Nowadays, memes are more than just funny images that go viral. They’ve become tools for expression, whether it’s a political sentiment, masked sadness, or, in this case, sarcastic humor.
That’s why Instagram pages like 50 Nerds of Grey exist. While an early version on a different social media platform focused on poking fun at the famous romance novel, this one is all about memes with a tinge of sarcasm.
Don’t worry; the snarkiness isn’t off-putting at all. If anything, this list may bring you the laughs you didn’t know you needed today.
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Sarcastic quips don’t always land right. It requires a bit of mental gymnastics to come off as acceptable and not be too offensive. Because of this, it forces a person to be creative with their statements.
A 2015 study proved this when the participants–a group of college students–listened to complaints to a company’s customer service line. Upon hearing sarcastic comments, the students quickly came up with creative solutions.
According to the study’s authors, the brain must develop something creative to understand and convey sarcasm. As a result, it allows you to think clearly.
“To either create or understand sarcasm, the tone must overcome the contradiction between the literal and actual meanings of the sarcastic expressions,” the authors concluded.
Upvote for Philomena Cunk. The intellectual we all deserve.
Most people also have a commute that's 30-60 minutes, if not longer, so that needs to be added onto work. Work: 10 hours.
For many people, sarcasm is also a coping mechanism for life’s challenges. It masks underlying sadness and makes it seem humorous. You will likely see many examples on this list.
A 2021 study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research showed that people used sarcastic humor to ward off symptoms of depression and anxiety during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The world’s state of affairs may be saddening and frustrating for some. Therefore, many of them rely on sarcastic humor to frame these absurdities in a more lighthearted way. And for the most part, it benefits them.
According to psychologist Dr. Mark Travers, snarky commentary on societal norms may be perceived as “insightful” and “attractive” to people who appreciate thought-provoking conversations.
What about you? Which of these memes were most relatable to you and why? Are you a fan of this kind of humor? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Shares meals with riff raff (prostitutes, tax collectors. Suggests “turning the other cheek” in disputes. Helps poor and sick people whether they are deserving or not. Is full of clever and interesting stories (parables). Is uninterested in the trappings of wealth and does not suck up to the rich and powerful. I could go on…
. . . and now Trump & Putin are doing their best to start World War III; you're F*kd
Hey Eddy, say you are a rich d-bag with absolutely no common sense without saying...
Even the dang Wi-Fi routers in Australia look like they could kill you!
Jane Austin: I met a gentleman of meager value, with an estate providing no more than the income necessary to sustain a moderate living. Though perhaps he could earn an adequate fortune by some other means, he lacked the charisma to charm me or my sisters. Hemmingway: I met a man. It was raining and cold enough that I saw the steam of his final breath. Nobody mourned his passing. We are the same in that way, he and I. Brian Greene: If we imagine an average person, composed of atoms, which are in turn composed of sub-atomic particles. We ask ourselves, as we dig deeper into the fabric of the cosmos, what is the basis for the verbosity of the standard model. Is String Theory an answer, or another dead-end? Me: I had way too much fun writing these
Mark Twain: Well I'll be damned if ol' Jim an I didn't see the least interesting man on that river. Jim pointed him out to me, and there he were, just standin' without ne'er expression tween his eyes, but'n to say that he seen the grass growin' pass his ankles. Wearin' the kinda suit you'd pick up at a Woolworth's for a days wages chuckin' corn for my pa. I reckin' he were walkin' to church or some'n, since he weren't tryin' to get there any faster than that slow river'd take you.
Something I did not know. I would love to have a chat with you someday and pick your brain
I always copy down my favorite passages longhand after I finish a book. I usually go off on my own writing based on the book passage. It works really well and keeps the reading/thinking/writing cycle going. Even if I have nothing to write at least I'm writing down words. Just make sure to quote book and page numbers so you don't get mixed up if you mix your own writing in.
I applaud your dedication to typing this out for the betterment of the internet. True dedication to the improvement of mankind.
I've never read any of his work. But I'd love to read your version of it.
He was the kind of man you’d pass on the street without a second thought. Average height, with a slouch that spoke more of a day spent waiting for the bus than one spent chasing ambition. His suit was a dull gray, the kind that might’ve been sharp once, but now just hung on him like a tired old coat on a rack in a department store no one bothered to visit. His shoes were scuffed, but they had that polish of someone who tried too hard to keep them looking new, only to give up somewhere in the middle of a soggy Tuesday. The hair on his head was starting to thin, a few stubborn strands fighting for real estate, while the rest of him just… existed. Eyes like two pennies dropped in a puddle—dull, unremarkable, the kind you’d forget about before you even crossed the street.
Just want to mention that I hate Jane Austen and her terrible writing style. (Yes, I know you wrote this, but I still wanted to express my feelings.)
My issue with her work is more to do with the fact that everything about a person's value comes down to their wealth. Which I know is very much a reflection of the period she's writing in, and it is also supposedly an attempt at criticizing her contemporaries on their judgements. But with the possible exception of Sense and Sensibility, her novels tend to associate virtuousness with wealth. Also, her books need more zombies (thank you Seth Grahame-Smith)
If I may, as a Jane Austen fan, I'd like to correct you. Her works were more along the lines of satire, which included poking fun at one's wealth and status. Most of her wealthy characters, even if superficially virtuous, were revealed to be vainglorious, miserly, petty, malicious, cowardly, prideful, and otherwise unpleasant. F.a.n.n.y (stupid BP is censoring f.a.n.n.y for gods' sakes) Price from "Mansfield Park" (the one Austen work I loath) is a poor relation, yet she is truly virtuous - self-sacrificing and self-effacing to a woeful degree. Anne Elliot of "Persuasion" is equally virtuous, putting up with her money-grubbing family and taking the brunt of their insults, to the point of ignoring her happiness by not marrying the man she loves. That said, the addition of zombies was quite welcome. 😁
James Joyce: describe on 40 pages where he lives, what he had for breakfast, what is the weather, where he bought his clothes he out on this morning.
Stephen King does the same, and then they die horrible, potentially killed by a monster...
Load More Replies...It's called lyricism. Welcome to the joy of language and the theatre of the mind.
'Jimmy crackcorn I hate this book, Jimmy crackcorn I hate this book. Jimmy crackcorn I hate this book.....let's pretend I read page one" Doug Heffernan, King of Queens.
But how beautiful. Thought I was reading a Sherlock Holmes story. Those times... People had time to say what they wanted to say. 😔
Sorry guys, looks like we have to leave this website and go to Reddit.
4. This could have been an email. You are all now my eternal enemies and will be smited if it's the last thing I ever do.
I like ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DD. That way your files names are always sorted and easily grouped into their correct order
Ahh, the younger generations will never know the greatness that was Word Perfect for DOS. It was, and still is, the greatest text editor.
And, to steal an old joke, all of America eats like they have free health care.
Keep your eye on the ball, your ear to the ground, and your nose to the grindstone. Now try to work like that.
Unrelated but y'all haven't seen the full scope of human aggression until you witness me trying to close one of those F☆CKING ads in these listicles !!!!
The browser extension uBlock Origin might be some help there. BP, if your ads weren't so intrusive, I wouldn't be using an ad blocker. Think about it.
Load More Replies...There is always 4 or 5 on top of each other. The last one is always "join premium!!" And every time the X Is too small and redirects me to another page, the further I dig my heels in that I will never give money to the source of most of my aggression
Duckduckgo browser blocks all the ads and stuff if you want a recommendation
Google "uBlock Origin" and open their page. Pick your browser out of the list, and let the extension install. It will open a settings screen, but you can close and ignore that, as the standard settings are fine to begin with. If something does make it through and show up on your screen, rightclick it and select Block Element. POOF, byebye advertising! ;)
Whenever I try to access BP with an adblocker, I get an error message forcing me to deactivate it.
Try the Brave browser, works like a charm. Microsoft has stopped supporting the uBlock Origins add-on.
Sadly, too true. This is what happens when a group or political party decides to dumb down the entire population so people won't question the lies they are told. And next, we end up with a mentally ill felon in the White House.
Had you heard the outcome of the election? Don't worry, you'll catch up.
I use kindle fire10. I've never d/l an ad blocker and I've never seen an ad heere
I'm really tired of the rude references to Christianity. What is wrong with you??
You know you can just tell whoever is forcing you to read these jokes at gunpoint, that you don't like humour.... right? Stand up for yourself! You have the right to decide not to read things you don't find funny, and nobody can stop you! ;)
Load More Replies...Unrelated but y'all haven't seen the full scope of human aggression until you witness me trying to close one of those F☆CKING ads in these listicles !!!!
The browser extension uBlock Origin might be some help there. BP, if your ads weren't so intrusive, I wouldn't be using an ad blocker. Think about it.
Load More Replies...There is always 4 or 5 on top of each other. The last one is always "join premium!!" And every time the X Is too small and redirects me to another page, the further I dig my heels in that I will never give money to the source of most of my aggression
Duckduckgo browser blocks all the ads and stuff if you want a recommendation
Google "uBlock Origin" and open their page. Pick your browser out of the list, and let the extension install. It will open a settings screen, but you can close and ignore that, as the standard settings are fine to begin with. If something does make it through and show up on your screen, rightclick it and select Block Element. POOF, byebye advertising! ;)
Whenever I try to access BP with an adblocker, I get an error message forcing me to deactivate it.
Try the Brave browser, works like a charm. Microsoft has stopped supporting the uBlock Origins add-on.
Sadly, too true. This is what happens when a group or political party decides to dumb down the entire population so people won't question the lies they are told. And next, we end up with a mentally ill felon in the White House.
Had you heard the outcome of the election? Don't worry, you'll catch up.
I use kindle fire10. I've never d/l an ad blocker and I've never seen an ad heere
I'm really tired of the rude references to Christianity. What is wrong with you??
You know you can just tell whoever is forcing you to read these jokes at gunpoint, that you don't like humour.... right? Stand up for yourself! You have the right to decide not to read things you don't find funny, and nobody can stop you! ;)
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