Sexy Wounded War Veterans Show They’re Confident Enough To Be Hot Models
Michael Stokes, a fine arts photographer in California, takes a bold new approach to veteran portrait photography by taking powerful and sexually charged photos of confident veterans posing proudly with their amputated body parts and prosthetics.
The project began with Alex Minsky, a U.S. Marine whose leg was amputated after suffering a roadside bomb in Afghanistan in 2009. After Minsky set the tone for a confident and proud photoshoot as opposed to a somber one, other veterans began to sign up, leading to a book by Stokes called “Always Loyal.”
“Some people will say to me ‘Oh, this is really helpful to their self-esteem,’ or, ‘You’re making them feel like men again,'” Stokes told MTV. “These guys have come to me very healed and ready to take the world on. I’m not giving them back their confidence. They already have it.”
More info: michaelstokes.net | Facebook | Kickstarter (h/t: aplus, mtv)
“I’m not giving them back their confidence. They already have it”
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There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw
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Author, Community member
There is a beast with heart of cold stone that dashes like lightning, shreds flesh from bone. // Bewitched by this beast, I fell to my knees. My mouth babbled madness and mumbled soft pleas. // I stared down the ravenous, gnashing dark maw of a cute cuddly kitten with yarn in its paw
As an amputee, this post shows me that there's no problem with that :) !!! You can be still hot as hell !!
Of course you can, feel confident and don't forget that you are still you and that's all that matters. Go on, show yourself to the world, live with a free spirit!
Load More Replies...They are all hot inside as well! The first guy knocked my socks off- and I really don't like tattoos!
the only thing i find really morbid and repulsive is that they pose with guns o.O
Why? They are trained with guns And various other weapons. Did you stop and think that the meaning behind it was that even though they are physically wounded they are still dedicated to the job they have been trained to do? Showing that they aren't scared of weapons helps assure people about PTSD.
Load More Replies...For art sake cant we just adjust a little bit of our perspective to appreciate this never before seen kind of photographic master piece they surely are Awesome.
People with PTSD aren't necessarily scared of weapons. On the contrary...they can even fetishize it. While I have nothing against glorifying (or fetishizing ..whatever you want to call it) of the human form in this particular case, when it comes to weapons..it give me the creeps. They are presented as a fashion accessory in these hyper-stylized images. Just imagine them holding grenades instead of rifles...
Well, if they had posed with grenades, claymores or IEDs it wouldn't be so great considering explosives are probably what took their limbs - So why should assault weapons, which are just as if not more common in warfare, be any better?
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Reminds me a little of Monty Pyrhon's Black Night...."well, it's only a flesh wound". I think it's really weird to show, what weapons can do to you and pose with weapons at the same time. I agree with Frederic!
(Sigh)There always going to be "that guy", isn't there. You could not have missed the point of this series more. You have strong, beautiful war heroes who face impossible odds every day right in front of you and your biggest concern is the guns? Nut up.
Because they seemingly do not reject the reasons they've become veterans in the first place. And perhaps they still believe in the fight they took part in. In these photos, i look at the guns they carry being as war-reminding as the prosthesis' they wear.
Man, those veterans, making these choices for themselves, how dare they.
You're looking at amputee war veterans and your biggest concern is the props?! You could not have missed the point of this post more.
These men and women are professional warriors, and there is not one thing repulsive about them!
Well, maybe the fact that they ARE professional warriors and show off with their lost limbs? But maybe that's too European for you to understand...
The only ones who missed the point, are those who after locking at this pictures, couldn't understand that war doesn't get us humans to a point. Posing with guns, means accepting to continue with this devastation.
you have to be kidding me right!!!! they protected your a*s with these guns.....
that's what I thought too. Especially when you have in mind they lost their limbs through violence and weapons...
in defense of the guns that did nothing except exist, it's also what kept them alive though...
That's the point. It's supposed to make you realize that these men and women are risking it all while the rest of us are stuck in our iphones. Just image what they went through to get to that point. I bet they carry a gun with them at all times just to feel a small bit of safe.
or what if the usa stops going to war and starts minding its own business?
Are you kidding me! They are veterans. They work with weapons everyday. Let's just hope you never need a gun to save your life. Posing with the guns makes it all even sexier.
I really think you could have used a better term than "repulsive". Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about guns and what not but before going off about how repulsive it is that a photographer is taking pictures or veterans with guns think about what you are saying and how it will be perceived by people. You sound like a stuck up twit who A) doesn't appreciate what these people have done for all of us and B) who instead of seeing the purpose behind the pictures singled out the ONE giant controversial thing and replied not just negatively but also very rudely to it. My god people these people not only fought for us they lost ALOT. so before getting on your little soap box and basically being a doc think about what you are saying and also who you have to thank for the right to be a negative twat.
so you find everything else besides the guns at least a little repulsive? very poor phrasing, brah
It's an intrinsically sick culture that glorifies the weapons of war. These people ARE physically beautiful, despite their injuries, but if you can't see the cognitive dissonance in it, that's not the problem of the aware.
You will never fight for whats right you are a B!@#$ and you have the nerve to complain about people and the tools that give you the freedom to be a B!@#%.
The only ones who miss the point are the ones who after locking at this pics didn't understand that war is not good for humans. Posing with guns means accepting to continue with this devastation.
O saw not a single gum on these photos, unless you count all those muscles! Prime examples of the male of the spieces.
Then maybe you should find a strong boyfriend to explain how firearms work. Did you need a tampon??
My boyfriend is quite strong, but thankfully does not use or has every owned a gun. I'm good, thanks.
It's not the guns or any other weapons who hurt them, it's the (wo)men behind those weapons who pointed it in their direction or put it on their way. But I understand what you mean.
I'm not into all the tattoos either, however I understand people who get them or a lot of them do it as a way to own their body or take it back. Imagine these veterans and what they have gone through . . . Perhaps 'inking up' is just their way of claiming what's left with extra pride that stands out. So what? It's there's to do with what they please, so why you gotta judge?
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It's because they're Americans... America and their gun culture. You can get in between an American and his McDonalds burger, but not his gun. LOL.
Oh shut the f**k up Leiah. These are MILITARY men and women of course they have guns, it's part of their jobs.
I don't see what's so disrespectful about admiring attractive, normal human persons and wanting to know whether they're single or not.
Load More Replies...I think you seriously misunderstood heina'a comment. She did find them admirable. How does anyone read anything else in that small sentence?
Hahahahahaha hows that im being disrespectful? Is it bad that im attracted to them? Did i mock anyone of these beautiful people? Get your head checked lmao. You might need a chill pill, maybe a bottle of it. Lol
That was a playful, coy question implying that they're sexy. lrn2read.
Disrespectful is the correct word, and how do you figure that out? Considering the whole point of this post is to show that they can still be sexy, I would say asking if any of them are single is a damn good sign that they are! Wind your neck in, and think before making 'unrespectful' comments yourself.
As an amputee, this post shows me that there's no problem with that :) !!! You can be still hot as hell !!
Of course you can, feel confident and don't forget that you are still you and that's all that matters. Go on, show yourself to the world, live with a free spirit!
Load More Replies...They are all hot inside as well! The first guy knocked my socks off- and I really don't like tattoos!
the only thing i find really morbid and repulsive is that they pose with guns o.O
Why? They are trained with guns And various other weapons. Did you stop and think that the meaning behind it was that even though they are physically wounded they are still dedicated to the job they have been trained to do? Showing that they aren't scared of weapons helps assure people about PTSD.
Load More Replies...For art sake cant we just adjust a little bit of our perspective to appreciate this never before seen kind of photographic master piece they surely are Awesome.
People with PTSD aren't necessarily scared of weapons. On the contrary...they can even fetishize it. While I have nothing against glorifying (or fetishizing ..whatever you want to call it) of the human form in this particular case, when it comes to weapons..it give me the creeps. They are presented as a fashion accessory in these hyper-stylized images. Just imagine them holding grenades instead of rifles...
Well, if they had posed with grenades, claymores or IEDs it wouldn't be so great considering explosives are probably what took their limbs - So why should assault weapons, which are just as if not more common in warfare, be any better?
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Reminds me a little of Monty Pyrhon's Black Night...."well, it's only a flesh wound". I think it's really weird to show, what weapons can do to you and pose with weapons at the same time. I agree with Frederic!
(Sigh)There always going to be "that guy", isn't there. You could not have missed the point of this series more. You have strong, beautiful war heroes who face impossible odds every day right in front of you and your biggest concern is the guns? Nut up.
Because they seemingly do not reject the reasons they've become veterans in the first place. And perhaps they still believe in the fight they took part in. In these photos, i look at the guns they carry being as war-reminding as the prosthesis' they wear.
Man, those veterans, making these choices for themselves, how dare they.
You're looking at amputee war veterans and your biggest concern is the props?! You could not have missed the point of this post more.
These men and women are professional warriors, and there is not one thing repulsive about them!
Well, maybe the fact that they ARE professional warriors and show off with their lost limbs? But maybe that's too European for you to understand...
The only ones who missed the point, are those who after locking at this pictures, couldn't understand that war doesn't get us humans to a point. Posing with guns, means accepting to continue with this devastation.
you have to be kidding me right!!!! they protected your a*s with these guns.....
that's what I thought too. Especially when you have in mind they lost their limbs through violence and weapons...
in defense of the guns that did nothing except exist, it's also what kept them alive though...
That's the point. It's supposed to make you realize that these men and women are risking it all while the rest of us are stuck in our iphones. Just image what they went through to get to that point. I bet they carry a gun with them at all times just to feel a small bit of safe.
or what if the usa stops going to war and starts minding its own business?
Are you kidding me! They are veterans. They work with weapons everyday. Let's just hope you never need a gun to save your life. Posing with the guns makes it all even sexier.
I really think you could have used a better term than "repulsive". Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about guns and what not but before going off about how repulsive it is that a photographer is taking pictures or veterans with guns think about what you are saying and how it will be perceived by people. You sound like a stuck up twit who A) doesn't appreciate what these people have done for all of us and B) who instead of seeing the purpose behind the pictures singled out the ONE giant controversial thing and replied not just negatively but also very rudely to it. My god people these people not only fought for us they lost ALOT. so before getting on your little soap box and basically being a doc think about what you are saying and also who you have to thank for the right to be a negative twat.
so you find everything else besides the guns at least a little repulsive? very poor phrasing, brah
It's an intrinsically sick culture that glorifies the weapons of war. These people ARE physically beautiful, despite their injuries, but if you can't see the cognitive dissonance in it, that's not the problem of the aware.
You will never fight for whats right you are a B!@#$ and you have the nerve to complain about people and the tools that give you the freedom to be a B!@#%.
The only ones who miss the point are the ones who after locking at this pics didn't understand that war is not good for humans. Posing with guns means accepting to continue with this devastation.
O saw not a single gum on these photos, unless you count all those muscles! Prime examples of the male of the spieces.
Then maybe you should find a strong boyfriend to explain how firearms work. Did you need a tampon??
My boyfriend is quite strong, but thankfully does not use or has every owned a gun. I'm good, thanks.
It's not the guns or any other weapons who hurt them, it's the (wo)men behind those weapons who pointed it in their direction or put it on their way. But I understand what you mean.
I'm not into all the tattoos either, however I understand people who get them or a lot of them do it as a way to own their body or take it back. Imagine these veterans and what they have gone through . . . Perhaps 'inking up' is just their way of claiming what's left with extra pride that stands out. So what? It's there's to do with what they please, so why you gotta judge?
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It's because they're Americans... America and their gun culture. You can get in between an American and his McDonalds burger, but not his gun. LOL.
Oh shut the f**k up Leiah. These are MILITARY men and women of course they have guns, it's part of their jobs.
I don't see what's so disrespectful about admiring attractive, normal human persons and wanting to know whether they're single or not.
Load More Replies...I think you seriously misunderstood heina'a comment. She did find them admirable. How does anyone read anything else in that small sentence?
Hahahahahaha hows that im being disrespectful? Is it bad that im attracted to them? Did i mock anyone of these beautiful people? Get your head checked lmao. You might need a chill pill, maybe a bottle of it. Lol
That was a playful, coy question implying that they're sexy. lrn2read.
Disrespectful is the correct word, and how do you figure that out? Considering the whole point of this post is to show that they can still be sexy, I would say asking if any of them are single is a damn good sign that they are! Wind your neck in, and think before making 'unrespectful' comments yourself.