This Cat Breed Has The Most Adorable Cat Ears Ever: American Curl’s Breed Photoshoot
When I saw this cat breed for the first time, I couldn’t believe my eyes! From the first moment I fell in love with these cute unusual ears ones and forever!
How the story began… June 1981- Lakewood, California – a black kitten with a long silky coat, large golden eyes and uniquely curled ears showed up on the doorstep of Joe and Grace Ruga. Six months later ‘Shulamith’ delivered her first litter of four kittens, two of them had ears that curled like their mother. Selective breeding began in 1983. The ancestry of all true American Curl cats can be traced back to Shulamith.
More info: tiggatowers.com
Source: tiggatowers.com
Source: www.facebook.com
American curl kittens
Source: www.facebook.com
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