We all like to start the new year with the not-so-humble brag that this year we are going to become the best version of ourselves, so it only made sense that the first internet viral thread of 2019 followed this theme. Unless you have been on a social media cleanse you have seen a #10YearChallenge then and now pictures post. The idea is simple, post side-by-side comparison photos of yourself from both years just to prove how strong your glow-up was.
Call it narcissistic if you want, but there is no denying that for some people out there, like a fine wine, they only got better with time. Some of them found very positive changes in discovering who they are; others went from ugly ducklings to full-on swans. This list shows the best #10YearChallenges from celebrities and regular social media users alike that highlights the most drastic body transformations along with those who haven't seemed to have aged a day. Scroll down below to check out the makeovers and don't forget to upvote your favs!
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She looks exactly the same, and I'm happy for both of them, but my god I love mark ruffalo
I was wondering what rapper would sell so much and I had never heard of him....then saw he was South African...makes sense. Good for him, hard work pays off!
First one looks like a modeling portfolio shot, possibly retouched. Newer pic is more natural and actually more beautiful.
Nice to see people still together after 10 years. I've been together with my significant other for 16 years, and still happy as a clam
You are still as beautiful as ever, but your face now, has a character it didn’t before. You’ve lived, you’re a mom and married, but the beauty you have now, is a richer sort, and a confidence that’s purely won, fair and square!
10 years ago she wanted to see your throat, now she wants to see your manager :D Lookin' good though
Ok! Just to clarify: on the left, we have Christian Chávez, Mexican, singer. on the right we have Evaristo Costa, reporter, Brazilian. Evaristo is a very funny guy and made this as a joke.
These are two different acromegalic giants, and the guy on the left is clearly older than the one on the right. BP should immediately cancel these weird pics.
Oh wow I guess I’m even aging wrong. I look 10 yrs older not hotter. Wtf social media has everyone thinking 10 yrs u should be hotter? For the kids, that’s cool, but for grownass people wtf. It’s 10 yrs, life is hard! Sorry I got older and tired not hotter. I spent my time working and on education, not makeup tutorials,’plastic surgery and filters/photoshop lol 🙄
Lol I kinda feel the same even tho I did watch makeup tutorials. I got older looking too but some of these people prove it doesn’t have to be that way. Plus going from child to adult is a useless demonstration in aging. It’s much more interesting to see the difference between 23 and 33.
Wonder how the earth must have changed in 10 years.. with all the forests reducing and the polar ice melting.. it must look very barren now..
Oh wow I guess I’m even aging wrong. I look 10 yrs older not hotter. Wtf social media has everyone thinking 10 yrs u should be hotter? For the kids, that’s cool, but for grownass people wtf. It’s 10 yrs, life is hard! Sorry I got older and tired not hotter. I spent my time working and on education, not makeup tutorials,’plastic surgery and filters/photoshop lol 🙄
Lol I kinda feel the same even tho I did watch makeup tutorials. I got older looking too but some of these people prove it doesn’t have to be that way. Plus going from child to adult is a useless demonstration in aging. It’s much more interesting to see the difference between 23 and 33.
Wonder how the earth must have changed in 10 years.. with all the forests reducing and the polar ice melting.. it must look very barren now..