Photographer Gets Very Intimate With Strangers She Just Met On Tinder, And The Results Are Controversial
24-year-old photographer Marie Hyld was tired of seeing the “same polished posts, pictures, and updates” in online websites and apps. Trying to find “something real,” she decided to create it herself. Her photography project, Lifeconstruction, features Marie pretending to have serious relationships with random strangers she met moments before the photos were taken.
Marie wrote about her intentions in her Tinder bio. She described how she wanted to meet with her matches and photograph them as if they were a couple. The artist also made it clear that the photos would eventually be made public, so if people swiped right, they were virtually saying they’d like to participate in her project. She even met her boyfriend of four years on Tinder. “We both still have it and swipe occasionally,” Hyld told INSIDER. “It’s a hilarious world.”
“I think we lack that face-to-face time today,” she told Broadly Denmark. “We’re never really present in our interactions. As I see it, it’s getting worse and social media is largely to blame for it. It’s ironic that my project basically couldn’t exist without Tinder.” Hyld intentionally didn’t plan any of her “dates” in advance. “I had days where I felt that I simply didn’t have the energy and motivation to connect with my deeper, heartfelt self, and days where I felt like digging all the way into my own and the stranger’s core.”
“Once or twice I was quite shaken due to a participant crossing my limits. But I was kind of prepared for that to happen, and I can now say that it has helped me get to know myself better.” Marie claimed her boyfriend was nothing but supportive, giving her the freedom to create the way she saw fit.
Marie says we all “should always dare to reach out” to create intimacy and “depth” with others. “It’s important to search, find, and fill yourself with something real.”
More info: squarespace.com | Facebook
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
Image credits: Marie Hyld
I mean, the real accomplishment is that you weren't matched with a serial killer. This gives me anxiety.
.. thanks for the downvotes lol- Honestly though, meeting complete strangers and getting naked for a photo shoot does not seem safe. I guess I'm just old fashioned.
Load More Replies...I looked at the post, scrolled down a bit, saw few half naked pics, quickly scrolled up(as I am in office, didn't wanted awkward glances and stares), read what she is doing. Rubbed my eyes, massaged my temples, got up from my desk, made myself a strong coffee and contemplated over strong smell of liquid gold - what the hell is this world coming to eh?
I mean, the real accomplishment is that you weren't matched with a serial killer. This gives me anxiety.
.. thanks for the downvotes lol- Honestly though, meeting complete strangers and getting naked for a photo shoot does not seem safe. I guess I'm just old fashioned.
Load More Replies...I looked at the post, scrolled down a bit, saw few half naked pics, quickly scrolled up(as I am in office, didn't wanted awkward glances and stares), read what she is doing. Rubbed my eyes, massaged my temples, got up from my desk, made myself a strong coffee and contemplated over strong smell of liquid gold - what the hell is this world coming to eh?