We have 2 cats, Baldrick and Melchett, both short-haired moggies. We have had ginger Baldrick since he was a kitten. He is now 11 years old but still acts like a kitten. Tabby Melchett was living wild on a river bank until 3 years ago he appeared at our back door hoping to be fed, and has been with us since.
Night-time gymnastics
Hoping to be fed
Sneak attack
The Sound of Mewsic
‘Did you see the size of that mouse?’
‘Driving da bus with ma feet on tha pedal’
Border patrol
Winter portrait
Supercat 2
Garden cat
Ear trouble
Morning stretch
Catnip giggles
Me and my shadow
The night hunter
Evening patrol
The Laughing Catalier
Mousie attack
Autumn nap
Leap into action
Look into my eyes
Playful cat
The dinner time rush
Evening wash
Shadow cat
‘Do you feel lucky?’
Springtime cat
Footloose cat
Bad taste cat
Evening stretch
Cat portrait
Summer stretch
King of the castle
The hunter
Sky cat
Dancing cat
At the bottom of the garden
‘Who’s been here?’
Tired kitty
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