For many women, there’s no such thing as too many shoes. But no matter how many pairs you have in your wardrobe, chances are that you don’t own a pair like this. Not yet anyway.

They’re part of a range called Saigon Socialite and they’re made by a Vietnamese company called Fashion4Freedom. Each pair has a leather top and a wooden base that’s carved using techniques taken from Vietnam’s ancient pagoda wood art. The style is both a homage to the country’s tradition as well as a contemporary re-imagining of it, and given that each pair takes up to three weeks to make, they’re as much works of art as they are fashionable footwear.

Orphanages receive free shoe samples and Fashion4Freedom donates unused materials to schools. The company also teaches local villagers manufacturing techniques in order to help them boost their income. So when you buy a pair, not only do you get an awesome addition to your footwear collection – you also get the piece of mind that your money has been well spent. You can buy them on Etsy.

More info: Etsy


    You can buy these shoes on Etsy