There are plenty of reasons to be thankful for living in this day and age—modern medicine, technology, and the ability to travel the world, just to name a few. But let’s not forget one thing that makes life infinitely more entertaining: memes. Let’s be honest, without them, the world would be a lot less fun.
With that in mind, we’ve rounded up some hilarious finds from the subreddit Absolutely Not Me IRL. These memes cover just about anything and everything, so there’s bound to be something that’ll make you chuckle. Enjoy!
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Because I read the message in case it’s an emergency, which in most cases it isn’t, and am too busy with something to reply right away. Then I forget about it and don’t remember until days later, at which point I‘m too embarrassed to reply at all.
I'm 38 years old and have never received a jury summons. When I started working for the state government we were told we'd probably get called more frequently (not sure how that would work actually, but that's what I was told) and still...
Load More Replies...I once got called for Grand Jury duty! It was one day a week for 3 months. Where I worked they didn't pay for jury duty, so if I had to serve it was basically a 20% decrease in my pay for 3 months! Who the heck can afford that?!?! I was far enough down the list that I didn't get selected thank God!
Here where I curl up at night, the county is doing a pilot program to which jurors get paid $100/day. It's nice but if you are a state employee, tough bamboo for you! You're not eligible.
We only get $10/day. I've never served once, and I'm not upset by that. I'd rather not get evicted because some yahoo robbed a bank.
Load More Replies...I find it a really weird concept. Glad my country doesn't have it.
Done it twice. There was one case at the court where it was into its 46th week. In that case those jurors may have lost their jobs but the income from the courts after that amount of time would have allowed them to still live.
It's illegal to fire someone for doing jury duty, in the UK
Load More Replies...And if you run your own business as a one person show you're totally screwed. I've been called once but they didn't pick me. I was happy, but it also made me wonder why they didn't want me. :)
I am pathologically shy about speaking in front of more than one person. I was about to have an anxiety attack when the judge was interviewing everyone and they got down to the last juror to be selected and all eleven other selected jurors are staring at the remaining three of us as yet to be interviewed. Thankfully he selected the person next to me and he became the 12th juror.
No you don't actually get to solve it. You're just voting for the best lawyer
Hot tip: If you don’t want to do jury duty, just don’t go. They don’t send the summons certified mail, so they have no way of proving that you got it.
A cop told me they never choose teachers for a jury. We cause too much trouble!
I got called for jury duty once. All I had to do was show up every morning for a couple of hours and drink cheap styrofoam cups of tea while the court tried to get itself organised. I only saw the actual courtroom once, when they got around to the selection. I wasn't selected and I'm glad because it was a r.ape case. The face of the accused (who allegedly broke into this woman's house in order to assault her) is still seared into my mind.
It is an intresting process. It kind of gives you a behind the scenes of the judicial system .
They CAN, but it seems like they seldom do. I'm in my 60s. I've received a jury summons four times in my life. Two of them I was not needed when I called in the weekend before, so I didn't have to do anything. One of them I got as far as sitting in the jury selection room but they got all the people they needed and sent the rest of us home. And one time I was actually a juror and had to spend about three days sitting through a trial. So big picture it has not had much affect on my life. I do feel a bit sad for folks who end up on something like the OJ Simpson trial or other (in)famous trials that drag on for weeks/months and everyone wants to access the jurors if they can. Nobody knew or cared about the trial I served on except the people directly involved with it.
I wish we could play the ol' Uno Reverse from time to time, and call in judges and lawyers to put in a few hours at our own workplaces.
Guessing different jurisdictions handle it differently, but you may be found to be in contempt and fined or even possibly jailed. In practice, I don't believe consequences are usually severe, if any. A friend forgot about jury duty in Chicago - she called the courthouse and they just said they'd mail out another summons for future jury duty. They seemed pretty unconcerned. It may be different in areas where they struggle to round up enough potential jurors.
Load More Replies...I loved doing jury duty. Because the defendant was so old, we started at 9:00 and were finished by lunchtime at the latest, except for one day when we were deliberating. I got to pick up my daughter from school at 3:30 for nearly a fortnight.
$15?!? I was robbed, I just got $5. Also it helped that I know every judge in the county, so I got out of that real quick.
Are they a thing anywhere except the USA? Totally foreign concept in my country!
A good chef is like a good friend, they have the ability to pay attention to something else beside their own drama.
I start panicking that the cross between the image means do u want to mute? And not you are muted
My fiancé got married while I was deployed. A friend’s wife ran away from Utah to LA with a rock band. They were LDS
I go shopping with my mum a lot, mainly because I don't have any friends to go with and every time I end up regretting it. It takes her 3x as long to look through a store as it takes me.
Most likely he already had the quarter palmed in his hand and was messing with you.
Wow, now even BP wants money to show more content. Forget that, Bored Panda!
Accidentally clicked a link, getting back and now I'm blocked from seeing beyond 34.. shamefull.. 💩
Load More Replies...This post is "35 memes", and it appears the paywall only stops us from seeing the bottom half of the 35th meme? So, that means almost 99% is free and we gotta pay for that last 1% 🤣
HAHAHAHAHA.... Premium content from site that rips off other content. What a time to be alive.
Wow, now even BP wants money to show more content. Forget that, Bored Panda!
Accidentally clicked a link, getting back and now I'm blocked from seeing beyond 34.. shamefull.. 💩
Load More Replies...This post is "35 memes", and it appears the paywall only stops us from seeing the bottom half of the 35th meme? So, that means almost 99% is free and we gotta pay for that last 1% 🤣
HAHAHAHAHA.... Premium content from site that rips off other content. What a time to be alive.