34 Breathtaking Pics Of Volcano Eruption In Chile That Forced 4,000 To Evacuate
Calbuco, a 2,000m (6,572ft) volcano in Chile, has erupted twice in the past day, sending emergency services (and photographers) into overdrive. The eruption has prompted the evacuation of roughly 4,000 citizens from nearby cities and villages, and the Argentinian authorities have warned their citizens about volcanic ash as well.
The volcano overlooks the cities of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas, which have a combined population of roughly 250,000 people. It last erupted in 1972, so authorities were somewhat surprised by the outburst. Calbuco is a stratovolcano (also known as a composite volcano), and these are best known for having explosive eruptions – the infamous Krakatoa, Vesuvius and Mt. St. Helens volcanoes are all stratovolcanoes. We can only hope that Calbuco does not decide to blow its top as well.
With the authorities on the ground doing their jobs to keep people safe, we can turn our attention to the photographers that have been having a field day with the eruption. Stunning photos of smoke columns painted red by lava and enormous ash plumes laced with lightning have been pouring out of the area. Check out some of the photos and footage below!
(h/t: weather.com)This post may include affiliate links.
As much as the image is frightening, it is also breath takingly beautiful
I think this pic is particularly interesting. If you loom off to the left it looks like there is a face in the ash.
Is it just me, or can anyone else see a big breasted woman in the ash cloud? Kinda like a ship figurehead?!
Am I the only one who's reminded of Hiroshima by these pics? Am I the only one who's reminded of Hiroshima by these pics?
Regrettably, Mother Nature is the most talented artist ever. Unfortunately millions of species are sacrificed in her work.
Latest book and documentary. ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPzpPXuASY8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPzpPXuASY8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO08Hhjes_0 www.drtimball.com Debate between Dr Tim Ball and Elizabeth May Scroll down to Ian Jessop part 1 http://www.cfax1070.com/Podcasts
Dare devils kept the natures power in front of entire world to see.
Latest book and documentary. ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPzpPXuASY8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPzpPXuASY8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO08Hhjes_0 www.drtimball.com Debate between Dr Tim Ball and Elizabeth May Scroll down to Ian Jessop part 1 http://www.cfax1070.com/Podcasts
Dare devils kept the natures power in front of entire world to see.