My name is Sandra Suárez and this is my “365 Masks Project”, which you can follow on Instagram. The project came to me by accident. I had a pair of broken glasses at home and I decided to give them a second life by transforming them into a piece of art. I had fun taking photos of them and gradually, I found myself making masks – this time with cardboard and paint. This is a great way to recycle and create a fun project. It’s really fun to create so many different characters with a simple piece of cardboard.

Sometimes we forget that we have to do things that we like, things that amuse us. Leave out the obligations and worries and just play and have fun. It’s what I do with my masks. I’m a creative person, I like to have fun and enjoy the little things. I think this reflected in the photographs. So, the project is a reflection of me. I just want make others smile.

More info: Instagram