Twitter has become, once again, a battleground for the boomers and Gen Z’ers. The younger members of Twitter are just shooting off funny boomer tweets left and right. And to be honest, they are hilarious. On the surface, these funny tweets are just that — innocent. Thankfully, due to the lack of knowledge of modern technologies, many boomers are left reading funny tweets on Twitter and not tweeting themselves. But why are Gen Z and boomers battling each other, even on Twitter?
As with every rivalry — they all start with different understandings of humor. Boomer humor is the encapsulation of the 20th century. Old, like 100 years old. Jokes back then included “sir” and “ma’am” in almost every punch line. Now Gen Z humor is the pinnacle of the 21st century, using up a joke till it loses all meaning. Twitter is the best place for this kind of humor. Some of the funniest tweets came from the younger audience because they can make fun of themselves by accepting that they won’t reach the heights that boomers did. But they also like to remind them that the future is now [old man] and it belongs to them.
So, if you are out looking for some of the funniest tweets today that involve that boomer/Gen Z humor, we got you covered! We have collected a set of boomer tweets for you to enjoy. Upvote the tweets that threw some shade at the boomer audience. Don't agree with the idea in a tweet? Be sure to leave a comment down below.
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Hey, leave the Nigerian Prince alone, he just wants to give you all the money. Good guy, I trust him with my entire retirement, so should you.
Who forces kids to college? Too freaking expensive, too much time. I advocate tech school. Get your degrees part time, if you want them.
Every generation Blames the one before All of their frustrations Come beating on your door
What do we want? To live in a society with clean air, clean water, access to affordable healthcare, a livable wage, and affordable housing. When do we want it? Now, please 😏
Boomer culture is NOT playing your music on said iphone without headphones that capture the noise.
It will eventually. Fresh water supplies are diminishing on a global scale, which means more water restrictions & a very thirsty lawn. Although I can see boomers completely disregarding the restrictions, watering their whole property anyway, while running their ridiculously ugly cherub fountains.
It's on every. possible. news. broadcast. Especially crime. Just sayin'
You know, I've never heard the word 'panhandler' before today. I'm guessing it's an Americanism for beggar???
I see all generations leaving shopping carts wherever they please
Right, because that sort of thing is exclusive to boomers? Y'all realize that baby boomers are a particular generation, not a political stance right?
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Just walk it off. You've probably had enough screen time today anyway, young'n.
I was in a conference call and everytime it was my time to speak, I'd stretch out to the middle of table and speak directly in the speaker thing. My coworker kept giggling and I couldn't figure out why......boomer here, need I say more... Edit: apparently I don't even know what a baby boomer is...i googled, im Generation X, on the cusp of boomer...yeesh...
I'm gen z and I'm both incredibly confused (I'm usually at least a little confused so it's not a shocker) and very amused
Ive always found that ick. I use the rubber finger thingy to flip through papers.
So... not going to upvote it. Right? What do I do now, I am confused.
I'm a boomer and had a job where I wore shorts or jeans and graphic tees with hoodies daily!
I feel this one should be the opposite but I'm a boomer so what do I know...
No people born in the 90’s have power yet. Wait until they do! Utopia!!!!
The reason being is our kids insist on us having an Instagram account, even though we really didn't see the need for one.
How in the world is making false equivalences a boomers thing?! Do you all realize just how small minded and dumb a lot of these make you sound?
Maybe if the younger ones sat down with the older ones and maybe help them, then they may,may get it. You have to remember they didn't have computers
No that's just people smart enough to realize that things don't just go bad at midnight on the best before date. Man some of these are so bad. It's no wonder boomers give millennials a hard time.
Alright maybe I'm the idiot here (gen x btw) but so many of these just come off as clueless to me. Discussing politics is not a generational thing. It may be less common in younger people (teens in particular) but it's not a boomer trait.
Only if it's the one about me saying "Siri, when will it rain next?" Siri: "Not for three months". Me: "Surely you can't be serious". Siri: "I am serious, and don't call me Shirley". Then I remembered I'd left the phone in Airplane mode... I thank you.
WHAT??? THERE AREN'T??? Ok I know it's Universal or something but minions are cool.
Wow, what a nasty little list. Still amazes me though, how my entire generation (Gen X) still gets overlooked. When I see things like this, I don't mind so much.
yeah, but how are they gonna insult us? literally the 'nevermind' generation arent going to be put out by petty insults. its much of the reason the boomers get so much flak, because they still rise to it!
Load More Replies...Wow, what a nasty little list. Still amazes me though, how my entire generation (Gen X) still gets overlooked. When I see things like this, I don't mind so much.
yeah, but how are they gonna insult us? literally the 'nevermind' generation arent going to be put out by petty insults. its much of the reason the boomers get so much flak, because they still rise to it!
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