We have, in the last few years, been subjected to an odd kind of lazy, unimaginative wordplay whereby the word ‘man’ is prefixed onto certain things, ascribing male characteristics to them somewhat unnecessarily. Examples include manbag, man-scaping, man-flu, mansplaining and now, manspreading, which is the male act of taking up additional space on public transport by splaying his legs too wide.

The city of Madrid evidently thinks that manspreading has become such a problem that they decided to ban it altogether on their public transport system, in order to “remind transport users to maintain civic responsibility. equal rights and respect the personal space of everyone on board.”

This woman decided to fight back against this obnoxious behavior equally, by giving men a taste of their own medicine and teaching them how to respect her personal space. She was quickly praised by another woman, who attempted to provide psychological reasoning behind the phenomenon of manspreading, believing that it’s basically just another sign of male dominance and oppression.

Enter a guy on the scene, coming in to ‘mansplain’ (ugh) his take on the situation, which he believes is actually quite simple, and the entire discussion is just basically, nuts.

Scroll down below to check the best comebacks from both sides for yourself, and let us know what you think about the issue in the comments. Do the ladies have a point? Or is it really just a simple matter of comfort for the cojones, placement of the plums? Or are they just rude people, unaware of their own selfish behavior? Join the discussion!




    Immediately she got backup from other commenters


    Until this guy showed up


     People joined in the discussion with their own opinions