There’s nothing quite like hotel life – that mixture of glamour and exoticism is always a thrill. And for the top hoteliers in the poshest hotels, the very concept of running a hotel is an art.

That goes for the architects, too. Given millions of dollars and instructions to make a building that will shine out of holiday brochures, many architects get the chance to do the most imaginative work of their career.

Unfortunately, sometimes that imagination gets a little out of hand. Or at least, the financiers can’t quite keep up. That’s what happened with The Hotel Commonwealth, an interwar project to build the world’s biggest hotel across an entire New York block. Somehow, the indoor golf course was never quite realizable, and the project collapsed before a brick was laid.

And let’s not forget the king of them all: Barron Hilton. His evil masterplan, in the 1960s, was to build a hotel on the moon. And this was just to be the flagship of his outer space hotel chain – he planned a fleet of satellite hotels, too! Maybe this guy should go for a drink with Elon Musk?

Anyway, these guys have done their homework and recreated six of these impossible hotels. Which one is your favorite?

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    #1 Full Moon Hotel in Baku


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    #2 The Fourth Grace in Liverpool

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    #3 The Hotel Commonwealth in New York

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    #4 Rogers Lacy Hotel in Dallas

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    #5 Xanadu Hotel in Las Vegas

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    #6 Lunar Hilton Hotel on The Moon

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