This Photo Of Color-Coded Grandchildren Is Going Viral, And It Shows Just How Much One Family Can Grow
This family has a family photo unlike any others. Shared by the Roussel Six Pack Facebook page, the photo shows 17 grandchildren of 6 siblings all in one place. The grandchildren are all standing in birth order with color-coded shirts for each family. “The photo was my sister’s idea,” Chrissy, the mother of the 6 kids in hot pink shirts, told Popsugar. “Having a big family means lots of noise, laughter, and, most importantly, love. Between the 17 cousins, there’s always someone to play with and have fun with. They have a ball together. I loved having a big family growing up, and I’m so happy that my kids have the same experience.”
The beautiful photo also pays homage to their grandfather, who passed away. “I also reflect on how those 17 kind, thoughtful, funny kids are my dad’s greatest legacy,” Chrissy said. “A beautiful legacy of love, indeed. We miss him so much, but we feel his presence every day through the love and joy of all these kids.”
More info: Facebook (h/t: popsugar)
These grandchildren have a family pic unlike any others
“Having a big family means lots of noise, laughter, and, most importantly, love,” Chrissy, the mother of 6 of the grandchildren said
“Between the 17 cousins, there’s always someone to play with and have fun with”
“They have a ball together”
“I loved having a big family growing up, and I’m so happy that my kids have the same experience”
The Internet absolutely loves their photo idea!
Share on FacebookI have 17 grandchildren, age 7 months to 14 yrs and that's from 4 of my 9 children I love the picture, I color coded my grandchildren when I had only 16 in August of 2015 but I didn't number them I did Picture of all my children in grey and all the grandchildren in a different color by siblings
What a wonderful family. There were 8 children in my family, but unfortunately my parents were too busy supporting us to spend much time playing with us. (This was right after WWII.) Reminds me of an old story, tho. A family had 8 kids, and every time they went out in public, they were all dressed alike. Someone asked the parents if they dressed the kids alike so they wouldn't lose one. Nope. They did that so they didn't pick up any strays! lol
The photo idea is very cute... however, it's a reminder that the world is overpopulated. Families are having six kids each. Those six kids will grow into adults, and each of them will have more kids. See how this goes? Eventually we will have no room, no resources for anyone. If only people would have two or three kids instead. I might get downvotes for being a "pessimist" , but I'm only speaking the truth.
only one has 6 kids, and the last 3 seem to be triplets
Load More Replies...There's no evidence that the world is, or is becoming, overpopulated. That's a theory without basis that keeps arising and is decisively debunked every time. In fact, the entire population of the world could live in an area the size of the state of Texas, and every individual would have an acre and a half to him/her self.
There is no truth to your comment. Overpopulation isn't as big an issue as it is made to be. There is a lot of balance at play that gets overlooked leading to this misinformed mindset. Historically, families tend to have a lot of children when the population needs it due to abundance of illness making for short lives and decreasing the chance of reaching adulthood. The better off a population, in terms of living conditions/healthcare, the less likely families are to have many children. Even then, there are still families who choose to have no or few children further balancing out those who still have many in favorable times. There is enough food and housing to cover all of the people that exist now and then some, it's not overpopulation that is the problem, but the distribution of resources. http://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2011/07/20/the_world_is_not_overpopulated_106247.html https://www.pop.org/debunking-the-myth-of-overpopulation/
I like the alternative view to over-population, but the problems such as "help solve humanity's basic problems... making the world becomes a more prosperous place", as well as "scientific collaboration to improve food production efficiency", "solving scarcity", "resolving wars and conflict", "controlled exploitation of the environment" and the like are very noble but overly idealistic goals. HOW WILL ALL THESE PROBLEMS BE SOLVED? It's all great to sit back and say the over-population is not a problem, but improving "allocation of resources, efficiency of food production, just access to food & water etc etc" will undo all the problems the world faces today. It's an ivory tower response. All hot air. Unspecific. Immeasurable. Conflicted by interests. Unrealistic. Throwing these sources and their recommendations out is simply shifting blame off one problem. While I like where your sources are going, it's still ignoring the fact that overpopulation is still part of the problem.
I agree that the distribution of resources is a problem. We are most certainly not going to run out of physical space (housing) , but there are too many people for the earth to support in resource capacity. We are already causing massive deforestation to provide for all the people we have, and we also emit more CO2 every year as the result of the increased population. We need to make bigger farms to address the larger demand for food, ruining more land and promoting unethical farming practices. Therefore, resource demand is linked to, if not the same as, overpopulation. Overpopulation is defined as having too many people on the planet. The planet cannot provide enough resources for all the people, therefore there are too many. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160311-how-many-people-can-our-planet-really-support http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/How-Many-Babies-Are-Born-Each-Day http://www.everythingconnects.org/overpopulation-effects.html
That's what I was thinking about while reading this post, you two get my upvote.
Not impressed. My grandmother has over 100 great grandchildren. My neighbor has 21 children in one family-21 births, no multiples.
Is this supposed to be big ?? I have 9 siblings and I have 20 nieces and nephews... ya so that's not really big at all .. beautiful fam tho
U better not have kids. Not population control but a*****e control
Load More Replies...Goodness gracious, if they want all those children, then they have a right to have them. Nobodys stopping them from doing that and nobody should. And some people dont have families so id be supportive if I were you.
It was an entire family not one woman with 17 kids. No aunts uncles moms or dads were in that picture just the kids from multiple moms. My family has many more cousins. From a great grandma with 5 kids who each got married to have 2-4 (15 children) who also got married and had kids of there own masking a total of about 40 people. Its called now extended family
I have 17 grandchildren, age 7 months to 14 yrs and that's from 4 of my 9 children I love the picture, I color coded my grandchildren when I had only 16 in August of 2015 but I didn't number them I did Picture of all my children in grey and all the grandchildren in a different color by siblings
What a wonderful family. There were 8 children in my family, but unfortunately my parents were too busy supporting us to spend much time playing with us. (This was right after WWII.) Reminds me of an old story, tho. A family had 8 kids, and every time they went out in public, they were all dressed alike. Someone asked the parents if they dressed the kids alike so they wouldn't lose one. Nope. They did that so they didn't pick up any strays! lol
The photo idea is very cute... however, it's a reminder that the world is overpopulated. Families are having six kids each. Those six kids will grow into adults, and each of them will have more kids. See how this goes? Eventually we will have no room, no resources for anyone. If only people would have two or three kids instead. I might get downvotes for being a "pessimist" , but I'm only speaking the truth.
only one has 6 kids, and the last 3 seem to be triplets
Load More Replies...There's no evidence that the world is, or is becoming, overpopulated. That's a theory without basis that keeps arising and is decisively debunked every time. In fact, the entire population of the world could live in an area the size of the state of Texas, and every individual would have an acre and a half to him/her self.
There is no truth to your comment. Overpopulation isn't as big an issue as it is made to be. There is a lot of balance at play that gets overlooked leading to this misinformed mindset. Historically, families tend to have a lot of children when the population needs it due to abundance of illness making for short lives and decreasing the chance of reaching adulthood. The better off a population, in terms of living conditions/healthcare, the less likely families are to have many children. Even then, there are still families who choose to have no or few children further balancing out those who still have many in favorable times. There is enough food and housing to cover all of the people that exist now and then some, it's not overpopulation that is the problem, but the distribution of resources. http://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2011/07/20/the_world_is_not_overpopulated_106247.html https://www.pop.org/debunking-the-myth-of-overpopulation/
I like the alternative view to over-population, but the problems such as "help solve humanity's basic problems... making the world becomes a more prosperous place", as well as "scientific collaboration to improve food production efficiency", "solving scarcity", "resolving wars and conflict", "controlled exploitation of the environment" and the like are very noble but overly idealistic goals. HOW WILL ALL THESE PROBLEMS BE SOLVED? It's all great to sit back and say the over-population is not a problem, but improving "allocation of resources, efficiency of food production, just access to food & water etc etc" will undo all the problems the world faces today. It's an ivory tower response. All hot air. Unspecific. Immeasurable. Conflicted by interests. Unrealistic. Throwing these sources and their recommendations out is simply shifting blame off one problem. While I like where your sources are going, it's still ignoring the fact that overpopulation is still part of the problem.
I agree that the distribution of resources is a problem. We are most certainly not going to run out of physical space (housing) , but there are too many people for the earth to support in resource capacity. We are already causing massive deforestation to provide for all the people we have, and we also emit more CO2 every year as the result of the increased population. We need to make bigger farms to address the larger demand for food, ruining more land and promoting unethical farming practices. Therefore, resource demand is linked to, if not the same as, overpopulation. Overpopulation is defined as having too many people on the planet. The planet cannot provide enough resources for all the people, therefore there are too many. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20160311-how-many-people-can-our-planet-really-support http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/How-Many-Babies-Are-Born-Each-Day http://www.everythingconnects.org/overpopulation-effects.html
That's what I was thinking about while reading this post, you two get my upvote.
Not impressed. My grandmother has over 100 great grandchildren. My neighbor has 21 children in one family-21 births, no multiples.
Is this supposed to be big ?? I have 9 siblings and I have 20 nieces and nephews... ya so that's not really big at all .. beautiful fam tho
U better not have kids. Not population control but a*****e control
Load More Replies...Goodness gracious, if they want all those children, then they have a right to have them. Nobodys stopping them from doing that and nobody should. And some people dont have families so id be supportive if I were you.
It was an entire family not one woman with 17 kids. No aunts uncles moms or dads were in that picture just the kids from multiple moms. My family has many more cousins. From a great grandma with 5 kids who each got married to have 2-4 (15 children) who also got married and had kids of there own masking a total of about 40 people. Its called now extended family