We Found An IG Account Dedicated To ‘90s Memes, And These Are 30 Of The Best Posts (New Pics)
The 1990s… ‘Home Alone’, Harry Potter Books, Tamagochis, ‘Friends’, brick-like mobile phones, the dawn of the internet, the freedom to play outside. What a time to be alive. I really do feel the kids of today are missing out on so much that millennials got to experience during their childhood. Although some would argue that they much prefer the digital age.
Either way, there are certain things that might only resonate with you if you were lucky enough to have grown up during the '90s. And many can be found on an Instagram account aptly called OnlyNinetiesKidsKnow. It’s run by a guy called Jonathan Miller and has clocked up an impressive 1.1 million followers. The page is a wall of nostalgic memes to transport you right back to what many believe was the best decade. Bored Panda has put together a list of our favorite, and most hilariously relatable posts to see you through yet another week of excessive screen time.
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actually i think hulu does have that option if you create a kids profile!
These with a pair of 3-inch platform sandals. I stacked it more than once :P
If u leave it long enough Mario goes to sleep and starts dreaming.....😴Ah...spaghetti...lol
Brian May, guitarist with Queen, gave up doing his PhD for rock stardom - but completed it several decades later and is now a fully qualified astrophysicist (if you count an investigation into the zodiacal light, that is). Bruce Dickenson, lead singer with Iron Maiden, is another one: fully qualified airline pilot.
😂 Time to speak slowly and calmly and definitely don't make any sort of sudden moves - I'm talking to the cops, in case you're wondering.
Well, BP, I feel this might work as nostalgia for youngsters from the USA. Me? I'm mostly baffled, although I do recognise the guy from Back to the Future... (MIchael J Fox and isn't Parkinson's a b***h, eh? 😬)
Neither my area nor my era. Oh well, something's bound to turn up at some point I suppose
Well, BP, I feel this might work as nostalgia for youngsters from the USA. Me? I'm mostly baffled, although I do recognise the guy from Back to the Future... (MIchael J Fox and isn't Parkinson's a b***h, eh? 😬)
Neither my area nor my era. Oh well, something's bound to turn up at some point I suppose