There are plenty of reasons to be thankful for living in this day and age—modern medicine, technology, and the ability to travel the world, just to name a few. But let’s not forget one thing that makes life infinitely more entertaining: memes. Let’s be honest, without them, the world would be a lot less fun.
With that in mind, we’ve rounded up some hilarious finds from the subreddit Absolutely Not Me IRL. These memes cover just about anything and everything, so there’s bound to be something that’ll make you chuckle. Enjoy!
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There are some brilliant reaction videos on YouTube of Americans watching her stuff and they are DYING!! with laughter at her! She’s so funny. Diane Morgan is the real person behind this. She was great in Motherland.
Load More Replies...Hogfather covered this pretty well. Death: [reads a list] The boy wants a pair of trousers that he doesn't have to share, a huge meat pie, a sugar mouse, "a lot of toys" and a puppy named Scruff. Albert: Ah, how sweet. I shall wipe away a tear, 'cause what he's getting, see, is this wooden toy and an apple. Death: But the letter clearly... Albert: I know. It's the socio-economic factors. The world would be in a hell of a mess, eh, if everyone got what they asked for. Death: I gave them what they wanted in the store... Albert: Yeah, well, what good is a god that gives you everything you want? Death: You have me there. Albert: It's the HOPE that's important. It's a big part of belief. I mean to say, you give people jam today and they'll just sit and eat it. But jam tomorrow, now... that'll keep them going for ever. Death: And you mean that because of this the poor get poor things and the rich get rich things?
Been saying it for years. It is why I'm not a fan of the santa myth. You're essentially telling kids that poor kids are bad and rich kids are good.
I was humiliated at school because I was 100% sure my parents wouldn't lie to me. I wasn't great with people at school and it just gave the bullies something else to tease me about. I was too stupid to realise the truth. I chose not to lie to my daughter, never have, never will. She doesn't agree with me in all things, but she trusts everything I tell her is the truth.
Load More Replies...“If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean morality comes from morons?”
I actually met someone who told me the only reason he got toys for Christmas was toy drives such as Toys 4 Tots. I now make sure I donate each year
Living in poverty? Maybe you're worshipping the wrong god. Stop dreaming about killing unbelievers, and start earning today!
Because I read the message in case it’s an emergency, which in most cases it isn’t, and am too busy with something to reply right away. Then I forget about it and don’t remember until days later, at which point I‘m too embarrassed to reply at all.
Are they a thing anywhere except the USA? Totally foreign concept in my country!
A good chef is like a good friend, they have the ability to pay attention to something else beside their own drama.
I start panicking that the cross between the image means do u want to mute? And not you are muted
My fiancé got married while I was deployed. A friend’s wife ran away from Utah to LA with a rock band. They were LDS
I go shopping with my mum a lot, mainly because I don't have any friends to go with and every time I end up regretting it. It takes her 3x as long to look through a store as it takes me.
Most likely he already had the quarter palmed in his hand and was messing with you.
Wow, now even BP wants money to show more content. Forget that, Bored Panda!
Accidentally clicked a link, getting back and now I'm blocked from seeing beyond 34.. shamefull.. 💩
Load More Replies...This post is "35 memes", and it appears the paywall only stops us from seeing the bottom half of the 35th meme? So, that means almost 99% is free and we gotta pay for that last 1% 🤣
HAHAHAHAHA.... Premium content from site that rips off other content. What a time to be alive.
Wow, now even BP wants money to show more content. Forget that, Bored Panda!
Accidentally clicked a link, getting back and now I'm blocked from seeing beyond 34.. shamefull.. 💩
Load More Replies...This post is "35 memes", and it appears the paywall only stops us from seeing the bottom half of the 35th meme? So, that means almost 99% is free and we gotta pay for that last 1% 🤣
HAHAHAHAHA.... Premium content from site that rips off other content. What a time to be alive.