The Arctic is melting, but we’re not waiting around while it does. So far 800 people have joined the Arctic Poster Contest from all over the world. There are 5 year olds taking part, as well as a 67 year old or two. People from over 40 countries have gotten involved and there are still 3 weeks left before the contest ends. Every voice counts to show the world that people want to see the Arctic protected.
The three winners, picked by a panel of judges, will get the opportunity any artist could only dream of, joining a Greenpeace expedition to the Arctic to witness this unique region firsthand and bring the issues effecting it into the spotlight. They will bring with them the voice of everyone who participated along with the global movement to Save The Arctic. Could you see your poster here?
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Hourglass Arctic
Full Of Pain
Who Was First There?
Icy Paw. All The World Is Caught Up In This Melting Drama
Save The Arctic
Stand For The Arctic
An Arctic Family Needs Your Protection
Start Doing It Now
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Think You've Got An Idea That Could Inspire People To Save The Arctic?
I loved this one!
I loved this one!