These 30 Crazy Snowman Ideas Would Make Calvin And Hobbes Proud
Even though the last strip of “Calvin and Hobbes” was published on December 31, 1995, apparently Calvin’s crazy snowman ideas lived on!
It’s hard to say when people started making snowmen because they melt so quickly but, according to Bob Eckstein, who wrote The History Of The Snowman, the first depiction of this outdoors activity was in the Book Of Hours written in 1380. In the U.S., they were made a national winter family activity when Gene Autry recorded his hit “Frosty the Snowman” in 1950.
Poor old Frosty, however, might melt into tears if he saw some of these creative ideas and darkly funny snowmen. Forget the traditional winter wonderland attributes – these artists have pulled out all the stops on how to build a snowman. If there’s good snow on the ground where you are, get out there, make this snow DIY project and share your pictures with us!
via: huffpost
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Source: mpburrows
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Source: Piotr Hawalej
Source: kimkiminy.wordpress.com
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Source: Christopher Bienko
Source: West Midlands Police
Source: chicagobikelife.com
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Source: leganerd.com
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Source: PhilipJ
Source: reddit
Source: huffingtonpost.com
Source: woodenboat.com
Source: imgur
Source: ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com
Source: pcaction.de
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Source: davethejanitor.com
Source: brian colson
Source: samhilldesign
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