6 Coins You Need Carry On You At All Times To Deal With A World Full Of A-Holes!
Let’s face it, today’s society is full of dickheads and dumb asses. It’s unavoidable and inevitable that you will cross paths with one or more of aforementioned assholes on a daily basis.
That’s why I’ve come up with a non-confrontational solution to deal with these everyday encounters opposed to getting in a screaming match or fist fight.
Just keep one (or all) of the following 6 coins on you, and your day will become that much easier to deal with when you run into that clashing personality!
By sharing these “tokens” of appreciation with the jerk you’re in opposition with, you can; brighten then ruin their day in an instant, literally give your two cents, as well as literally give zero fucks, a flying fuck, a shit, or a rat’s ass!
The possibilities are quite limitless and most satisfying.
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, these coins are priceless!
More info: zerofuckscoin.com
Flip the passive-aggressive script with a Smiley Face/Have a Nice Day, Asshole! Coin
Literally Give Your “Two Cents”
Literally Give Zero Fucks
Literally Give a Flying Fuck or Two Fucks
Literally Give a Shit or Two Shits
Literally Give a Rat’s Ass
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