114 Years Old Steam Locomotive Is Back On Tracks In Bulgaria! And I Was Able To Catch A Glipmse Of It’s First Journey This Millennium!
The Story so far: The old Steam locomotive 26.26 was build in the late 1908 in Cassel, Germany for the purpose of the Bulgarian State Railways. It worked hard as a freight engine up until 1953, when it was retired as a Coal Mine Locomotive in Pernik, Bulgaria. In 1979 was send at a Transport Museum. In 1989, the Locomotive was back at work for a while, but retired again shortly after.
This year, the engine went into a massive repair and came out of retirement once again, this time as a Tourist Attraction.
On 25th of November, it was announced that the Old Steam Locomotive will serve a Tourist Train from Sofia to Bankya, Bulgaria. All the Tickets were sold out in less than a minute!
On December 17th, 26.26 arrived at Sofia Central Train Station, ready for it’s first Passengers in more than 30 years! And it was a massive success, despite the stormy weather! I was able to catch it with my camera on several locations. Enjoy! :)
More info: youtube.com