30 Times People Spotted Employers Who Were ‘Choosing Beggars’ And Just Had To Shame Them Online
Picture a job ad: skilled, bilingual manager with higher education diploma and 5 years of previous experience wanted. Well, you may expect this solid role would be well-paid, but in the world of Choosing Beggars this is not the case.
In fact, more and more employers are looking for workers with impressive resumes and a set of ludicrous requirements, only to offer them pennies in return. Thanks to the subreddit Choosing Beggars that is notorious for calling out greedy and delusional people like this, we have a lot of real-life cases to look at. From a church that expects 10% of their employee's pay back to a company that’s looking for a bilingual manager to take charge of a team for $8 an hour, some of the job ads are hard to believe.
Also, scroll down for our interview with Dawn Moss, the founder of “Your Interview Coach,” who has been helping both candidates and hiring managers through the recruitment and selection process since 2013. She happily shared insights into the job market today and explained why some employers have such high requirements for little salaries. Dawn also has some tips on what to do if you ever receive a delusional offer!
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Sister Sent Me This... She Was Blocked Immediately After
I'm going to be unpopular by saying this. If you can't afford a kid, don't have several of them. There's no easy kid and certainly not the plural version. For sure it's not a reason not to pay the nanny.
To find out what an expert has to say about high expectations and low salaries offered in the job market, Bored Panda spoke with Dawn Moss. “I've worked with hundreds of hiring managers in lots of different disciplines and this is one of the common situations; low salary and high expectations for the job,” she said. “To be fair to all the hiring managers out there, they are often given a budget and want to get as much as they can with the money they have!”
You Better Be Reliable And On Time For This Incredibly Below Minimum Wage Job!
Read the first line as "In need of a babysitter from 12PM - 7 PM, Motherfückers.
Job Ad: Caretaker Work For Free! No Wage! Bonus Power, Water And Bathroom Access!
This is not a job but rather an ad looking for a volunteer. One cannot survive doing such.
Maybe You Wouldn't Be On The Third Nanny If You Paid More Than $10/Hr?
Dawn also explained that it won't be a surprise to most people that the workplace has gone through massive changes recently. “It means employers are looking for individuals with more technical and behavioral competencies,” she said and added that “the workplace was changing fast even before the pandemic, environmental considerations, technology, big data, AI, political influences, social demographics, the list goes on.”
Trump Lovers Must Apply!
Must be Trump fans, they also love to dodge taxes an get involved in shady financial transactions.
Best Job Ever
$8-9/Hr, Manager, Urgently Hiring, On Call, Weekends, English And Spanish, Drivers License, And A Positive Attitude Required For Consideration!
Not for $8-9 an hour. Pay people what they are worth and you may have a better chance of a hire.
“It can seem overwhelming when a candidate looks at the job advert and job description with the long list of criteria, tasks, responsibilities, etc. In my experience as an in-house recruiter, this job description was often a 'wish list,'” Dawn told us. “The hiring managers would take that job to market (job boards, agencies, social media, etc.) and see who was looking, who was interested in the job, and see what they could get for the salary,” she said.
Moreover, the job description is also what we tend to think of as the 'end product.' “This means the hiring managers and recruiters aren't necessarily looking for a candidate to 'tick' all of the boxes. Of course, it's great if they find someone who does match most or all of the criteria.”
Good Luck!
I Want A Full Crew Of Experienced Filmmakers, Own Equipment Preferred, "You Should Expect Overall Zero-Budget Project With No Pay"
Agriculture Suas Drone Pilot - Doctorate (Preferred) - So...$120k In Student Debt For An $18 Per Hour Job
Dawn explained that the job description is a measurement of what the hiring managers would like someone to work towards. “So candidates should keep this in mind when applying for the job and demonstrate not just their fit to the job now, but their potential to meet the criteria in the future. For example, if you have no experience but you are undertaking a qualification, training course, certificate, etc., be sure to add these things to your cover letter and CV.”
“Also, keep in mind that it can be a benefit to the business if a candidate doesn't 'tick' all of the boxes,” Dawn said and added that “they are more likely to stick around for a little longer, be highly motivated to meet the new challenges, and have a balance between bringing lots of skills and experience to the job but also lots of opportunities to learn and develop in the job.”
Wants A Masters Degree For A Minimum Wage Job
Ah Yes,$ 150 A Week For A Job With Brimful Moment Hours
Yeah We Want You To Be A Loyal Worker, Yeah We Will Pay You The Absolute Minimum Wage, And Yeah No Mercy On Your Soul
According to the recruitment expert, the workplace is getting more and more demanding. “Therefore, the skills required to deal with fast-paced working environments and staying ahead of the competition mean employers are less realistic.” And Dawn believes that the speed and pace of change won't slow down in the near future. “Stress levels in the workplace have increased over the last few years and are still increasing,” she added.
First Post Here, What The Hell?
Nanny Job So Good You Should Pay Them To Do It
Entry Level Help Needed!
“Certainly, people are now talking about wanting to spend more quality time with their friends and family and some have enjoyed working from home and the balance that adds to their lifestyles. The conversation has started up again about the 4-day working week,” Dawn explained and added that it will certainly be an interesting trial and topic to follow.
Meanwhile, her advice for the applicant who receives a clearly delusional salary offer is to try to get an idea of the salary or the salary range before going through the entire recruitment process. “If there's a number you can call to get more information or have an informal chat, always call them. This is a genuine invitation to call and start a conversation, but also start the relationship.”
Like Who In The Hell Would Agree To This?
Girlfriend Is Looking For Jobs, Found An Opening For Slave Labor
Seriously!? On the high end, that's $2.80 per hour. Only $125/hr on the low end.
Everything About This Job Listing
Having said that, Dawn warns not to make the salary the first question! “If you are genuinely interested in the job and the company, you will ask questions about these first, you may wish to share a brief and interesting summary of your experience and how it matches the job—don't waffle on and on... Then you can approach them about the remuneration and benefits.” She also said it’s important to let the person know you don't want to waste their time first (of course you don't want them to waste yours either).
Looking For A Rn Job, And They Wonder Why There Is A Shortage
Tithing As A Job Requirement
The whole point of tithing is that you're supposed to give it VOLUNTARILY. It's not supposed to be demanded, you church of warm cabbage.
Pay Me To Live There And Watch My Children For Free
Kind Redditor Offering A Job... And What A Deal It Is!
$2.50 An Hour, 50 Hours A Week. Reshared It Asking For Someone “Reliable And Trustworthy Only”. How Can You Expect Reliable And Trustworthy At That Price?
You Should Come Watch My Kid All Week For $150!
Below Minimum Wage. And Pretty Set On It, Comments Roasted Em
Geez. Not Even A Guaranteed $50 - $100 For The Poor Intern?
Pay Us To Work. Oh, And You Don't Get To Watch The Game
I can see the appeal of this to a die-hard fan but you HAVE to include admission in it. I used to be in the sports industry and we regularly had tours of the stadium and dressing rooms. I think it used to cost £15-£20 about 25 years ago so it would be more than that now due to inflation but you can't justify $350 for it. And we didn't put them to work while they were there! (Maybe we should have let them play. We might not have been relegated!)
$15 Minimum Wage? No Way! What About $1 Instead?
Choosing Beggar Wants You To Pay To Watch Their Dogs
These are the people yelling about how people don't want to work.
This the great resignation. People are tired of being overworked for a wage they cant live on let alone be comfortable. They are tired of being taken advantage of, disrespected, and not considerate. They know how much they are worth and refuse to settle for less.
Plus, the internet has made "gig culture" accessible to anyone with creativity and desire to be flexible with their definition of employment. Someone driving for Lyft or Uber, delivering food/ groceries, and running their own small business doing what they love can sustain themselves AND have flexible hours that employers don't provide. We don't HAVE to settle for insulting wages for overworking in a traditional brick and mortar location anymore. We have options, same the pandemic proved that on a far greater level than ever before, when those brick and mortar locations laid off everyone and they were left to figure out what they could do to pay their bills on their own. Now employers are surprised that they can't get workers to come back to the same conditions!
Load More Replies...I can just imagine these people reading about 19th century slaveowners and thinking "Ooooh, that sounds nice...."
They probably tickle themselves to 1850s "Anti-Tom" literature.
Load More Replies...Fun fact: The vast majority of the developers for Starbound were unpaid interns who were promised pay, but when they questioned about when they were going to get it, they were fired. That is why it's morally correct to pirate Starbound. Thank you for reading.
I applied for a dog walking job. They responded inviting me for an interview but the successful candidate would have to purchase their own dog crates, leads, insurances etc, work for 2 weeks unpaid for training and then the company takes 40% of everything you earn after that. Hahaha I declined that interview on the basis that I couldn’t afford to work for them!
Pont fingers, name names. These people and especially companies should be SHAMED! They put their info out there in the first place so no need to protect their privacy.
I commented this above, but that tech one is completely average right now. Almost every entry-level or junior position is asking for 3-10 or 5-10 years of experience. Fun fact, if you have made it to 5 years without becoming a senior developer than you are an outlier. I don't even know who the postings are for. Is it just so companies can complain that no one wants to work?
This is the modern form of slavery. They target those who for some reason remained unemployable and couldn't develop enough skills.
I once found one of these help-wanted ads where it was a couple looking for a babysitter for their newborn. The mom worked from home, but only sometimes, and would otherwise be at the office. I can't remember the wage, but what stood out to me was that you would get paid a certain rate whenever she was away at the office, and then you would get paid half that when she was working from home. This was because she was breastfeeding, so she would be helping out with the baby during that time. It doesn't matter though. Even if a sitter is just sitting on your couch, that's still their time.
Is there any more happy stuff?? Or is the site just all sadness and ridicule??
Do these advertisers even READ what they're asking for. Honestly it's hard to believe. Like the person who didn't check the mirror before leaving. Hideous.
These are the people yelling about how people don't want to work.
This the great resignation. People are tired of being overworked for a wage they cant live on let alone be comfortable. They are tired of being taken advantage of, disrespected, and not considerate. They know how much they are worth and refuse to settle for less.
Plus, the internet has made "gig culture" accessible to anyone with creativity and desire to be flexible with their definition of employment. Someone driving for Lyft or Uber, delivering food/ groceries, and running their own small business doing what they love can sustain themselves AND have flexible hours that employers don't provide. We don't HAVE to settle for insulting wages for overworking in a traditional brick and mortar location anymore. We have options, same the pandemic proved that on a far greater level than ever before, when those brick and mortar locations laid off everyone and they were left to figure out what they could do to pay their bills on their own. Now employers are surprised that they can't get workers to come back to the same conditions!
Load More Replies...I can just imagine these people reading about 19th century slaveowners and thinking "Ooooh, that sounds nice...."
They probably tickle themselves to 1850s "Anti-Tom" literature.
Load More Replies...Fun fact: The vast majority of the developers for Starbound were unpaid interns who were promised pay, but when they questioned about when they were going to get it, they were fired. That is why it's morally correct to pirate Starbound. Thank you for reading.
I applied for a dog walking job. They responded inviting me for an interview but the successful candidate would have to purchase their own dog crates, leads, insurances etc, work for 2 weeks unpaid for training and then the company takes 40% of everything you earn after that. Hahaha I declined that interview on the basis that I couldn’t afford to work for them!
Pont fingers, name names. These people and especially companies should be SHAMED! They put their info out there in the first place so no need to protect their privacy.
I commented this above, but that tech one is completely average right now. Almost every entry-level or junior position is asking for 3-10 or 5-10 years of experience. Fun fact, if you have made it to 5 years without becoming a senior developer than you are an outlier. I don't even know who the postings are for. Is it just so companies can complain that no one wants to work?
This is the modern form of slavery. They target those who for some reason remained unemployable and couldn't develop enough skills.
I once found one of these help-wanted ads where it was a couple looking for a babysitter for their newborn. The mom worked from home, but only sometimes, and would otherwise be at the office. I can't remember the wage, but what stood out to me was that you would get paid a certain rate whenever she was away at the office, and then you would get paid half that when she was working from home. This was because she was breastfeeding, so she would be helping out with the baby during that time. It doesn't matter though. Even if a sitter is just sitting on your couch, that's still their time.
Is there any more happy stuff?? Or is the site just all sadness and ridicule??
Do these advertisers even READ what they're asking for. Honestly it's hard to believe. Like the person who didn't check the mirror before leaving. Hideous.