The new clinic’s location is in Chinandega Department. The nearest village from here – El Rosario – can be reached by bus. It is around six kilometers away with no roads, leaving a person no choice but to use a motorcycle, a horse or their own feet to get there.

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    There were several humanitarian missions deployed in the village: a school and a church were erected to serve the community. The problem is there is only one professional coming for five days a week to teach six classes with children of different ages. However, the nearby village does not have this luxury and thirty-two children are left with no education whatsoever.


    It’s very hard to capture the whole village in one picture as it’s spread along the coastline under the trees. This is a rare construction for this area – a house made of wood; plastic and palm leaves are the most common construction material. Locals are using solar panels and batteries to provide their houses with light at night.

    A rare man can be met in the village where the project takes place. They are all in sea, fishing. Only teenagers can be seen, occasionally speeding down the streets on their motorcycles, playing the ball on the beach, gambling away their fake money or scrubbing boats. Children make everything they find a toy, running across muddy yards. Women cook, chat, wash clothes, chat. The day is passing by with locals relaxing in hammocks among rubbish, fishing gear and plastic houses.