30 Photos Of Unreal Nordic Fairy Tale That I Took During My Trip To Iceland
Everyone either was there already or wants to go to Iceland sometime in the future. I was one of the latter people only a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been photographing for years so I know how far pictures might be from the reality so I was very careful no to be over excited. I thought I might finally see northern lights even if it was the end of April. The chance was slim but it was possible. I was hoping for a decent weather even though I knew the weather there is rather unpredictable, especially this time of the year. So how it was?
For me, it was everything I was promised while reading about Iceland. I’ve seen Northern Lights and I experienced all types of weather in just a couple of days. The temperature was changing every day and I experienced between -5 to 10 degrees Celsius. I’ve seen the cloudless sky, snow, hailstones, strong winds and all types of rain one can only imagine and yes Iceland is that amazing!
More info: petermeller.com
“Under the Dark Sky”
“3 x 180 Degrees”
“The Moment of Silence” – Vol.1
Hofskirkja Church
“Geothermal Clock”
“The Moment of Silence” – Vol.2
“The Moment of Silence” – Vol.3
“The Moment of Silence” – Vol.4
“Frozen” – Vol.1
“Another World” – Vol.1
“Icelandic Mustangs” – Vol.1
“Black Sands of Iceland” – Vol.1
“Panta Rhei”
“3D Studio Max”
Dyrhólaey Lighthouse
“Another World” – Vol.2
Dyrhólaey Arch
“Black Sands of Iceland” – Vol.2
“Icelandic Mustangs” – Vol.2
“Winter Vs Spring” – Vol.1
“Frozen” – Vol.2
“Another World” – Vol.3
“Black Sands of Iceland” – Vol.3
“Winter Vs Spring” – Vol.2
“Against the Waves”
“Santa’s Factory”
“Icelandic Fairytale”
“Another World” – Vol.4
Share on FacebookGreat photos. The colours are great, and your approach. But, why do you call it the ,,cathedral" ?
Great photos. The colours are great, and your approach. But, why do you call it the ,,cathedral" ?