Scientifically, Historically, And Culturally Accurate
Interview With OwnerCorrect me if I’m wrong, but you don’t look for IRL-kind of accuracy in Pixar movies. I mean, what’s there to be realistically accurate in Finding Nemo or Ratatouille? I suspect your answer, but bear with me.
There’s a gang of online detectives that dig the subtle details and tiny nuances that don’t mean much to the audience, but in fact, tell a whole lot more when it comes to the story. Created in 2017, the Movie Details subreddit has grown into a community with 2.2M members armed with magnifying glasses and love for cinema.
And this time it’s the fan-favorite Pixar films that got their treatment, so let’s see what hidden details that turned out to be realistically accurate they’ve dug up.
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In Up (2009), Dug Is The Only Dog To Successfully Track Down The Tropical Bird Because He Is The Only Hunting Dog (Golden Retriever). All The Others Are Guard Dog Breeds
In Finding Nemo (2003), Gill Is A Moorish Idol. This Species Is Known To Not Handle Captivity Well, So Him Being The One Who Constantly Comes Up With Escape Plans Makes Sense
To find out more about the community behind the subreddit MovieDetails, Bored Panda reached out to the representative of its moderator team. They told us that the success of the subreddit that’s now a home to 2.2 million members can be attributed to the fact that it’s “such a novel and niche idea that a lot of people are drawn to it.”
Created in 2017, the community was born out of this single post captioned “Davy Jones using his tentacles to hold onto his hat when they were going down on water is the kind of attention to details I like.” It amassed 75k upvotes, and inspired the whole subreddit “since you can see just how quickly the community grew from one post,” the moderator said.
In Finding Nemo, Bruce The Shark Starts Crying When Marlin Starts Talking About Nemo, Saying “I Never Knew My Father”. Male Sharks Mate With The Female Then Leave, So Baby Sharks Never Actually Meet Their Father
In Inside Out, The Pizza Toppings Were Changed From Broccolis To Bell Peppers In Japan, Since Kids In Japan Don’t Like Bell Peppers. Pixar Localised The Joke
When it comes to determining whether a particular film detail is accurate or not, the moderator likes to divide those details into two categories: visual and factual. “Visual details are usually Easter eggs, foreshadowing, and continuity. Basically, something that someone can notice while watching a movie.”
“In contrast, factual details are trivia, facts about costume and props, and details about how accurate a movie is. We require a source for all factual posts. So, someone would need to prove that the detail was intentionally included by the filmmakers, and not something unintentional/a mistake.”
In “The Incredibles,” The Reason The Court Room Scene Is Drawn As Opposed To Animated Like The Rest Of The Movie Is Because It Is Illegal To Record In A Courtroom Without Proper Supervisions
In Soul (2020), The First Soul Assigned Is Number 108,210,121,415. This Lines Up With The Current Estimate From The Population Reference Bureau (Prb), Which Estimates That More Than 108 Billion Humans Have Existed On Earth
In Toy Story 2 (1999) When Al Is About To Hang Up With The Japanese Toy Museum Buying Woody. He Says “Don’t Touch My Mustache”. This Is Him Mispronouncing. “どういたしまして” (Dōitashimashite) Which Means You’re Welcome In Japanese
In Ratatouille (2007) When Linguini Is Chopping Leeks For The Soup You Can See A Green Smear On The Cutting Board That Actually Happens When Cutting Green Vegtables. Also His Bite Marks Are Still There From When Remy Bit Him A Couple Of Days Before
In The Incredibles (2004), Director Brad Bird Wanted To Give Dash A Realistic Out-Of-Breath Voice In Certain Scenes So He Made Actor Spencer Fox Run Four Laps Around The Pixar Studio Until He Got Tired
When asked how active the MovieDetails subreddit is, the moderator said that they have over two million subscribers, which essentially means they get tons of posts every single day. “Most of them are Easter eggs. In my opinion, these are the easiest details to spot and share,” they explained.
In The Pixar Short Boundin' (2003), A Model T Is Seen Driving Up A Hill Backwards. This Is Because Model T's Relied On Gravity To Supply Their Engine With Fuel, And Driving Up A Steep Hill Could Cause The Engine To Stall. The Solution, If You Had To Drive Up A Steep Hill, Was To Drive Up In Reverse
In Pixar’s ‘A Bug’s Life’(1997) The Grasshopper Leader Hopper Remarks That The Ant Princess Atta Don’t “Smell Like The Queen” While Moving His Antennas Across Her Face. That’s Because It’s How Insects Irl Actually Smell Since They Don’t Have Noses
In Cars (2006), Lightning Mcqueen's Body Shakes Much More Than Mater's Because Mcqueen Is A Racecar With Firmer Suspension, Which Means The Bumpy Roads Make Him Shake More Aggressively Than Normal Cars That Have Softer Suspension
In Ratatouille (2007) Colette Has A Scar On Her Wrist. The Scars Are Actually From Burn Marks That Chefs In Real Life Have... I Think
In Wall-E (2008) The Captain Is Physically Incapable Of Wearing The Original Captain’s Uniform, So He Just Wears It Around His Neck With The Top Button
The MovieDetails representative also said that most of the subreddit’s subscribers are “film nuts,” and added: “people who re-watch their favorite movies constantly, and then notice new things because they know every scene/sequence so well. That, or someone got lucky and noticed something new while watching a movie for the first time.”
If You Look Closely After The Lightning Strikes The Umbrella Wall-E Is Holding The Electricity From The Bolt Charges His Battery Back To Full
For A Scene In Ratatouille (2007) Where Linguini Is Wet From Jumping In The River, They Got A Member Of Crew (Kesten Migdal) To Jump In A Swimming Pool In A Chef's Uniform To See Where The Uniform Would Normally Stick To On The Body When Wet
In The Incredibles (2004). Dash Is Sitting In The Front Seat. Reflecting The Lax Child Seating Laws Of The Period, 1962. It Wasn’t Until The 80’s That Child Seating Laws Were Enacted
In Inside Out (2015), Riley Wears Maroon And Gold During Her Hockey Tryout. Maroon And Gold Are The Team Colors For The University Of Minnesota Golden Gophers, Minnesota Being The State That The Family Moved From
In Toy Story 3 (2010), Ken And Barbie’s Designs Are Based On Real Life Toys From The Barbie Toyline. Ken Is Based On The 1988 Animal Lovin' Ken Toy, While Barbie Is Based On The 1983 Great Shape Barbie Toy
In any case, the work of the sharp-eyed members of Movie Details offers a fresh perspective into films we are all very familiar with, uncovering whole new meanings and insights into them. It’s essentially like having “a fresh pair of eyes,” the moderator concluded.
In Toy Story (1995) And Most Other Depictions, Buzz Lightyear Has Accurately Colored Airplane Navigation Lights On The Tip Of His Wings
Bob Par In The Incredibles (2004) Has Most Of His Cubicle Taken Up By A Pillar Which Is Why It's So Cramped, I Can't Believe I Never Noticed This Before
In Monsters U Power Comes From Screams Which Appear As A Gaseous State In The Scream Tanks. Because Power Here Is A Gas, Light Switches Are Valves And Instead Of Wires There Are Pipes
In The Incredibles, Violet Struggles To Generate A Force Field Around A Campfire. The Fire Flickers When Deprived Of Oxygen
In The Opening Scene Of Cars (2006), The Animators Added Bits Of Rubber Coming Off The Cars As The Tires Degrade
Some of these were new to me, but most were repeats from previous bp posts. I was expecting newer content 😔
A little disappointed by this, tbh. I was expecting new content. And the one about the column in the desk cubicle was just an observation; BP didn't explain the reason for the column.
Some of these were new to me, but most were repeats from previous bp posts. I was expecting newer content 😔
A little disappointed by this, tbh. I was expecting new content. And the one about the column in the desk cubicle was just an observation; BP didn't explain the reason for the column.