Polish charity “Karmimy Psiaki” (literally: We feed dogs) launched a social campaign named “11. You shall not abandon your pet”. Few Polish celebrities engaged in the project, being depicted as abandoned dogs – tied to a tree, dumped from a speeding car, buried alive. Authors hope these controversial materials will stop many people from hurting their pets.

From June to August number of dogs in Polish shelters rises about 20-25 %, in comparison to other months. The high rise of abandonments is caused by a very simple reason – lots of dogs’ owners go on vacation and have no idea what to do with their pets, so they just dump them.

To draw attention to this repeating problem, the foundation asked celebrities for help. Six Polish stars: actress Natasza Urbanska, dancer Michal Pirog, TV presenter Marzena Rogalska, model Rafal Maslak, models Kamila Szczawinska and Sylwia Nowak took part in a photo shoot. They were photographed in the same conditions as abandoned dogs go through.