Challenge: Describe Your Last Fart Using Only A Movie Title
No other bodily function is as funny as flatulence. You might think that fart jokes are the lowest level of immature, but we dare you not to laugh when somebody toots a perfect note as if they have a trumpet shoved up their behind. And if you're not a fan of the classical brass instrument' tune, fart sounds can vary from an ultrasound only audible to dogs to something that you might hear in a demolition area, so there's a fart for everyone's taste.
Now, with such a variety of this everyday human bodily function, some spectacular farts are bound to happen. And when something so grand happens, we tend to name it as a form of celebration and commemoration. Precisely because of that, comedian Ray William Johnson invites people to describe their last or most astounding farts using only a movie title.
The rules are simple, just add a famous movie poster and vote for others. You can choose from thousands of serious or funny movie titles, so we are sure that everyone will find something to turn their farts into funny jokes. Let the world know how epic your flatulence is!

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