Wally is an English Angora pet bunny who lives in Massachusetts, USA, and has ears that look like angel wings. This fluffy bunny and his owner Molly recently became famous on Instagram for their clever commentary, cuteness, and crazy haircut. And we couldn’t be happier, because to us, there’s never enough of adorable animals to look at! Wally was born in July of 2014, making him a Cancer.
These cute bunnies rabbits are bred for their long, soft hair, and are one of the oldest types of domestic rabbits. They were first bred in Ankara, present-day Turkey, and became popular in 18th century France. These fluffy animals have wool that is softer than cashmere. English Angora rabbits are popular as pets because they often look like puppies or teddy bears.
Now, scroll the below to meet Wally, the most adorable bunny out there!
More info: Instagram (h/t: lostateminor)
Watch the video to see him in action
Share on FacebookThe cutest bunny ever I hope they turn him into a cartoon or movie character ... Wouldn't that be great?
The cutest bunny ever I hope they turn him into a cartoon or movie character ... Wouldn't that be great?