309 Petty Revenge Stories That Show Why You Should Never Be An Asshole To Other People (Add Yours)
What is revenge if not the sweetest feeling of serving a hot and steamy plate of justice. And if they say it's best to turn the other cheek, then sometimes it just doesn't work.
Bored Panda has already compiled a list of juicy revenge quotes and stories that will make you think twice before being an asshole to other people but this one focuses more on petty revenge.
Even something as little as making fun of the way a person talks can ruin their day and also though the act is not a felony, it's still harmful, completely unnecessary and absolutely worthy of the best comeback possible. Luckily, some heroes were in the right place at the right time and quickly came up with an appropriate punishment. Some of these are the perfect examples of how to get revenge without causing any real harm, so there's something to learn.
Scroll down to enjoy their funny, professional revenge tales, and if you also belong to the righteous - feel free to submit your story as well.
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Petty Revenge Stories
(I’m a manager. I am ringing up a woman I have sold things to before. We are making small talk as I ring her up. Note: I’m a lesbian.)
Customer: “I can’t believe the president came out in support for gay marriage!”
Me: “I know; kind of unbelievable!”
Customer: “That f** lover is going to burn in hell for that!”
Me: *biting my tongue* “Okay.”
(I finish ringing her up and hand the customer her bags.)
Customer: “They should round up all the gays and put them down.”
Me: “That would be bad for me, seeing as I am a lesbian.”
(The woman turns pale and walks out without saying a word. A few hours later, I get a call from the manager of another one of our stores. On the line, I can hear the same customer I previously sold items to ranting.)
Manager: *also a woman* “So, this woman is here wanting to exchange a bunch of stuff from your store. When I asked her what was wrong with the items, she said you tainted them; I have no idea what she is talking about. Could you maybe clear this up for me?”
Me: “Well, I bet it is because she found out I was gay.”
Manager: “I see.” *starts talking in sultry voice* “Well, I’ll see you tonight for our date. You should put on that that black lace bra and panty set I got you for your birthday! I love you!” *hangs up*
I am very confused, seeing as I have never dated that manager, nor did she ever get me underwear, and as far as I know, she is not gay.
Fast forward a few days later to the manager weekly conference call: apparently, the customer left the other store after thinking the other manager was also gay. That manager then called every other store in the area and told everyone about the customer. Over the next few days, the customer went to every store in a 20 mile radius trying to exchange the ‘tainted goods’. Everyone she talked to pretended to be gay when working with her and she left every time. To my knowledge, she never got her exchange.
That is one of the most amazing things that can happen! :D I love the amount of support that was given from all the other stores. Shows that the only thing that was tainted was the ugly personality of that lady.
Petty Revenge
I was at the post office one day when an elderly lady in front of me asked for a single stamp.
Obviously considering this a waste of her time, the woman behind the counter makes a snorting noise, rips off a stamp and flicks it across the counter where it lands on the floor. She doesn’t apologise or offer the lady another stamp. The old lady considers for a second, picks up the stamp and leaves her 50 cent piece on the floor in its place. She says a cheery “Thank you!” and walks out, and the woman behind the counter has to walk around to pick up the money.
Petty Revenge
I was at a Craft Store in my town, and it wasn’t too busy, but only one register was open. The cashier, a teen aged girl, I could tell was working as best as she could. The process was a tad slower however, because she had a stutter, and a bit of a lisp.
As she worked through the line, asking the usual questions probably mandated by the big wigs (I’ve worked in retail, it’s a thing), the man behind me began to huff and puff. He muttered something about having places to go, he was in a hurry, etc. I ignored him, until I heard him start to mock her to his kids.
W-w-would you l-like y-y-y-y-y-y-your reSCHKeet?
The kids began to laugh. It really made my blood boil. Especially since I could tell the cashier heard his mockery. That really made my blood boil. When a person doesn’t respect retail employees as people, it’s the best way to tell whether a person is an asshat or not.
So, when it was my turn at the register, she asked me in a small voice “Are you a member o-o-of the rew-w-rewards club?” And I looked smugly at the guy behind me, and back at her.
Me: The rewards club? Oooo that sounds great! Please explain it to me?
She seemed surprised at first, but then looked at the guy behind me, and then it clicked.
I have never given my information so slowly in my life. Never had I asked as many questions as I did. She smiled and answered my inquiries, while the guy behind me was seething.
Him: Can you hurry up, please?
Me: And miss out on these great rewards? As if!
I only held him up for about 5 minutes… but wooo child, it felt so good.
Petty Revenge Stories
So I live next door to a couple (a VERY conservative couple) and their twin boys. The boys can’t be more than 8, and like most kids, they like to play in the back yard. Which is totally fine, doesn’t bother me at all. They’re kids and like to run around. What bothers me though is that they love to throw their toys over into my yard. Alot of toys. Action figures, balls, frisbees, rackets, etc.
Them throwing them over don’t even really bother me that much. What bothers me is that the parents keep demanding that we have to throw them back. They don’t ask, they don’t knock on the door and apologize, they just yell over there fence when they know that we are outside and TELL us to give it back. And that bothers me. They also seem to encourage their kids to throw it over to our yard.
So after Christmas I was at the store and saw that they had a ton of Barbie’s, nail polish, Bratz doll frisbees, and balls on the clearance. I bought 5 of everything I could find that I knew my neighbors would hate seeing their sons play with. Every time an action figure gets thrown over to my yard, I will throw a barbie back with it. Every time a ball gets thrown, a Bratz ball will be returned. I already threw a couple nail polishes over and the twins went crazy. They loved it. They’ve had pink, purple, and green nails all week.
It’s been 2 days and not a single action figure has crossed my fence. More importantly, not a single rude demand from the parents to return them. The kids are having fun, and I have pretty revenge.
the best part is that the kids are enjoying.... after all its them who are getting all the new toys :D
Petty Revenge
Coffee shop.
People next to me are loud and rude. They just found the perfect name for their new business.
I just bought the domain name.
Petty Revenge
I took the family out to eat at AppleBees. The lot was full and I saw a customer come out to leave so I waited for him to pull out and take the spot. Guy pulls out and a car full of young girls just pull in to my spot. You know the type. Well I rolled down my window and told them I was waiting for that space and the driver says "to bad, your name wasn't on it". I was livid but just waited for another space and went in and ate.
Girls were at the bar doing shots getting wasted. We enjoyed our meal and paid the waiter. I then asked the waiter if he wanted to make $20. I asked him to go up to the girls, 10 min after we left, and tell them they got a call from someone that said that they had keyed their car and that they should have parked somewhere else. I DID NOT KEY THE CAR.
I called him about an hour later to ask how it went. He said they all went nuts, screaming and shit and even called the police.
BONUS: Cops came and found no damage to car but noticed the girls were to damaged to drive. Cops left and circled back and watched the car. Girls come out, get in car, start the car, and the parking lot explodes in blue light. Busted! DUIs and PDs for all.
I did not know about the bonus till a week later when I went back for a few beers. The waiter recognized me and told me the bonus story, laughing the whole time. Another $20 to the waiter. Best $40 I ever spent.
Petty Revenge
This happened a while back, study hall in 8th grade actually. I always brought two small sandwiches to school so I could have one at lunch and one in study hall since our teacher let us eat in that class. One day as I was about to eat my Sandwich, I get up to use the bathroom. As I walk back in the classroom, I see the kid in front of me eating my sandwich. I was pretty annoyed but nothing serious at this point, so I confront him politely and he denies it completely. I left my sandwich on my desk the next day just to make sure it was him, and what do you know, it is. So on the third day, I hatched a plan. I put habanero cheese on my sandwich, and then doused it all in ghost pepper sauce. That shit was everywhere, but it luckily didn't smell spicy. I get to study hall and my plan works flawlessly. I leave my trap sandwich on my desk and get up to use the restroom. This time I take as long as I can, and end up wandering the halls of the school. I did this because my study hall teacher was anal about the hall pass, and only one guy was allowed to leave the class at a time, even for water. After about ten minutes I come back into the class to be greeted by the sandwich thief crying hysterically with a bright red face waiting for the hall pass. He was in the bathroom for the rest of the day.
Petty Revenge
My mom was a language teacher at my high school. The class was supposed to write one of those team dialogues in Spanish, and had a week or so to prepare it, then had to perform it in front of the class. When she called for this group of guys to do theirs, they pretended that they already had, and she'd just forgotten. They refused to do it, insisting it was her fault she didn't take notes/scores down.
"She went in the next day and said, 'Boys, I owe you an apology. I found my notes on your presentation and I do remember it, I don't know how I forgot!' She went on to describe all the grammatical mistakes they made, that their dialogue hadn't been as long as required, that they didn't include the necessary vocabulary, etc. All made up. She failed them all on the project and they couldn't do a thing about it without admitting they'd made it all up.
Serves them right. If students pretended to have turned in their work and try to guilt-trip afterwards.... Well, then it's their own fault for digging their own graves.
Petty Revenge Stories
A while ago my email address was added to a mailing list for a church group located in the southern USA. It was a Gmail address and I naturally assume it was added in error.
I deleted the first few messages as there were not many. After a week or so the volume of email started to increase a lot as there events being organised and everyone was responding with reply all.
First off I sent an email to he address that seemed to belong to the organiser, the one who was initiating the email chains.
"hi, I am not part of your group. Please remove me from this email distribution list."
No response.
Over the next couple of days, as each new message arrives, I send another one.
No response.
So far I have only been sending to the leader.
Next day I send a reply all. (they are not sending the messages BCC, so I can see all the addresses)
Again, I am ignored. I try again, no response.
I am now receiving 10-20 of this crap a day. So I take the nuclear option.
As each message arrives, I reply all with porn images.
"since you won't remove me from the list here is my imput"
I start mild and crank it up. Stuff that makes gaotse look like a gentleman boner post.
I recieve outraged replies about this being a Christian Church group, I reply with something worse.
"I asked nicely for weeks to be removed and was ignored. So here is another fine picture for you. "
The email list disappeared from my inbox within 24 hours.
Now THIS is a satisfying way of dealing with it! :D After being politely many times, measurements had to be made. As extra: They can't make the claim that you didn't ask nicely :D
Petty Revenge Stories
My HOA in KC MO bylaws stated that residents could only paint a house 7 colors, they provided the list. My next door neighbor painted her house a color not on HOA list. After a bitter court fight my neighbor lost. She was ordered by the court to repaint the house according to bylaws within 60 days. So my clever 75yro neighbor painted her house ALL SEVEN COLORS on the HOA approved list. With in 3 days HOA filed suite again - The court ruled in her favor stating she was in compliance with bylaw rules. The bylaws never stated that only one of the colors could be used. The HOA appealed not only dis she win, the HOA was ordered to pay her damages in the cost of painting and legal fees - The HOA dropped the 7 color rule -
Petty Revenge Stories
I am driving to work a few months ago and getting close, I have two turns remaining until I turn into the building. It is just a few blocks away. All side streets, no highways involved. This guy behind me is in a black bmw, and he is on my ass the whole time. I see him checking his phone, then making angry faces at me and getting closer and closer. I speed up a bit, thinking it might calm him down. 5 over, nope. Anyway, I make the first turn, and am now on the street where my building is, maybe 600 yards up ahead. The asshole is still behind me, driving inches from behind me and obviously pissed that I am still going the speed limit, (maybe 35 on this street). So I speed up a bit and see he does the same.
I drive an eight year old Toyota truck, not one of the big huge ones, but not one of the small ones. I do have all terrain tires, and I have certainly driven through pastures, over rocks, popped a curb or 10 in my time. My suspension is in good shape and have no problem treating my decade old truck like a truck.
Well as I get closer to my building there is a large speed bump in the street, effectively to get people to slow down as they approach the parking garage entrances. I look back and see asshole still riding my bumper. I remember thinking to myself I need to slow down for this speed bump, and looking back and thinking, if I hit my brakes, this guy is going to hit me.. The plan takes shape in my mind and I speed up..
I am doing about 45 when I hit that speed bump, and yeehaw.. I did a bit of a jump and land, never once touching my brakes. Didn't even tap them. I gave him zero warning for what was about to happen.
I am watching my rear-view window intensely during this because I wanted to see his reaction. He was cradling his cell phone between his ear and shoulder when he hit. His hood bucked up behind me, then slams to the ground. I see him go flying out of his seat straight up. He slams his head on the roof of his bmw and his head rolls sideways from impact. Then he slams back into his seat violently. He has a total "wtf was that" look on his face as he grabs the wheel with both hands to recover.
... and yes, he slowed right the f*ck down after that.
Petty Revenge Stories
So, this just happened and the woman is still shooting me dirty looks.
So, I decided that I wanted to go see The Martian today. I took the bus and ended up showing up 50 minutes early. So I was the only one in the theater for a good 25 minutes so I took my time picking out my ideal spot. I decided to go the bathroom before the movie so I didn't miss anything. On my way back with a soft pretzel in hand, I see the a woman with her kids and she's moving all of my stuff to a different seat so her and her kids can take my spot. I stomach it, grab my stuff and move to a different spot. While I'm sitting there eating my pretzel, I notice her and her kids all going to the bathroom. I seize the opportunity. I run, grab all their stuff, and move it to seats right in front of the entrance so they'll see it as soon they walk in. I then reclaim my rightful place in my perfect spot. The lady comes in, sees her stuff, looks at me, connects the dots, and now has been shooting the occasional death glance from the front row and every other spot filled up.
That lady seriously needs to learn some manners. Neat way of taking advantage of the perfect moment to get that seat back. Kudos to you!
Petty Revenge Stories
A couple of years ago I was in the gym and I overheard this guy (we'll call him "LT" for Lying Tool) "warning" a girl. He said something to the effect of:
"Hey, sorry to bother you. But I just overheard that guy in the red shirt (pointing at my friend who was across the gym) saying some extremely crass stuff about you in the locker room. It was really sexual and graphic, basically talking about ripping off your purple spandex and violating you in front of everyone. I couldn't just listen and not tell you because you deserve to know what certain people are really like."
Listing to this I was furious. This guy had obviously seen my friend and the girl talking in the gym (she approached him) and gotten jealous because he wanted to get with her. So he made up this lie to throw him under the bus. I know it was a lie because 1) I was just in the locker room and nothing of the sort was said and 2) the dude he was lying about was actually a really nice, respectful guy.
So he finished up his tall tale and before the girl could respond I scoffed really loud and said:
"She knows you're lying just to try to get in her pants. That guy would never say those kinds of things about her because she's his sister, you moron."
The look on LT's face was priceless. He went pale and stammered something about how he must have gotten the guy mixed up. But the girl (who had caught on and was playing along) pointed out how he had been very clear about pointing her "brother" out. So LT shifted his story again and said he must have gotten the girl he was talking about mixed up. So I pointed out that she was the only girl wearing purple spandex.
He actually looked like he was about to cry, and I never saw him in the gym again after that.
People like that completely deserve it, I'll bet he learned this lesson well }:-)
Petty Revenge Stories
I was just walking back to my car from class and had to cross the professor’s parking lot to get to the student lot. I came across an older man getting into his car and I noticed that his large coffee cup is still on the roof of his car. I’ve done this before and really appreciate when someone tells me that I’m about to drive off with my drink on the roof. So why not pay it forward, right? -“Hey mister, you..” -[In the most condescending tone I have ever heard] “NO! It’s Doctor!!” -“Oh, sorry Doctor…nevermind” So I just stood there and watched as DOCTOR Asshole throws his camry in reverse, spilling his FULL cup of coffee all over his windshield and window. Dr Snarky flashes me a look that could only be a look of remorse mixed with anger. He probably realized that I was just trying to help but was pissed that I decided not to. He didn’t even get out of the car, he just sped off.
Petty Revenge Stories
My (ex) boyfriend wanted to see a sold out show to the foo fighters this summer. Him and his friends failed desperately in getting their hands on any tickets. I, however, managed to snag 2. I waited until Christmas to give them to him and he was beyond excited. Jumping up and down excited. Fast forward 1.5 shitty months later and he dumped me 2 days before Valentines day after (literally) ignoring me for 3 weeks. The entire breakup blindsided me after 1.5 years together. I haven't talked to him since, but little does he know that I wasn't quite finished with him yet. My brother just so happens to be a huge foo fighters fan as well.....I logged into my ticket master account and suprise suprise, tickets can be transferred. So my brother is going to have the time of his life while my ex boyfriend gets turned around at doors. Sucks to suck.
Petty Revenge
When I was a waitress, if a middle aged woman was ever rude to me (they almost always were) I’d happily offer them the senior discount, 65 and above only. It felt so good to see their eyes bulge out of their sockets and their mouths drop open in shock.
hahahahahaha..... u could have taken an arm off them, and they would have preferred that.
Petty Revenge Stories
My Finance professor was telling our class a story today about how back in 2008 he did taxes for three farmers in west Texas. He said that the three farmers kept going on and on about how much they hated Obama and hoped to God that he didn't get elected because they feared he would raise their taxes and that they "didn't think America needed a black president in office". Well when the three farmers gave my professor his check for doing their taxes, he donated three $500 checks to the United Negro College Fund in the farmer's names and all three farmers received thank you letters from the UNCF.
Nice, give the money of racists to anti racism groups, great idea and very just punishment
Petty Revenge
Years ago in my high school AP economics class I was assigned to sit in the corner of the room where I was flanked by a handful of very popular, very lazy kids. After every exam the teacher would announce (much to my chagrin) my "high score" to the class.
After a particularly challenging exam where I only scored 93%, the teacher announced that the guy to my right (let's call him Matt) had ALSO scored 93%, his friend behind him 90%, and the friend behind HIM 90%! Needless to say I vacillated between self-doubt and suspicion for a few days before I finally "congratulated" one of the 90%'ers on his score. With an impish grin he admitted that his friend Matt had been cheating off me for months and "thanked" me for helping "so many people do so well" in the class. The petty revenge gears started turning in my head for what seemed like ages before I replied "no problem, I'm just glad to help!"
At the next exam I put my my paper in very clear view of Matt. He had been told that I was now willing to "help" him and his friends. I circled all wrong answers while making a special mark for the correct ones. Just before the time was up, I quickly changed my answers back when nobody was looking, turned in my exam, and smugly walked back to my seat.
What I didn't know at the time was that the cheating conspiracy didn't just involve the kids sitting next to me, but that my answers were written down and forwarded to the next 4 periods, all of which took an identical test.
One week later a record 22 people failed the exam. Matt empathetically remarked "Oh man, Accidentally_Upvotes, did you fail too!?" I flipped over my sheet: 100%.
Nobody ever cheated off me in that class again.
Petty Revenge Stories
You know the scam. Whine about perfectly good food to get some sort of comp.
In their old age, my parents befriended another older couple who would pull this stunt everywhere they went. After my mother told me a few stories about how their new friends had shown them how to get discounted or free meals, I felt like I was suddenly the responsible adult, concerned about the bad influence these people were on my parents.
While visiting my parents with my girlfriend, this other couple attended dinner with us. As I expected, the food was brought to the table and they immediately began dramatically complaining to one another about the quality/taste/temperature/etc. They were making a scene in order to attract the attention of the waitress. When our waitress returned to ask how we were doing, the miserable old bastard who played the lead role in their act took a deep breathe, struck a dramatic pose (with his hand raised to begin gesticulating for emphasis) and bega–I leaned forward and cut him off before he could finish the first word: “Everything is absolutely fantastic. It’s all great! Thank you very much!” She smiled, and began her obligatory “Great, well if you need any–” when he made a second attempt. “We come here all the time an–”. I didn’t acknowledge that he was speaking at all, repeated that all was just as we ordered and thank her again.
He was stunned and thrown off from his routine by my interruption. During this pause the waitress walked away (It seemed clear that she knew what they were trying to accomplish). He turned bright red. I turned to my girlfriend and, smiling and without lowering my voice, stated how pitiful it is that some people could be dishonest, deceitful and put at risk the livelihood of a cook, server or hostess for a pathetic discount or a free early-bird special. My passive-aggressive reverse-parenting broke my parents of the habit in short time.
Petty Revenge Stories
After a concert today, I’m lined up to purchase merchandise, and the line is absolutely enormous. All of a sudden middle aged Stacy mom dragging a very embarrassed teen cuts in front of me and 150 other people. “Excuse me ma'am you cut in front of me and a lot of other people” she turns to me and says “mind your own business” I’m pissed but I’m also patient. The line progresses slowly for another 15 minutes until we get near the front then I call over a security guard and tell her she cut in front of the line, and a few others behind me verify this. She gets bounced towards the back of the line which is now like a 20 minute wait so she’s gotta wait double the time.
Petty Revenge Stories
I don’t know for sure if cats are capable of conniving revenge, but…
My fiancé has been having really terrible digestion problems for the past few days that’s caused him to fart almost nonstop. Horrible, painfully awful farts that stink to high heavens. They literally smell up the entire room LONG after he’s farted. Luckily for his colleagues, he’s allowed to work from home. Unfortunately for us, it’s been so bad that I’ve taken to sleeping in a different bedroom. Last night, he insisted that one of our cats sleep with him because he missed having company (the other cat only likes sleeping with me). This morning, he told me that he woke up to the cat’s a**hole grinding in his face and the cat letting out the deadliest, longest fart imaginable.
I gave my kitty some extra cuddles and treats.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was a tween and my sister had big sleepovers, I was allowed to have one person over to keep me company as well. I usually asked my cousin over, because she and I were around the same age and the only person I was really close with.
Things usually went pretty smoothly during the day, but come night time, my sister and her friends would begin pranking us mercilessly. Everything from putting our underwear in the freezer to putting shaving cream on us while we slept to
popping out of random places and scaring us. One night, we decided we had enough.
My sister had been warned earlier about the pranking after my cousin and I complained about it. We stayed up late, chugging soda to keep us going until all the older kids had fallen asleep. Then, we pulled out the markers and began drawing all over each others faces. Smears of red and green and purple, we left no areas untouched. We even added little marker streaks to our pillows, to make it look like somebody's hand had slipped while they were scribbling on our faces. Then we went peacefully to sleep and waited for the chaos to ensue.
Everything went as planned. Their pranks had been mostly harmless until now, they certainly never did anything that would stain or last more than a couple of hours. My sister and her friends were in deep trouble, and we got off scot free.
The highlight of this story for me is a conversation from the following day between my sister and my grandpa:
sister: But I didn't do anything!
grandpa: What? So we're supposed to believe they did this to themselves?
Petty Revenge
My sister posted a very anti-LGBT article on Facebook when the North Carolina bathroom bill was passed. She claimed she "no longer felt safe" shopping at Target if she might "be forced to use a bathroom" with a trans person. (The horror!)
So for her wedding the following month, I got her a Target gift card.
Your very gay brother ♥
Petty Revenge Stories
On vacation, my boyfriend and I stop at the Louvre. There is a line up at the little cafe/snack bar. They have those standing barriers with ropes to guide the line up, but the ropes aren't pulled across - because people are grown ups and can see that its just a single line down one side of the front display.
Cue a group of young, bitchy girls in blinged-out clothes deciding they don't have time to stand in line. They go to the front and stand behind the person currently paying. They pretend to be oblivious to the 4-5 other people in line now giving them death stares.
I am not in line but I see their little act. So I go along and start hooking up the ropes. The girls are gossiping together and ignoring everyone else around them, because hey, what do they care right? So they don't notice when I move the barrier just a smidge forward ... and hook up the rope in front of them.
The look on their faces when they turn around to order their coffees and find themselves quite obviously outside the queue was just... soooo priceless. Huffing and puffing, they had to totter their high-heeled asses to the back of the (now much longer) line-up.
Enjoy your coffee, ladies!
Petty Revenge
My Ex cheated with a married man. He now lives with her. He is a POS.. but anyway, I still have login for her DVR. I logged in, erased all her shows, then recorded only the show "Cheaters." Petty, but it makes me laugh.
Petty Revenge
Roommate was being a d*ck so I rubbed some grease from the leftover fried chicken on his xbox's power button. Now, whenever he's playing, his dog will walk by and sniff the button, turning it off mid-game.
you are an expert in dog psychology...and you used it at your advantage...smart
Petty Revenge
Obligatory "not me, but":
In Texas, there is a law that allows the US to take certain possessions to satisfy a debt owed, such as from a lawsuit. So this defendant had been committing Medicare fraud, got caught, has to pay back the money. He's also a total prick during the lawsuit -- obstructionist, rude, etc. When the US finally has its judgment and he's pleading poverty, the US Attorney that ran the suit basically ends up walking through the "impoverished" guy's multi-million dollar house to hand pick what is going to be seized. He takes the big ticket items that he's allowed, but it's not going to be enough -- so then he just starts taking little shit to piss the guy off. Book half-read on the nightstand? Gone. Can't take the garage -- but you can take the garage door-opener, so...gone. I don't know what else he took but I think the idea is brilliant.
Petty Revenge
In college (early 1990's), I lived with several guys in a suite. One liked to call me "chunky A", yes, I was chubby. I asked him politely but firmly to not call me that. He laughed and did it more.
I proceeded to call up every info-merrical I saw on TV to send him baldness cures (he was losing his hair), Tourist information from places like Iowa and Nebraska, had information sent to him about adult bed wetting, etc.
He accused me of it, and I told him, why would I do such a thing to him? I kept it up for 2 years while he lived in the dorms. His junior year, he moved out to an off campus place. I found out where he lived and I waited a couple of months and started it all over again.
Yeah, I bombarded him with junk mail.
I know a few homophobic people I would like to sign up for gay newsletters and magazines.
Petty Revenge
We were sitting by a pool once, and a woman stood over my wife and started spraying sunscreen all over herself - and my wife. We asked her nicely to please move and she ignored us and kept spraying. When we left, I took one of her flip flops with me.
Petty Revenge
I make my husband a sandwich everyday for work. Once, I jokingly kissed it to show him that I made it “with love.” But then for some reason it stuck, and that just became the habit. Make sandwich, give it a little smooch, put into baggie. Except when I’m mad at him. Then that sandwich isn’t made with love. It gets no kiss. Yeah, enjoy that sandwich, jerkface. I hope it tastes like despair.
Petty Revenge
I like to end my relationships amicably. I am friends with a few of my exes. This one, however, has been a weapons grade douchebag to me for a couple of years and then threw me and my children out suddenly with nothing but the clothes on my our backs and made a few choice death threats to me. Don't worry, the police are involved. Well, a few hours earlier I went with a police escort to gather the rest of mine and my children's belongings. He was sitting on the couch with his new gf, both drunk af. The officer stayed with them. I went to what used to be our bedroom, packed my belongings quickly, packed my children's things, then released 100 crickets under his bed, in his closet, in his dressers, and in what used to be the childrens' bedroom. I made sure there were more male crickets than female, so they'll be noisy as all hell while attempting to find a mate, and these little buggers will eat anything, wood, clothing, and they're very good at hiding during the day.
err... where did u get those crickets? would like to have some for a few ppl around me. ;-)
Petty Revenge Stories
I work on a college campus. It's the season for orientation and parents are herding their kids around checking out the school. I misread my schedule (arrived at 14:00 instead of 4:00 pm) and had a few hours to kill. I decided to take a walk around campus to look at the changing trees. I soon came upon a family that was clearly lost. two parents and a kid. The dad's got the map out (upside down) and the mom is asking anyone who will listen for directions. I decided to help.
I stroll up and ask where they're headed and am told they're looking for one of the libraries. It wouldn't be too far out of my way so I decided to take them there. As we're walking I make small talk asking what the kid plans to study and whatever. To be helpful, I started pointing things out on the way. This was my fatal error.
As we're walking someone interrupts and says "are you headed to the library?" I confirmed that we were and allowed them to tag along. I didn't go full tour guide and turn around, so as I'm walking I remain facing forward. I didn't notice that a few other families started following behind me. We get to the library and the first family is happy. I turn to leave and someone says "how about the political science department?" I check my clock, and think "what the hell, these people are nice" and off we went. At this point I have about five families with me. People are asking questions and laughing at my jokes and having a good time.
We get to the next building and it's time for me to leave for work. I motion to disband my little entourage and am met with opposition. "Take us to the English department." Some guy says. I was like "no can do, chief. I gotta go to work" and it clearly didn't register. I tried to tell him that this was an informal tour and I'm not affiliated with the orientation and he didn't understand. "What the hell kind of tour is this? We paid good money for this orientation. You're going to take us to the English department!" Imagine Mark Derwin's character from Accepted. The English department was actually pretty far away so I wouldn't be able to get him there without being late to work. He was pretty disrespectful so I decided to dump him instead.
"To get there it's easiest to take a campus shuttle" I said "I'll walk you to the bus stop." He was satisfied with that so off we went. We get to the bus stop and I tell him that I won't be riding with him because I'm only a tour guide for this particular area. Once he gets on the bus he should wait three stops, then get off and meet a new tour guide that will be there waiting. Instead of saying thanks he grumbles out a "was that so hard?" and climbs aboard.
Here's the kicker. Our campus doesn't have its own bus system. I put him on a city bus. Three stops would take him to a grocery store a mile or two off campus. There definitely wasn't anyone waiting for him there. I like to think he got what he deserved for being disrespectful.
Petty Revenge Stories
So a while back I was given a UGA Bulldogs flag and a flag pole to mount it on my porch. Our Homeowners association (HOA) restrictions say that sports team flags can only be flown on a day in which the team is playing. My intention was to only fly it on Saturdays when the football team was playing. So I put the flag up on a Saturday the Dawgs were playing but forgot to take it down until Monday. On Friday I get a letter from the HOA stating that I am in violation of the restriction and could be fined. Okay, fair enough, they are correct on this one. I then noticed that the date of observation was on Wednesday. I called and said that couldn't be true because I took it down on Monday. Instead of admitting her mistake, she lied and said that she had seen it up on Wednesday. Now I was mad.
I printed off a schedule of every sporting event the Bulldogs had in every sport, even club sports and then proceeded to fly the flag every single day there was any kind of game, match, regatta, etc., which was almost every single day.
I then started getting letters stating I was in violation again. I would call on each one and explain that the water polo team had a match, or the rowing team had a regatta on those days. After about a month or two of this back and forth, they finally gave up.
Just a general HOA b***h... My parents' HOA tried to get them to remove a rose bush (which i had grown from a cut stem!) was the wrong color and had to be removed because they "only allow white iceburg roses".
Petty Revenge
Once, in first grade, I took off my shoe because I had a rock in it. Fo no reason other than this kid was a huge asshole, the class jerk stole it and took of running. I chase after him and he eventually throws my shoe down a hill into a field of tall grass and just looks at me with a huge shiteating grin.
In a badass stonecold firstgrade timbre I say: "Go find it" and shove him down the hill into the grass after it.
He starts crying and we run to the teacher. After explaining what happened she made him go into the field and find my shoe. He crawled through the grass for about an hour before it finaly turned up.
Petty Revenge Stories
I had two jobs, one was at this country ice house in buttf*ck nowhere outside of my city. This place was pretty small, but was one of the few bars in a certain area so it would get busy. A lot off good ol' boys and oil field guys.
I worked the door, checked ids and such, and usually broke up fights or kick people out. The owner of this place was very "hands on". He liked to micromanage everything. Didn't want me to kick people out unless they were throwing punches, and even then to try and talk to them. Never cut anyone off. Had that "always be selling" attitude.
One night some trouble happens between some regulars and one guy tries to hit another guy with a pool stick. I happened to get hit in the arm but got behind the guy and put him to sleep.
Next day the manager calls me to tell me I'm being let go. Apparently pool stick guy spends a lot of money and me putting him to sleep left him bitter so he called the owner.
That's fine.
Anyways the bar has a nice fancy jukebox. If you have the app you can just pick songs on your credit card and they'll play. If you hit play next on a song, even if they turn the jukebox off, it'll play when it starts back up. It's also unskippable.
With the master remote you could skip a song but they lost that remote so they really can't do much if someone plays a certain song they don't like, and even if they unplug it, it'll play no matter what when they turn it on.
Here's my petty revenge:
The owner does inventory every tuesday night. It also happens to be a busy night because they do pool tournaments and it usually gets packed.
So here I thought, I could probably just play the same song over and over and there's nothing they can really do.
I got twenty bucks in credits and that usually gives you about 18 unskippable songs. Plus more depending if the app gifts you credits.
I picked a remix of Cotton Eye Joe, that comes in at around 7 minutes a pop. Usually when the pool tournament started.
Two hours of hearing the same song has killed their business on tuesdays. Even if they unplug it, it'll still play when they plugged it back up.
I've been doing it for two months so far, last I heard they had to buy a new jukebox at a cost 5,000. I'll probably stop for a month then start again. I'm an asshole I guess.
Petty Revenge
I used to work as a sound tech part-time at a nearby bar when studying for my computer science degree. It was great fun and even kinda relevant to my degree (and gave me a great excuse to binge on audiophile equipment).
So basically every Friday night we would give a slot to a band from the college to perform for an hour or so, and this rich guy's son would always turn up in some band or another. He had all the fanciest gear (Fender Strat, distortion pedals, etc.) but his technique sucked. But to anyone who would listen, he was the next Jimi Hendrix blah blah.
One thing about this guy was that he loved to pump his volume through the roof and play these crunchy chords with the distortion amped to the max, in the process drowning out the rest of his band members.
So instead of hooking up to the mixer and then through to the PA system, I just routed his signal through to his in-ear monitors, and every time he performed his miserable excuse for a "solo" he would gyrate around the stage for no apparent reason.
Really the most petty thing I've ever done, but revenge is sweet. (I heard he still plays amateur guitar through the grapevine)
Petty Revenge
Work related- My co-worker was always complaining and always lazy with his work, yet he got recognition for the simplest thing he would actually do. He also took credit for a full days work that was pretty much all me. I always got ignored. So one day, I came in early and I unplugged his Ethernet jack just barley to the point it looked like it was still plugged into his computer. For 4 hours he couldn't do any work. Meanwhile, I got my work done, and he couldn't take any credit for it since everyone knew he didn't have Internet access. Half way through the day, he left on break, I plugged it back in and bam, just like this it was working. By then, he couldn't claim my work, and I begun to get noticed more.
and he can't even check his ethernet connection? how the hell did he bag a job?
Petty Revenge Stories
I take the train to work each morning and then again to get home. I like to sit in the quiet car because it allows me to think and do a little extra work each day. On the train ride home today a woman in front of me kept talking on the phone even after people nicely asked her to be quiet. The conductor also came through and informed her she was on a quiet car.
The seats we are in have very little support so someone behind you could push your seat and you'd feel it. Several riders decided it wasn't worth it and switched cars. I decided I had enough and slouched far enough so both of my knees were firmly in the back of her seat pushing fairly hard. She cocked her head around and told me to put my knees down. I closed my eyes and fake slept.
She got up and moved to a different seat. There was a person behind her and guess what he did? Knees to the back of the chair. People started catching on and she chose a seat with no one behind her. Another rider changed seats behind her and she got some more knees.
The conductor came through again and was unaware of our little revenge. She got up and told him that people were putting knees into her back and stalking her to each spot. The conductor put his index finger to his lips and said "Shhhh, this is a quiet car."
She moved to a new train car.
Charlotte Ireland. If your child was disobeying rules, would you sit idly by? I sure hope not.
Petty Revenge
My mom made some comments invalidating the relationship between two of my friends who are both girls so i made an entire short film about my two friends and a sort of fictionalized version of their relationship and in it i had them address some of the nasty things they hear from people about their relationship and long story short i basically made an entire short film about gay girls to spite my mom and her homophobic comments.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was sitting in a food court quietly eating lunch, minding my own business. This food court is in the CBD and filled with nine-to-fivers. It was crowded so strangers would share tables. There was one sole person sitting at a four-seated table next to me. Every couple of minutes someone would approach that table and ask the table-hog if it was free to sit. He always replied, “Sorry my colleagues will be here soon”. The entire time I was there, no colleagues came and sat with him nor did it appear that he was looking around for them (as most people waiting for others to join will look around and wave them over). He quietly finished up his lunch and left. Seems he just lied to have a four-seater table all to himself when even people on two-seater table were sharing with strangers. Well that's not right!
A couple of days later I saw him in the food court again. I was in a bit of a mood so I bought my lunch and pulled out the chair to sit at his table. As I was sitting down he told me he is waiting for his colleagues. I replied “That’s okay, I’ll move when they arrive. I won’t be long.” He shuffled uncomfortably in his seat as I quietly ate my lunch. I felt very uncomfortable and my heart was racing but I was pissed off at that table hog that I had to do something. If you choose to have your lunch in a busy food court, you don't get to live in your own little bubble.
Edit: I just want to clarify a few things - the strangers sharing tables DO NOT speak to each other beyond "May I sit here?". There is no awkward small talk. Everybody eats their own lunch quietly while looking at their phone and make no eye contact.
Also - strangers sharing tables is the custom for this particular food court. I'm sure it would be strange and weird to sit down at a table with a stranger at the food court in your area, however this story wasn't located in the food court at your area. I doubt I would ever find myself in your part of the world and if I did, I would observe the local custom and certainly not sit down at a table with a stranger.
I neither know nor care if he had social anxiety. By the confident manner in which he denied table access to those several people that he spoke to, I doubt he did. And if he did, he made things worse for himself.
I have severe social anxiety, I don't have a problem with sitting at a table with strangers, the mall I go to this is common if there's a lot of people too
Petty Revenge Stories
Had a horrible boss at one of my tech support jobs, very rude, misogynistic, demanding. So one day took a print screen picture capture jpg of his background, then moved all his icons and short cuts on his desktop to an innocuous folder and put the print screen jpg up as his background. So the shortcuts and the links that appeared to be on desktop were just a picture and were not click able. He messed around with his computer for hours unable to get it to function normally.
lol did this to my bro when I was little, he was so pissed he tryed to hit me for "breaking" the computer
Petty Revenge Stories
So I posted on here a little while ago about my room mate using up all my baby wipes and he said to me he would stop. Well the past 2 days he started doing it again along with using my tooth paste and not even f*cking being kind enough to put the cap back on after using it.
So I confronted him about this AGAIN and he said "Whatever I don't give a shit, hide it somewhere then". Nah... nah I will keep it there, I have an idea.
A couple days ago he said he has a girl coming over and would like to get some action and leave him alone. I said OK no worries. So about an hour before she came over I pretended to leave and said I am heading out for the night. 5 minutes later I snuck back in while he was making dinner for the both of them.
I got to my room and hid in there knowing that for a fact at some point in the night she would ask to use the bathroom, and I needed to take a shit. So 45 minutes goes by and she arrived and I am just waiting. About 2 hours after she gets there I hear him go take a piss. AH perfect! he went first!
Now time to take a big fat f*cking shit. I run into the bathroom and crap as quiet as I possibly can. A huge load. And I don't flush or put the lid down. I go back to my room and wait. I stare at the clock and sit there giggling like Quagmire, exactly 28 minutes go by and whoooop There she goes, into the bathroom.
She was in there for exactly 6 seconds and came out. 7 minutes later she leaves.
Guess who isn't getting any pussy.
was kind of 'meh' until ''And I don't flush or put the lid down' . then it all made sense
Petty Revenge Stories
Someone I know divorced her douche husband under less than amicable circumstances. When she moved out he wouldn’t let her take the wireless router. I didn’t like that because I had paid for and set up that router for her. So I drove by the house and logged into the admin panel of the router from my car. Changed every setting and password I could find to render the router unusable. Have fun with your WiFi you tech illiterate a-hole.
Petty Revenge
Someone in my office would always crush lunches with his gigantic ass lunch box. Either he ate bricks or lead, I don't know, but I always came to the office fridge and found that my lunch was in pieces.
So, after three bouts of this, and numerous notes from myself and other colleagues, I carefully removed his lunch box, emptied the contents (a gigantic sandwich, a Twinkie, chips, some vegetable pieces, and a few other bits), and ran over them with my car. I carefully packed it back in, and put it back.
He kept his lunch in a cooler by his cube from then on.
I probably would have just ate his lunch and put my crushed one in its place in his lunch. Am I mean for admitting this?
Petty Revenge
Personally, back when I was at high school this girl caused me quite a lot of trouble and shit throughout the years there by spreading rumours and causing my friends to turn against me.
Fortunately I was put in charge of designing the yearbook for our final year. I ended up cropping her out of pictures, sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious (like leave her leg showing but another picture on top). On other pictures where I couldn't easily crop her out, I just blurred out her face. It was very subtle and I was worried someone would notice before it went to print, but it managed to slip through and end up in the final book, which I have around here somewhere.
Needless to say, the day I walked out of school when everyone got their final grades and yearbooks was a great day for me.
Storytime: Once when I think I was about 10, this girl at our school decided to turn all my friends against me, whispering to them "Olivia is this... Olivia is that..." and then continued to befriend me and tell rumors about my friends to me. Luckily i had one friend left that wasn't part of the drama and she fixed everything and the annoying girl ended up with no friends and now had a reputation of being a liar.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was staying in an older hotel in San Francisco. The elevator was very small, very old school and had signage everywhere about how you couldn't operate it with more than 4 people. I'd also been stuck in there twice already that weekend (the elevator would stop between floors). Each time, I called the front desk and they were able to recall it to the ground floor but I'd learned to be wary.
I should have started taking the stairs, but was on the 8th floor and was feeling lazy. So on Sunday morning I waited for the elevator for quite a while (it was pretty slow). It arrives, I hop in and a family of 5 walks up to the elevator and follows me in. They were all large people and they all had huge suitcases. I politely pointed out the sign and said that I'd already been stuck in the elevator twice and that we should split the group into two. They laughed and said they were all staying on. Welp, I thought, enjoy your ride.
I proceeded to run up the stairs and hit the call button on every single floor. The best part was that I could hear them complaining from the stairwell every time the elevator opened and nobody was there. Petty revenge never felt so good.
You making them stop on each floor probably kept them from getting stuck in the elevator. Just saying.
Petty Revenge Stories
This happened a few months ago as I was driving my work van(the biggest Mercedes sprinter you can drive without a commercial licence) around Amsterdam delivering groceries. This story takes place on a single lane road with high curbs on both sides that takes you from one neighborhood to another. Speed limit is 50kph, although it could have been 70 imho except in some tight corners.
Now I've driven here so many times before that I feel comfortable doing 60-ish, just a bit faster than normal without the risk of getting caught speeding in an urban area.
Suddenly I hear a loud beep behind me, and wouldn't you know it, it's a BMW! "What a surprise!" I think to myself. I was quite impressed by my ability to guess the brand of this automobile, because everything forward of the rear doors wasn't visible in my mirrors.
The tailgating and honking continues for a little while until I spot the perfect opportunity to teach this Ikea-pencil equipped douche a lesson: a long straight section in the road. For those of you who haven't been to the Netherlands before, our government loves two things: taxes and using those taxes to build speedbumps.
As such we have a wide variety of speedbumps and this straight section was equipped with my personal favorite: the bus bypass variant, a trapezoid block just wide enough that a normal car has to pass over it with at least one wheel, but a bus can pass over it unobstructed.
I've had plenty of practice with these obstacles and line up for a flawless pass while accelerating to a mindnumbing 70 kmh, the BMW still glued to my rear bumper. I pass over the obstacle without the slightest inconvenience..... The oblivious BMW driver however hits it in the worst possible way, launching himself into the ceiling of his car and grinding his oilpan as the suspension compresses.
After that he kept a good distance.
Petty Revenge
I was in a big meeting (50 managers/supervisors) and two high level guys made fun of my car (Subaru Outback) in their presentation. I had access to their personal info (phone #, address, emails) and sent it to the Subaru sales group, asking for a test drive/quotes/etc. They got spammed pretty well for a while.
People in management/superviosry positions mock others over their cars as part of their job duties? That's incredibly petty.
Petty Revenge
When I was a kid I had a bed wetting problem. My younger brother started telling other kids around school how extensive the issue was. I was mortified.
Even after our mother told him to knock it off, he continued. So I decided to level the playing field. The whole "hand in cup of warm water" deal didn't work. I stood over him as he slept one night and pissed on him. The next morning, my mom was horrified and wound up taking a call from my grandmother.
"I don't know what to do, now BOTH of them are pissing the bed," she explained, clearly frustrated.
After a few more times of "framing" my brother as a bed wetter he completely stopped using my embarrassing problem as entertainment.
Petty Revenge
When I was a kid I got the Sabrina the Teenage Witch "Handbook" - it was full of kiddie experiemtns and stuff and was pretty fun.
My older sister had upset or annoyed me about something, so I tried out one of the 'tricks' from the book, you fill a cup with water and some corn kernels, put some tinfoil on top of the cup, the kernels eventually pop and it makes noise against the tinfoil.
I put it under her bed, it takes a few days to "work", so I completely forgot about it, until one night I woke up to my two sisters whispering - it had popped in the middle of the night and she thought there was a rat under her bed.
Petty Revenge Stories
My brother is 2 years older than I. When I was about 4 and he was 6, he kept picking on me. Pinching me, doing the whole 'I'm not touching you' bit.
I told my dad that he was picking on my and my dad jokingly replied 'then punch him in the nose'.
Fun fact: 4 year olds don't understand sarcasm and that kind of humor.
So I hit my brother in the nose and gave him a bloody nose and he cried. Dad had to leave the room for a few minutes.
Petty Revenge
To be clear I am a male (sorry to ruin any dreams).
Basically, I haven't had the greatest landlord and have gotten screwed over a few times by him but never really did anything about it.
So now I am moving out in the next few months, and he has been showing my place to potential new tenants and the rate of showings is getting rather annoying. So this evening I thought it would be a good time to send a clear message that I have had enough of the showings.
I was given the standard notice of when they were going to be coming by, but I wasn't going to let that interrupt my 'schedule'. So when the landlord opened the door to show the prospective tenants in, the first thing the see is me doing the side-plank pose naked as the day I was born. The look of horror on the lady's face when she saw me was priceless. Long story short, to say the only thing that was shown was my naked glory, and a very bewildered landlord. I am still waiting for his response to my interpretation of a "showing"
Petty Revenge
My parents told me when I was 4 years old, my older sister had thrown my new toy truck over the fence intentionally. My dad said he then watched me go into the fridge, grab my sisters cup of juice and mix it with ketchup, mayonnaise, salt, some banana that I had chewed up already, and a whole lot of spit.
After that my dad told me I walked into her room and handed her the cup and said (with the lisp i once had) "I forgive you sissy"
Petty Revenge Stories
My best friend at the time slept with my then boyfriend, and told everyone before I found out so that I looked like the bad person for being pissed. Jokes on her, for the rest of high school I was SUPER nice so that whenever she was bitchy with me everyone got pissed with her need to be a twat. Everyone hated her by graduation for her need to be so mean to someone so nice for no reason.
Petty Revenge Stories
Well, when I was younger, my older brother used to pick on me all the time-- punch me and such. I had dealt with it for years. One day, we were in the backyard just talking, as families do, and out of nowhere I decide that I gonna get my revenge then and there. I ran with my arm out and my hand in a fist, and I hit him right in the junk. I hit him so hard that he dropped to the ground, and I'm happy to say, he cried. To this day, that is still one of my proudest moments. He was 16 and I was 8.
Petty Revenge Stories
when my kids were around 10 and 12 , I noticed that when I would put my 2/3 full can of pop in the fridge to keep cold, when I went back there was always some missing. .so I took an empty can, put in pickle juice, sardine juice, catsup, hotsauce, salt, lots of pepper, put it all in the fridge in place of my pop and waited...... wasn't long before I heard cussin' from the kitchen.....turned out it wasn't the kids doin' it, it was my husband!! didn't touch my pop again.
at the time I honestly thought it was one of the kids, they had a limit of how much pop they could have in one day.
Petty Revenge
I cheated on my ex during our relationship and she found out shortly after we broke up. She`s blocked me on everything, but briefly unblocks me every Monday to send me Game of Thrones spoilers before I can watch it. How can I get her to stop?
Grow up, apologise for hurting her, using her and being a general douchbag, then realise that a woman's heart is worth more than GoT spoilers and stop being massively self-centered. Should just about cover it.
Petty Revenge Stories
My ex left one day when I was at swimming lessons with our kids. He also took half the furniture. I had to explain where dad was and why our house was half empty. I was a stay-at-home mum back then. I had no paid work but he left me to pay the rent. When he came back to collect more stuff he took the groceries I had bought that morning. In short, he was a cheap, cowardly weasel. I threw the key to his vintage Harley in the ocea.
Petty Revenge
I had a guy in school who would always skip class and then ask for my notes. We had a group project worth almost 40% of our grade and he did zero work, and the prof told me tough luck. Instead of just saying no the next time he asked for notes, I took the low road and began giving him edited versions.
I would leave items out of lists, incorrectly define things or just straight up write stuff that makes no sense.
An example of the crap I would put in: To calculate return on investment, subtract your yearly earnings from your current bank balance, then multiply by Echer's factorial (4.22).
If he had even once bothered to crack the text he would have figured it out, but that apparently would have been too much effort for him.
He retook that class.
Petty Revenge
We had a guy in our office take a crap in the bathroom every day after lunch and it would stink up the whole office. The manager asked everyone who needed to vacate their bowels to please use the lobby bathroom since our office was small and we only had the one bathroom. He didn't listen. Fortunately, he was like clockwork so 5 minutes before he went in I took all the toilet paper.... that's right. I forced the man to live with a dirty ass.
b.....but that means you would literally have to smell the s**t from his a*s while he sat in the office...... unless dude used his socks, or Godspeed his hands D= this just sounds bad for everyone!
Petty Revenge Stories
I got turned down, by the manager, at a job interview for team member at Dominos because of my stubble facial hair.
Weeks later I order from that same Dominos, and that same manager is the one who delivers my order, which is around $25, and I couldn't help but notice he has stubble facial hair ...
So I gave him no tip, and told him the exact same thing he told me ..
It's not exactly like this, but something similar
"Why do you have all that facial hair? Do you think customers wanna see that? Anyways, I won't be giving you a tip this time. Maybe when I order again, I'll be giving you a tip. But of course, remember to shave".
EDIT: He looked at me with one of those "Can't believe this shit" expression while having a slight smirk on his face. He snatched the receipt out of my hand once I gave it back to him.
Petty Revenge Stories
In school, a boy named Sebastian picked on my 9 yo daughter by constantly calling her a whale and pushing her around because she was chubby. I suggested she started calling him SebastiANUS in front of their classmates. She did and he now learned to think twice before being an arse to other kids.
I think I just love this cause of the images I'm thinking of {black Butler if anyone knows the manga/anime}
Petty Revenge Stories
I live on a quiet residential street, lots of families, nursery, primary school and kids' playground - you can picture the type.
Unfortunately the road also runs parallel to a dual-carriage way to a busy roundabout and some people just think their lives are so important that they can skip the rush hour queues to do 60/70mph down our lovely 20mph road.
I'll always drive at 5mph whenever one tries to skip behind me - wouldn't want to hit any kids so you could get home 2 minutes faster hey?
Petty Revenge
My younger sister was notorious for shaving in the tub and not rinsing it out when she was done. Pubes. Everywhere. One day she was taking a bath and I asked her to rinse when she was done, because I planned on taking a bath afterwards. She told me to f*ck off. So I reached in my pants, snipped off a chunk of pubes, tossed them in the tub with her, and walked out.
She's old enough for shaving, so she should have known to clean up after herself already. Hopefully she learned her lesson after that moment :D
Petty Revenge
I work at subway, and if someone is rude to me, I give them the ends of the tomatoes. haHA!
Petty Revenge Stories
In college, I went to a concert one weekend and came back to find my friends with help from my roommates pranked me by messing my room, cling film on the wardrobes and toilet chairs stuck to the ceiling and my 300+ photos stuck backwards on the wall.. it took me hours to fix so I got them back by stealing all the doors in their apartment with help from the security officer who we were all friendly with (we lived in a big student apartment block)
Petty Revenge Stories
So I'm returnin in a empty, late train. A girl gets in and stands near the door, I guess she'd get down at the next station. This young guy gets up, stands just behind the girl and starts to rub his groin on the girl's back. She tries to push him off but to no avail. I get up, walk to them, and plant my foot on the his, putting my wait on it.
I'm a fat girl wearing hiking boots.
He's wearing flip flops.
Nobody has ever screamed louder in a metro.
I never said sorry.
Petty Revenge
I had a 6 month school internship at a mobile phone store. The boss was a total asshole that treated his school-interns like full paid workers (even gave me some concerning money-responsibilities).
A while after the internship he called to tell me i would have to give a statement at court. He had a problem with some customer and a shipment and he planned to tell the court that he explained me everything concerning shippings precisely. Of course he didn't. And of course i didn't lie infront of the judge. My boss' attorney gave me a look i will never forget when he realized his stupid plans didn't work out.
I believe your boss was an a*****e (considering he wanted you to lie at the court) but at the same time I think having real responsibilities as an intern is a good experience. Or?
Petty Revenge
Saw Stephen Fry live last week, and he told us this story: Just after the first Harry Potter book had been released, he was offered the role of narrating it for audiobooks. He hadn't read it, and was simply told it was a children's book, so figured it would be an easy afternoons work. When he met JK Rowling, she mentioned that she was writing a sequel. Stephen replied very condescendingly "good for you".
A few years down the line, the books are selling well, and he is doing the recording for the Prisoner of Azkaban, when he runs into the phrase "Harry pocketed it". Stephen could not say this line. It always came out as "Harry pocketeded it", unless he said it ridiculously slowly. They tried time and time again to get it right, but to no avail. Eventually, he called up JK and asked if he could say "Harry put it in his pocket" instead. She thought for a moment, then said "no", and hung up.
The phrase "Harry pocketed it" appeared in the next four books.
Petty Revenge Stories
Years ago when a student I worked 8 hours a week in my local supermarket. There were loads of students.
On one occasion a snotty cow, thinking she was better than the checkout operator, said to her children "if you don't work hard at school you will end up on checkouts like this girl"
My friend replied "actually I have just qualified as a doctor"
I had a secret chuckle. But it didn't matter that she was a doctor that cow shouldn't be looking down on anyone
Who the hell doesn't have to work to pay for living-costs and such anyway? Even here in Norway where higher education is completely free we still have to eat and pay rent. Not everyone has rich parents who will care for you while you get an education. People should have more respect.
Petty Revenge
Some asshole at a bar told me that he hated smooth adult-contemporary rock. So, I went to the jukebox and just played "Free-Falling" and "Last Dance with Mary Jane" for an hour
I literally got "Petty" Revenge.
Petty Revenge Stories
27 years ago...My ex had the classic comb over...hanging on to the last 10 hairs...so after I got all my stuff out ( Caught him cheating with our employee) any way. I dumped his shampoo out and filled it with Nair...then put his shampoo on top of that..so by the time he got to the bottom of it ....I'd be long forgotten...I'm sure his chest hair and final 10 hairs and leg hairs were falling out all over the place..
You probably did him a favor, having no hair is better than having a bad combover
Petty Revenge
Whenever I was at work I would keep an eye on some of the coins I had in my till drawer that weren't "legal tender" in my country. I would then give these to customers who were assholes to me in their change. Muahaha.
Petty Revenge Stories
After chorus in high school, my best friend came up to me with tears streaming down her face. She told me that this girl called her fat. Well, the teacher made us all brownies that day and I had mine in hand. I whipped that brownie across the hall and it smacked her right in the face. This was years ago but i can still remember how good my aim was, that brownie flying in between heads and smacking her right in the cheek.
Petty Revenge Stories
Some jerk parked his lifted truck in the loading zone of our local big box home improvement store. He was so close that nobody could get their carts out. After I carried my 5th 80lb sack of concrete out to my truck by hand, I saw the driver walking around shopping. I took the valve caps off his huge tires and put them back on with little pebbles inside. The air was slowly leaking out and they wouldnt be flat until the morning.
Petty Revenge Stories
New Jersey drivers are notorious for laying on the horn less than a second after the light turns green. I started stopping my car and going back to ask them what they wanted...
I turn and wave while grinning like a maniac who has just mistaken the honk as a 'Hey buddy!' from their best friend ever.
Petty Revenge Stories
Roommate had a big dog. She left it daily with no food, water or shelter. I moved out and called the RSPCA for abuse. Months of her struggling to keep it, she loses. She posts to facebook about losing her "best friend" and I post on facebook about gaining a new family member, both of us use the same picture of him sitting happy in the grass.
Screw you and your abusive ways, he is the happiest creature I've ever met and I hate the suffering he went through. He is happy living with me now, bitch.
Petty Revenge Stories
There's an eatery here where I live called COOK OUT. I love this place. The food is rather good and a decent price. There's a girl who works there in the drive thru and every time I go there she is a complete B***H and a half well one day she was being super bitchy and wasn't paying attention. My meal was $8 and some change I gave her a 10. She gave me back like 13 dollars so I kept it. She deserved it.
Not cool mate. don't you know that when such things happens it's the actual employee having to pa- hey wait a minute
Petty Revenge Stories
My name is Nat. When I was at my old school someone came up with the really clever idea of changing the vowel to get Nut, Nit, etc. Soon along of people were doing it, even after I asked plenty of times to stop. One day after someone called Cameron (everyone called him Cam for short), called me Nit again, I turned around and said shut up Cum in front of everyone. There was abit of an 'Oooo' from everyone, and he started turning red. For some reason no one called me those names again.
Petty Revenge
My wife is very picky about the mugs she has for different hot drinks: Tall mugs for coffee, wide mugs for tea, dainty cups for fruit teas.
When she's being irritating and asks for a cuppa she gets very plain, boring builders mugs and I delight at the mild irritation it brings.
Petty Revenge
Kid stole my water bottle. I opened it up and left it inside his backpack.
Petty Revenge
Back in college, I was sitting in the library trying to work on an assignment. All was quiet for a while until this one obnoxious guy came in and sat at a table near me and proceeded to pull out his phone and have the loudest, most obnoxious conversation with one of his friends. Lots of "BRO, SERIOUSLY BRO?" and yadda yadda. I was about to pack up my things and find somewhere else to work when the conversation turned to Netflix. The guy told his friend he should just use his account, and proceeded to loudly state his email address and password for all to hear. This was too good of an opportunity for me to pass up, so I promptly logged in and navigated to the "LGBT" section and started adding the gayest movies I could find to the top of the queue.
The sad part about your "revenge" is that the direct implication of their action is that apparently, you see being gay as something to be ashamed of. And that you can mock people by marking them as gay. But being gay shouldn't be something to be ashamed of, or be mocked by, and actions like this keep that idea up, and can withhold other people from being open about their sexuality.
Petty Revenge Stories
Several years ago I worked at the corporate offices of a national retailer. One of my coworkers kept a jar of snacks on her desk all the time. She began noticing the snacks disappearing and she knew no one was taking them during the day. The night IT guys were the only culprits. She replaced the human snacks in the jar with doggy pb pretzel treats. That night, sure enough greedy hands helped themselves. She left the bag out next to the jar and after that, she never had another snack disappear.
When I was little we bought a container of frosted 4th of July cookie dog treats. These things look exactly like normal cookies. As my sister and I found out, they taste like normal cookies too. Also, when she was in middle school she went around one day with a friend and they kept offering people horse treats, without saying they were for horses. They would always laugh and tell them they were for horses before they ate it though.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was in fourth grade I was a model student. One day my teacher claimed I hadn't turned in my paper and I was going to get an F. I was crying and very upset that she wouldn't believe me. When I was picked up from school by my Dad I told him what happened and we turned around and went back to the classroom. He walked in and told her that I wasn't a liar then he picked up the bookshelf and there was my paper and several other students. She made a new place to turn in work after that.
Why are some teachers so wrong and also unsympathetic?just unhappy people I guess.
Petty Revenge Stories
My neighbor always calls the cops when we have a fire in our brick-lined fire pit. We've tried being polite, even the cops always apologize saying we are doing nothing wrong but she calls repeatedly until it's out.
We bought orange Halloween lights and put them in the hole. Had a bunch of friends over and went out pretending to light it while another friend plugged it in. Cops showed about 10 mins later. They laugh and leave. She keeps calling. Gonna keep doing it until we can have a real fire again
Petty Revenge Stories
There was a teacher who said we could not leave the class during tests or exams. Lucky me started my period 5 minutes into the exam. I know I'm not going to last for the rest of the 60-minute class, so I ask him if I can go. He says I can go if I hand in my test paper. I'm not about to give him my mostly empty paper, but I figure he'll understand, so I whisper to him that I started my period. He still says no. So I sat on the test paper and bled on it. It was completely illegible, but I got 100%
Petty Revenge Stories
I worked with this hillarious, crazy old lady once who told me the craziest story!! Her man left for a few days with another woman and didn't even come home for Christmas. He finally got home the day after and she told.him to get in bed with her to "cozy up". He stupidly fell for it. She got him all reved up, but had super glue ready to go in one hand. She quickly put glue all over his stomach and super glued his penis to his stomach!! Can you imagine him trying to get that off?? Ouch. I honestly don't know he could do it. I've accidentally super glued my fingers together when I was doing my nails and that hurt so bad!!!
Petty Revenge Stories
Very short story and not that amazing but... About a year ago I had to give my dog a bath but she is scared to death of water... Found her about an hour later chewing on my new glasses...
my dog did a similar thing, my dad yelled at him when he caught him digging holes 10 minutes later he chewed the leg of the chair my dad sat in.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was a high school teacher when a group of students told me that they saw a boy and a girl cheating off of another girl- let's call her Amber. I thanked the group for their honesty but explained that I had to have proof before I could do anything about it.
One of my tactics for dealing with unruly students was to send them to the hallway. Next text day, I sent Amber to the hallway. Guess who bombed that test! Not Amber...
I should clarify that Amber was not in any trouble. I just wanted to witness the cheating for myself without anyone catching on to what I was doing. Not only was I trying to stop the cheating off of Amber, I wanted to see if she knew what the other two students were doing. She did not know. Within an hour after that exam, her parents sent me an angry email wanting to know why Amber had been sent to the hallway. I explained that Amber was being cheated off of and that she will be allowed to sit anywhere she wants during exams to prevent further cheating.
Petty Revenge Stories
I spread Justin Bieber photos all over the outside of his apartment... mainly shirtless. It took me hours to print them out that big. He was on vacation with "his family" (aka his TWO OTHER GFs and three children). Record poster size: 10ft by 7ft. Nobody called the cops and some of the neighbors actually helped. One of them even et me use his Go Pro to film his "Surprise." I dumped him then and there.
but wait... two other gf's? how did that one work out? was it like a three-way thing? or were they super relaxed about having to share? Would they then possibly have included you as well? I'm so intrigued right now! (anyway: good revenge, I hope you used superglue!)
Petty Revenge
Listing a Playstation 4 as brand new on multiple second hand goods websites, for $50. I used my old landlord's phone number as the contact number, 'cos f*ck that guy.
He had to change numbers.
MAH MAN! I would do this with mine but ya know its my dad and he's cool but my step mom is crazy as f**k
Petty Revenge
When I was 10, we had to paint birds for art, I was pretty good at art but a girl copied my exact one, even though we had to do different ones and I was not pleased. So while we were cleaning up paint brushes, (the painted birds were placed nearby), I put her painting in the sink with the tap running, pretended it accidentally fell in there and walked away like nothing happened.
Petty Revenge
i had a drunk guy wake me up and try to fight me one night in a hostel. i was cleaning up in the morning and he was asleep on the couch. i took his flip flops and put them in the lost property.
Petty Revenge
This one time, when I was about 15-16, I was about to walk inside my building, had just placed the keys in the lock, when, reflected in the door, I see two girls walking by behind me.
I can actually hear one of them say, as she points at me:
"Let's talk to this guy."
But then her friend goes:
"No, not him, he's ugly. Let's go."
The girl that actually wanted to talk to me was cute and everything, man. So, not only did her friend cockblock me (so to speak) but she also called me ugly. And that hurt.
I walk upstairs, walk into my place and then walk over to the balcony to see if I can spot the girls. They're right across the street, talking to eachother, and the cockblocker is being a bit loud and obnoxious. That did it for me.
I walk back into the kitchen, grab a slice of ham and swoosh, threw it at the girl. Direct hit. She had a total "WTF" look on her face which made me smile.
Of course, in retrospect, that was a stupid thing to do and I wouldn't do it again.
It's good that you realize that it was a stupid thing to do, but in all honesty, if there is a girl who wants to talk to you and someone ELSE for her says: "Hmm... Nah." You're allowed to be kinda frustrated. Also no violence or permanent harm was done :D
Petty Revenge Stories
I used to work in a kitchen, and one of the cooks would use the cornstarch in the pantry to make sure he didn't chafe. Then would put the box back, like nothing ever happened. He was told multiple times that was disgusting and not to do it again.
I put freshly ground white pepper in the box...never happened again.
Petty Revenge
My roommate in college and I never really got along. At the end of the semester, I noticed him writing down formulas on a tiny, tiny piece of paper- obvious a cheat sheet. When I had the chance, I changed the formulas ever so slightly (turned -s to +s, 1s to 4s, etc). No idea how he did on the final, but I like to think he used all the wrong formulas and failed it.
In this one class I had we were allowed to have a tiny piece of paper with us containing formulas only, and only written on one side. He may have been allowed to use this and the guy ended up screwing with his exam... Just saying that this may have influenced his future, so not the best revenge is it was petty rivalry....
Petty Revenge Stories
I was driving down a city street as I notice a I'm in a school zone. I also see a parked unmarked police looking car a few blocks ahead in the parking lot to my left. I immediately slow down to 20mph, the black truck behind me did not appreciate that. He starts honking and accelerates changing lanes and speeding by me, and past the unmarked cop car. Like clockwork, the lights go on, truck gets pulled over. I smile and wave at him as I pass.
Petty Revenge
When I was in high school I went on vacation with family and bought my then girlfriend earrings to surprise her with when i got back. I came back to her introducing me to her new boyfriend and me subsequently being kicked to the curb. 2 years later we got to talking over facebook and I initiated a booty call. Afterwords, She told me she had feelings for me again and i responded with "cool, i'm late for dinner, talk to you later"
Petty Revenge Stories
when i was in 4th grade a girl tried to pin me up against a tree and choke me. Guess what I did? I cut off all of her barbies hair but I put it in a plastic bag and put it in her book bag because I felt bad . Let me just say she never messed with me again. ( i was kind of a mean child😂😂😂 but if you think about it the girl tried to choke me soo.....)
Petty Revenge Stories
Last year met a guy, thought he was my soul mate, mistake. Claimed he had served his ex with divorce papers and then spent over $3000 moving 2500 miles away to be with me. After 3 months he says he got a job offer back in the town that his ex lives in. But surprise within one week he is back with his ex. That cost him another $2000 to move back. Then it also cost him $2500 to live here for 3 months. So now he is out $7500 dollars. Well I maxed his credit cards for another $4000. Revenge
And the job fell through also....Karma is a b***h....
Petty Revenge Stories
I was getting a hell of a lot of phone calls from some random company and I decided that I had had enough after I received 4 calls within 10 minutes. I picked up the phone on the 5th call and calmly answered "I regret to inform you that the owner of this cellphone has just died in a car crash. We assume that he was trying to answer a call from this number. Is everything ok?".
They hung up and never bothered me again.
Petty Revenge Stories
So, I was in the supermarket and saw a teen pocket some candy. I followed him for like 10 minutes, and got really fed up. So, i took a string of Twizzlers and stuck them in his backpack, with the small part showing. I then told security about a "Suspicious looking man" Security caught on pretty fast. Best 5 minutes ever.
Petty Revenge Stories
When i was around 19/20 I lived with a now ex friend. She was a total bitch used to leave for the weekend leaving half eaten dinners on the window sill in the sitting room and complain about how i always left the place in mess when I got home late from work (it would be a plate I left in the sink until the next day) yet I used to do the majority of the housework as well as pay for most of the bills etc. So I eventually got fed up with it and used her toothbrush to clean the toilet and other stuff
I lived with someone like that :(. I wish i had thought to take revenge on them!
Petty Revenge Stories
Sitting outside a club with a friend who had been spiked, I see a girl run out of the club followed by a big arabic guy.
The guy grabbed at her and kissed her in the most disgusting manner. She was crying and no one was doing anything.
I demanded that the bloke went to get water for my friend. He reluctantly agreed and ran inside.
I turned to the girl and told her that now was her chance. She kissed me on the cheek and whispered thank you before running to a taxi.
It felt good.
That's not revenge! That is saving a girl from a potential rape or something! You saved her! u are amazing!
Petty Revenge Stories
So a few weeks ago in the grocery store, this lady ran my foot over with her cart (I was in sandals) and proceeded to tell me to "watch where I was going". So I stealthily followed her around adding things into her cart when she wasn't looking. Must have put atleast 20 different items in her cart without her realizing. I don't regret it.
You could also take something she added herself. Preferably from the other end of shop.
Petty Revenge Stories
Buying white shoes for my 10-year-old daugher for an elegant event. We looked everywhere in the small city, no success. In the last store in town I saw the perfect shoes and grabbed them. Right size, the only ones left but expensive. A girl saw us and asked her mom to buy them. The mom said "Let's wait, they can't buy those shoes". They kept staring at us, looking us down and whispering. My daughter tried every shoe in the store and then we bought the ones I had in my hand plus other pair
Petty Revenge
Speeding up a coworker's double click speed and watch him squirm when his normal double clicking speed isn't working.
Petty Revenge Stories
While working in retail, had a loud, obnoxious, and horribly rude customer. Came to me asking for "flavored" painkillers to cure her back pain.When I told her there were only coated painkillers etc, she got pissed.We happened to have chocolate laxatives in stock, so I gave her those.She looked right at it, I feared she'd yell for noticing the word LAXATIVE, but she took them with a snippy "Was that so hard?" & paid for them. Told her to take twice the dose. Hope that cured your back pain, bitch.
Hilariously, constipation often causes back pain. It might have actually helped!
Petty Revenge Stories
A gym used to call me all the time to get me to sign up. And after the countless standard 'I'm not interested's didn't deter them, I got really pissed off. The next time they called, I yelled 'I just got my foot amputated! You insensitive asshats expect me to what, run the treadmill?!'
They never called again.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was at a waterfront bar that attracted a lot of college students for too-strong drinks. This d-bag picks a fight with a buddy of mine and at one point pulls out his BMW key saying "my car is worth more than your life". He puts his key on the bar and him and his friend go to the bathroom. I positioned the key precariously on the edge of the railing. He comes back and grabs his drink, which knocks the key off the railing of the dock into the deep water. Those keys are not cheap to replace.
Petty Revenge Stories
im 8 weeks pregnant , the father means everything to me i love him with everything ive got , he left me for another chick who only got with him to get to me , i still live in the house, shes here all the time , id just finished a 2 hour bath (everyone else had allready showered) in that time she arrived and wanted a shower as i was getting dressed i heard her complaining about how long id been in the bathroom ... so i sat down on the bathroom floor and read my book for the next 3 hours .
Don't you think it's time to realise that you don't love this prick?
Petty Revenge
I feel terrible about this as an adult... But one time when I was a kid, I peed on my older brother's toothbrush because he was being a dick to me
My sister was being a b***h my junior year, she's a year younger than me but two grades behind cause she stupid and got held back. Anyway, it got so bad that she made me cry for a while, I have anxiety and depression but she was just a big bully to all of the kids in the house, me being the oldest. I took her tooth brush and cleaned the toilet with it and held back laughs as I watched her use it the next morning to brush her teeth. I told her and she told my grandmother so to keep out of trouble I said it was a joke.
Petty Revenge Stories
Cheating ex was still living in family home and we hadn't told the kids so we're pretending to get on until he could find new apartment and move out. He had a favourite, very expensive Arran sweater. It would've been far too easy to just boil it...instead, I hung it to dry on an airer, with one sleeve against radiator and the other, I stretched. He had quite short arms anyway so looked utterly ridiculous in the mismatched arms!
Petty Revenge Stories
Someone I know and his wife were being harassed pretty badly over the phone (this happened often) so the husband made a Craigslist ad and put the harasser's phone number to it. She had to change her number.
p.s. if I remember correctly the ad was something like orgy partners wanted (with some really weird stuff)
Petty Revenge Stories
This guy in my building has been a complete disrespectful jack ass, yesterday I saw him leave and get in his car with beer in hand. Reported it and so far I haven't seen him, part of me did it as revenge but part of me also hates people who drink and drive
Petty Revenge Stories
I resigned from a company a few weeks ago for a better opportunity. My manager on my last day of work says mockingly... I guess this was not your cup of tea.. eh?! I worked there for years and was sent off with this.
Fast forward to 2 weeks later... The team quit because the manager was an ass. The management requested my return. Guess who was asked to make the call to me😁. Yup. The manager. Of course I didn't go back... But hell that call felt sweet.
Petty Revenge Stories
Okay so my sister is in charge of laundry for the entire household. There's two types of hangers: the good metal ones and the cheap plastic ones that come from stores.
Every time somebody pisses her off, they find that all of their clothes are hung on the plastic ones.
Petty Revenge Stories
So, I work in an area that the wealth have their ski chalets. As a secretary I deal with many of them. Their behaviours are nothing new.
I noticed a frequent client pull up behind me on my way home from work in his shiny red convertible with the top down.
Oh this guy gave me hell for 25 mins of my hour commute. And at one stop light I had had enough of his tail gaiting and honking (even though he could pass) so I revved my diesel jeep and watched him cough and flip out in my black exaust.
Petty Revenge Stories
My dad is a taxi driver for over 20 years (I'm from Singapore).
One night, this young passenger ran off at his destination without paying and my dad chased after him but couldn't see where he went. Someone in the neighbourhood said that it seems to be a frequent occurrence there. When my dad went back to the cab, he saw that that guy had dropped his wallet which had his ID in it.
He was able to make a report with the police and cab company to get his fare back.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was out with my supportive parents and homophobic grandma. I was dating my (now ex) gf and she lived near by. I told her where I was. Not even ten minutes later, she surprised with a big bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates for my bday. I was so happy and I kissed her. My grandma watched and basically disowned me. My dad told her (he was her fave) that if she disowned me, he'd disown her. She quickly changed for that day but bullied me til she died. Still the best thing I've ever seen.
Your dad gets a golden star. I love it when the parents stick up for their kids. I see so often articles and comments about parents disowning, hating, abusing, emotionally torturing their kids. They are supposed to be your biggest supporter. It's nice to see when that happens.
Petty Revenge Stories
was in high school and I had been dating this guy for like 3 months. He mentions how one of his female friends is interested in me and he suggests a threesome.
He an I hadn't done more than kiss by that point and so I reject the idea.
A week later it's circulating that he is sleeping with this chick and when confronted he broke up with me.
Long story short, I ended up stealing her away from him (She and I are both Bi) and he got known as the guy who was so bad in bed he turned girls gay.
Petty Revenge Stories
[WARNING: Broken English]
I am working for a company which are managed by some toxic people. One of them are single and desperately want to get married. He approached almost every pretty worker in company but no one liked him. He also went to blind dates but still got no result. One day, one of his dates gave a good respond and he told everyone in company that he got a date. Unfortunately, the girl was a friend of my friend, and she asked my opinion. Sure, I said "Don't". There, he failed again.
We have one of those in our group. Told me he was asking out a friend, she is old enough and bold enough to protect herself, so I told HIM what she was going to say "No noooo no no no no no. No." Sure enough a few hours later he comes back with, she said exactly "No noooo no no no no no. No." He thought I warned her. Nope. I've actually listened when she spoke.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was young 6 or 7 may be, I decided to get back at my brother for some reason. At night, before going to sleep I stuck a chewing gum on his pillow. After some time, I heard him screaming from his room, his hair stuck to the pillow. When mom went to him, he told her that it was probably me. Then, I entered the room, trying to look as innocent as ever and pointed out that it was probably one of his gums.
My brother had the habit of throwing his gums all over the house.
Guess who got the scolding
Petty Revenge Stories
Friend was a guard for an HOA. One night, tons of people start coming in using one resident's code. She calls a guard on patrol near the house, turns some kid is having a party. Parents:on vacation. This isn't allowed without homeowner approval. She calls the parents, pretending not to know they're out of town, asking how many people they invited to their party. Of course, they're pissed. 2 weeks later: she is on patrol and sees the kid doing tons of chores while the parents sit back and watch.
This comment covers an a-hole's one. Move along, please, and have a nice day :)
Petty Revenge Stories
This happened a few years ago. I was visiting my hometown for the weekend, and my friend who was like a little brother to me asked me for help on his project. He was supposed to make a poster of a tourist spot, but couldn't use Photoshop even if his life depended on it. I did it for him and made sure he would get a great grade. Then he told me he had groupmates who didn't help him. Since they were required to have their names on the poster, I purposely misspelled (except my friend's)their names.
Petty Revenge Stories
Working as a housekeeper, had a guest try to check in at 10am (our checkout time is 10, official check in time is 2pm). The room allocated to them was still occupied when they arrived. They called to see if the room was clean four times while I was cleaning, so I added extra time to every task. Thoroughly clean room, but I toom my sweet time doing it. Note: don't nag housekeeping, we're all kinda petty.
Petty Revenge Stories
A while ago my brother was being a complete a**hole, so my sister took one of his new PS4 games and hid it.
So today(four months later) he finally realizes it's missing and accuses both of us of taking it. He looks through the room twice -including a dresser that our mom uses for her tablecloths- and leaves. A minute later she gets up, walks over to that exact dresser, procures the missing game from under a napkin, and puts it back. "I was going to give it back but he pissed me off again."
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was in first grade, there was this girl I met named Natalie. After only playing a few games with her, I realized that not only was she a cheater, but also a bragger. I quickly ended that short-lived friendship. Apparently she was still bitter about that, because at the end of the day when we walked to the carpool zone in a line, she accused me of cutting in front of her and shoved me. Not only did she get sent to the principal's office, she also got a handful of water thrown in her eyes.
In case anyone is wondering what I meant by playing games, I meant things like tetherball and handball. Another thing I want to clarify is that I did get in trouble at school for splashing water in her eyes (I got sent to the office as well) but in the end all they did was call my mother. In the end she didn't even get mad because she has done similar things when she was bullied as a kid.
Petty Revenge Stories
Walk into class at university and BAM there is my cousin (she's only 2 weeks younger). This cousin expects everything to be handed to her. So she proceeds to spend that semester messaging me for the answers, but I wouldn't give them, she has to work just like I did. So our final assignment is a paper and she brags about how hers is so good and how she'll get an A being all up in my face. She got a P (Pity Pass) and I got an A, I low key bragged and told our whole family about it. Im still #1 grandkid
Petty Revenge Stories
A few years ago my ex and I broke up and I moved in with family. I started casually hooking up with a guy who lived near my new home. A few months into this casual thing he starts asking if we can not use condoms, to which I said hell no, never ask again. A few weeks later he held me down and entered me without a condom. I told me ex and he asked me where this guy lived...what me ex (apparently) did was steal a power bill, got this guy's date of birth off Facebook and got his power disconnected.
That's rape, you know. You should go to the police & have this guy charged, because he'll probably do it again (perhaps to someone even more vulnerable)... 😧
Petty Revenge Stories
I used to have a nippy little car (not the fastest by far but it could keep up), when I was on the freeway and cars would come up behold me and act like jerks especially when it was peak traffic hour I'd blast my windshield water which would actually spray the car behind me that was being a jerk. Forcing them to also clean their windows! Especially satisfying for fancier cars
I got a MITSUBISHI MIRAGE DE COUP, and one time I was coming through Virginia, they have State Police and they are always looking to give tickets at the drop of a hat. I was headed toward Bristol on up toward Johnson City way. Anyway, these idiots in a bigger car thought they could outrun me so I let them, we kept playing that game, I would speed up and let off and they would take off ad wave ans smile at me through the back window like they did something and my Mirage was a slow POS. This went on till after Bristol to where I knew there would be no Cops down this stretch of Highway for a long ways. I pulled up beside them, waved, then slammed it down a gear and left their slow a*s car in the Dust. They ran blocker for me across 2 states and didn't even know it till then.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was in highshool I had this rule of not letting my puppy Yorkshire Terrier come in my room when I was studying. One time he was scratching at my door for almost an hour until he gave up. Once I finished my work I open the door to see him come in and stare right at me as he was pissing on my carpet. After that I learnt to always leave my door a bit cracked open
Petty Revenge Stories
Freshman year of college, loud neighbor used to play the White Stripes at full volume daily at 8am while he worked out. Technically not against the rules, but still douchey. He stayed in the dorm for spring break. I went home and set my alarm clock to go off at 5 am. It was one of the old ones that would blare until someone turned it off. Apparently campus security had to go in and turn it off, but it was on for at least 2 days straight. No more Seven Nation Army wake up calls after that.
Petty Revenge Stories
So im currently waiting on the reaction but heres the backstory.
Yesterday my best mate pranked me by swapping salt and sugar on me and giving me the saltiest damn coffe ive ever drank.
Fastforward to now and we just left McDonalds and his coke has a little surprise...
The straw is stuck in a packet of ketchup thats IN the coke. This will be great.
Home now. He just took a mouthful as we walked in the front door and puked on his little brothers head. Oops
Petty Revenge Stories
Got laid off from small shop "due to budget cut" and "I slacked too much". Truth is the job was just too easy so I got things done quickly & owner refused to train me on more. Asked me to train a totally brainless newbie, which i did for a day or 2 then moved on w/ job search. 2 wks later, on my first day @ new job (big corporation), he called to ask me back (cuz the newbie was too stupid). I respectfully declined & informed that I've started a new job. Felt great to shove it in his face!
Petty Revenge Stories
My now ex was cheating on me with (( at the time )) A friend wanted to figure out who he was bringing to our apartment when I was at work. I quickly decided to put hot sauce in his astroglide. Every time I see ether of them "what's up Fire crotch" comes out of my mouth. Best part is he thought he has an std for a few weeks.
I'm pretty sure my ex wife cheated on me with this one armed guy in his bathroom while we were over at his apartment. There was a bunch of people over there and I was pretty mad. I said, lets go crotch! Everyone laughed and we left. A few years latter I saw two of the girls who were there that day and heard me say it, they said we still call her that, best thing I heard in a long time.
Petty Revenge Stories
I had a friend who stole my root beer gum. I mean good gum. Denied it like a little b*tch. Invited him over to my house for a pokemon card opening. When he went to the bathroom I took all of his packs, slit them open, took the best pokes and put them in my pack. The dude ended up with 3 jiggly puffs, and I with a charzard Ex.
Nice one. The bonus part in this is that Charizard card may be worth a small fortune someday. 💕✨😊✨💕
Petty Revenge Stories
I was a caddy at a country club in my town. The job paid great but I had to deal with a nasty old caddymaster. He was the cheapest, most foul-mouthed person I had ever met. Constantly stealing our tips and talking shit on us to the members.
On my last day I used golf club super glue and glued two quarters to his work desk. Later found out he spent a good hour trying to get them off. Cursing at every kid in the shop and trying all sorts of tools. It was soooo satisfying.
Petty Revenge Stories
Last year when I was addicted to eat Oreo Cookies with milk, I always bring them to my office. I put the cookies on my table but it always disappears. It happen about 3 days.
So on the 4th day, I open my Oreo cookie, eat the white cream and put a toothpaste in the cookie as the cream. I put on my table like the day before and later before lunch time, i see the cookies is on the floor, with bite on it and some spits.
The thief just eat a cookie and "refreshing' his/her mouth with a toothpaste.
I was gave a pack of Oreo's yesterday, I am so pissed I have no milk. O' well the Grocery store opens in less than 5 hours.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was 11, I was seated next to a Bully who regularly took the treats my mother put in my lunch bag. After a few weeks of this I replaced the contents of a Hershey bar with chocolate Ex-lax. He was off school for two days and my lunch treats were never touched again.
I had a friend in school who added ExLax to chocolate frosting on her boyfriend's birthday cake because he was cheating on her with her best friend...got her revenge Montezuma style.
Petty Revenge Stories
Moved out with my bf when I was too young to know better, and we both got midnight jobs at a big store. Meet an older, hard-life woman, and started to hang with her a bit. Bf even gives her rides home from work now and then. FF a few months, and I find condoms in his car, we didnt use them, and confront him. Yep, he's cheating, dumps me, cheats me of money. When he didn't make 2 car payments and they call me, I told them where to find it, AND give them the spare key I have. He was NOT a happy camper
Petty Revenge Stories
My sister would make fun of me for having a lot of zits. When she made fun of me in from of my crush I decided to get some well deserved revenge...
The next day I added body lotion (for extra dry skin) in her face cleanser... I could add that for about a few weeks I had a strong competitor in the "zit domain"😇
Petty Revenge Stories
My ex left me 1 day before our 4th wedding anniversary, 2 weeks before our "honeymoon" trip, and a month before my birthday, citing many reasons (about me) why.
We agreed to divorce amicably, I got almost nothing and had to leave my house.
6 months after he left I learned he'd been having an affair the whole time. A year later I heard they were celebrating 2 years (do the math).
So, I took my best friend to Mexico and used all his travel miles! He forgot I was on that account I guess... #FDW
This comment covers up a terrible one. Move along, nothing to see here :)
Petty Revenge
My missus leaves tea bags in the sink so I put them in her wallet.
Maybe letting them dry before tossing them out, so they don't dribble on the floor or get the wastebasket wet?
Petty Revenge Stories
I knew a women that had a house she rented, when she tried to evict the guy he refused to leave. So she went down to the local grocery store and removed all those subscription cards that fall out of magazines when you pick them up. She had about 200 she figured. Using a printer she printed out labels with all the pertinent information including a bunch addressed to his workplace. Not all of these magazine subscriptions were appropriate.
Petty Revenge Stories
Been divorced from my ex for 8 years. He still comes to see our kids and expects a cup of coffee every time. I still spit in it even after all this time! 😜
Petty Revenge Stories
This is more Karma than revenge but it counts.
When I was a cashier, I had a woman checking out.. As I scan some onions, I feel a sneeze coming, so I turn AWAY from them and sneeze into my elbow. After that, I was careful not to use that hand. After I scan everything and print her receipt, the woman brings the onions back and says that I sneezed on them (I didn't and was VERY CAREFUL not to) and she wanted new ones. Before new ones came, she left, so she paid for onions without taking any home.
Petty Revenge Stories
A guy i didn't like sent some disgusting gifs in a group chat and i told him to stop (note my nickname wasn't close to my rl name so he doesn't know who am i )
He started to spam porn pictures and gifs in the chat after that, and left the group. I was really pissed so i went to his Facebook and started finding his family members. ( it wasnt hard tbh ) and two of them replied me. To my surprise it was his aunt and his sister.
So I sent them the screenshots of the chat.
Petty Revenge Stories
NSFkids: A young lady whom a friend had dated, mailed him a photo of herself performing oral on her subsequent conquest, captioned "having a ball without you!"; he changed the caption to "eating well at college!", and forwarded it to her parents...
Petty Revenge Stories
Worked for a pizza place for two years. Husband and I split up so I asked for day shifts because i have a kid. I was told "Yeah sure, no problem." A week before he leaves, I ask my GM again about the change in hours. He tells me he isn't going to punish other employees.I lay in bed that night and stew over it. Didn't sleep at all. Got up, went and found another job the same day. Turned in my uniform to him while he was closing and I had to open in the AM. I smiled and pranced out. :)
Petty Revenge Stories
I had spent a week moving every night after work. It was really hot. I moved all day Saturday and was driving down to clean my old apartment. A guy pulls up next to me. We are in dual left turn lanes.
He is moving. The side door is open and I see computer disks, books etc. I say "excuse me sir ..." About to inform him of the impending disaster. Before I can say anything he yells "what the f do want" the light changes he takes off and I drive thru his possessions proving their is a god.
Bro, I'm a grammar perfectionist and this whole thing bothers me. Anyone else???
Petty Revenge Stories
I was working on a school project with a friend, and had done about 3/4 of the work when I had to leave for a family emergency. (I was better at the subject, so she wanted me to do most of the work) She turned in the project without my name on it, saying that she had done all the work herself when I wasn't there. I "redid" the project, using the 3/4 that I did and putting insane effort into the last part. I got a 96, she got a 72. Karma.
Petty Revenge
I sign up my boss's work email at porn sites.
Petty Revenge Stories
In eighth grade, I didn't invite a girl to a party and she spread a rumor about one girl and her boyfriend having sex on my bed (her imagination, not mine.), so when she wasn't paying attention, I opened several tabs on her computer and looked up some... 'interesting' things (feet, asian feet, beautiful feet, latina feet, etc.) I'm not exactly proud of it, but she shouldn't be proud of herself with such a search history.
Not that impressive unless soneone was actually likely to see the search history
Petty Revenge Stories
Discovered my now-ex was cheating so I pissed in his aftershave and laughed so hard when he'd go out to meet her with pee on his face!
Also, he was impressed she drove a company Merc and being shallow, jumped at her offer to put him on the insurance so he could pretend to be a hotshot... He must've had to hand over his driving licence because soon after he moved out, it was posted back to our address, which was on the licence. I binned it, denied all knowledge: he had to fork out for a new one!
Petty Revenge Stories
6 life long friends & family come to stay at our home in a new state for long weekend. 1 girl and I have huge fight. Weekend ends with sh*t still in air. Hubby and I can;t forgive things she said about me. She apologizes 2 little 2 late. A few months later the others become distant.
FF 2 years and others are still cold. Knowing how anal she is about her clean home I bought her an anonymous glitter gram. Never told her hubby shes a cheater though.
Petty Revenge Stories
Had two friends one of the forced himself on my friend she hated it and had a bf at the time he had given me his password to fb I logged in one day and saw he was telling people she made the first move and let him finger her so I messaged everyone he told that he was a liar and made everything up because he was mad that everyone kept rejecting hI'm nd decided to take it out on her basically ruined his life because the rumours were ruining my friends life. He was almost 18 she only just 15.
This isn't petty. This sounds like rape. Your friend should tell someone. :(
Petty Revenge Stories
A popular girl I went to school with gave me shit every single day for 4 years for being gay. 1 day I'd had enough & see her walking to the bus at hometime & yell at the top of my lungs "BYE KELLY! SEE YOU TOMORROW" sounding as flamboyantly gay as possible & waving like a huge dork. The entire school witnessed this & gave her hell for the rest of the year. She never talked to me again & avoided me like the plague. Karmas a bitch
Wait, they gave her hell because of guilt by association? Or.. What exactly?
Petty Revenge Stories
I was at a club with some other girls many years ago, and a group of guys were being very rude. The more drinks they had the worse they got, it went on and on, this was the 80's though so you just had to put up with drunk guys being drunk guys. At the end of the night, I went over to the worst one, hugged him, told him I forgave his behaviour and took my friends out with the 50 dollar note that had been hanging out his top pocket ( he was definitely going to drop it and lose it anyway right :)
Petty Revenge Stories
My first ever bf cheated on me a week before homecoming and went with the other chick. A few months later he comes back, says he's sorry, yada yada. I go with it for a while and then I break up with him in the middle of the lunchro (as a crowd starts to form). I go on and on about how terrible he is and doing my best to break his heart and reputation. By the end a good 30 people were standing around us and started laughing at him. I feel kinda bad now, but the look on his face was priceless!
Petty Revenge Stories
My sister once snapped the tea towel at the dog and got her pretty good, square on her butt. Later on that night, my sister's rubbing the dog's sides to pat her, bending over the dog, when the clever mutt farts. Right in my sister's face. While grinning like the lil petty shit she is.
Your sister is disgusting. That is cruel to the dog, she certainly doesn't deserve to be harmed for your sister's entertainment.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was at the beach getting some sun when a very chesty chick places her blanket on the beach ahead of me about 10 feet down. She reaches back to undo her top strap to avoid the tan lines. She props herself up on her elbows...sans top. I didn't want to be rude and verbally alert her, so I cleared my throat and nodded towards her exposure. She realizes her mistake and covered. "Haven't you seen a pair of tits before?" she asked snidely.
I smiled, "Yea, but none as saggy as those."
She left.
Petty Revenge Stories
I went to this packed English class where this guy and his friends would all ask me for pencils, but never return them after class. If I didn't give them the pencils, they would complain loudly and call me rude and inappropriate names. I tried writing my name on the pencils, but they didn't care. I then found the most childish pencils I found, Disney Channel and Disney Princess pencils. I made sure to Superglue sparkles and cheap Dollarstore girly figurines to the pencils. They never asked again
Petty Revenge Stories
While my husband of eighteen years was cheating on me, he didn't make the house payment. The SECOND his mistress found out our house that she wanted so bad was teetering on foreclosure, she threw him out. He came crawling back home. I lied and said I forgave him, and he handed over the 2500 it was going to take to save the house. I filed for divorce instead, and by the time I was done with him all he walked away with was a 350,000 foreclosure on his credit and the clothes on his back.
Petty Revenge Stories
My roommate in college was so disgusting she let her used tampons sit out in wrapped in the bathroom trashcan. They ended up stinking up the whole dorm and when asked to remove them she didn't. So I put cooking oil in her acne wash.
Petty Revenge Stories
Had some really pushy salesman trying to sell me solar panels. As I was bored I decided to indulge his bullshit and appeared to be hanging off his every word.
After nearly an hour of feigning an interest he said to me 'So! Would you like to have solar panels fitted to your property?' to which I responded 'No, I live in a basement flat'.
The look on his face was priceless
Honestly I’ve worked in sales for a short naïve time, it was the only job I could get and I was treated really poorly by some people, I’ve been spat on and even had water thrown at me (and I was going door to door raising money through monthly donations for our local children’s hospital - yes people still treat you like a criminal - for $10 a day plus $10-$15 for every donation I could sign, which was 3-4 a day average. When it’s a choice between that and $0 a day, you do what you have to do - I kept jobhunting the entire time and only stayed a couple months but still.) Sometimes it’s just someone trying to make a living, they were fed pipe dreams by crappy management, (I honestly stupidly thought I could really help people in my position) but they get paid nothing when customers waste their time for hours just because “karma LOL.” Just be kind and tell them to go away, you don’t know if they’re a bad person or just someone trying to make ends meet however they can….
Petty Revenge Stories
A more innocent one - I hate crumbs or sandgrains in my bed. It's a bit of a family joke. One day my 5yo asked me if he could have another cookie. I said 'no'. That night when I opened my bed covers I found a perfect little pile of cookie crumbs in my bed. I birthed a monster! XD
Funny! Look out for this one if you ever worry about going into a home, though.
Petty Revenge Stories
My Mum was kind. It didn't matter what walk of life a person was in. If they were respectful to her, Mum would be respectful back.
However, there was a time, while working at a school Speech Day, (Mum was the Head Cook) and a member of staff, jumped the queue for a glass of squash. He took a mouthful, pulled a face and said 'Call this squash, it's more like cats p***'
Without batting an eyelid, Mum replied "I'll have to take your word for that, as personally, I haven't tasted cats p*** myself".
Petty Revenge Stories
years ago, a group of men got my info and called ten times a day to my cell and work, saying I was going to jail due to a lawsuit for taking out a loan and then refusing to pay it back. the calls were starting to impact my ability to function, so one day I had my mother answer the phone & when they demanded to speak to me, she said in a tear filled voice,"I'm sorry, but she killed herself because of harassing calls. Don't worry, the police are ready to Make an arrest" never heard from them again
Petty Revenge Stories
I dated a sociopath a year in high school.He would constantly cheat on me, force me intonsex, etc. Near 11 months, I started to get pissed. When I brought it up to him he just called me a psycho-bitch. So, the dick then comes up with a brilliant idea to set me up with another guy. We hit it off right away. 7 months later, I'm still with the guy I was set up with and I couldn't be happier. Meanwhile he still hasn't found anyone. He gave me to the love of my life on a silver platter. Karma's a bitch
Petty Revenge Stories
I had gamers living above me this freshman year. 22 noise complaints of them jumping up/down. Nothing worked. I was now being woken at 3AM. Finals week came, so I waited til 4AM each day, kicking their ceiling (our beds were high up) to wake them. They rearranged their room one day, I kicked their ceiling & they came out yelling at me. Being a soccer player had benefits. I aimed, kicked the ball over the balcony rail & broke that console of theirs. Best part?Didn't even get busted by Housing. :)
Its people like that that give gamers a bad name. Not all of us are like them. Im sorry you had to deal with them.
Petty Revenge Stories
I live in a large house divided into flats, and there is a private parking area outside for residents only. One day I spotted this shitty old Toyota started parking there (blocking two spots) meaning that there was not enough room for residents.
So each night, I used to go out and surround the car with wheelie bins, and put the rubbish bags on its roof. After a few days the owner (some random chav who lived up the street) got the message and started parking his car elsewhere.
Remember: the Karma Police may not write tickets, but they still make you regret parking like an a*****e.
Petty Revenge Stories
Girl at school was talking about me within earshot to some guys at the end of the table (she was a slut, nothing against them as I am one, but it's relevant and she gave me hell). I turned to her and said "Oh so you're spreading rumours about me? Well it's nice to know that you've gotten into the habit of spreading something other than your legs". Guys went mental, people were talking about it for days.
I once got a guy that was talking bs about my friend RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. He got done telling all these lies,and he asked me how I felt about them. Well that set me up for the most glorious burn in my life. I said Well I’m trying to see all these lies from your perspective, but I just can’t get my head that far up my a*s. People talked about it for weeks
Petty Revenge Stories
This was a story a friend of mine told me. She was in line to check in at an airport. A lady ahead of her was berating the airline worker mercilessly and loudly for no discernible reason. As she finally walked away my friend stepped up and said quietly to the worker "Let me take care of this". She waits a couple of beats until the woman is far enough away that she has to shout and yells "HEY LADY. DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE BLOOD ALL OVER THE BACK OF YOUR PANTS?" She was upgraded to first class.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was on a medication which gave me the urge to pee about every half hour. I had a teacher who had a rule that you could not use the bathroom if your class was directly after lunch break, as 'you could've gone then'. It was a 90- minute class, and I already knew I was in for 90 minutes of torture. I sat in the back, near this carpet. I raised my hand multiple times in 'urgent need of a bathroom', but he brought up the policy. So I peed myself all over the carpet.
it's not that simple- this person can explain why they peed on the carpet, but not why they just left class . . . it could be seen as an excuse to just skip class
Petty Revenge Stories
My now ex-boyfriend of almost two years broke up with me a week before our anniversary because I was too messy and didn't clean the bedroom for him. As I left the apartment we shared I dumped an entire bag of Jelly Beans all over the room for him to have to pick up.
Lol! Ah, sweet revenge, best served in the form of jellybeans on the floor of your enemies!
Petty Revenge Stories
found out my bf of over a year had been cheating for half of it. took a rather sexy pic of him in firemen gear and posted it on any and all gay porn sites i could find with his number and a message that said "call for a good time". his mom had to change their phone number because of all the "odd men" calling for her son.
Petty Revenge Stories
One day in band, when we had a sub, part of the percussionist section kept repeatedly opening my sax case, jumbling the contents in it around. It took me, my friends, and the sub to make them stop. The next day, when the actual band teacher waited on me to finish getting my sax set up, I told her about the tomfoolery of the percussionists. She gave the 3 lunch detention, with a very happy Jim.
I play sax to and in my class messing with someones intsrument (expecially a sax or trumpet) was practically a death sentence. Whenever someone so much as brushes your instrument with theirs we just give them the death glare and whisper "There will be blood"
Petty Revenge Stories
I use to work on a loading dock.as a fork lift driver a guy named s was a checker and would walk into the semi box (van) and as he was leaving let out a stinky old cheap beer fart for the forklift drivers to smell and then laugh about it. well on this day it got real hot and the vans were hot inside. so as he was going into the semi I let out a stink Taco, burrito, old beer ,popcorn, pizza fart and then closed the roll up door w/him inside and went to break.. never did it again
Petty Revenge Stories
I work for the UK rail industry, and we use tickets with a magnetic strip on the back. Whenever I get an arrogant/obnoxious traveller buying a ticket, I pass the ticket over a permanent magnet hidden next to my ticket printer, and wipe the strip. It's great knowing they'll have to get assistance through every barrier they pass through...
Petty Revenge Stories
The pub i work at has an offer on spirits every weekend, a double costs £6 normally, it's £2.50 on offer. But this offer ends early in the night (11)
One night the offer was on, a group of lads hit the cheap drinks hard, and are trashed. The ring leader ordered a double and mixer after the offer was done, and proceeded to scream that I was an incompetent bitch because I didn't give it him cheaper.
The guy got a glass of soda water that had a tiny drop of vodka on the straw. £6 well spent asshole.
I’ve done this, charged for full rum & cokes on the receipt, then before I pay out the bill I erase the drinks and punch in plain pops (cause that’s really all it cost the restaurant?) and pocket the difference as a tip. Note: I’ve only done this to two guys that were so drunk they wouldn’t stop groping us, management wouldn’t let us cut them off - long entitled rich kid story - and we had to kick them out. Quit shortly after!
Petty Revenge Stories
I was sexually abused as a kid and the church my family was in tried to cover it up. Fast forward 10 or so years and I was a teenager at college in another city. I became friends with this girl who it turns out is the daughter of the boss of the company my abuser bought a franchise off. This girl and I became close and eventually she made me tell her dad what this guy had done. He promptly fired the guy and took back the franchise (not sure how but he did and it felt so good!)
Petty Revenge Stories
One day as I was working drive-thru at my job (fast food chain). Also keep in mind we are timed. It's a stupid system and if people wanted to take forever they did and we'd get yelled at. One day this women comes through drive-thru and literally took five minutes just to order a sandwich with extra mayo. Well she got her extra mayo, a disgustingly large amount. Yes it was petty but in retrospect it was kind of worth it. She got her sandwich remade anyways.
I have an IQ a little over 100 (not 105, higher, just trying not to look like a dccc) I could NEVER do that job! My mind is too plodding and methodical and slow. I try never to get impatient at fast food workers.
Petty Revenge Stories
So when my best friend started dating, she became a real jerk. Her and her boyfriend both complain about me and my boyfriend when we have bent over backwards for them numerous times!! Also, our"girly secrets" and brother to brother confidences have become public knowledge. We are still going to be maid of honor and best man at their wedding, but as payback for all their shit they will only get to help clean up at ours.
Petty Revenge Stories
So some kid used to bully me and it really hurt and basically ruined some parts of my school year.
The next year I moved, but kept in contact with people from my old school. I talked to them and apparently now he was getting made fun of for different things and they wanted to know since I knew the bully pretty well if I had any dirt on him...
Safe to say... It's not going all too well now.
Petty Revenge Stories
This happened when I was in 10th grade. There was this girl who was extremely annoying and complained nonstop. She was in my math class which was a split period because of lunch. She was being particularly annoying that fateful day, so as I walked into class after lunch I laid a nasty fart out in front of her desk. When she sat down she immediately began to complain. In addition to everyone telling her to be quiet, the class also started to say, "whoever smelt it dealt it". She shutup after that
Admittedly, I like complaining about things, but not to the point of someone laying a walloping rotten egg in front of me. ;)
Petty Revenge Stories
I used to be a trucker. My truck was governed at 65 mph. One night in New Mexico on I-40, i was passing another semi that was governed at 64 mph. Cue d-bag from California with no governor riding my ass. I'd almost get past and then Cali would flash me so I just let off the gas and got about even with 64mph guy. This went on for about 20 minutes until Cali finally didn't flash me. I got his air horn when Cali passed me. oh well, don't be a dick at 3 a.m. I called his company and reported him.
Petty Revenge Stories
As a kid I used to have to live with roommates and their two sh*thead kids. The two of them both had nerf guns and found immense pleasure in pestering me and my siblings with them for some reason. One day they decided to shoot me with their guns repeatedly while I watched TV. I collected every single dart that they shot and ripped them all in half. When they ran out an came to "reload" by picking them all up I happily presented the pile of shredded foam darts to them. I got every last one :)
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was in Grade 2, there was this girl in my class who would tease me (Red hair and a bit chubby). Anyway, one day we were put as partners for Snakes and Ladders, it was her turn, she decided to turn around and complain about having me as a partner, I grabbed her arm and bit her. (I was a troubled child....) I got removed from the class after that, but she stopped being rude and was scared of me since then.
Petty Revenge Stories
I play the Online Game world of Warcraft. One of my Guildmembers refuses to admit that in his collage days he gave a member of his frat brain damage after locking them in a fridge. Well this guild member has a name that breaks the Game rules. So once a week I report his name and every few days he has to deal with a game master trying to force him to Change it. I will stop when he admit he gave the dude Brain Damage. *He names all his characters Trump with a number Trumptwenty TrumpThirty ect.
Good for you. Keep him from enjoying his game until he admits to ruining the enjoyment of that person’s life.
Petty Revenge Stories
I deliver pizzas. A local store ordered one night while doing inventory. The total was $50. A girl let me in and I can see there is $60 on the counter. 2 20's, 2 5's and a 10. Girl: Do you have the money? Manager in the back: It's on the counter! Me: It was $50. Girl grabs the 10, pockets it and hands me $50. I count as loud as the manager told her it's on the counter: 20! 40! 45! 50! Thank you mam! I left with $60. Delivered there a few times since, haven't seen the girl again.
Petty Revenge Stories
I used to work at a local bar and grill, and we had a good set of regulars, everyone was pretty friendly with everyone else. One guy started coming in regularly, but he was kind of a braggart and a d-bags even before he started drinking. Bragged he could handle our super-hot wings (made with habañero sauce). My boss mixes an extra hot sauce for him, and puts a drop of the chili extract on each wing. He cried like a baby.
Even better, he used the toilet later without washing his hands! He screamed
Petty Revenge Stories
I once opened my instagram a/c to find a series of dick pics from a random perv.I reported the profile and blocked the user.But I wasn't satisfied because I knew this won't stop him from doing the same with other girls.So I created a fake id and downloaded a few pictures of dicks and vaginas with really disgusting skin conditions and sent him those. I screenshot his DM photos to me and uploaded them on my fake a/c(tagging him)and followed all his followers.
Update: he deleted his a/c!
Petty Revenge Stories
Once, while my husband was still living with his elderly mother, one of her neighbors tore down her fence (which was on the property line) and built his pool so that was beyond the property line. When my husband complained, the neighbor was very offensive. My husband is a gardener, and grows hot peppers, so he took some of the hottest and distilled the juice from them, making them even hotter. He soaked a paper towel in the juice and threw it into the pool, where the juice floated on top.
Petty Revenge Stories
We were moving out from an apartment and they didn't provide a list of things we needed to do. We vacuumed, mopped the floors, and cleaned the counters. Evidently that was good enough and charged us a couple of hundred dollars. I fought with them for a few weeks and finally said screw. I went to bank and the amount that they wanted in loose change. Walked into the office, sat down and put my feet up on their desk. Told them I could wait for them to count it but I was not leaving without a receipt
I used to live in a 4 unit apartment building, i used to have a morning newspaper delivered, was delivered between 5-530 am, i would leave for work about 545, after about a year the woman across the hall had her bf move in, my morning paper started disappearing if i didn't get it as soon as delivered. I took an old newpaper cleaned my cats litter box into it, i rolled it up, placed it in the plastic sheathe they were delivered in, i left it in place of that days paper, never had a problem with my morning paper after that, i did tell the landlord about it though just to forewarn him
Petty Revenge Stories
At a party my bff's bf loudly and in gory details told all his friends about their sex life - being very rude and insulting to her in the process. She broke up with him and as I'm a voice actress she asked me to call him and tell him I was from the local hospital - a woman who had come in with venereal warts had given us his name as a recent sex partner and could he come in for tests? Apparently for the next week he would show his junk to all his friends asking if they could see anything.
Petty Revenge Stories
I used to work at a hospital. There was this one self-proclaimed "dreamboat" making moves on every woman there. I always told him no, but he never got the picture. My best friend comes in to have her baby (husband in Iraq) we walk down the hall there he is. She leans over and we make-out for a few minutes and she says how happy we are for having a kid. He leaves as my boss is practically wetting his pants laughing.
Petty Revenge Stories
Back in high school, I had a friend who would just look through my bag without my permission. He would take my notes and read them, and would rummage through all my stuff. This made me really uncomfortable, as I had things like tampons, makeup, phone, sports bra and diary in there. Whenever he found something that embarassed me, he would take it out and comment loudly about it while I tried to take it back. One day, I got ahold of his bag and stuffed it with his unflattering pictures.
Petty Revenge Stories
So I am not a vengeful person, but my ex-husband was a no job having, no house work doing jerk. I week he spent rent money on new golf clubs. I pitched a fit of course and told him to pull his weight or get out. He did the house work but accidentally broke my computer monitor, about a week goes by and he is gonna show off his clubs to some buddies when he pulls them out they are all snapped in half. I told him I had no idea how that happened.
Petty Revenge Stories
When my ex broke up with me and left for my sister I left his number with a bunch of escorts male and female apperently my sister saw the texts that a male escort had sent him which involved pictures of this guys junk so my sister left him and came crying to me!
Petty Revenge Stories
So my ex started to become petty during out break up. He gave me a list of all the money I owed him for rent, he didn't want the ring or necklace back but he listed how much they cost him, how much money he spent on food, ect. When I was packing up my things, I grabbed my limited edition, tin cased PS3 game He claimed it was his because, even though it was a birthday gift, he paid for it. I ended up leaving the game in its case, but I took the booklet with me. It's no longer a collector's item.
Petty Revenge Stories
Many years ago I worked for a smallish business. The manager wasn't really up to the job. One day I got my wage slip and realised there was a mistake so went into the office to tell her. As I said "hi ..... can I just have a word about my wage?" She went mad snarling that everyone had been in that day saying they werent paid enough she'd checked everyone's were fine and I should stop complaining! I said "oh ok if you think they are fine sorry to bother you" and left with the £100 plus extra
Well... Thats one slip up they'll never forget. If they ever realise they made it.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was in college and on my way to English Lit one day I noticed a lady coming up the sidewalk behind me heading in the same building with her hands full of boxes. Like I would for any human being I waited a few seconds so I could hold the door open for her since her hands were full and she proceeds to flip out. Started yelling that I was a sexist toxic male for holding the door for her. In the time she yelled at me and closed the distance to the door I decided to let it slam in her face.
What would she have said if a woman had held the door for her? Courtesy has nothing to do with sexism. What a jerk.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was in a single-use bathroom at a cafe and was washing up. I hear a woman complaining: "Oh, she's probably doing her makeup. Ugh, girls today."
I had been in there 2-3 minutes, hadn't even put on makeup that day, it was hot out and I was cranky.
I let out an intense, pizza-fart, open the door, make direct eye-contact with the woman waiting outside, and smile brightly, saying "Hi. I wasn't doing my makeup. Sorry about the smell. Have a great day!"
Ah, the look on her face!
Petty Revenge Stories
When I worked as a barista, rude customers got decaf.
That ought to make them reconsider being rude the their waking lifeline.
Petty Revenge Stories
In high school I had one of those BS kinda relationships. When I finally wised up, I broke it off. I guess he was more hurt than he let on, because about a month later he gets this new car. He calls me up, and manages to make it sound like-it was a good thing we broke up because now he has this amazing car and it's so much better. In anger, I went to Wal-Mart, bought concentrated buck urine, went to school the next day and poured it down the heater vents. I heard he sold it shortly thereafter.
Petty Revenge Stories
I never believe the stories of Nair/Neat in the shampoo... no way would you confuse that smell.
Petty Revenge Stories
So there was this one girl in my class who kept trying to steal my pencils because she would always forget hers, but I wouldn't let her borrow any because I bought the nice mechanical ones that cost a lot. One say she started screaming in class at me because I wouldn't give her a pencil. Long story short the next week I pulled the chair out from under her and she sat on the floor and screamed and started crying even though she hardly hit her butt hard. My teacher responded with "She got Karma ".
I'd be annoyed if a bully kid tried to take any of my stationery, especially if it cost a lot of money or had personal value. I personally don't blame you for getting frustrated... 💕✨✏️📒🎨✨💕
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was a young child my friend's cousin molested us. He was maybe 3 years older and not very nice. One sunny summer day we hatched a plan. As he was outside with a group of neighborhood boys we offered some fresh lemonade. We lied about how many cups we had so we could make sure he drank first. As soon as he was done we asked how much he enjoyed our freshly sweetened pee. We all ended up in therapy eventually. Go figure.
Petty Revenge Stories
In a college class a creepy guy got into my group for the big semester project. He never did any work, just stared down my shirt/at my boobs during class. I asked him to stop many times but he just laughed at me and said they were "too good not to." Guess which d-bag didn't have his name on any part of the assignment! Snuck a look at his grade at the end, he failed miserably. Petty, but made my day!
Edit: prof was old school and wrote everything down in a book, I looked at that.
Petty Revenge Stories
Had a manager who was a nasty bully and eventually he tried telling me unless i admitted to something i didnt do(he had made a dangerous mistake at work) he would make another employee write a statement to say i was responsible not him. In that job we would have to take turns sleeping overnight. I got his mug(that inly he used) i then pissed in it and poured it over his computer chair. I then used what was left and wiped it all over the handles on his desk and even his computer mouse.... :)
Petty Revenge Stories
Once when I was about 5 or 6 years old my brother who was about 17 at the time told me off for something that I probably shouldn't have been doing. Anyway when it came to home time from school my mum sent my brother to pick me up, I refused to go with him & when the teacher asked why? I said I didn't know who he was. My brother tried explaining but I still insisted that he was a stranger to me! In the end the school phoned my mum & he had to be identified by his tattoos...
So for being a good brother you sought revenge on him and lied to others, you learned nothing.
Petty Revenge Stories
I work at a small convenience store on my college campus, and even though there is no way to "eat in" at this place (all we sell are snacks and drinks. Its a very small store) all the registers have a "eat in" or "take out" option before any transaction, as we share the same register software as some actual dining places on campus. The only difference between the two options is that dining in adds a small tax to the total. If you're rude to me, you're damm right you payying unnecessary taxes!
Petty Revenge Stories
I had this roommate named Linda who was a nightmare. Stole food, stole medications and was EXTREMELY racist.... only admitting her racism to me. She would call the police on the African American teens who walked down the street and on our upstairs neighbors who also happened to not be white. I let the drug dealers in the neighborhood know she was a snitch. (She was also having an affair with a married cop so she was frequently driven home in his police car, verifying she was a snitch.)
would it made you feel better if those drug dealers did something to her?
Petty Revenge Stories
So my younger sister, shes 11 I'm 16 and the oldest of 4, is majorly constipated. And the doctors gave her a laxative to take 2x a day. So this morning she woke me up by playing her whistle and making senseless noise. It was 4 in the morning. And i got in trouble from my mom for yelling at her. So when it came time to take her laxative, i did 2 scoops instead of 1. Lets just says she was on the toilet all day.
That's REALLY dangerous to double a little kids medication like that, you could make her really sick, possibly die. Do NOT mess with ANYONE's medication.
Petty Revenge Stories
I once had a manager who was awful & loved to intimidate all the EAs who were much younger than she was. Manager-from-Hell & I were about the same age & she was frustrated because she couldn't intimidate me. She thought she'd be smart every lunch hour when I answered her phone to have me write the messages down and then slip them under her locked office door. I did but flicked each one in a different direction so she had to crawl around the floor to get her messages.
Petty Revenge Stories
One of these post reminders me of this. When I was younger us kids would go into the fridge and drink peoples drinks that was in cups. Well one day I went in the fridge and gulped a mouth full of vinegar. I stopped after that. I don't know if it was on purpose as revenge or was mom going to use it later or what. I was to scared to ask.
At least you learned the lesson. That’s something you only use for petty revenge.
Petty Revenge Stories
Right now I am working as a Phlebotomist , and instead of showing me an arm up to the elbow it seems woman 70+ and very young /old guys want to take off their shirts. After seeing my 4th of 5th bare chested 70+ yr old woman I finally cracked and said "oh goody more nudity" , She put her sweater back on and raised her elbow. 5 minutes later this woman's husband writes a complaint I slut shamed his wife. I put this story on a social media and was roasted for making a "senile, old woman cry".
That had me laughing good. Unless you have another article of clothing or are instructed to fully remove your clothing, I find doing as you please when not spiting someone is unappreciated. Unless, they don’t have full mental capacity, them there’s nothing we can do.
Petty Revenge Stories
I worked at a subway through college. A-hole with rich parents to put him through college decides to come with no shirt on. I tell him that I'll go ahead and let him order, but that he can't be in the store withou a shirt on & he'll have to take it to go. he decides it's in his best interest to eat in the lobby. I turned the A/C as cold as it will go on high.
Petty Revenge Stories
Same subway employee with the a-hole with no shirt. A few weeks later he pulls into my drive through at 5 min to close. He gets half way through his order and then tells me to hold on and rolls up his window. He sits there for like 15 minutes. In the meantime, we close. After 15 minutes, he finished his order saying that "he needed to take a phone call." His mistake? He asked for jalapeños and sriracha sauce on his sandwich. I put a ton of jalapeños on it and drowned it in sriracha.
Petty Revenge Stories
Worst boss all hated including the security guard. I just came back from surgery and she asked me to get up and hang a picture. I felt light headed and fell. The stitching spot bled. She drive me to the ER. Stayed only till she got confirmation from the Dr. that all was okay. She left and said your wife can pick you.
I placed an ad for sale on her car w/ her name and the Regional Mgr's direct #. The Mgr told her to cancel it - she couldn't. They got calls all day for a week.
She got reassignd
Petty Revenge Stories
Got an automated call offering me an amazing deal on a Life Alert system. Recording said if interested press 1 and a representative would be right with me, So I did. When the representative picked and asked how she could help me, I said "I've fallen and I can't get up." Don't know if she said anything because I was laughing too hard as I hung up
Petty Revenge Stories
I worked at a national retail store. I had put in my notice and my last few days were hell. So on my last day I changed all the Isle locations in the system, made discounts on items and deleted inventory. Took them two weeks to get it sorted out. Don't mess with the one who has the scanner.
Petty Revenge Stories
I had just turned 15 and my first serious boyfriend had recently broken up with me, I was completely heart broken. I vented to one of my close friends about how I still loved him and how he was such an ass. Long story short a few weeks later I was in an induced coma. I wake up to find out that said friend and ex boyfriend are now dating (they didn't even know each other!) and she had taken all the reasons he had broken up with me and changed them in herself. part 1
Petty Revenge Stories
I had an awful landlord who wouldn't spray for roaches because "This is New York! Everyone has roaches!" They were all over! Even my dresser. Well one day she was showing an empty apartment to a potential renter and she asks me if there were roaches and I said,"It's New York! Everyone has them!" My landlord quickly said,"If you keep your place clean...etc" but I just smirked. We had two kinds and I did keep my place clean. Had to wash my dishes twice, before and after using them thanks to that b
Petty Revenge Stories
Often get calls from insurance company with latest promotion. I always declined politely. A couple of times I had to hang up while driving but they often say "oh this will take less than a min!" had enough so one day I had the guy explain to me everything down to the last details. Even ask him to spell a whole sentence because "oh dear I just want to get this in writing". Wasted 30 minutes of his life just like that. I asked some ridiculous questions too.
They never call again.
Petty Revenge Stories
Our old landlord threw us out when our youngest was 9 days old. We trashed the place before leaving. All his maintenance guys left after hearing what he did. It took him two months to fix the place up, and no one wants to work with him anymore.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was in the 8th grade a friend of a friend of mine found out my last name,witch is Moore, and started calling me Whore because it rhymes with Moore. For weeks I politely ask him to stop but he continues. Finally I got sick of it and grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him into the lockers yelling at him if he ever called me that again I was going to knock him on his ass where he stood. Two teachers heard me yelling and cussing at him and came out in the hallway, he got suspended.
Petty Revenge Stories
I work in a restaurant doing carryout. Well between shifts (2pm & 330pm) alot of people get off so the few remaining people are supposed to help out wherever needed. I was stuck doing carryout by myself until i grabbed another coworker(T) to help me. So T told me there was a man on the phone waiting to place an order. This man always tips. So B decides she finally wants to "help" - she just wanted the tip. Well he comes and did not tip her! Karma has my back lol
Petty Revenge Stories
My dad was going to work , his friend (yohan) was driving and every time there was a red light the guy in front of them would pull out a newspaper and read it, light turns green, yohan honks, guy goes, stops at red light, process repeats for a while, at this point yohan and my dad are pissed because they need to get to work so at the next red light he pulls out the newspaper again, they wait about 30 seconds lay down on the horn, the guy drives straight into the intersection and gets T-boned.
Thats...thats not right...how would they have felt if the dude was injured or even killed knowing they're responsible for it??? Yes he was doing something annoying but was it really worth the dudes life? Would they really have felt better if he was killed or severely injured and had to be in a wheelchair his whole life or have some sort of disability. What about his family huh? Geeze. Just because he pissed them off gives them no right to try to get him killed...stupid decision that was obviously made before they thought about all the consequences.
Petty Revenge Stories
Whenever we are driving , my father taught me this trick. When the car behind you has their bright light on and it is in your face, just rotate your mirror above you so the light gets into their eyes. They will probably take the hint.
Petty Revenge Stories
I live in a hostel & my friends & I occasionally cook together, then do the dishes together. My friend P has a soft personality, she won't say anything to anyone if they criticize her. My other friend G is little pushy, she takes advantage of you if you let her. So, 1 day we're doing dishes, & G goes on about how P is not scrubbing the dishes properly, she's being downright cocky, but P just bears with her. I took the scrub out of Ps hand put it in Gs, asked her to scrub it till she is satisfie
Petty Revenge Stories
My college poetry class had this huge asshole as the professor's favorite. He wrote the same themes in every poem, no variation. I'd called him out, resulting in him criticizing every line of my poetry. Other classmates backed me up (professor was aloof).
Eventually, I wrote a poem about a misogynist drunk in a bar with a flaccid tie (penis), and used the same themes he used in his poetry to describe this 'fictional character.'
Not my best poem, but worth it. Everyone knew it was about him.
Petty Revenge Stories
Personal pizza shop, similar to Subway in ordering, go down the line adding things to the pizza. Group behind me is giving no personal space and are basically humping my leg.
Finish my order, they put my pizza in the oven & I step away to wait to pay. The people behind me slide forward like it's the life purpose to breath on people's necks, they pay for their pizzas, the cashier grabs my order # along with all theirs. They pay for my pizza, I walk out with free pizza without saying a word.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was in eighth grade, and there were a few guys who always tried to take part of our lunch - just bugging us until we finally would. A friend and I got decided what to do. One night, we baked brownies and packed them full of chocolate Ex-Lax. The next day, they were thrilled to get brownies. It didn't last long because the Ex-Lax hit. They never asked us for food again.
Petty Revenge Stories
I live in uni halls and was good friends with people in the flat upstairs. However, one of them constantly stole other people's food. Complained to me about it so I came up with a petty plan to get him back. Few days later he's out for a few hours so I go upstairs and proceed to wrap all of his food and pots and pans in clingfilm and hide them in a stool (the stool was also a storage box). Then wrapped clingfilm around the stool too. When he came back he was not best pleased.
Petty Revenge Stories
About a year ago my boyfriend and I were renting a house with his best friend, his girlfriend and their 2 cats. They are the laziest people I have ever met. For example, they would put used cat litter in black trash bags and pile them up in the basement (we're talking about about 15-20 bags of cat sh*t) instead of throwing it away like normal humans. The day we moved out (a year later), I slashed the bottom of each and every bag on. Have fun with cleanup a**holes.
Probably end up being the poor landlord that gets to clean it up after evicting them
Petty Revenge Stories
My best friend had burned me pretty badly and I was looking to make her hurt as bad as me. We didnt talk for 6 months and on April 1, I called her to give her the chance to explain herself and apologize. She was in tears going on and on about how sorry she was and how much she missed me. I let her blubber on for 20 minutes before I said anything significant. I told her I'd been thinking about what I'd say to her and that the only thing I could come up with was "April F***ing Fools B***h!"
Petty Revenge Stories
A few months after we split my ex starts going out with my best friend (not any more) so I start glaring at her everytime I see her. After a couple of times I get a text "stop giving me dirty looks!" naturally I replied with "well you're such a dirty girl... " she really wasn't happy about that. Next week she gets dumped by my best friend so he can shag an underage girl that he knew was going to be at my party. He got this other girl drunk and had sex, he's now "asexual" and on the sex register.
finally a story in which a perpetrator gets on the sex register list. I am tired of reading stories about men with underage girls not being punished
Petty Revenge Stories
My old laptop was super slow, and I naively bought some expensive software from a foreign company to fix it. When on the phone, they would make me feel stupid for not knowing how "bad" my computer was. Needless to say I believed them and spent a lot of money. One day, I had enough, and cancelled my payment. They called every five minutes for the next 2 days trying to get me to purchase their program again. I hated that they made me feel like an idiot, so I had my brother answer and tell them I died
Petty Revenge Stories
I put this customer on hold for a couple seconds to help another customer He drove through without ordering... keep in mind he was there for a minute. Ordered at the window and left. Called and complained 15 minutes later saying his food was wrong and this was the 4th time this has happened to him and that I was the one That I sabotaged his food. My manager dealt with him by saying "well she's not a line cook. How could she have possibly touched your food when you probably ordered wrong?" smilin
Petty Revenge Stories
Heads up, this one isn't a human v human revenge story; it's a human v AI revenge story.
So, I'm sitting here playing Mount & Blade: Warband and I just got out of captivity. I'm deep in enemy territory and I have no army whatsoever. I'd just lost my bow and horse so I'm on the ground with a great sword. Well, this f***er picks on me with his 49 troops, all on horseback and most wielding bows. Long story short, I win the battle with somewhere around two health and I take that f***er captive!
Petty Revenge Stories
Back when I started secondary school, the cafe sold garlic bread for 20p a slice, and most people in my class after lunch would complain since I bought a slice a day, and told me to stop buying it. I thought 'Screw you all, I'm 11 years old I do what I want' so I bought 5 slices and since lunch got cut short that day thanks to a fire drill I was allowed to eat them all in the classroom. I continued to do this once every 2 weeks until I moved away 2 years later
Petty Revenge Stories
I just started my at new school and I met my new classmates and we had an amazing start.But there was this creep,that would randomly take girl bags to look for "tampons".I told him to deal with it and keep his hands away from my bag.Next day we are all meeting in cafeteria and I want to sit to next to this girl.He started randomly taking chairs"you are not sitting with us".I pretended to take a chair while actually moving his.He falls on his but and his pride gets crushed.His face was priceless.
Petty Revenge Stories
For example he made a bunch of religious jokes that would upset me because I was religious which annoyed him, and she suddenly became an atheist even though I knew her through the church) I was obviously upset but I was determined to be nice about it and decided I would forgive her if she apologised for going behind my back and I would support their relationship 100% but of course she never did.
Part 2
Petty Revenge Stories
Ff a few months and they are still together his mum who loved me and treats me still like another daughter hated her after what she did to me and was pretty bad at hiding it. So when she had a spare ticket to a one direction concert she gave me the ticket for free. I slept over at his house since I was such good friends with his sisters, they took me to Sydney for the concert, we stayed with their family, and all had a really great time. She wasn't invited. part 3
Petty Revenge Stories
We were at our favourite bar one night and my friend liked the look of a cute guy nearby. Some girls came over and pushed my friend out of the way so they could talk to the guys first. The music was pretty loud so the mean girls didn't hear me walk up behind them, the cute guys could still see me. I did the smelliest silent fart behind the girls and pretended like it was one of them that did it with a horrified look on my face. The cute guys saw it, smelled it and walked over to us instead!
Petty Revenge Stories
Brother used to beat the shit out of me most days. Before I got big enough to return the favour, I used to let my dog sit on his pillow every opportunity, then turn his pillowcase inside out to hide the starfish marks.
Petty Revenge Stories
In elementary there was this girl who rode my bus who would always steal my snacks, lunch, and water/juice bottle, whatever I had. She wouldn't take all of it necessarily, just enough to last her the bus ride. I'd told her I didn't want to share and once actually bit her arm as it came over to take my Oreos...no reaction other than a laugh and a remark that her sister but harder.
Joke's on her. I started licking and spitting on or in all my food. She figured it out eventually though.
Petty Revenge Stories
My then-boyfriend's roommmate was a terrible person. Super dirty. Not even just messy--dirty. Like, leaves used pads on her bedroom floor dirty. She was also soooo mean to her dog. Just an awful roommate that did nothing to contribute. When he was moving out she told him to take the trash and with him, it was half his (it was all hers). I took half of the very few utensils, especially the spoons. They were half his. My boyfriend/now husband and I still use the spoons today, 3 years later.
Petty Revenge Stories
Had an old computer game I sold online for $5. It worked fine. The buyer said it didnt work and wanted their money back. I said that was fine, but asked if they would return the game if I gave an extra dollar for postage. They agreed. After a month of waiting I emailed and a woman replied and said her son was the buyer and she would try to hurry him up. A month later I got sick of waiting. Part 1
Petty Revenge Stories
I looked up the dodgiest websites I could find that advertised ass-ramming-dildo-machines, penis enlargement devices and homemade sex tape trades. I must have asked a hundred questions about different products and requested info packs and listed the persons email for the replies and info to be sent to. I would love to think that the woman had some serious questions about what her son had been doing on her computer :-D Part 2
Petty Revenge Stories
When my twin girls were 10 I had to shave their heads one day we went shopping and I heard two older ladies putting my twins down over their bawled heads and laughing at them so I calmly walked over to them and said my babies have cancer that's why they have no hair the two ladies went red in the face and were apologetic I just said maybe you shouldn't be quick to judge in the future and walked away with my head held high
Petty Revenge Stories
I started working as a dancer at a stripclub. One quiet night i was booked until the end. Nasty, jealous girl was too. All other dancers had left early, just us with seperate clients, opposite sides of the room. It was that moment I realised my opportunity with an hr & more to go, excusing myself for bathroom break I hid all of the toilet paper. Knowing she wld need to use the bathroom before the night was over (alcoholic) and had to go back to her lapdance after.
Petty Revenge Stories
My stepsister used to pick fights with me when we were kids. One day, she REALLY got on my nerves. So i put 2 sleeping pills in her water bottle of juice that was in the fridge. Not my best idea, but she slept great and I got some peace and quiet...
This one is dumb--but one day i drew something and some prick stole my idea and passed it as her own so i got a sharpie and wrote "I'm unoriginal on her sweater.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was a barista at my college cafe, always worked solo.
There was this one guy who would repetitively come in and order and expected me to bring it to him. He would also demand that I put in extra espresso without charging, because we were in the same class. He tossed the wrong amount of money on the counter and sauntered off.
I'd had enough. I made his cappuccino with decaf espresso, beautiful foam, and brought it over.
I don't think he noticed -- but he kept it up, so I did, too.
Petty Revenge Stories
http://www.themedicalquestions.com/share/disputing-suicide-advocacy-for-the-sickly-a-model-essay-in-developmental-english-textbooks-by-jd-meyer.html A medical journal picked up my anti-assisted suicide article that was in Wordsmith, a Developmental English textbook used by Tyler Junior College. Furthermore, I was ordered not to teach the subject-verb agreement of indefinite plural pronouns--others, both, many, few, several--because Wordsmith left it out! I ignored them! Both (is/are) here..are.
I’m sure whatever you did probably felt really good, but linking your own article made the rest pretty cringeworthy.
Petty Revenge Stories
For about 3 months of classes, someone kept taking my notes and putting them back the day after the test. I assumed they were studying with them, so one day I took my normal notes, then made notes where everything was completely wrong. Fast forward to a week later, it's the day after the test, the messed up notes are back, and there is my ex blubbering to the teacher about how he shouldn't of failed the test, he studied really hard, his notes must have been all wrong. Ha!
Petty Revenge Stories
So I had a friend back in high school that was a jerk. He mooched money and food off of me anmade fun of me and would hit me. At first I ignored it but over time I grew tired of it.
One day he got a big container of chili from a store and was eating it. He kept making fun of me and I told him to knock it off or I would knock it out of his hand. He didn't believe me. Called me a "p***y and said I don't have the guts. Five minutes pass. Makes fun of me. WHAM! Priceless look on his face.
Petty Revenge Stories
I work at a dunkin donuts and as most people know, we have a special on the median ice. It's around 2.96 without the special. After the special it's 0.99 plus tax so total is 1.09. Everytime people are a**holes to me through the drive thru by or during sandwich combinations we don't have or just plain rude and they odder a small/large ice coffee, I don't tell them about the special which will result in them losing about 2 dollars or more. Petty but feels good.
“median ice” Not nitpicking, just pointing out how reading that misspell, made me think you line up ice and only pick the ones in the middle for the special.
Petty Revenge Stories
I work at a dunkin donuts and as most people know, we have a special on the median ice. It's around 2.96 without the special. After the special it's 0.99 plus tax so total is 1.09. Everytime people are a**holes to me through the drive thru by or during sandwich combinations we don't have or just plain rude and they odder a small/large ice coffee, I don't tell them about the special which will result in them losing about 2 dollars or more. Petty but feels good.
Petty Revenge Stories
Back in the early 1990s, in the days when students shared computers without passwords, I found a little program that made it look like the computer crashed but not actually crash and attached it to a button that said DO NOT PUSH. I discovered that two people had pressed it: my professor looking at my work before it was due, and a student pissed off that he lost unsaved work.
Petty Revenge Stories
Last year in school. Some girl i know from before, try to bully me. She was a bitch. I have somewhat of a stickybrain, and did usually very well on tests. So one day near the end off the schoolyear, we get handed a science test. And imidiatly she turns to me and start asking me for the answer to what genes are. I tell her to ask someone else. She continiues to ask, upon me saying no, even prompting another student to start answering. But she would only accept my answer. Fine. Genes are LSD...
Petty Revenge Stories
This is more of a Karma thing, but my ex dumped me two days before we were supposed to leave for a convention together with some of my friends. ff the two days, and I've told my friends what happened, and by then we're already a couple states away. Ex has my then BFF call to beg for a ride to the convention. "I'm sorry, we already left (state) about six hours ago." (which was the truth.) We had an amazing time at the convention, btw.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I took my 4 year old son to the local ice rink to teach him how to skate, we were having fun and he was pretending to run on the ice and looked silly. 2 older kids were watching bc both skated by imitating him & thought they went unnoticed. My son didn't notice but I said it was a break time & left him with my wife. I went back on the ice & clumsily knocked one kid on his ass and he went sliding a good 15 feet and his glasses flew off. I bumped the older teen too and he toppled over. Oops.
That’s so adorable. I’d probably imitate him to both make him feel better and see how it felt to move on the ice like that. Those two idiots better think twice about mocking little munchkins for cruel enjoyment.
Petty Revenge Stories
I was in my 20s and had just come from a job interview (and was wearing a jacket and tie) so I stopped into my family's liquor store where my mom was working. As I entered the store I saw that she was talking to a young sales woman who was taking her order. Not wanting to interrupt, I said hello and stood off to the side as Mom continued giving her order. Mom acknowledged my presence with a nod and continued with her order. She then walked into the back room and called out a couple of other item
Petty Revenge Stories
My senior yr a few weeks before Prom my ex and I were going to his house for lunch (a group of friends and I went to his house every Monday for lunch) we were talking about Prom (I had never been to Prom before so I was really excited). On the way back he kisses me then dumps me. It would have been near impossible to find a date by Prom.
Jokes him I went to Prom with a really good friend who I've had a crush on since the 8th grade and he can dance. My ex didn't find a date to Prom. Karma.
He probably had a crush on you as well, that’s usually how it goes.
Petty Revenge Stories
Our shoe rack stands in the hall where our stairs are. My little brother used to leave his shoes in front of the stairs so everyone would trip over them.
I'm usually the first one to get downstairs, which means that I would always trip over his damn shoes. I got so annoyed by his habit that I would hide his shoes everytime he left them in front of the stairs.
He got mad and asked who hid his shoes all the time.
He still doesn't know that it's me.
Petty Revenge Stories
My brother is 16. He still thinks it's okay to spit on the bathroom rug (right in front of the toilet) and in the shower without cleaning it up. So, right before he wants to take a shower, I go to the bathroom, wipe up the spit with his towel, then use his towel as a blanket to cover up the AC vent before going to take a shit. Enjoy your cold, spit-covered towel, asshole.
Petty Revenge Stories
Not entirely sure if this counts, but back when my ex and I were backing for the second time (we were on and off), he refused to stop calling my best friend (at the time) names like "bitch"," idiot" and other various titles. After I don't him he needed to stop or things were going to change, he said "I don't care." Later that night I broke up with him. Turns out when I did break up with him, it broke his heart.
Petty Revenge Stories
So there was this one girl in my class who kept trying to steal my pencils because she would always forget hers, but I wouldn't let her borrow any because I bought the nice mechanical ones that cost a lot. One say she started screaming in class at me because I wouldn't give her a pencil. Long story short the next week I pulled the chair out from under her and she sat on the floor and screamed and started crying even though she hardly hit her butt hard. My teacher responded with "She got Karma ".
Petty Revenge Stories
I am often a designated driver. Being sober around a bunch of drunk guys gives one a certain amount of leverage. One night I am at the bar sipping my soda. Two seats over is a pretty girl who's body language is screaming "please leave me alone." My best guess is she came with some friends but felt out of place. A drunk frat guy sat between us and started to hit on her very aggressively. She seemed to be doing fine deflecting him but he kept it up. I did not step in until he said...
Until he said what? Why did you leave a unfinished story dude!
Petty Revenge Stories
I joined a small publishing label started by someone at my college, and I've loved it. Everyone in the label is really nice, and we get a lot of performance opportunities. We recently had a joint party to celebrate three of our birthdays (mine included), and had several people over at the manager's house. Shortly on arrival, I found that they'd set up a game of Tunk, and were playing for money. I'd never played before that day. Manager gave me five dollars and told me to win him some money. The people at the table already assumed I'd lose off the bat. I watched several rounds of the game, and once someone dropped out, I joined in. They talked smack the entire round. I won. Beginner's luck was their excuse. I won the next game, and the game after that. They were silent the rest of the night, until we out the cards up finally.
Petty Revenge Stories
Constant serious harassment to me by MW. I made a figure out of modelling clay, downloaded MW's pic, stuck it to figure. Burned a black candle over 3 nights as I stuck 9 new pins in the figure. Cursed MW to there and back. Third night I tossed the figure to the bin, missed it, figure hit the floor and the leg broke off. By the end of the week, MW had fallen and seriously broken the foot and ankle, needed several pins to secure recovery....EEPS!
1. What the actual f**k? 2. Who is MW? 3. What. the. actual. f**k.
Petty Revenge
The pub i work at has an offer on spirits every weekend, a double costs £6 normally, it's £2.50 on offer. But this offer ends early in the night (11)
One night the offer was on, a group of lads hit the cheap drinks hard, and are trashed. The ring leader ordered a double and mixer after the offer was done, and proceeded to scream that I was an incompetent bitch because I didn't give it him cheaper.
The guy got a glass of soda water that had a tiny drop of vodka on the straw. £6 well spent asshole.
Petty Revenge Stories
When I was six, my end of the year class trip was to a bakery and then an amusement park. My dad gave me $2 to spend. I knew even at that age that $2 wasn't much so I took $8 of his silver Mercury dime collection. He never found who took them and I never told until after he died! Mom said she always suspected me. Had a great time at the amusement park! Totally worth the spanking dad gave me and my brother!
Petty Revenge Stories
My dad will make fun of me because I don't like peas, so one day I wasn't in a very good mood to begin with, we had peas as part of our tea, of course he start making comments again, so I grab some of my peas from my plate (he dished up tea, mum doesn't put me any peas) and put them in his cup of tea while he was watching confused, mum and I were pissing ourselves laughing
Petty Revenge Stories
I work at a riding school in England. Some clients are annoying a***holes. If an annoying a***hole professes a preference for a certain horse, they can bet their arses that they'll not ride them again for quite Some time.. Some people have been waiting over a year for their favourite. We've been waiting a year for them to shop treating us like s***... it won't be us who gives in first I can tell you that! The killer is making them watch someone else ride the horse. I love my job.
Petty Revenge Stories
years ago, a group of men got my info and called ten times a day to my cell and work, saying I was going to jail due to a lawsuit for taking out a loan and then refusing to pay it back. the calls were starting to impact my ability to function, so one day I had my mother answer the phone & when they demanded to speak to me, she said in a tear filled voice,"I'm sorry, but she killed herself because of harassing calls. Don't worry, the police are ready to Make an arrest" never heard from them again
Petty Revenge Stories
I once dated a guy that bought a suburban and put it in my name because I already had tags to use and he didn't want to spent $100.00. He cheated on me so I sold it for $300.00. He loved that vehicle. Also, another time the 2 of us went to northern Georgia to visit his family. He went to meet a "friend" and went to Tennessee. I found out where he went, packed my clothes and headed back to Florida. Buh-bye fuck face.
Petty Revenge Stories
#17 is weird. I am a middle aged woman who goes to lunch and dinner with my friends often. We tip generously and are kind to the wait staff for may reasons. One readonis that happy wait staff contribute to an enjoyable meal.
I wonder why most 'middle aged woman' are rude to this waitress? It seems odd that one particular group would be the problem
That’s more of that specific revenge for that specific type of person.
Petty Revenge Stories
Last year when I was addicted to eat Oreo Cookies with milk, I always bring them to my office. I put the cookies on my table but it always disappears. It happen about 3 days.
So on the 4th day, I open my Oreo cookie, eat the white cream and put a toothpaste in the cookie as the cream. I put on my table like the day before and later before lunch time, i see the cookies is on the floor, with bite on it and some spits.
The thief just eat a cookie and "refreshing' his/her mouth with a toothpaste.
Petty Revenge Stories
Last year when I was addicted to eat Oreo Cookies with milk, I always bring them to my office. I put the cookies on my table but it always disappears. It happen about 3 days.
So on the 4th day, I open my Oreo cookie, eat the white cream and put a toothpaste in the cookie as the cream. I put on my table like the day before and later before lunch time, i see the cookies is on the floor, with bite on it and some spits.
The thief just eat a cookie and "refreshing' his/her mouth with a toothpaste.
Petty Revenge Stories
My sister pissed me off once day while we were taking a bath together by farting in my face so I peed in her mouth.
Petty Revenge Stories
A few months after we split my ex starts going out with my best friend (not any more) so I start glaring at her everytime I see her. After a couple of times I get a text "stop giving me dirty looks!" naturally I replied with "well you're such a dirty girl... " she really wasn't happy about that. Next week she gets dumped by my best friend so he can shag an underage girl that he knew was going to be at my party. He got this other girl drunk and had sex, he's now "asexual" and on the sex register.
Petty Revenge Stories
Some little middle school girl often called my number by mistake and ask for Addy. When I replied that there was no Addy at my number, she hung up on me. Every time. No "sorry". One day I snapped, and for the life of me don't know why I replied to her asking for Addy that I was Addy's mother, and Addy had asked me to tell her that Addy hated her, thinks she's a slut, and tell her not to call ever again. I can only guess how things went the next day at school. I was never troubled by her again.
Petty Revenge Stories
My mom has been working at the same company for years. She pissed off the manager in her department because she corrected her. Her manager keeps writing her uo and chances are shes going to be out of a job. It's about time I start working though, I'm in high school, so I plan on getting a job there. I'm not going to let them get away from my family. I'll be a suck up and snitch. No one hurts my mom.
Petty Revenge Stories
Playing on Second Life the owner of a Sim and her friends were incredibly rude to me. Downright insulting for no reason other than they could get away with it. So I bought a little program, logged into their sim, and hit them with a persistent DoS attack that I kept up for hours. Hopefully they learnt the lesson - be nice, even over the internet!
Petty Revenge Stories
I was 16 and being a cashier at the local grocery store. It was Friday night and the start of May long weekend. Had a customer freak out on me because he couldn't read the price tag properly. He still bought the product but left his debit card on the counter. I trashed it. Banks won't be open until Tursday. He came back before closing asking if he left it behind. I just look at him "nope" and turned my back to him.
Petty Revenge Stories
Hubby told me I was buying too many shoes and if I bought a pair I had to throw a pair of shoes out. I said, "fine, no problem". Went and bought a really cute pair of shoes for myself and threw one of his pairs of shoes out. :)
Petty Revenge Stories
My best friend dated this guy who was a total assface, and once while she was talking to him, he started insulting her, so I told him to fuck off. It apparently hurt his fragile ego and he started calling me names, and asked my friend to stop being friends with me. She disagreed, and he broke up with her. Then late night, I went along with my boyfriend to his place and slashed his bike tires, broke the head and tail lights, cut the seat apart, and broke the fuel tank and gear. Sweet revenge.
Petty Revenge Stories
Recently I stayed in a hostel, and in the middle of the night before I was checking out, a guy arrived from South Korea. Rather than just going straight to bed he spent over an hour messing around with his suitcase keeping us all up.
Next morning I broke into his locker and replaced the contents (his laptop, designer sunglasses etc) with toilet rolls, brushes and towels from the shared toilets. Would've loved to have seen his reaction.
Petty Revenge Stories
I used to live with a Chinese guy who was the most incredibly unhygienic, dirtiest and messiest person ever. This guy would eat literally anything, and one day I came home to find a dead pigeon in the freezer (feathers and all).
That was the final straw, so I started to 'poison' his food when he cooked (add salt, bleach, water from the mop etc). Eventually he started cleaning everything thinking it was due to having dirty utensils.
It seems that science and wit can make an engaging combination, much like the clever quips in the first article's collection. Humor can be a powerful tool, whether you're impressing a crush with a clever line or disarming someone with a humorous comeback.
Learn how science-based humor can lighten even the most heated confrontation by exploring how humor can be intertwined with scientific themes.
Cocky physician fellow (last year of specialty training) has made his disdain of Associate's degree-holding medical staff plain. I'm an RN with several baccalaureate degrees presently working on my master's. Waltzes into my patient's room one afternoon to obtain a plateau pressure on the ventilator (a measure used in adjusting settings or assessing if the person can come off the breathing machine, normally done by the respiratory therapis-who generally have Associate's degrees). Dr: "Do the RT's do anything around here? Why do we even have them?" Me: "I'm not sure, but I'll be sure to ask my husband what he does all day and why his profession is wholly unnecessary as soon as I get home!" Dr. Cocky - Wide eyed, slack jawed, mumbled apology while fleeing as fast as possible. PS: I'm not married ; )
i want to use this means to appreciate and thank God for using Dr, Balbosa to help me bring back my husband after filling for divorce. i meet him online from one of the testimonies i meet online and i decided to try him out because i have tried a lot of spell caster... he gave me his word and perfected everything and now my husband is back to me and the kids..i vow to always testify of him. you can also contact him on EMAIL: balbosasolutionhome@gmail.com
For about 3 months of classes, someone kept taking my notes and putting them back the day after the test. I assumed they were studying with them, so one day I took my normal notes, then made notes where everything was completely wrong. Fast forward to a week later, it's the day after the test, the messed up notes are back, and there is my ex blubbering to the teacher about how he shouldn't of failed the test, he studied really hard, his notes must have been all wrong. Ha!
At a local Walmart they hire people whom are disabled, veterans and such. One day while on a checkout I had a group of ladies 2 in free my and 1 behind me they were not happy that the cashier was slow and had a sign that said 10 items only on a 15 item lane. She was new and was disabled but not all disabilities are easy to see. The ladies were frustrated because the young girl was slow and were commenting with each other about how they didn't think she should be so slow and only have a 10 item lane. They looked at me for mutual agreement because I was in line with them. I wasn't as impatient as they were. Until they were being rung up they saw her hand that she tried to use wasn't working as they saw fit. They became mutes and kept their pie hole shut. After the one lady who agreed with the other one that was complaining left I made sure to say hello and welcome the new store associate to the store and smiled widely at the complainer who only looked down in shame.
I completely trusted Dr Paul totally from the time I spoke with him during the period my husband Left me after11 years of our marriage, He started the spell work on my husband, and gave me so much assurance and guaranteed me that he was going to bring my husband back to my feet in just 48 hours of the spell casting. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me again, yes he is back with all his hearts, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better now. I would have no hesitation to recommend this powerful spell caster to anybody who is in need of help.. E-mail; astoriashrine @ gmail com
Load More Replies...Cocky physician fellow (last year of specialty training) has made his disdain of Associate's degree-holding medical staff plain. I'm an RN with several baccalaureate degrees presently working on my master's. Waltzes into my patient's room one afternoon to obtain a plateau pressure on the ventilator (a measure used in adjusting settings or assessing if the person can come off the breathing machine, normally done by the respiratory therapis-who generally have Associate's degrees). Dr: "Do the RT's do anything around here? Why do we even have them?" Me: "I'm not sure, but I'll be sure to ask my husband what he does all day and why his profession is wholly unnecessary as soon as I get home!" Dr. Cocky - Wide eyed, slack jawed, mumbled apology while fleeing as fast as possible. PS: I'm not married ; )
i want to use this means to appreciate and thank God for using Dr, Balbosa to help me bring back my husband after filling for divorce. i meet him online from one of the testimonies i meet online and i decided to try him out because i have tried a lot of spell caster... he gave me his word and perfected everything and now my husband is back to me and the kids..i vow to always testify of him. you can also contact him on EMAIL: balbosasolutionhome@gmail.com
For about 3 months of classes, someone kept taking my notes and putting them back the day after the test. I assumed they were studying with them, so one day I took my normal notes, then made notes where everything was completely wrong. Fast forward to a week later, it's the day after the test, the messed up notes are back, and there is my ex blubbering to the teacher about how he shouldn't of failed the test, he studied really hard, his notes must have been all wrong. Ha!
At a local Walmart they hire people whom are disabled, veterans and such. One day while on a checkout I had a group of ladies 2 in free my and 1 behind me they were not happy that the cashier was slow and had a sign that said 10 items only on a 15 item lane. She was new and was disabled but not all disabilities are easy to see. The ladies were frustrated because the young girl was slow and were commenting with each other about how they didn't think she should be so slow and only have a 10 item lane. They looked at me for mutual agreement because I was in line with them. I wasn't as impatient as they were. Until they were being rung up they saw her hand that she tried to use wasn't working as they saw fit. They became mutes and kept their pie hole shut. After the one lady who agreed with the other one that was complaining left I made sure to say hello and welcome the new store associate to the store and smiled widely at the complainer who only looked down in shame.
I completely trusted Dr Paul totally from the time I spoke with him during the period my husband Left me after11 years of our marriage, He started the spell work on my husband, and gave me so much assurance and guaranteed me that he was going to bring my husband back to my feet in just 48 hours of the spell casting. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me again, yes he is back with all his hearts, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better now. I would have no hesitation to recommend this powerful spell caster to anybody who is in need of help.. E-mail; astoriashrine @ gmail com
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