There Are 16 Circles In This Image, And Most People Can’t Find Them Right Away
Check out the pattern below. What do you see? A bunch of lines and boxes, right? Well, believe it or not, there are actually sixteen circles hiding in this eye trick. We know, it sounds crazy, but you’ll just have to trust us on this one.
It’s called the Coffer Illusion, and it was a finalist in the 2006 Best Optical Illusion Picture of the Year contest. It was created by Anthony Norcia, formerly of the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, and it’s called the Coffer Illusion image because Coffer is an architectural term used to refer to a series of sunken panels in various shapes.
This mind trick was recently uploaded by somebody called i124nk8, and it’s been astounding and bamboozling the internet ever since. Some people can see the circles, and some people can’t. Can you? Then let us know in the comments below!
Optical illusions work by using color, light, and patterns to create cool images that are designed to confuse the brain. They occur because our mind is trying to interpret what our eyes see, thereby creating a perception that doesn’t match the real image in front of us.

Share on FacebookThanks, Andrew! Once you see them, it's obvious.
Load More Replies...I couldn't see it right away!!! But once you see it, you can't hide it from you again!!! Is something that you brain just lean?
Not only can I not see any circles, I don't believe there are any circles in the pattern.
Load More Replies...Focus on a single point, any will work. The illusion will present itself in a few seconds.
This and opening my eyes wide helped also for some reason....I'm usually really bad at these.
Me Too! What reset my mind in that blink? It was like the image turned "on".
Load More Replies...If I don't have to strain to see the circles, does that mean there's something wrong with me?
I don't either. It's so easy, it probably had something to do with the angle you glanced at it.
Load More Replies...First I had to figure out where they had to be....4 x 4 to get 16.............. They then appeared like magic !
Look in between two of the squares to see the circles, and look in between two of the circles to see the squares. circle-opt...2cb501.jpg
Your comment helped me cuz I really thought there was no circles in this picture lol
Load More Replies...It took me a minute but I finally found them right where I’d been looking.
Took about a minute. I slowly crossed my eyes until 3 rows of 5 circles appeared. It was like they were sitting on top of the squares 3d like. Weird.
I have to disagree with calling the result circles. While it looks three dimensional, they remain rectangular!
A circle, by definition, is round and is depicted by a curved line. however, in this image all the lines are straight suggesting there are no circular shapes.
Yep, they're all there. In the spaces between the squares. They kind of connect the squares together.
I plainly see the circles that are between the rows but I also see the hint of circles between the columns. If you look at the outline of the bottom of a square and the top outline of the square below it, (or above), you will see the suggestion of a circle. It is like that between each square in each column in addition to the 16 that is between the rows. lol
Yes.. I saw them... just need to focus - it just pops up all of a sudden, so to say.
With a slight refocus of the eyes the Circles jumped right of the page. Reminds me of the abstract prints with wiggling lines and colors with an image hiding inside popular back in the 90's !!
Yes there are 16 circles in the pic. you just focus and concentrate between two squares for about 20 seconds.
so boring... I can easily switch between circle view and square view....
I was just about to call you all crazy! Then by moving it away and close a couple of times they just popped out at me!
For me it was a now you see it, now you dont moment. They would pop out then go away. Weird.
Put your eyes in a trance. Like when you first wake up and you stare. You will see them
The 16 were easy. They popped right out. but when i shift my vision into a 3D mode, I am able to see 20. Several people have told me that I am crazy that there are not 20 circles visible in any way but in the 3D mode there are clearly 4 rows of 5 circles. Can anyone else see these? We may be a special tribe.
Took about 20 seconds and I relaxed my eyes and the circles (not my eyes) popped right out.
Took about 20 seconds, then I let my eyes relax and then the circles (not my eyes) popped right out.
I saw them only after I relax myself, and trying not to focus so much
Took me a little while but finally seen them. Went back and looked again and had to refocus because I didn't see them again even though I knew where they were.
I see the circles! Took me a few seconds but there they were, clear as day!
I finally found them all by staring at it for a long time, but I discovered that I can make ten circles immediately by putting the tips of my thumbs and fingers on the touch screen. I could get even more by adding toes, but can't quite make that at my age.
Took me a couple of minutes but I see them now!! Can't unsee them now!
ooh thats cool! if you are having trouble seeing them. look at the boxes then shift your eyes to the right but focus left.if that makes any sense. once you see them u will understand what i mean.
There are no circles, there are circular shaped objects that can appear, but do not fit the definition of "circle" a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).
Does this count though? Isn't this just an optical illusion and like "The Dress" debacle doesn't show anything?
Yes I saw them. Actually they are between the squares...if you look cross eyed then you will see them.
I tried various zooms, distances from the screen, and unfocussing my eyes, with no luck, but suddenly when I was scrolling I saw a row of them, and then could see them all. It's funny how once you've seen it, you always do.
And now I can't NOT see them! This is the best of this sort of thing I've ever seen! Wheee!
Oh, wow! When somebody said "Look between the boxes," I did -- and there they were, all sixteen! A-mazing.
Saw them first and thought, why are they asking...isn't it obvious? hahahaha
I was flummoxed at first, but then I looked through the 'distance' part of my glasses, and squinted. Totally obvious then.
How was this hard - BTw Bored panda is bored if they are posting this
I saw both straight away so it was quite funny when I showed my friends and they had some difficulty!!!
Hint: the circles are made out of the vertical lines. Stare are the darker gray thick bar between each "square" and relax a little.
What's really cool is if you rotated the circles clockwise 90 degrees they actually become the line pattern. And the circles and squares no longer exist. .there are only lines.
The circles are between the squares, and make up part of the sides of the squares.
The circles are between the squares and part of the sides of the squares.
Oh my God I first I couldn't see it at all so I left it and I came back and I saw them in mediately it's pretty bizarre
I got it slightly wrong by not clicking on the article and counting the twelve in the thumb nail. I wondered why I was four short. I had to see the bigger picture, pun intended and used seriously
Didnt see them, then watched at sme circles around me in the house and then they were there.
Didnt see them, then watched at sme circles around me in the house and then they were there.
yep I saw them... its like those optical illusion books that used to be around a few years ago..very cool
yep got it .had to work out what there were sixteen of then they just popped right out
Its the circles that jump out at me and then I have to work at seeing the squares and it continually flips back and forth... ;-)
Its the circles that first jump out at me... I have to work at seeing the squares! It flips back and forth ;-)
Stare at the image for a minute or so and close your eyes. In your mind's eyes you will see circles. Open your eyes and look at the image and you will see the circles. Once you see the circles, your mind can no longer hide them from you.
It took a moment but then wow yes 4 rows of 4 circles! Very clever !
Nice trick, it snapped into vision when I looked away and focussed on something else.
It took awhile, this reminds me of those artworks where you would see a different picture when looking out of focus. circa 1980. I still like the challenge.
Is this a joke? I can't NOT see the circles. Maybe if you're looking at this on your phone or something you'd see it different???
Keep your eyes on a set of vertical lines, the circle will shape around them. :)
Load More Replies...I'm utterly useless with magic eye- never once got them. But yep, after a while I finally got there and once you see them, it's obvious!
Nice pics... 4 circle per line... 3D imagine... put the imagine near the face, fix a point and slowly move it away from the face... et voila les jeux sont faites
I absolutely saw it... Just think of the circles and look slightly to the right with your eyes they will appear
I couldn't see them, then all of a sudden one appeared out of the corner of my eye .Then, I could see all of them.More "round shapes" than circles.
Oh my gosh Andrew I see them now and can't stop seeing them. LOL I remember a book that my kids had when they were younger and you had to find characters on each page and you would hold the book a certain way and you would be able to see them .
Oh my gosh Andrew I can see now. Thank you for the tip, I remember when my kids were younger they had this book with pictures with pictures hidden it, like an illusion.
Took me a few minutes but I can see them now, focus on the spaces between the squares.
Now that I've seen the circles, having trouble seeing the squares again.
Yes I can see them, but not straight away and it's easier if you don't focus
Once you see them, you can't unsee them. Just have to let your eyes go lazy while you focus on one point. Then they will jump out at you.
I had trouble seeing the circles at first--but once I did I see 20, not 16!
Duh! I had I my eyes so unfocused that I was getting extras! Now I see 16.
Load More Replies...I've seen his before and never saw the circles ... This morning when I saw the picture the circles jumped out at me!
I was ready the text when i saw the circles. Straigt lines all over and some regular circles of perpandicular lines on it.
Is it fun being miserable on the internet? What an unnecessary comment. Also, don't forget to delete you Facebook about, since you loathe it!
Load More Replies...Thanks, Andrew! Once you see them, it's obvious.
Load More Replies...I couldn't see it right away!!! But once you see it, you can't hide it from you again!!! Is something that you brain just lean?
Not only can I not see any circles, I don't believe there are any circles in the pattern.
Load More Replies...Focus on a single point, any will work. The illusion will present itself in a few seconds.
This and opening my eyes wide helped also for some reason....I'm usually really bad at these.
Me Too! What reset my mind in that blink? It was like the image turned "on".
Load More Replies...If I don't have to strain to see the circles, does that mean there's something wrong with me?
I don't either. It's so easy, it probably had something to do with the angle you glanced at it.
Load More Replies...First I had to figure out where they had to be....4 x 4 to get 16.............. They then appeared like magic !
Look in between two of the squares to see the circles, and look in between two of the circles to see the squares. circle-opt...2cb501.jpg
Your comment helped me cuz I really thought there was no circles in this picture lol
Load More Replies...It took me a minute but I finally found them right where I’d been looking.
Took about a minute. I slowly crossed my eyes until 3 rows of 5 circles appeared. It was like they were sitting on top of the squares 3d like. Weird.
I have to disagree with calling the result circles. While it looks three dimensional, they remain rectangular!
A circle, by definition, is round and is depicted by a curved line. however, in this image all the lines are straight suggesting there are no circular shapes.
Yep, they're all there. In the spaces between the squares. They kind of connect the squares together.
I plainly see the circles that are between the rows but I also see the hint of circles between the columns. If you look at the outline of the bottom of a square and the top outline of the square below it, (or above), you will see the suggestion of a circle. It is like that between each square in each column in addition to the 16 that is between the rows. lol
Yes.. I saw them... just need to focus - it just pops up all of a sudden, so to say.
With a slight refocus of the eyes the Circles jumped right of the page. Reminds me of the abstract prints with wiggling lines and colors with an image hiding inside popular back in the 90's !!
Yes there are 16 circles in the pic. you just focus and concentrate between two squares for about 20 seconds.
so boring... I can easily switch between circle view and square view....
I was just about to call you all crazy! Then by moving it away and close a couple of times they just popped out at me!
For me it was a now you see it, now you dont moment. They would pop out then go away. Weird.
Put your eyes in a trance. Like when you first wake up and you stare. You will see them
The 16 were easy. They popped right out. but when i shift my vision into a 3D mode, I am able to see 20. Several people have told me that I am crazy that there are not 20 circles visible in any way but in the 3D mode there are clearly 4 rows of 5 circles. Can anyone else see these? We may be a special tribe.
Took about 20 seconds and I relaxed my eyes and the circles (not my eyes) popped right out.
Took about 20 seconds, then I let my eyes relax and then the circles (not my eyes) popped right out.
I saw them only after I relax myself, and trying not to focus so much
Took me a little while but finally seen them. Went back and looked again and had to refocus because I didn't see them again even though I knew where they were.
I see the circles! Took me a few seconds but there they were, clear as day!
I finally found them all by staring at it for a long time, but I discovered that I can make ten circles immediately by putting the tips of my thumbs and fingers on the touch screen. I could get even more by adding toes, but can't quite make that at my age.
Took me a couple of minutes but I see them now!! Can't unsee them now!
ooh thats cool! if you are having trouble seeing them. look at the boxes then shift your eyes to the right but focus left.if that makes any sense. once you see them u will understand what i mean.
There are no circles, there are circular shaped objects that can appear, but do not fit the definition of "circle" a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).
Does this count though? Isn't this just an optical illusion and like "The Dress" debacle doesn't show anything?
Yes I saw them. Actually they are between the squares...if you look cross eyed then you will see them.
I tried various zooms, distances from the screen, and unfocussing my eyes, with no luck, but suddenly when I was scrolling I saw a row of them, and then could see them all. It's funny how once you've seen it, you always do.
And now I can't NOT see them! This is the best of this sort of thing I've ever seen! Wheee!
Oh, wow! When somebody said "Look between the boxes," I did -- and there they were, all sixteen! A-mazing.
Saw them first and thought, why are they asking...isn't it obvious? hahahaha
I was flummoxed at first, but then I looked through the 'distance' part of my glasses, and squinted. Totally obvious then.
How was this hard - BTw Bored panda is bored if they are posting this
I saw both straight away so it was quite funny when I showed my friends and they had some difficulty!!!
Hint: the circles are made out of the vertical lines. Stare are the darker gray thick bar between each "square" and relax a little.
What's really cool is if you rotated the circles clockwise 90 degrees they actually become the line pattern. And the circles and squares no longer exist. .there are only lines.
The circles are between the squares, and make up part of the sides of the squares.
The circles are between the squares and part of the sides of the squares.
Oh my God I first I couldn't see it at all so I left it and I came back and I saw them in mediately it's pretty bizarre
I got it slightly wrong by not clicking on the article and counting the twelve in the thumb nail. I wondered why I was four short. I had to see the bigger picture, pun intended and used seriously
Didnt see them, then watched at sme circles around me in the house and then they were there.
Didnt see them, then watched at sme circles around me in the house and then they were there.
yep I saw them... its like those optical illusion books that used to be around a few years ago..very cool
yep got it .had to work out what there were sixteen of then they just popped right out
Its the circles that jump out at me and then I have to work at seeing the squares and it continually flips back and forth... ;-)
Its the circles that first jump out at me... I have to work at seeing the squares! It flips back and forth ;-)
Stare at the image for a minute or so and close your eyes. In your mind's eyes you will see circles. Open your eyes and look at the image and you will see the circles. Once you see the circles, your mind can no longer hide them from you.
It took a moment but then wow yes 4 rows of 4 circles! Very clever !
Nice trick, it snapped into vision when I looked away and focussed on something else.
It took awhile, this reminds me of those artworks where you would see a different picture when looking out of focus. circa 1980. I still like the challenge.
Is this a joke? I can't NOT see the circles. Maybe if you're looking at this on your phone or something you'd see it different???
Keep your eyes on a set of vertical lines, the circle will shape around them. :)
Load More Replies...I'm utterly useless with magic eye- never once got them. But yep, after a while I finally got there and once you see them, it's obvious!
Nice pics... 4 circle per line... 3D imagine... put the imagine near the face, fix a point and slowly move it away from the face... et voila les jeux sont faites
I absolutely saw it... Just think of the circles and look slightly to the right with your eyes they will appear
I couldn't see them, then all of a sudden one appeared out of the corner of my eye .Then, I could see all of them.More "round shapes" than circles.
Oh my gosh Andrew I see them now and can't stop seeing them. LOL I remember a book that my kids had when they were younger and you had to find characters on each page and you would hold the book a certain way and you would be able to see them .
Oh my gosh Andrew I can see now. Thank you for the tip, I remember when my kids were younger they had this book with pictures with pictures hidden it, like an illusion.
Took me a few minutes but I can see them now, focus on the spaces between the squares.
Now that I've seen the circles, having trouble seeing the squares again.
Yes I can see them, but not straight away and it's easier if you don't focus
Once you see them, you can't unsee them. Just have to let your eyes go lazy while you focus on one point. Then they will jump out at you.
I had trouble seeing the circles at first--but once I did I see 20, not 16!
Duh! I had I my eyes so unfocused that I was getting extras! Now I see 16.
Load More Replies...I've seen his before and never saw the circles ... This morning when I saw the picture the circles jumped out at me!
I was ready the text when i saw the circles. Straigt lines all over and some regular circles of perpandicular lines on it.
Is it fun being miserable on the internet? What an unnecessary comment. Also, don't forget to delete you Facebook about, since you loathe it!
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