Turbo Bear is back with a step-by-step guide for a delicious homemade blueberry jam!
More info: Facebook
Get the ingredients
Pick the blueberries
Wash and sort
Crush the berries
Cook and fill the jars
Put the jars in a boiling water bath
Remove and cool the jars
Enjoy your homemade blueberry jam!
Share on FacebookAll instruction - not just jam-making - should be done by Turbo Bear. I teach formal logic. I think Turbo Bear could do a great job, and probably better than me. Call me, Turbo Bear - or have your people talk to my people.
All instruction - not just jam-making - should be done by Turbo Bear. I teach formal logic. I think Turbo Bear could do a great job, and probably better than me. Call me, Turbo Bear - or have your people talk to my people.